environment: matrix: - configuration: Debug - configuration: Release # branches to build branches: # whitelist only: - develop # Operating system (build VM template) os: Windows Server 2012 R2 # scripts that are called at very beginning, before repo cloning init: - git config --global core.autocrlf input # clone directory clone_folder: c:\projects\osrm platform: x64 install: # by default, all script lines are interpreted as batch - cd c:\projects\osrm - curl -O http://build.project-osrm.org/libs_osrm_%Configuration%.7z - 7z x libs_osrm_%Configuration%.7z | find ":" build_script: - cd c:/projects/osrm - mkdir build - cd build - echo Running cmake... - call "%VS120COMNTOOLS%\..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86_amd64 - SET P=c:/projects/osrm - set TBB_INSTALL_DIR=%P%/tbb - set TBB_ARCH_PLATFORM=intel64/vc12 - cmake .. -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%Configuration% -DBZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR=%P%/libs/include -DBZIP2_LIBRARIES=%P%/libs/lib/libbz2.lib -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%P%/libs -DBOOST_ROOT=%P%/boost_min -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON - nmake - if "%APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH%"=="develop" (7z a %P%/osrm_%Configuration%.zip *.exe *.pdb %P%/libs/bin/*.dll -tzip) test: off artifacts: - path: osrm_Debug.zip name: osrm_Debug.zip - path: osrm_Release.zip name: osrm_Release.zip deploy: provider: FTP server: secure: ef7oiQTTXFGt8NdNiOHm/uRFVrUttzyFbIlnaeHhQvw= username: secure: Bw+Se2GTJxA6+GtRkEc//tQSBHOuFIuJHBjFwR9cD+8= password: secure: eqwESZqxMXC/j5mOCpaXuw== folder: / enable_ssl: true active_mode: false # notifications: # - provider: HipChat # auth_token: # secure: boLE7BjcahdIUxv9jkN7U3F8iOASF+MkhtctlVoWJoo= # room: Directions