@routing @guidance Feature: Basic Roundabout Background: Given the profile "testbot" Given a grid size of 10 meters Scenario: Ramp Exit Right Given the node map | a | b | c | d | e | | | | | f | g | And the ways | nodes | highway | | abcde | motorway | | bfg | motorway_link | When I route I should get | waypoints | route | turns | | a,e | abcde, abcde | depart, arrive | | a,g | abcde, bfg, bfg | depart, ramp-slight-right, arrive | Scenario: Ramp Exit Right Curved Right Given the node map | a | b | c | | | | | | f | d | | | | | | g | e | And the ways | nodes | highway | | abcde | motorway | | bfg | motorway_link | When I route I should get | waypoints | route | turns | | a,e | abcde, abcde | depart, arrive | | a,g | abcde, bfg, bfg | depart, ramp-slight-right, arrive | Scenario: Ramp Exit Right Curved Left Given the node map | | | | | e | | | | | d | g | | a | b | c | f | | And the ways | nodes | highway | | abcde | motorway | | cfg | motorway_link | When I route I should get | waypoints | route | turns | | a,e | abcde, abcde | depart, arrive | | a,g | abcde, cfg, cfg | depart, ramp-slight-right, arrive | Scenario: Ramp Exit Left Given the node map | | | | f | g | | a | b | c | d | e | And the ways | nodes | highway | | abcde | motorway | | bfg | motorway_link | When I route I should get | waypoints | route | turns | | a,e | abcde, abcde | depart, arrive | | a,g | abcde, bfg, bfg | depart, ramp-slight-left, arrive | Scenario: Ramp Exit Left Curved Left Given the node map | | | | g | e | | | | f | d | | | a | b | c | | | And the ways | nodes | highway | | abcde | motorway | | bfg | motorway_link | When I route I should get | waypoints | route | turns | | a,e | abcde, abcde | depart, arrive | | a,g | abcde, bfg, bfg | depart, ramp-slight-left, arrive | Scenario: Ramp Exit Left Curved Right Given the node map | a | b | c | f | | | | | | d | g | | | | | | e | And the ways | nodes | highway | | abcde | motorway | | cfg | motorway_link | When I route I should get | waypoints | route | turns | | a,e | abcde, abcde | depart, arrive | | a,g | abcde, cfg, cfg | depart, ramp-slight-left, arrive | Scenario: On Ramp Right Given the node map | a | b | c | d | e | | f | g | | | | And the ways | nodes | highway | | abcde | motorway | | fgd | motorway_link | When I route I should get | waypoints | route | turns | | a,e | abcde, abcde | depart, arrive | | f,e | abcde, fgd, fgd | depart, merge-slight-left, arrive | Scenario: On Ramp Left Given the node map | f | g | | | | | a | b | c | d | e | And the ways | nodes | highway | | abcde | motorway | | fgd | motorway_link | When I route I should get | waypoints | route | turns | | a,e | abcde, abcde | depart, arrive | | f,e | abcde, fgd, fgd | depart, merge-slight-right, arrive | Scenario: Highway Fork Given the node map | | | | | d | e | | a | b | c | | | | | | | | | f | g | And the ways | nodes | highway | | abcde | motorway | | cfg | motorway | When I route I should get | waypoints | route | turns | | a,e | abcde, abcde, abcde | depart, fork-left, arrive | | a,g | abcde, cfg, cfg | depart, fork-right, arrive | Scenario: Fork After Ramp Given the node map | | | | | d | e | | a | b | c | | | | | | | | | f | g | And the ways | nodes | highway | | abc | motorway_link | | cde | motorway | | cfg | motorway | When I route I should get | waypoints | route | turns | | a,e | abc, cde, cde | depart, fork-left, arrive | | a,g | abc, cfg, cfg | depart, fork-right, arrive | Scenario: On And Off Ramp Right Given the node map | a | b | | c | | d | e | | f | g | | | | h | i | And the ways | nodes | highway | | abcde | motorway | | fgc | motorway_link | | chi | motorway_link | When I route I should get | waypoints | route | turns | | a,e | abcde, abcde | depart, arrive | | f,e | fgc, abcde, abcde | depart, merge-slight-left, arrive | | a,i | abcde, chi, chi | depart, ramp-slight-right, arrive | | f,i | fgc, chi, chi | depart, turn-slight-right, arrive | Scenario: On And Off Ramp Left Given the node map | f | g | | | | h | i | | a | b | | c | | d | e | And the ways | nodes | highway | | abcde | motorway | | fgc | motorway_link | | chi | motorway_link | When I route I should get | waypoints | route | turns | | a,e | abcde, abcde | depart, arrive | | f,e | fgc, abcde, abcde | depart, merge-slight-right, arrive | | a,i | abcde, chi, chi | depart, ramp-slight-left, arrive | | f,i | fgc, chi, chi | depart, turn-slight-left, arrive |