@routing @disable-feature-dataset Feature: disable-feature-dataset command line options Background: Given the profile "testbot" And the node map """ 0 a b c """ And the ways | nodes | | ab | | bc | Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - geometry disabled error Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_GEOMETRY" # The default values And the query options | overview | simplified | | annotations | false | | steps | false | | skip_waypoints | false | When I route I should get | from | to | code | | a | c | DisabledDataset | When I plan a trip I should get | waypoints | code | | a,b,c | DisabledDataset | When I match I should get | trace | code | | abc | DisabledDataset | Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - geometry disabled error table Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_GEOMETRY" When I request nearest I should get | in | code | | 0 | DisabledDataset | When I request a travel time matrix with these waypoints I should get the response code | waypoints | code | | a,b,c | DisabledDataset | Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - geometry disabled success Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_GEOMETRY" # No geometry values returned And the query options | overview | false | | annotations | false | | steps | false | | skip_waypoints | true | When I route I should get | from | to | code | | a | c | Ok | When I plan a trip I should get | waypoints | code | | a,b,c | Ok | When I match I should get | trace | code | | abc | Ok | Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - geometry disabled error table Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_GEOMETRY" And the query options | skip_waypoints | true | # You would never do this, but just to prove the point. When I request nearest I should get | in | code | | 0 | Ok | When I request a travel time matrix with these waypoints I should get the response code | waypoints | code | | a,b,c | Ok | Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - steps disabled error Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_STEPS" # Default + annotations, steps And the query options | overview | simplified | | annotations | true | | steps | true | When I route I should get | from | to | code | | a | c | DisabledDataset | When I plan a trip I should get | waypoints | code | | a,b,c | DisabledDataset | When I match I should get | trace | code | | abc | DisabledDataset | Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - geometry disabled error table Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_STEPS" When I request nearest I should get | in | code | | 0 | Ok | When I request a travel time matrix with these waypoints I should get the response code | waypoints | code | | a,b,c | Ok | Scenario: disable-feature-dataset - steps disabled success Given the data load extra arguments "--disable-feature-dataset ROUTE_STEPS" # Default + steps And the query options | overview | simplified | | annotations | true | | steps | false | When I route I should get | from | to | code | | a | c | Ok | When I plan a trip I should get | waypoints | code | | a,b,c | Ok | When I match I should get | trace | code | | abc | Ok |