#include "catch.hpp" #include TEST_CASE("String store") { osmium::io::detail::StringStore ss(100); SECTION("empty") { REQUIRE(ss.begin() == ss.end()); REQUIRE(ss.get_chunk_size() == 100); REQUIRE(ss.get_chunk_count() == 1); } SECTION("add zero-length string") { const char* s1 = ss.add(""); REQUIRE(std::string(s1) == ""); auto it = ss.begin(); REQUIRE(s1 == *it); REQUIRE(std::string(*it) == ""); REQUIRE(++it == ss.end()); REQUIRE(ss.get_chunk_count() == 1); } SECTION("add strings") { const char* s1 = ss.add("foo"); const char* s2 = ss.add("bar"); REQUIRE(s1 != s2); REQUIRE(std::string(s1) == "foo"); REQUIRE(std::string(s2) == "bar"); auto it = ss.begin(); REQUIRE(s1 == *it++); REQUIRE(s2 == *it++); REQUIRE(it == ss.end()); ss.clear(); REQUIRE(ss.begin() == ss.end()); } SECTION("add zero-length string and longer strings") { ss.add(""); ss.add("xxx"); ss.add("yyyyy"); auto it = ss.begin(); REQUIRE(std::string(*it++) == ""); REQUIRE(std::string(*it++) == "xxx"); REQUIRE(std::string(*it++) == "yyyyy"); REQUIRE(it == ss.end()); } SECTION("add many strings") { for (const char* teststring : {"", "a", "abc", "abcd", "abcde"}) { int i = 0; for (; i < 200; ++i) { ss.add(teststring); } for (const char* s : ss) { REQUIRE(std::string(s) == teststring); --i; } REQUIRE(i == 0); REQUIRE(ss.get_chunk_count() > 1); ss.clear(); REQUIRE(ss.get_chunk_count() == 1); } } } TEST_CASE("String table") { osmium::io::detail::StringTable st; SECTION("empty") { REQUIRE(st.size() == 1); REQUIRE(std::next(st.begin()) == st.end()); } SECTION("add strings") { REQUIRE(st.add("foo") == 1); REQUIRE(st.add("bar") == 2); REQUIRE(st.add("bar") == 2); REQUIRE(st.add("baz") == 3); REQUIRE(st.add("foo") == 1); REQUIRE(st.size() == 4); auto it = st.begin(); REQUIRE(std::string("") == *it++); REQUIRE(std::string("foo") == *it++); REQUIRE(std::string("bar") == *it++); REQUIRE(std::string("baz") == *it++); REQUIRE(it == st.end()); st.clear(); REQUIRE(st.size() == 1); } SECTION("add empty string") { REQUIRE(st.add("") == 1); REQUIRE(st.size() == 2); REQUIRE(st.add("") == 1); REQUIRE(st.size() == 2); } } TEST_CASE("lots of strings in string table so chunk overflows") { osmium::io::detail::StringTable st{100}; REQUIRE(st.size() == 1); const int n = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { auto s = std::to_string(i); st.add(s.c_str()); } REQUIRE(st.size() == n + 1); auto it = st.begin(); REQUIRE(std::string{} == *it++); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { REQUIRE(atoi(*it++) == i); } REQUIRE(it == st.end()); }