var OSRM = require('../../'); var test = require('tape'); var monaco_path = require('./constants').data_path; var monaco_mld_path = require('./constants').mld_data_path; var monaco_corech_path = require('./constants').corech_data_path; var three_test_coordinates = require('./constants').three_test_coordinates; var two_test_coordinates = require('./constants').two_test_coordinates; const flatbuffers = require('../../features/support/flatbuffers').flatbuffers; const FBResult = require('../../features/support/fbresult_generated').osrm.engine.api.fbresult.FBResult; test('route: routes Monaco and can return result in flatbuffers', function(assert) { assert.plan(5); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates, format: 'flatbuffers'}, function(err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(result instanceof Buffer); const fb = FBResult.getRootAsFBResult(new flatbuffers.ByteBuffer(result)); assert.equals(fb.waypointsLength(), 2); assert.equals(fb.routesLength(), 1); assert.ok(fb.routes(0).polyline); }); }); test('route: routes Monaco and can return result in flatbuffers if output format is passed explicitly', function(assert) { assert.plan(5); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates, format: 'flatbuffers'}, {output: 'buffer'}, function(err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(result instanceof Buffer); var buf = new flatbuffers.ByteBuffer(result); const fb = FBResult.getRootAsFBResult(buf); assert.equals(fb.waypointsLength(), 2); assert.equals(fb.routesLength(), 1); assert.ok(fb.routes(0).polyline); }); }); test('route: throws error if required output is object in flatbuffers format', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates, format: 'flatbuffers'}, {format: 'object'}, function(err, result) {}); }); }); test('route: throws error if required output is json_buffer in flatbuffers format', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates, format: 'flatbuffers'}, {format: 'json_buffer'}, function(err, result) {}); }); }); test('route: routes Monaco', function(assert) { assert.plan(5); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates}, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(route.waypoints); assert.ok(route.routes); assert.ok(route.routes.length); assert.ok(route.routes[0].geometry); }); }); test('route: routes Monaco on MLD', function(assert) { assert.plan(5); var osrm = new OSRM({path: monaco_mld_path, algorithm: 'MLD'}); osrm.route({coordinates: [[13.43864,52.51993],[13.415852,52.513191]]}, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(route.waypoints); assert.ok(route.routes); assert.ok(route.routes.length); assert.ok(route.routes[0].geometry); }); }); test('route: routes Monaco on CoreCH', function(assert) { assert.plan(5); var osrm = new OSRM({path: monaco_corech_path, algorithm: 'CoreCH'}); osrm.route({coordinates: [[13.43864,52.51993],[13.415852,52.513191]]}, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(route.waypoints); assert.ok(route.routes); assert.ok(route.routes.length); assert.ok(route.routes[0].geometry); }); }); test('route: routes Monaco and returns a JSON buffer', function(assert) { assert.plan(6); var osrm = new OSRM({path: monaco_corech_path, algorithm: 'CoreCH'}); osrm.route({coordinates: [[13.43864,52.51993],[13.415852,52.513191]]}, { format: 'json_buffer'}, function(err, result) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(result instanceof Buffer); const route = JSON.parse(result); assert.ok(route.waypoints); assert.ok(route.routes); assert.ok(route.routes.length); assert.ok(route.routes[0].geometry); }); }); test('route: throws with too few or invalid args', function(assert) { assert.plan(4); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates}) }, /Two arguments required/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route(null, function(err, route) {}) }, /First arg must be an object/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates}, true)}, /last argument must be a callback function/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates}, { format: 'invalid' }, function(err, route) {})}, /format must be a string:/); }); test('route: provides no alternatives by default, but when requested it may (not guaranteed)', function(assert) { assert.plan(9); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = {coordinates: two_test_coordinates}; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(route.routes); assert.equal(route.routes.length, 1); }); options.alternatives = true; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(route.routes); assert.ok(route.routes.length >= 1); }); options.alternatives = 3; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(route.routes); assert.ok(route.routes.length >= 1); }); }); test('route: throws with bad params', function(assert) { assert.plan(11); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); assert.throws(function () { osrm.route({coordinates: []}, function(err) {}) }); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({}, function(err, route) {}) }, /Must provide a coordinates property/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({coordinates: null}, function(err, route) {}) }, /Coordinates must be an array of \(lon\/lat\) pairs/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({coordinates: [[three_test_coordinates[0]], [three_test_coordinates[1]]]}, function(err, route) {}) }, /Coordinates must be an array of \(lon\/lat\) pairs/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({coordinates: [[true, 'stringish'], three_test_coordinates[1]]}, function(err, route) {}) }, /Each member of a coordinate pair must be a number/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({coordinates: [[213.43864,252.51993],[413.415852,552.513191]]}, function(err, route) {}) }, /Lng\/Lat coordinates must be within world bounds \(-180 < lng < 180, -90 < lat < 90\)/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({coordinates: [[13.438640], [52.519930]]}, function(err, route) {}) }, /Coordinates must be an array of \(lon\/lat\) pairs/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates, hints: null}, function(err, route) {}) }, /Hints must be an array of strings\/null/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates, steps: