var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var util = require('util'); var exec = require('child_process').exec; var d3 = require('d3-queue'); var OSM = require('./build_osm'); var classes = require('./data_classes'); module.exports = function () { this.setGridSize = (meters) => { // the constant is calculated (with BigDecimal as: 1.0/(DEG_TO_RAD*EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS // see ApproximateDistance() in ExtractorStructs.h // it's only accurate when measuring along the equator, or going exactly north-south this.zoom = parseFloat(meters) * 0.8990679362704610899694577444566908445396483347536032203503E-5; }; this.setOrigin = (origin) => { this.origin = origin; }; this.buildWaysFromTable = (table, callback) => { // add one unconnected way for each row var buildRow = (row, ri, cb) => { // comments ported directly from ruby suite: // NOTE: currently osrm crashes when processing an isolated oneway with just 2 nodes, so we use 4 edges // this is related to the fact that a oneway dead-end street doesn't make a lot of sense // if we stack ways on different x coordinates, routability tests get messed up, because osrm might pick a neighboring way if the one test can't be used. // instead we place all lines as a string on the same y coordinate. this prevents using neighboring ways. // add some nodes var makeFakeNode = (namePrefix, offset) => { return new OSM.Node(this.makeOSMId(), this.OSM_USER, this.OSM_TIMESTAMP, this.OSM_UID, this.origin[0]+(offset + this.WAY_SPACING * ri) * this.zoom, this.origin[1], {name: util.format('%s%d', namePrefix, ri)}); }; var nodes = ['a','b','c','d','e'].map((l, i) => makeFakeNode(l, i)); nodes.forEach(node => { this.OSMDB.addNode(node); }); // ...with a way between them var way = new OSM.Way(this.makeOSMId(), this.OSM_USER, this.OSM_TIMESTAMP, this.OSM_UID); nodes.forEach(node => { way.addNode(node); }); // remove tags that describe expected test result, reject empty tags var tags = {}; for (var rkey in row) { if (!rkey.match(/^forw\b/) && !rkey.match(/^backw\b/) && !rkey.match(/^bothw\b/) && row[rkey].length) tags[rkey] = row[rkey]; } var wayTags = { highway: 'primary' }, nodeTags = {}; for (var key in tags) { var nodeMatch = key.match(/node\/(.*)/); if (nodeMatch) { if (tags[key] === '(nil)') { delete nodeTags[key]; } else { nodeTags[nodeMatch[1]] = tags[key]; } } else { if (tags[key] === '(nil)') { delete wayTags[key]; } else { wayTags[key] = tags[key]; } } } = util.format('w%d', ri); way.setTags(wayTags); this.OSMDB.addWay(way); for (var k in nodeTags) { nodes[2].addTag(k, nodeTags[k]); } cb(); }; var q = d3.queue(); table.hashes().forEach((row, ri) => { q.defer(buildRow, row, ri); }); q.awaitAll(callback); }; this.ensureDecimal = (i) => { if (parseInt(i) === i) return i.toFixed(1); else return i; }; this.tableCoordToLonLat = (ci, ri) => { return [this.origin[0] + ci * this.zoom, this.origin[1] - ri * this.zoom].map(this.ensureDecimal); }; this.addOSMNode = (name, lon, lat, id) => { id = id || this.makeOSMId(); var node = new OSM.Node(id, this.OSM_USER, this.OSM_TIMESTAMP, this.OSM_UID, lon, lat, {name: name}); this.OSMDB.addNode(node); this.nameNodeHash[name] = node; }; this.addLocation = (name, lon, lat) => { this.locationHash[name] = new classes.Location(lon, lat); }; this.findNodeByName = (s) => { if (s.length !