-- Testbot profile -- Moves at fixed, well-known speeds, practical for testing speed and travel times: -- Primary road: 36km/h = 36000m/3600s = 100m/10s -- Secondary road: 18km/h = 18000m/3600s = 100m/20s -- Tertiary road: 12km/h = 12000m/3600s = 100m/30s speed_profile = { ["primary"] = 36, ["secondary"] = 18, ["tertiary"] = 12, ["default"] = 24 } function node_function (node) return 1 end function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay) -- A way must have two nodes or more if(numberOfNodesInWay < 2) then return 0; end local highway = way.tags:Find("highway") local name = way.tags:Find("name") way.name = name way.speed = speed_profile[highway] or speed_profile['default'] way.direction = Way.bidirectional way.type = 1 return 1 end