/* open source routing machine Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, 2010 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt. */ #include "OSRM.h" OSRM::OSRM(const char * server_ini_path, const bool use_shared_memory) : use_shared_memory(use_shared_memory) { if( !use_shared_memory ) { if( !testDataFile(server_ini_path) ){ std::string error_message = std::string(server_ini_path) + " not found"; throw OSRMException(error_message.c_str()); } IniFile serverConfig(server_ini_path); boost::filesystem::path base_path = boost::filesystem::absolute(server_ini_path).parent_path(); if ( !serverConfig.Holds("hsgrData")) { throw OSRMException("no ram index file name in server ini"); } if ( !serverConfig.Holds("ramIndex") ) { throw OSRMException("no mem index file name in server ini"); } if ( !serverConfig.Holds("fileIndex") ) { throw OSRMException("no nodes file name in server ini"); } if ( !serverConfig.Holds("nodesData") ) { throw OSRMException("no nodes file name in server ini"); } if ( !serverConfig.Holds("edgesData") ) { throw OSRMException("no edges file name in server ini"); } boost::filesystem::path hsgr_path = boost::filesystem::absolute( serverConfig.GetParameter("hsgrData"), base_path ); boost::filesystem::path ram_index_path = boost::filesystem::absolute( serverConfig.GetParameter("ramIndex"), base_path ); boost::filesystem::path file_index_path = boost::filesystem::absolute( serverConfig.GetParameter("fileIndex"), base_path ); boost::filesystem::path node_data_path = boost::filesystem::absolute( serverConfig.GetParameter("nodesData"), base_path ); boost::filesystem::path edge_data_path = boost::filesystem::absolute( serverConfig.GetParameter("edgesData"), base_path ); boost::filesystem::path name_data_path = boost::filesystem::absolute( serverConfig.GetParameter("namesData"), base_path ); boost::filesystem::path timestamp_path = boost::filesystem::absolute( serverConfig.GetParameter("timestamp"), base_path ); objects = new QueryObjectsStorage( hsgr_path.string(), ram_index_path.string(), file_index_path.string(), node_data_path.string(), edge_data_path.string(), name_data_path.string(), timestamp_path.string() ); RegisterPlugin(new HelloWorldPlugin()); RegisterPlugin(new LocatePlugin(objects)); RegisterPlugin(new NearestPlugin(objects)); RegisterPlugin(new TimestampPlugin(objects)); RegisterPlugin(new ViaRoutePlugin(objects)); } else { //TODO: fetch pointers from shared memory //TODO: objects = new QueryObjectsStorage() //TODO: generate shared memory plugins RegisterPlugin(new HelloWorldPlugin()); RegisterPlugin(new LocatePlugin(objects)); RegisterPlugin(new NearestPlugin(objects)); RegisterPlugin(new TimestampPlugin(objects)); RegisterPlugin(new ViaRoutePlugin(objects)); } } OSRM::~OSRM() { BOOST_FOREACH(PluginMap::value_type & plugin_pointer, pluginMap) { delete plugin_pointer.second; } delete objects; } void OSRM::RegisterPlugin(BasePlugin * plugin) { SimpleLogger().Write() << "loaded plugin: " << plugin->GetDescriptor(); if( pluginMap.find(plugin->GetDescriptor()) != pluginMap.end() ) { delete pluginMap.find(plugin->GetDescriptor())->second; } pluginMap.emplace(plugin->GetDescriptor(), plugin); } void OSRM::RunQuery(RouteParameters & route_parameters, http::Reply & reply) { const PluginMap::const_iterator & iter = pluginMap.find(route_parameters.service); if(pluginMap.end() != iter) { reply.status = http::Reply::ok; iter->second->HandleRequest(route_parameters, reply ); } else { reply = http::Reply::stockReply(http::Reply::badRequest); } }