== 1) throw new Error(util.format('*** invalid node name "%s", must be single characters', s)); if (!s.match(/[a-z0-9]/)) throw new Error(util.format('*** invalid node name "%s", must be alphanumeric', s)); var fromNode; if (s.match(/[a-z]/)) { fromNode = this.nameNodeHash[s.toString()]; } else { fromNode = this.locationHash[s.toString()]; } return fromNode; }; this.findWayByName = (s) => { return this.nameWayHash[s.toString()] || this.nameWayHash[s.toString().split('').reverse().join('')]; }; this.resetData = () => { this.resetOSM(); }; this.makeOSMId = () => { this.osmID = this.osmID + 1; return this.osmID; }; this.resetOSM = () => { this.OSMDB.clear(); this.osmData.reset(); this.nameNodeHash = {}; this.locationHash = {}; this.nameWayHash = {}; this.osmID = 0; }; this.writeOSM = (callback) => { fs.exists(this.DATA_FOLDER, (exists) => { var mkDirFn = exists ? (cb) => { cb(); } : fs.mkdir.bind(fs.mkdir, this.DATA_FOLDER); mkDirFn((err) => { if (err) return callback(err); var osmPath = path.resolve(this.DATA_FOLDER, util.format('%s.osm', this.osmData.osmFile)); fs.exists(osmPath, (exists) => { if (!exists) fs.writeFile(osmPath, this.osmData.str, callback); else callback(); }); }); }); }; this.isExtracted = (callback) => { fs.exists(util.format('%s.osrm', this.osmData.extractedFile), (core) => { if (!core) return callback(false); fs.exists(util.format('%s.osrm.names', this.osmData.extractedFile), (names) => { if (!names) return callback(false); fs.exists(util.format('%s.osrm.restrictions', this.osmData.extractedFile), (restrictions) => { return callback(restrictions); }); }); }); }; this.isContracted = (callback) => { fs.exists(util.format('%s.osrm.hsgr', this.osmData.contractedFile), callback); }; this.writeTimestamp = (callback) => { fs.writeFile(util.format('%s.osrm.timestamp', this.osmData.contractedFile), this.OSM_TIMESTAMP, callback); }; this.writeInputData = (callback) => { this.writeOSM((err) => { if (err) return callback(err); this.writeTimestamp(callback); }); }; this.extractData = (callback) => { this.logPreprocessInfo(); this.log(util.format('== Extracting %s.osm...', this.osmData.osmFile), 'preprocess'); var cmd = util.format('%s/osrm-extract %s.osm %s --profile %s/%s.lua >>%s 2>&1', this.BIN_PATH, this.osmData.osmFile, this.extractArgs || '', this.PROFILES_PATH, this.profile, this.PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE); this.log(cmd); process.chdir(this.TEST_FOLDER); exec(cmd, (err) => { if (err) { this.log(util.format('*** Exited with code %d', err.code), 'preprocess'); process.chdir('../'); return callback(this.ExtractError(err.code, util.format('osrm-extract exited with code %d', err.code))); } var q = d3.queue(); var rename = (file, cb) => { this.log(util.format('Renaming %s.%s to %s.%s', this.osmData.osmFile, file, this.osmData.extractedFile, file), 'preprocess'); fs.rename([this.osmData.osmFile, file].join('.'), [this.osmData.extractedFile, file].join('.'), (err) => { if (err) return cb(this.FileError(null, 'failed to rename data file after extracting')); cb(); }); }; var renameIfExists = (file, cb) => { fs.stat([this.osmData.osmFile, file].join('.'), (doesNotExistErr, exists) => { if (exists) rename(file, cb); else cb(); }); }; ['osrm', 'osrm.ebg', 'osrm.edges', 'osrm.enw', 'osrm.fileIndex', 'osrm.geometry', 'osrm.icd', 'osrm.names', 'osrm.nodes', '', 'osrm.ramIndex', 'osrm.restrictions'].forEach(file => { q.defer(rename, file); }); ['osrm.edge_penalties', 'osrm.edge_segment_lookup'].forEach(file => { q.defer(renameIfExists, file); }); q.awaitAll((err) => { this.log('Finished extracting ' + this.osmData.extractedFile, 'preprocess'); process.chdir('../'); callback(err); }); }); }; this.contractData = (callback) => { this.logPreprocessInfo(); this.log(util.format('== Contracting %s.osm...', this.osmData.extractedFile), 'preprocess'); var cmd = util.format('%s/osrm-contract %s %s.osrm >>%s 2>&1', this.BIN_PATH, this.contractArgs || '', this.osmData.extractedFile, this.PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE); this.log(cmd); process.chdir(this.TEST_FOLDER); exec(cmd, (err) => { if (err) { this.log(util.format('*** Exited with code %d', err.code), 'preprocess'); process.chdir('../'); return callback(this.ContractError(err.code, util.format('osrm-contract exited with code %d', err.code))); } var rename = (file, cb) => { this.log(util.format('Renaming %s.%s to %s.%s', this.osmData.extractedFile, file, this.osmData.contractedFile, file), 'preprocess'); fs.rename([this.osmData.extractedFile, file].join('.'), [this.osmData.contractedFile, file].join('.'), (err) => { if (err) return cb(this.FileError(null, 'failed to rename data file after contracting.')); cb(); }); }; var renameIfExists = (file, cb) => { fs.stat([this.osmData.extractedFile, file].join('.'), (doesNotExistErr, exists) => { if (exists) rename(file, cb); else cb(); }); }; var copy = (file, cb) => { this.log(util.format('Copying %s.%s to %s.%s', this.osmData.extractedFile, file, this.osmData.contractedFile, file), 'preprocess'); fs.createReadStream([this.osmData.extractedFile, file].join('.')) .pipe(fs.createWriteStream([this.osmData.contractedFile, file].join('.')) .on('finish', cb) ) .on('error', () => { return cb(this.FileError(null, 'failed to copy data after contracting.')); }); }; var q = d3.queue(); ['osrm', 'osrm.core', 'osrm.datasource_indexes', 'osrm.datasource_names', 'osrm.ebg','osrm.edges', 'osrm.enw', 'osrm.fileIndex', 'osrm.geometry', 'osrm.hsgr', 'osrm.icd','osrm.level', 'osrm.names', 'osrm.nodes', '', 'osrm.ramIndex', 'osrm.restrictions'].forEach((file) => { q.defer(rename, file); }); ['osrm.edge_penalties', 'osrm.edge_segment_lookup'].forEach(file => { q.defer(renameIfExists, file); }); [].forEach((file) => { q.defer(copy, file); }); q.awaitAll((err) => { this.log('Finished contracting ' + this.osmData.contractedFile, 'preprocess'); process.chdir('../'); callback(err); }); }); }; var noop = (cb) => cb(); this.reprocess = (callback) => { this.osmData.populate(() => { this.isContracted((isContracted) => { if (!isContracted) { this.writeAndExtract((e) => { if (e) return callback(e); this.contractData((e) => { if (e) return callback(e); this.logPreprocessDone(); callback(); }); }); } else { this.log('Already contracted ' + this.osmData.contractedFile, 'preprocess'); callback(); } }); }); }; this.writeAndExtract = (callback) => { this.writeInputData((e) => { if (e) return callback(e); this.isExtracted((isExtracted) => { var extractFn = isExtracted ? noop : this.extractData; if (isExtracted) this.log('Already extracted ' + this.osmData.extractedFile, 'preprocess'); extractFn((e) => { callback(e); }); }); }); }; this.reprocessAndLoadData = (callback) => { this.reprocess(() => { this.OSRMLoader.load(util.format('%s.osrm', this.osmData.contractedFile), callback); }); }; this.processRowsAndDiff = (table, fn, callback) => { var q = d3.queue(1); table.hashes().forEach((row, i) => { q.defer(fn, row, i); }); q.awaitAll((err, actual) => { if (err) return callback(err); this.diffTables(table, actual, {}, callback); }); }; };