#include "catch.hpp" #include #include TEST_CASE("Basic functionality of IdSetDense") { osmium::index::IdSetDense s; REQUIRE_FALSE(s.get(17)); REQUIRE_FALSE(s.get(28)); REQUIRE(s.empty()); REQUIRE(s.size() == 0); s.set(17); REQUIRE(s.get(17)); REQUIRE_FALSE(s.get(28)); REQUIRE_FALSE(s.empty()); REQUIRE(s.size() == 1); s.set(28); REQUIRE(s.get(17)); REQUIRE(s.get(28)); REQUIRE_FALSE(s.empty()); REQUIRE(s.size() == 2); s.set(17); REQUIRE(s.get(17)); REQUIRE(s.size() == 2); REQUIRE_FALSE(s.check_and_set(17)); REQUIRE(s.get(17)); REQUIRE(s.size() == 2); s.unset(17); REQUIRE_FALSE(s.get(17)); REQUIRE(s.size() == 1); REQUIRE(s.check_and_set(32)); REQUIRE(s.get(32)); REQUIRE(s.size() == 2); s.clear(); REQUIRE(s.empty()); REQUIRE(s.size() == 0); } TEST_CASE("Iterating over IdSetDense") { osmium::index::IdSetDense s; s.set(7); s.set(35); s.set(35); s.set(20); s.set(1LL << 33); s.set(21); s.set((1LL << 27) + 13); REQUIRE(s.size() == 6); auto it = s.begin(); REQUIRE(it != s.end()); REQUIRE(*it == 7); ++it; REQUIRE(it != s.end()); REQUIRE(*it == 20); ++it; REQUIRE(it != s.end()); REQUIRE(*it == 21); ++it; REQUIRE(it != s.end()); REQUIRE(*it == 35); ++it; REQUIRE(it != s.end()); REQUIRE(*it == (1LL << 27) + 13); ++it; REQUIRE(it != s.end()); REQUIRE(*it == 1LL << 33); ++it; REQUIRE(it == s.end()); } TEST_CASE("Test with larger Ids") { osmium::index::IdSetDense s; const osmium::unsigned_object_id_type start = 25; const osmium::unsigned_object_id_type end = 100000000; const osmium::unsigned_object_id_type step = 123456; for (osmium::unsigned_object_id_type i = start; i < end; i += step) { s.set(i); } for (osmium::unsigned_object_id_type i = start; i < end; i += step) { REQUIRE(s.get(i)); REQUIRE_FALSE(s.get(i + 1)); } } TEST_CASE("Large gap") { osmium::index::IdSetDense s; s.set(3); s.set(1 << 30); REQUIRE(s.get(1 << 30)); REQUIRE_FALSE(s.get(1 << 29)); } TEST_CASE("Basic functionality of IdSetSmall") { osmium::index::IdSetSmall s; REQUIRE_FALSE(s.get(17)); REQUIRE_FALSE(s.get(28)); REQUIRE(s.empty()); s.set(17); REQUIRE(s.get(17)); REQUIRE_FALSE(s.get(28)); REQUIRE_FALSE(s.empty()); s.set(28); REQUIRE(s.get(17)); REQUIRE(s.get(28)); REQUIRE_FALSE(s.empty()); s.clear(); REQUIRE(s.empty()); } TEST_CASE("Iterating over IdSetSmall") { osmium::index::IdSetSmall s; s.set(7); s.set(35); s.set(35); s.set(20); s.set(1LL << 33); s.set(21); s.set((1LL << 27) + 13); // needs to be called before size() and iterator will work properly s.sort_unique(); REQUIRE(s.size() == 6); auto it = s.begin(); REQUIRE(it != s.end()); REQUIRE(*it == 7); ++it; REQUIRE(it != s.end()); REQUIRE(*it == 20); ++it; REQUIRE(it != s.end()); REQUIRE(*it == 21); ++it; REQUIRE(it != s.end()); REQUIRE(*it == 35); ++it; REQUIRE(it != s.end()); REQUIRE(*it == (1LL << 27) + 13); ++it; REQUIRE(it != s.end()); REQUIRE(*it == 1LL << 33); ++it; REQUIRE(it == s.end()); }