When(/^I run "osrm\-routed\s?(.*?)"$/) do |options| begin Timeout.timeout(SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT) { run_bin 'osrm-routed', options } rescue Timeout::Error raise "*** osrm-routed didn't quit. Maybe the --trial option wasn't used?" end end When(/^I run "osrm\-extract\s?(.*?)"$/) do |options| run_bin 'osrm-extract', options end When(/^I run "osrm\-contract\s?(.*?)"$/) do |options| run_bin 'osrm-contract', options end When(/^I run "osrm\-datastore\s?(.*?)"$/) do |options| run_bin 'osrm-datastore', options end Then /^it should exit with code (\d+)$/ do |code| expect(@exit_code).to eq( code.to_i ) end Then /^stdout should contain "(.*?)"$/ do |str| expect(@stdout).to include(str) end Then /^stderr should contain "(.*?)"$/ do |str| expect(@stderr).to include(str) end Then(/^stdout should contain \/(.*)\/$/) do |regex_str| regex = Regexp.new regex_str expect(@stdout).to match( regex ) end Then(/^stderr should contain \/(.*)\/$/) do |regex_str| regex = Regexp.new regex_str expect(@stderr).to match( regex ) end Then /^stdout should be empty$/ do expect(@stdout).to eq("") end Then /^stderr should be empty$/ do expect(@stderr).to eq("") end Then /^stdout should contain (\d+) lines?$/ do |lines| expect(@stdout.lines.count).to eq( lines.to_i ) end Given (/^the query options$/) do |table| table.rows_hash.each { |k,v| @query_params << [k, v] } end