null}, function(err, route) {}) }); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates, annotations: null}, function(err, route) {}) }); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, alternateRoute: false, hints: three_test_coordinates[0] }; assert.throws(function() { osrm.route(options, function(err, route) {}) }, /Hint must be null or string/); }); test('route: routes Monaco using shared memory', function(assert) { assert.plan(2); var osrm = new OSRM(); osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates}, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(Array.isArray(route.routes)); }); }); test('route: routes Monaco with geometry compression', function(assert) { assert.plan(2); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, }; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal('string', typeof route.routes[0].geometry); }); }); test('route: routes Monaco without geometry compression', function(assert) { assert.plan(4); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, geometries: 'geojson' }; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(Array.isArray(route.routes)); assert.ok(Array.isArray(route.routes[0].geometry.coordinates)); assert.equal(route.routes[0].geometry.type, 'LineString'); }); }); test('Test polyline6 geometries option', function(assert) { assert.plan(6); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, continue_straight: false, overview: 'false', geometries: 'polyline6', steps: true }; osrm.route(options, function(err, first) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(first.routes); assert.equal(first.routes.length, 1); assert.notOk(first.routes[0].geometry); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs[0]); assert.equal(typeof first.routes[0].legs[0].steps[0].geometry, 'string'); }); }); test('route: routes Monaco with speed annotations options', function(assert) { assert.plan(17); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, continue_straight: false, overview: 'false', geometries: 'polyline', steps: true, annotations: ['speed'] }; osrm.route(options, function(err, first) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(first.routes); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(function(l) { return Array.isArray(l.steps) && l.steps.length > 0; })); assert.equal(first.routes.length, 1); assert.notOk(first.routes[0].geometry); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs[0]); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.steps.length > 0; }), 'every leg has steps'); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation;}), 'every leg has annotations'); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation.speed;}), 'every leg has annotations for speed'); assert.notOk(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation.weight; }), 'has no annotations for weight') assert.notOk(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation.datasources; }), 'has no annotations for datasources') assert.notOk(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation.duration; }), 'has no annotations for duration') assert.notOk(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation.distance; }), 'has no annotations for distance') assert.notOk(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation.nodes; }), 'has no annotations for nodes') options.overview = 'full'; osrm.route(options, function(err, full) { assert.ifError(err); options.overview = 'simplified'; osrm.route(options, function(err, simplified) { assert.ifError(err); assert.notEqual(full.routes[0].geometry, simplified.routes[0].geometry); }); }); }); }); test('route: routes Monaco with several (duration, distance, nodes) annotations options', function(assert) { assert.plan(17); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, continue_straight: false, overview: 'false', geometries: 'polyline', steps: true, annotations: ['duration', 'distance', 'nodes'] }; osrm.route(options, function(err, first) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(first.routes); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(function(l) { return Array.isArray(l.steps) && l.steps.length > 0; })); assert.equal(first.routes.length, 1); assert.notOk(first.routes[0].geometry); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs[0]); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.steps.length > 0; }), 'every leg has steps'); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation;}), 'every leg has annotations'); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation.distance;}), 'every leg has annotations for distance'); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation.duration;}), 'every leg has annotations for durations'); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation.nodes;}), 'every leg has annotations for nodes'); assert.notOk(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation.weight; }), 'has no annotations for weight') assert.notOk(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation.datasources; }), 'has no annotations for datasources') assert.notOk(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation.speed; }), 'has no annotations for speed') options.overview = 'full'; osrm.route(options, function(err, full) { assert.ifError(err); options.overview = 'simplified'; osrm.route(options, function(err, simplified) { assert.ifError(err); assert.notEqual(full.routes[0].geometry, simplified.routes[0].geometry); }); }); }); }); test('route: routes Monaco with options', function(assert) { assert.plan(11); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, continue_straight: false, overview: 'false', geometries: 'polyline', steps: true, annotations: true }; osrm.route(options, function(err, first) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(first.routes); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(function(l) { return Array.isArray(l.steps) && l.steps.length > 0; })); assert.equal(first.routes.length, 1); assert.notOk(first.routes[0].geometry); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs[0]); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.steps.length > 0; }), 'every leg has steps'); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation;}), 'every leg has