#ifndef RASTER_SOURCE_HPP #define RASTER_SOURCE_HPP #include "util/coordinate.hpp" #include "util/exception.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace osrm { namespace extractor { /** \brief Small wrapper around raster source queries to optionally provide results gracefully, depending on source bounds */ struct RasterDatum { static std::int32_t get_invalid() { return std::numeric_limits::max(); } std::int32_t datum = get_invalid(); RasterDatum() = default; RasterDatum(std::int32_t _datum) : datum(_datum) {} }; class RasterGrid { public: RasterGrid(const boost::filesystem::path &filepath, std::size_t _xdim, std::size_t _ydim) { xdim = _xdim; ydim = _ydim; _data.resize(ydim * xdim); BOOST_ASSERT(ydim * xdim <= _data.capacity()); // Construct FileReader storage::io::FileReader file_reader(filepath, storage::io::FileReader::HasNoFingerprint); std::string buffer; buffer.resize(xdim * 11); // INT32_MAX = 2147483647 = 10 chars + 1 white space = 11 BOOST_ASSERT(xdim * 11 <= buffer.size()); for (unsigned int y = 0; y < ydim; y++) { // read one line from file. file_reader.ReadLine(&buffer[0], xdim * 11); boost::algorithm::trim(buffer); std::vector result; boost::split( result, buffer, boost::is_any_of(" \r\n\0"), boost::algorithm::token_compress_on); unsigned int x = 0; for (const auto &s : result) { if (x < xdim) _data[(y * xdim) + x] = atoi(s.c_str()); ++x; } BOOST_ASSERT(x == xdim); } } RasterGrid(const RasterGrid &) = default; RasterGrid &operator=(const RasterGrid &) = default; RasterGrid(RasterGrid &&) = default; RasterGrid &operator=(RasterGrid &&) = default; std::int32_t operator()(std::size_t x, std::size_t y) { return _data[y * xdim + x]; } std::int32_t operator()(std::size_t x, std::size_t y) const { return _data[(y)*xdim + (x)]; } private: std::vector _data; std::size_t xdim, ydim; }; /** \brief Stores raster source data in memory and provides lookup functions. */ class RasterSource { private: const float xstep; const float ystep; float CalcSize(int min, int max, std::size_t count) const; public: RasterGrid raster_data; const std::size_t width; const std::size_t height; const int xmin; const int xmax; const int ymin; const int ymax; RasterDatum GetRasterData(const int lon, const int lat) const; RasterDatum GetRasterInterpolate(const int lon, const int lat) const; RasterSource(RasterGrid _raster_data, std::size_t width, std::size_t height, int _xmin, int _xmax, int _ymin, int _ymax); }; class RasterContainer { public: RasterContainer() = default; int LoadRasterSource(const std::string &path_string, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, std::size_t nrows, std::size_t ncols); RasterDatum GetRasterDataFromSource(unsigned int source_id, double lon, double lat); RasterDatum GetRasterInterpolateFromSource(unsigned int source_id, double lon, double lat); private: }; // << singletone >> RasterCache // The instance of RasterContainer is created for every threads osrm-extract uses. // To avoid multiple load of same file on each RasterContainer, // The LoadedSources and LoadedSourcePaths are separated to RasterCache class // and handled as the singletone pattern to avoid duplicate creation. class RasterCache { public: // class method to get the instance static RasterCache &getInstance() { if (NULL == g_instance) { g_instance = new RasterCache(); } return *g_instance; } // get reference of cache std::vector &getLoadedSources() { return LoadedSources; } std::unordered_map &getLoadedSourcePaths() { return LoadedSourcePaths; } private: // constructor RasterCache() = default; // member std::vector LoadedSources; std::unordered_map LoadedSourcePaths; // the instance static RasterCache *g_instance; }; } // namespace extractor } // namespace osrm #endif /* RASTER_SOURCE_HPP */