/* EXAMPLE osmium_area_test Create multipolygons from OSM data and dump them to stdout in one of two formats: WKT or using the built-in Dump format. DEMONSTRATES USE OF: * file input * location indexes and the NodeLocationsForWays handler * the MultipolygonManager and Assembler to assemble areas (multipolygons) * your own handler that works with areas (multipolygons) * the WKTFactory to write geometries in WKT format * the Dump handler * the DynamicHandler SIMPLER EXAMPLES you might want to understand first: * osmium_read * osmium_count * osmium_debug * osmium_amenity_list LICENSE The code in this example file is released into the Public Domain. */ #include // for std::strcmp #include // for std::cout, std::cerr // For assembling multipolygons #include #include // For the DynamicHandler class #include // For the WKT factory #include // For the Dump handler #include // For the NodeLocationForWays handler #include // Allow any format of input files (XML, PBF, ...) #include // For osmium::apply() #include // For the location index. There are different types of indexes available. // This will work for all input files keeping the index in memory. #include // The type of index used. This must match the include file above using index_type = osmium::index::map::FlexMem; // The location handler always depends on the index type using location_handler_type = osmium::handler::NodeLocationsForWays; // This handler writes all area geometries out in WKT (Well Known Text) format. class WKTDump : public osmium::handler::Handler { // This factory is used to create a geometry in WKT format from OSM // objects. The template parameter is empty here, because we output WGS84 // coordinates, but could be used for a projection. osmium::geom::WKTFactory<> m_factory; public: // This callback is called by osmium::apply for each area in the data. void area(const osmium::Area& area) { try { std::cout << m_factory.create_multipolygon(area) << "\n"; } catch (const osmium::geometry_error& e) { std::cout << "GEOMETRY ERROR: " << e.what() << "\n"; } } }; // class WKTDump void print_help() { std::cout << "osmium_area_test [OPTIONS] OSMFILE\n\n" << "Read OSMFILE and build multipolygons from it.\n" << "\nOptions:\n" << " -h, --help This help message\n" << " -w, --dump-wkt Dump area geometries as WKT\n" << " -o, --dump-objects Dump area objects\n"; } void print_usage(const char* prgname) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << prgname << " [OPTIONS] OSMFILE\n"; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc > 1 && (!std::strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !std::strcmp(argv[1], "--help"))) { print_help(); return 0; } if (argc != 3) { print_usage(argv[0]); return 1; } try { // Initialize an empty DynamicHandler. Later it will be associated // with one of the handlers. You can think of the DynamicHandler as // a kind of "variant handler" or a "pointer handler" pointing to the // real handler. osmium::handler::DynamicHandler handler; if (!std::strcmp(argv[1], "-w") || !std::strcmp(argv[1], "--dump-wkt")) { handler.set(); } else if (!std::strcmp(argv[1], "-o") || !std::strcmp(argv[1], "--dump-objects")) { handler.set(std::cout); } else { print_usage(argv[0]); return 1; } osmium::io::File input_file{argv[2]}; // Configuration for the multipolygon assembler. Here the default settings // are used, but you could change multiple settings. osmium::area::Assembler::config_type assembler_config; // Set up a filter matching only forests. This will be used to only build // areas with matching tags. osmium::TagsFilter filter{false}; filter.add_rule(true, "landuse", "forest"); filter.add_rule(true, "natural", "wood"); // Initialize the MultipolygonManager. Its job is to collect all // relations and member ways needed for each area. It then calls an // instance of the osmium::area::Assembler class (with the given config) // to actually assemble one area. The filter parameter is optional, if // it is not set, all areas will be built. osmium::area::MultipolygonManager mp_manager{assembler_config, filter}; // We read the input file twice. In the first pass, only relations are // read and fed into the multipolygon manager. std::cerr << "Pass 1...\n"; osmium::relations::read_relations(input_file, mp_manager); std::cerr << "Pass 1 done\n"; // Output the amount of main memory used so far. All multipolygon relations // are in memory now. std::cerr << "Memory:\n"; osmium::relations::print_used_memory(std::cerr, mp_manager.used_memory()); // The index storing all node locations. index_type index; // The handler that stores all node locations in the index and adds them // to the ways. location_handler_type location_handler{index}; // If a location is not available in the index, we ignore it. It might // not be needed (if it is not part of a multipolygon relation), so why // create an error? location_handler.ignore_errors(); // On the second pass we read all objects and run them first through the // node location handler and then the multipolygon collector. The collector // will put the areas it has created into the "buffer" which are then // fed through our "handler". std::cerr << "Pass 2...\n"; osmium::io::Reader reader{input_file}; osmium::apply(reader, location_handler, mp_manager.handler([&handler](osmium::memory::Buffer&& buffer) { osmium::apply(buffer, handler); })); reader.close(); std::cerr << "Pass 2 done\n"; // Output the amount of main memory used so far. All complete multipolygon // relations have been cleaned up. std::cerr << "Memory:\n"; osmium::relations::print_used_memory(std::cerr, mp_manager.used_memory()); // If there were multipolgyon relations in the input, but some of their // members are not in the input file (which often happens for extracts) // this will write the IDs of the incomplete relations to stderr. std::vector incomplete_relations_ids; mp_manager.for_each_incomplete_relation([&](const osmium::relations::RelationHandle& handle){ incomplete_relations_ids.push_back(handle->id()); }); if (!incomplete_relations_ids.empty()) { std::cerr << "Warning! Some member ways missing for these multipolygon relations:"; for (const auto id : incomplete_relations_ids) { std::cerr << " " << id; } std::cerr << "\n"; } } catch (const std::exception& e) { // All exceptions used by the Osmium library derive from std::exception. std::cerr << e.what() << '\n'; return 1; } }