#include "catch.hpp" #include "recursive_wrapper.hpp" #include #include using rwi = mapbox::util::recursive_wrapper; using rwp = mapbox::util::recursive_wrapper>; static_assert(std::is_same::value, "type check failed"); TEST_CASE("recursive wrapper of int") { SECTION("construct with value") { rwi a{7}; REQUIRE(a.get() == 7); REQUIRE(*a.get_pointer() == 7); a = 8; REQUIRE(a.get() == 8); rwi b{a}; REQUIRE(b.get() == 8); rwi c; c = b; REQUIRE(b.get() == 8); REQUIRE(c.get() == 8); c = 9; REQUIRE(c.get() == 9); int x = 10; c = x; REQUIRE(c.get() == 10); b = std::move(c); REQUIRE(b.get() == 10); } SECTION("construct with const reference") { int i = 7; rwi a{i}; REQUIRE(a.get() == 7); } SECTION("implicit conversion to reference of underlying type") { SECTION("const") { rwi const a{7}; REQUIRE(a.get() == 7); REQUIRE(*a.get_pointer() == 7); rwi::type const& underlying = a; REQUIRE(underlying == 7); } SECTION("non const") { rwi a{7}; REQUIRE(a.get() == 7); REQUIRE(*a.get_pointer() == 7); rwi::type& underlying = a; REQUIRE(underlying == 7); a = 8; REQUIRE(underlying == 8); } } } TEST_CASE("move of recursive wrapper") { rwi a{1}; SECTION("move constructor") { rwi b{std::move(a)}; REQUIRE(b.get() == 1); } SECTION("operator= on rvalue") { rwi b{2}; b = std::move(a); REQUIRE(b.get() == 1); } } TEST_CASE("swap") { rwi a{1}; rwi b{2}; REQUIRE(a.get() == 1); REQUIRE(b.get() == 2); using std::swap; swap(a, b); REQUIRE(a.get() == 2); REQUIRE(b.get() == 1); } TEST_CASE("recursive wrapper of pair") { SECTION("default constructed") { rwp a; REQUIRE(a.get().first == 0); REQUIRE(a.get().second == 0); } SECTION("construct with value") { rwp a{std::make_pair(1, 2)}; REQUIRE(a.get().first == 1); REQUIRE(a.get().second == 2); REQUIRE(a.get_pointer()->first == 1); REQUIRE(a.get_pointer()->second == 2); a = {3, 4}; REQUIRE(a.get().first == 3); REQUIRE(a.get().second == 4); rwp b{a}; REQUIRE(b.get().first == 3); REQUIRE(b.get().second == 4); rwp c; c = b; REQUIRE(b.get().first == 3); REQUIRE(b.get().second == 4); REQUIRE(c.get().first == 3); REQUIRE(c.get().second == 4); c = {5, 6}; REQUIRE(c.get().first == 5); REQUIRE(c.get().second == 6); b = std::move(c); REQUIRE(b.get().first == 5); REQUIRE(b.get().second == 6); // REQUIRE(c.get_pointer() == nullptr); } }