@match @testbot Feature: Basic Map Matching Background: Given the profile "testbot" Given a grid size of 10 meters Given the query options | geometries | geojson | Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with outlier that has no candidate Given a grid size of 100 meters Given the node map """ a b c d 1 """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcd | no | When I match I should get | trace | timestamps | matchings | | ab1d | 0 1 2 3 | ad | Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with trace splitting Given the node map """ a b c d e """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcd | no | When I match I should get | trace | timestamps | matchings | | abcd | 0 1 62 63 | ab,cd | Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with trace splitting suppression Given the query options | gaps | ignore | Given the node map """ a b c d e """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcd | no | When I match I should get | trace | timestamps | matchings | | abcd | 0 1 62 63 | abcd | Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with trace tidying. Clean case. Given a grid size of 100 meters Given the query options | tidy | true | Given the node map """ a b c d e """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcd | no | When I match I should get | trace | timestamps | matchings | | abcd | 0 10 20 30 | abcd | Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with trace tidying. Dirty case by ts. Given a grid size of 100 meters Given the query options | tidy | true | Given the node map """ a b c d e """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcd | no | When I match I should get | trace | timestamps | matchings | | abacd | 0 10 12 20 30 | abcd | Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with trace tidying. Dirty case by dist. Given a grid size of 8 meters Given the query options | tidy | true | Given the node map """ a q b c d e """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | aqbcd | no | When I match I should get | trace | matchings | | abcbd | abbd | Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with core factor Given the contract extra arguments "--core 0.8" Given the node map """ a b c d e """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcd | no | When I match I should get | trace | timestamps | matchings | | abcd | 0 1 2 3 | abcd | Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with small distortion Given the node map """ a b c d e f h k """ # The second way does not need to be a oneway # but the grid spacing triggers the uturn # detection on f And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcde | no | | bfhke | yes | When I match I should get | trace | matchings | | afcde | abcde | Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with oneways Given a grid size of 10 meters Given the node map """ a b c d e f g h """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcd | yes | | hgfe | yes | When I match I should get | trace | matchings | | dcba | hgfe | Scenario: Testbot - Matching with oneway streets Given a grid size of 10 meters Given the node map """ a b c d e f g h """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | ab | yes | | bc | yes | | cd | yes | | hg | yes | | gf | yes | | fe | yes | When I match I should get | trace | matchings | | dcba | hgfe | | efgh | abcd | Scenario: Testbot - request duration annotations Given the query options | annotations | duration | Given the node map """ a b c d e g h i """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcdegh | no | | ci | no | And the speed file """ 1,2,36,10 """ And the contract extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}" And the customize extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}" When I match I should get | trace | matchings | a:duration | | ach | ach | 1:1,0:1:1:2:1 | Scenario: Testbot - Duration details Given the query options | annotations | duration,nodes | Given the node map """ a b c d e g h i """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcdegh | no | | ci | no | And the speed file """ 1,2,36,10 """ And the contract extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}" And the customize extra arguments "--segment-speed-file {speeds_file}" When I match I should get | trace | matchings | a:duration | | abeh | abeh | 1:0,1:1:1,0:2:1 | | abci | abci | 1:0,1,0:1 | # The following is the same as the above, but separated for readability (line length) When I match I should get | trace | matchings | a:nodes | | abeh | abeh | 1:2:3,2:3:4:5,4:5:6:7 | | abci | abci | 1:2:3,2:3,2:3:8 | Scenario: Testbot - Regression test for #3037 Given the query options | overview | simplified | | geometries | geojson | Given the node map """ a--->---b--->---c | | | | ^ | | | | e--->---f--->---g """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abc | yes | | efg | yes | | ae | yes | | cg | yes | | fb | yes | When I match I should get | trace | matchings | geometry | | efbc | efbc | 1,0.99964,1.00036,0.99964,1.00036,1,1.000719,1 | Scenario: Testbot - Geometry details using geojson Given the query options | overview | full | | geometries | geojson | Given the node map """ a b c d """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abc | no | | bd | no | When I match I should get | trace | matchings | geometry | | abd | abd | 1,1,1.00009,1,1.00009,1,1.00009,0.99991 | Scenario: Testbot - Geometry details using polyline Given the query options | overview | full | | geometries | polyline | Given the node map """ a b c d """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abc | no | | bd | no | When I match I should get | trace | matchings | geometry | | abd | abd | 1,1,1,1.00009,1,1.00009,0.99991,1.00009 | Scenario: Testbot - Geometry details using polyline6 Given the query options | overview | full | | geometries | polyline6 | Given the node map """ a b c d """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abc | no | | bd | no | When I match I should get | trace | matchings | geometry | | abd | abd | 1,1,1,1.00009,1,1.00009,0.99991,1.00009 | Scenario: Testbot - Matching alternatives count test Given the node map """ a b c d e f g h i """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcdef | yes | | dghi | yes | When I match I should get | trace | matchings | alternatives | | abcdef | abcde | 0,0,0,0,1,1 | Scenario: Testbot - Speed greater than speed threshold Given a grid size of 100 meters Given the query options | geometries | geojson | Given the node map """ a b ---- x | | y --- c d """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abxycd | no | When I match I should get | trace | timestamps | matchings | | abcd | 0 1 2 3 | ab,cd | Scenario: Testbot - Speed less than speed threshold Given a grid size of 100 meters Given the query options | geometries | geojson | Given the node map """ a b c d """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcd | no | When I match I should get | trace | timestamps | matchings | | abcd | 0 1 2 3 | abcd | Scenario: Testbot - Huge gap in the coordinates Given a grid size of 100 meters Given the query options | geometries | geojson | | gaps | ignore | Given the node map """ a b c d ---- x | | y ---- z ---- efjk """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcdxyzefjk | no | When I match I should get | trace | timestamps | matchings | | abcdefjk | 0 1 2 3 50 51 52 53 | abcdefjk | # Regression test 1 for issue 3176 Scenario: Testbot - multiple segments: properly expose OSM IDs Given the query options | annotations | true | Given the node map """ a-1-b--c--d--e--f-2-g """ And the nodes | node | id | | a | 1 | | b | 2 | | c | 3 | | d | 4 | | e | 5 | | f | 6 | | g | 7 | And the ways | nodes | oneway | | ab | no | | bc | no | | cd | no | | de | no | | ef | no | | fg | no | When I match I should get | trace | a:nodes | | 12 | 1:2:3:4:5:6:7 | | 21 | 7:6:5:4:3:2:1 | # Regression test 2 for issue 3176 Scenario: Testbot - same edge: properly expose OSM IDs Given the query options | annotations | true | Given the node map """ a-1-b--c--d--e-2-f """ And the nodes | node | id | | a | 1 | | b | 2 | | c | 3 | | d | 4 | | e | 5 | | f | 6 | And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcdef | no | When I match I should get | trace | a:nodes | | 12 | 1:2:3:4:5:6 | | 21 | 6:5:4:3:2:1 | Scenario: Matching with waypoints param for start/end Given the node map """ a-----b---c | | d | | e """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abc | no | | bde | no | Given the query options | waypoints | 0;3 | When I match I should get | trace | code | matchings | waypoints | | abde | Ok | abde | ae | Scenario: Matching with waypoints param that were tidied away Given the node map """ a - b - c - e | f | g """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abce | no | | cfg | no | Given the query options | tidy | true | | waypoints | 0;2;5 | When I match I should get | trace | code | matchings | waypoints | | abccfg | Ok | abcfg | acg | Scenario: Testbot - Map matching refuses to use waypoints with trace splitting Given the node map """ a b c d e """ Given the query options | waypoints | 0;3 | And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcd | no | When I match I should get | trace | timestamps | code | | abcd | 0 1 62 63 | NoMatch | Scenario: Testbot - Map matching invalid waypoints Given the node map """ a b c d e """ Given the query options | waypoints | 0;4 | And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcd | no | When I match I should get | trace | code | | abcd | InvalidOptions | Scenario: Matching fail with waypoints param missing start/end Given the node map """ a-----b---c | | d | | e """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abc | no | | bde | no | Given the query options | waypoints | 1;3 | When I match I should get | trace | code | | abde | InvalidValue | Scenario: Testbot - Map matching with outlier that has no candidate and waypoint parameter Given a grid size of 100 meters Given the node map """ a b c d 1 """ And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abcd | no | Given the query options | waypoints | 0;2;3 | When I match I should get | trace | timestamps | code | | ab1d | 0 1 2 3 | NoMatch | Scenario: Regression test - avoid collapsing legs of a tidied split trace Given a grid size of 20 meters Given the node map """ a--b--f | | e--c---d--g """ Given the query options | tidy | true | And the ways | nodes | oneway | | abf | no | | be | no | | ecdg | no | When I match I should get | trace | timestamps | matchings | code | | abbecd | 10 11 27 1516914902 1516914913 1516914952 | ab,ecd | Ok | Scenario: Regression test - waypoints trimming too much geometry # fixes bug in map matching collapsing that was dropping path geometries # after segments that had 0 distance in internal route results Given the node map """ ad | | | | |e g b--------------c f h """ And the ways | nodes | | ab | | bc | Given the query options | waypoints | 0;4 | | overview | full | When I match I should get | trace | geometry | code | | defgh | 1,1,1,0.999461,1.000674,0.999461 | Ok | @match @testbot Scenario: Regression test - waypoints trimming too much geometry Given the profile "testbot" Given a grid size of 10 meters Given the query options | geometries | geojson | Given the node map """ bh | | | c g\ \k \ \ \ j f """ And the ways | nodes | | hc | | cf | Given the query options | waypoints | 0;3 | | overview | full | When I match I should get | trace | geometry | code | | bgkj | 1.000135,1,1.000135,0.99964,1.000387,0.999137 | Ok | @match @testbot # Regression test for issue #4919 Scenario: Regression test - non-uturn maneuver preferred over uturn Given the profile "testbot" Given a grid size of 10 meters Given the query options | geometries | geojson | Given the node map """ e ; ; a----hb-----c ; ; d """ And the ways | nodes | | abc | | dbe | Given the query options | waypoints | 0;2 | | overview | full | | steps | true | When I match I should get | trace | geometry | turns | code | | abc | 1,0.99973,1.00027,0.99973,1.000539,0.99973 | depart,arrive | Ok | | abd | 1,0.99973,1.00027,0.99973,1.00027,0.999461 | depart,turn right,arrive | Ok | | abe | 1,0.99973,1.00027,0.99973,1.00027,1 | depart,turn left,arrive | Ok | | ahd | 1,0.99973,1.00027,0.99973,1.00027,0.999461 | depart,turn right,arrive | Ok | | ahe | 1,0.99973,1.00027,0.99973,1.00027,1 | depart,turn left,arrive | Ok |