annotations'); options.overview = 'full'; osrm.route(options, function(err, full) { assert.ifError(err); options.overview = 'simplified'; osrm.route(options, function(err, simplified) { assert.ifError(err); assert.notEqual(full.routes[0].geometry, simplified.routes[0].geometry); }); }); }); }); test('route: routes Monaco with options', function(assert) { assert.plan(11); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, continue_straight: false, overview: 'false', geometries: 'polyline', steps: true, annotations: true }; osrm.route(options, function(err, first) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(first.routes); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(function(l) { return Array.isArray(l.steps) && l.steps.length > 0; })); assert.equal(first.routes.length, 1); assert.notOk(first.routes[0].geometry); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs[0]); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.steps.length > 0; }), 'every leg has steps'); assert.ok(first.routes[0].legs.every(l => { return l.annotation;}), 'every leg has annotations'); options.overview = 'full'; osrm.route(options, function(err, full) { assert.ifError(err); options.overview = 'simplified'; osrm.route(options, function(err, simplified) { assert.ifError(err); assert.notEqual(full.routes[0].geometry, simplified.routes[0].geometry); }); }); }); }); test('route: invalid route options', function(assert) { assert.plan(8); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, continue_straight: [] }, function(err, route) {}); }, /must be boolean/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, alternatives: [] }, function(err, route) {}); }, /must be boolean/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, geometries: true }, function(err, route) {}); }, /Geometries must be a string: \[polyline, polyline6, geojson\]/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, overview: false }, function(err, route) {}); }, /Overview must be a string: \[simplified, full, false\]/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, overview: false }, function(err, route) {}); }, /Overview must be a string: \[simplified, full, false\]/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, overview: 'maybe' }, function(err, route) {}); }, /'overview' param must be one of \[simplified, full, false\]/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, geometries: 'maybe' }, function(err, route) {}); }, /'geometries' param must be one of \[polyline, polyline6, geojson\]/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: [[NaN, -NaN],[Infinity, -Infinity]] }, function(err, route) {}); }, /Lng\/Lat coordinates must be valid numbers/); }); test('route: integer bearing values no longer supported', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, bearings: [200, 250], }; assert.throws(function() { osrm.route(options, function(err, route) {}); }, /Bearing must be an array of \[bearing, range\] or null/); }); test('route: valid bearing values', function(assert) { assert.plan(4); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, bearings: [[200, 180], [250, 180]], }; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(route.routes[0]); }); options.bearings = [null, [360, 180]]; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(route.routes[0]); }); }); test('route: invalid bearing values', function(assert) { assert.plan(6); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, bearings: [[400, 180], [-250, 180]], }, function(err, route) {}) }, /Bearing values need to be in range 0..360, 0..180/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, bearings: [[200], [250, 180]], }, function(err, route) {}) }, /Bearing must be an array of/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, bearings: [[400, 109], [100, 720]], }, function(err, route) {}) }, /Bearing values need to be in range 0..360, 0..180/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, bearings: 400, }, function(err, route) {}) }, /Bearings must be an array of arrays of numbers/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, bearings: [[100, 100]], }, function(err, route) {}) }, /Bearings array must have the same length as coordinates array/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, bearings: [Infinity, Infinity], }, function(err, route) {}) }, /Bearing must be an array of \[bearing, range\] or null/); }); test('route: routes Monaco with hints', function(assert) { assert.plan(5); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, }; osrm.route(options, function(err, first) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(first.waypoints); var hints = { return wp.hint; }); assert.ok(hints.every(function(h) { return typeof h === 'string'; })); options.hints = hints; osrm.route(options, function(err, second) { assert.ifError(err); assert.deepEqual(first, second); }); }); }); test('route: routes Monaco with null hints', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, hints: [null, null] }; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); }); }); test('route: throws on bad hints', function(assert) { assert.plan(2); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, hints: ['', ''] }, function(err, route) {})}, /Hint cannot be an empty string/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, hints: [null] }, function(err, route) {})}, /Hints array must have the same length as coordinates array/); }); test('route: routes Monaco with valid radius values', function(assert) { assert.plan(3); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, radiuses: [100, 100] }; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); }); options.radiuses = [null, null]; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); }); options.radiuses = [100, null]; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); }); }); test('route: throws on bad radiuses', function(assert) { assert.plan(3); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, radiuses: [10, 10] }; assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, radiuses: 10 }, function(err, route) {}) }, /Radiuses must be an array of non-negative doubles or null/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, radiuses: ['magic', 'numbers'] }, function(err, route) {}) }, /Radius