-- Testbot profile -- Moves at fixed, well-known speeds, practical for testing speed and travel times: -- Primary road: 36km/h = 36000m/3600s = 100m/10s -- Secondary road: 18km/h = 18000m/3600s = 100m/20s -- Tertiary road: 12km/h = 12000m/3600s = 100m/30s -- modes: -- 1: normal -- 2: route -- 3: river downstream -- 4: river upstream -- 5: steps down -- 6: steps up speed_profile = { ["primary"] = 36, ["secondary"] = 18, ["tertiary"] = 12, ["default"] = 24 } -- these settings are read directly by osrm take_minimum_of_speeds = true obey_oneway = true obey_barriers = true use_turn_restrictions = true ignore_areas = true -- future feature traffic_signal_penalty = 7 -- seconds u_turn_penalty = 20 function limit_speed(speed, limits) -- don't use ipairs(), since it stops at the first nil value for i=1, #limits do limit = limits[i] if limit ~= nil and limit > 0 then if limit < speed then return limit -- stop at first speedlimit that's smaller than speed end end end return speed end function node_function (node) local traffic_signal = node.tags:Find("highway") if traffic_signal == "traffic_signals" then node.traffic_light = true; -- TODO: a way to set the penalty value end return 1 end function way_function (way) local highway = way.tags:Find("highway") local name = way.tags:Find("name") local oneway = way.tags:Find("oneway") local route = way.tags:Find("route") local duration = way.tags:Find("duration") local maxspeed = tonumber(way.tags:Find ( "maxspeed")) local maxspeed_forward = tonumber(way.tags:Find( "maxspeed:forward")) local maxspeed_backward = tonumber(way.tags:Find( "maxspeed:backward")) local junction = way.tags:Find("junction") way.name = name if route ~= nil and durationIsValid(duration) then way.duration = math.max( 1, parseDuration(duration) ) way.mode = 2 way.backward_mode = 2 else local speed_forw = speed_profile[highway] or speed_profile['default'] local speed_back = speed_forw if highway == "river" then local temp_speed = speed_forw; way.mode = 3 way.backward_mode = 4 speed_forw = temp_speed*1.5 speed_back = temp_speed/1.5 end if maxspeed_forward ~= nil and maxspeed_forward > 0 then speed_forw = maxspeed_forward else if maxspeed ~= nil and maxspeed > 0 and speed_forw > maxspeed then speed_forw = maxspeed end end if maxspeed_backward ~= nil and maxspeed_backward > 0 then speed_back = maxspeed_backward else if maxspeed ~=nil and maxspeed > 0 and speed_back > maxspeed then speed_back = maxspeed end end way.speed = speed_forw if speed_back ~= way_forw then way.backward_speed = speed_back end end if oneway == "no" or oneway == "0" or oneway == "false" then way.direction = Way.bidirectional elseif oneway == "-1" then way.direction = Way.opposite elseif oneway == "yes" or oneway == "1" or oneway == "true" or junction == "roundabout" then way.direction = Way.oneway else way.direction = Way.bidirectional end if junction == 'roundabout' then way.roundabout = true end way.type = 1 return 1 end