#ifndef OSRM_UTIL_GUIDANCE_NAME_ANNOUNCEMENT_HPP_ #define OSRM_UTIL_GUIDANCE_NAME_ANNOUNCEMENT_HPP_ /* A set of tools required for guidance in both pre and post-processing */ #include "extractor/suffix_table.hpp" #include "util/attributes.hpp" #include "util/name_table.hpp" #include "util/typedefs.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace osrm { namespace util { namespace guidance { // Name Change Logic // Used both during Extraction as well as during Post-Processing inline std::pair getPrefixAndSuffix(const std::string &data) { const auto suffix_pos = data.find_last_of(' '); if (suffix_pos == std::string::npos) return {}; const auto prefix_pos = data.find_first_of(' '); auto result = std::make_pair(data.substr(0, prefix_pos), data.substr(suffix_pos + 1)); boost::to_lower(result.first); boost::to_lower(result.second); return result; } // Note: there is an overload without suffix checking below. // (that's the reason we template the suffix table here) template inline bool requiresNameAnnounced(const std::string &from_name, const std::string &from_ref, const std::string &from_pronunciation, const std::string &from_exits, const std::string &to_name, const std::string &to_ref, const std::string &to_pronunciation, const std::string &to_exits, const SuffixTable &suffix_table) { // first is empty and the second is not if ((from_name.empty() && from_ref.empty()) && !(to_name.empty() && to_ref.empty())) return true; // FIXME, handle in profile to begin with? // Input for this function should be a struct separating streetname, suffix (e.g. road, // boulevard, North, West ...), and a list of references // check similarity of names const auto names_are_empty = from_name.empty() && to_name.empty(); const auto name_is_contained = boost::starts_with(from_name, to_name) || boost::starts_with(to_name, from_name); const auto checkForPrefixOrSuffixChange = []( const std::string &first, const std::string &second, const SuffixTable &suffix_table) { const auto first_prefix_and_suffixes = getPrefixAndSuffix(first); const auto second_prefix_and_suffixes = getPrefixAndSuffix(second); // reverse strings, get suffices and reverse them to get prefixes const auto checkTable = [&](const std::string &str) { return str.empty() || suffix_table.isSuffix(str); }; const auto getOffset = [](const std::string &str) -> std::size_t { if (str.empty()) return 0; else return str.length() + 1; }; const bool is_prefix_change = [&]() -> bool { if (!checkTable(first_prefix_and_suffixes.first)) return false; if (!checkTable(second_prefix_and_suffixes.first)) return false; return !first.compare(getOffset(first_prefix_and_suffixes.first), std::string::npos, second, getOffset(second_prefix_and_suffixes.first), std::string::npos); }(); const bool is_suffix_change = [&]() -> bool { if (!checkTable(first_prefix_and_suffixes.second)) return false; if (!checkTable(second_prefix_and_suffixes.second)) return false; return !first.compare(0, first.length() - getOffset(first_prefix_and_suffixes.second), second, 0, second.length() - getOffset(second_prefix_and_suffixes.second)); }(); return is_prefix_change || is_suffix_change; }; const auto is_suffix_change = checkForPrefixOrSuffixChange(from_name, to_name, suffix_table); const auto names_are_equal = from_name == to_name || name_is_contained || is_suffix_change; const auto name_is_removed = !from_name.empty() && to_name.empty(); // references are contained in one another const auto refs_are_empty = from_ref.empty() && to_ref.empty(); const auto ref_is_contained = from_ref.empty() || to_ref.empty() || (from_ref.find(to_ref) != std::string::npos || to_ref.find(from_ref) != std::string::npos); const auto ref_is_removed = !from_ref.empty() && to_ref.empty(); const auto obvious_change = (names_are_empty && refs_are_empty) || (names_are_equal && ref_is_contained) || (names_are_equal && refs_are_empty) || (ref_is_contained && name_is_removed) || (names_are_equal && ref_is_removed) || is_suffix_change; const auto needs_announce = // " (Ref)" -> "Name " and reverse (from_name.empty() && !from_ref.empty() && !to_name.empty() && to_ref.empty()) || (!from_name.empty() && from_ref.empty() && to_name.empty() && !to_ref.empty()); const auto pronunciation_changes = from_pronunciation != to_pronunciation; // when exiting onto ramps, we need to be careful about exit numbers. These can often be only // assigned to the first part of the ramp // // a . . b . c . . d // ` e . . f // // could assign the exit number to `be` when exiting `abcd` instead of the full ramp. // // Issuing a new-name instruction here would result in the turn assuming the short segment to be // irrelevant and remove the exit number in a collapse scenario. We don't want to issue any // instruction from be-ef, since we only loose the exit number. So we want to make sure that we // don't just loose an exit number, when exits change const auto exits_change = from_exits != to_exits; const auto looses_exit = (names_are_equal && !from_exits.empty() && to_exits.empty()); return !obvious_change || needs_announce || pronunciation_changes || (exits_change && !looses_exit); } // Overload without suffix checking inline bool requiresNameAnnounced(const std::string &from_name, const std::string &from_ref, const std::string &from_pronunciation, const std::string &from_exits, const std::string &to_name, const std::string &to_ref, const std::string &to_pronunciation, const std::string &to_exits) { // Dummy since we need to provide a SuffixTable but do not have the data for it. // (Guidance Post-Processing does not keep the suffix table around at the moment) struct NopSuffixTable final { NopSuffixTable() {} bool isSuffix(const std::string &) const { return false; } } static const table; return requiresNameAnnounced(from_name, from_ref, from_pronunciation, from_exits, to_name, to_ref, to_pronunciation, to_exits, table); } inline bool requiresNameAnnounced(const NameID from_name_id, const NameID to_name_id, const util::NameTable &name_table, const extractor::SuffixTable &suffix_table) { if (from_name_id == to_name_id) return false; else return requiresNameAnnounced(name_table.GetNameForID(from_name_id).to_string(), name_table.GetRefForID(from_name_id).to_string(), name_table.GetPronunciationForID(from_name_id).to_string(), name_table.GetExitsForID(from_name_id).to_string(), // name_table.GetNameForID(to_name_id).to_string(), name_table.GetRefForID(to_name_id).to_string(), name_table.GetPronunciationForID(to_name_id).to_string(), name_table.GetExitsForID(to_name_id).to_string(), // suffix_table); // FIXME: converts StringViews to strings since the name change heuristics mutates in place } inline bool requiresNameAnnounced(const NameID from_name_id, const NameID to_name_id, const util::NameTable &name_table) { if (from_name_id == to_name_id) return false; else return requiresNameAnnounced(name_table.GetNameForID(from_name_id).to_string(), name_table.GetRefForID(from_name_id).to_string(), name_table.GetPronunciationForID(from_name_id).to_string(), name_table.GetExitsForID(from_name_id).to_string(), // name_table.GetNameForID(to_name_id).to_string(), name_table.GetRefForID(to_name_id).to_string(), name_table.GetExitsForID(to_name_id).to_string(), name_table.GetPronunciationForID(to_name_id).to_string()); // FIXME: converts StringViews to strings since the name change heuristics mutates in place } } // namespace guidance } // namespace util } // namespace osrm #endif /* OSRM_UTIL_GUIDANCE_NAME_ANNOUNCEMENT_HPP_ */