must be non-negative double or null/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, radiuses: [10] }, function(err, route) {}) }, /Radiuses array must have the same length as coordinates array/); }); test('route: routes Monaco with valid approaches values', function(assert) { assert.plan(3); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, approaches: [null, 'curb'] }; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); }); options.approaches = [null, null]; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); }); options.approaches = ['unrestricted', null]; osrm.route(options, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); }); }); test('route: throws on bad approaches', function(assert) { assert.plan(4); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, approaches: 10 }, function(err, route) {}) }, /Approaches must be an arrays of strings/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, approaches: ['curb'] }, function(err, route) {}) }, /Approaches array must have the same length as coordinates array/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, approaches: ['curb', 'test'] }, function(err, route) {}) }, /'approaches' param must be one of \[curb, unrestricted\]/); assert.throws(function() { osrm.route({ coordinates: two_test_coordinates, approaches: [10, 15] }, function(err, route) {}) }, /Approach must be a string: \[curb, unrestricted\] or null/); }); test('route: routes Monaco with custom limits on MLD', function(assert) { assert.plan(2); var osrm = new OSRM({ path: monaco_mld_path, algorithm: 'MLD', max_alternatives: 10, }); osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates, alternatives: 10}, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); assert.ok(Array.isArray(route.routes)); }); }); test('route: in Monaco with custom limits on MLD', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM({ path: monaco_mld_path, algorithm: 'MLD', max_alternatives: 10, }); osrm.route({coordinates: two_test_coordinates, alternatives: 11}, function(err, route) { console.log(err) assert.equal(err.message, 'TooBig'); }); }); test('route: route in Monaco without motorways', function(assert) { assert.plan(3); var osrm = new OSRM({path: monaco_mld_path, algorithm: 'MLD'}); var options = { coordinates: two_test_coordinates, exclude: ['motorway'] }; osrm.route(options, function(err, response) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(response.waypoints.length, 2); assert.equal(response.routes.length, 1); }); }); test('route: throws on invalid waypoints values needs at least two', function (assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { steps: true, coordinates: three_test_coordinates, waypoints: [0] }; assert.throws(function () { osrm.route(options, function (err, response) { }); }, 'At least two waypoints must be provided'); }); test('route: throws on invalid waypoints values, needs first and last coordinate indices', function (assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { steps: true, coordinates: three_test_coordinates, waypoints: [1, 2] }; assert.throws(function () { osrm.route(options, function (err, response) { console.log(err); }); }, 'First and last waypoints values must correspond to first and last coordinate indices'); }); test('route: throws on invalid waypoints values, order matters', function (assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { steps: true, coordinates: three_test_coordinates, waypoints: [2, 0] }; assert.throws(function () { osrm.route(options, function (err, response) { console.log(err); }); }, 'First and last waypoints values must correspond to first and last coordinate indices'); }); test('route: throws on invalid waypoints values, waypoints must correspond with a coordinate index', function (assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { steps: true, coordinates: three_test_coordinates, waypoints: [0, 3, 2] }; assert.throws(function () { osrm.route(options, function (err, response) { console.log(err); }); }, 'Waypoints must correspond with the index of an input coordinate'); }); test('route: throws on invalid waypoints values, waypoints must be an array', function (assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { steps: true, coordinates: three_test_coordinates, waypoints: "string" }; assert.throws(function () { osrm.route(options, function (err, response) { console.log(err); }); }, 'Waypoints must be an array of integers corresponding to the input coordinates.'); }); test('route: throws on invalid waypoints values, waypoints must be an array of integers', function (assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { steps: true, coordinates: three_test_coordinates, waypoints: [0,1,"string"] }; assert.throws(function () { osrm.route(options, function (err, response) { console.log(err); }); }, 'Waypoint values must be an array of integers'); }); test('route: throws on invalid waypoints values, waypoints must be an array of integers in increasing order', function (assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { steps: true, coordinates: three_test_coordinates.concat(three_test_coordinates), waypoints: [0,2,1,5] }; assert.throws(function () { osrm.route(options, function (err, response) { console.error(`response: ${response}`); console.error(`error: ${err}`); }); }, /Waypoints must be supplied in increasing order/); }); test('route: throws on invalid snapping values', function (assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); var options = { steps: true, coordinates: three_test_coordinates.concat(three_test_coordinates), snapping: "zing" }; assert.throws(function () { osrm.route(options, function (err, response) { console.error(`response: ${response}`); console.error(`error: ${err}`); }); }, /'snapping' param must be one of \[default, any\]/); }); test('route: snapping parameter passed through OK', function(assert) { assert.plan(2); var osrm = new OSRM(monaco_path); osrm.route({snapping: "any", coordinates: [[7.448205209414596,43.754001097311544],[7.447122039202185,43.75306156811368]]}, function(err, route) { assert.ifError(err); assert.equal(Math.round(route.routes[0].distance * 10), 1315); // Round it to nearest 0.1m to eliminate floating point comparison error }); });