var path = require('path'); var util = require('util'); var fs = require('fs'); var exec = require('child_process').exec; var d3 = require('d3-queue'); module.exports = function () { this.initializeEnv = (callback) => { this.OSRM_PORT = process.env.OSRM_PORT && parseInt(process.env.OSRM_PORT) || 5000; this.TIMEOUT = process.env.CUCUMBER_TIMEOUT && parseInt(process.env.CUCUMBER_TIMEOUT) || 5000; this.setDefaultTimeout(this.TIMEOUT); this.ROOT_FOLDER = process.cwd(); this.OSM_USER = 'osrm'; this.OSM_GENERATOR = 'osrm-test'; this.OSM_UID = 1; this.TEST_FOLDER = path.resolve(this.ROOT_FOLDER, 'test'); this.DATA_FOLDER = path.resolve(this.TEST_FOLDER, 'cache'); this.OSM_TIMESTAMP = '2000-01-01T00:00:00Z'; this.DEFAULT_SPEEDPROFILE = 'bicycle'; this.WAY_SPACING = 100; this.DEFAULT_GRID_SIZE = 100; // meters this.PROFILES_PATH = path.resolve(this.ROOT_FOLDER, 'profiles'); this.FIXTURES_PATH = path.resolve(this.ROOT_FOLDER, 'unit_tests/fixtures'); this.BIN_PATH = path.resolve(this.ROOT_FOLDER, 'build'); this.DEFAULT_INPUT_FORMAT = 'osm'; this.DEFAULT_ORIGIN = [1,1]; this.DEFAULT_LOAD_METHOD = 'datastore'; this.OSRM_ROUTED_LOG_FILE = path.resolve(this.TEST_FOLDER, 'osrm-routed.log'); this.ERROR_LOG_FILE = path.resolve(this.TEST_FOLDER, 'error.log'); // OS X shim to ensure shared libraries from custom locations can be loaded // This is needed in OS X >= 10.11 because DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is blocked // this.LOAD_LIBRARIES = process.env.OSRM_SHARED_LIBRARY_PATH ? util.format('DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s ', process.env.OSRM_SHARED_LIBRARY_PATH) : ''; // TODO make sure this works on win if (process.platform.match(/indows.*/)) { this.TERMSIGNAL = 9; this.EXE = '.exe'; this.QQ = '"'; } else { this.TERMSIGNAL = 'SIGTERM'; this.EXE = ''; this.QQ = ''; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-console'Node Version', process.version)); if (parseInt(process.version.match(/v(\d)/)[1]) < 4) throw new Error('*** PLease upgrade to Node 4.+ to run OSRM cucumber tests'); fs.exists(this.TEST_FOLDER, (exists) => { if (!exists) throw new Error(util.format('*** Test folder %s doesn\'t exist.', this.TEST_FOLDER)); callback(); }); }; this.verifyOSRMIsNotRunning = () => { if (this.OSRMLoader.up()) { throw new Error('*** osrm-routed is already running.'); } }; this.verifyExistenceOfBinaries = (callback) => { var verify = (bin, cb) => { var binPath = path.resolve(util.format('%s/%s%s', this.BIN_PATH, bin, this.EXE)); fs.exists(binPath, (exists) => { if (!exists) throw new Error(util.format('%s is missing. Build failed?', binPath)); var helpPath = util.format('%s%s --help > /dev/null 2>&1', this.LOAD_LIBRARIES, binPath); exec(helpPath, (err) => { if (err) { this.log(util.format('*** Exited with code %d', err.code), 'preprocess'); throw new Error(util.format('*** %s exited with code %d', helpPath, err.code)); } cb(); }); }); }; var q = d3.queue(); ['osrm-extract', 'osrm-contract', 'osrm-routed'].forEach(bin => { q.defer(verify, bin); }); q.awaitAll(() => { callback(); }); }; this.AfterConfiguration = (callback) => { this.clearLogFiles(() => { this.verifyOSRMIsNotRunning(); this.verifyExistenceOfBinaries(() => { callback(); }); }); }; process.on('exit', () => { if (this.OSRMLoader.loader) this.OSRMLoader.shutdown(() => {}); }); process.on('SIGINT', () => { process.exit(2); // TODO need to handle for windows?? }); };