require 'OSM/StreamParser' class OSMTestParserCallbacks < OSM::Callbacks @@locations = nil def self.locations if @@locations @@locations else #parse the test file, so we can later reference nodes and ways by name in tests @@locations = {} file = 'test/data/test.osm' callbacks = parser = => file, :callbacks => callbacks) parser.parse puts @@locations end end def node(node) @@locations[] = [,node.lon] end end Given /^the OSM file contains$/ do |string| file = 'data/test.osm' file, 'w') {|f| f.write(string) } #convert from .osm to .osm.pbf, which is the format osrm reads system "osmosis --read-xml data/test.osm --write-pbf data/test.osm.pbf omitmetadata=true" end Given /^the speedprofile contains$/ do |string| 'speedprofile.ini', 'w') {|f| f.write(string) } end Given /^the data file "([^"]*)" is present$/ do |file| File.exists?(file).should == true end When /^I run the extractor with "([^"]*)"$/ do |cmd| @response = `#{cmd}` #Dir.chdir @test_folder do # @response = IO.popen([cmd, :err=>[:child, :out]]) { |ls_io| ls_result_with_error = } #end end When /^I run the preprocessor with "([^"]*)"$/ do |cmd| @response = `#{cmd}` end Given /^the preprocessed files for "([^"]*)" are present and up to date$/ do |area| File.exists?("#{area}.osrm").should == true File.exists?("#{area}.osrm.names").should == true File.exists?("#{area}.osrm.restrictions").should == true File.exists?("#{area}.osrm.hsgr").should == true File.exists?("#{area}.osrm.nodes").should == true File.exists?("#{area}.osrm.ramIndex").should == true File.exists?("#{area}.osrm.fileIndex").should == true end Then /^I should see the file "([^"]*)"$/ do |file| File.exists?(file).should == true end When /^preprocessed files for "([^"]*)" has been removed$/ do |file| FileUtils.rm_r Dir["#{file}.*"], :secure => true end