#include #include #include "catch.hpp" #include #include namespace oid = osmium::io::detail; TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: base exception") { osmium::opl_error e{"foo"}; REQUIRE(e.data == nullptr); REQUIRE(e.line == 0); REQUIRE(e.column == 0); REQUIRE(e.msg == "OPL error: foo"); REQUIRE(std::string{e.what()} == "OPL error: foo"); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: exception with line and column") { const char* d = "data"; osmium::opl_error e{"bar", d}; e.set_pos(17, 23); REQUIRE(e.data == d); REQUIRE(e.line == 17); REQUIRE(e.column == 23); REQUIRE(e.msg == "OPL error: bar on line 17 column 23"); REQUIRE(std::string{e.what()} == "OPL error: bar on line 17 column 23"); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: space") { std::string d{"a b \t c"}; const char* s = d.data(); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS({ oid::opl_parse_space(&s); }, osmium::opl_error); s = d.data() + 1; oid::opl_parse_space(&s); REQUIRE(*s == 'b'); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS({ oid::opl_parse_space(&s); }, osmium::opl_error); ++s; oid::opl_parse_space(&s); REQUIRE(*s == 'c'); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: check for space") { REQUIRE(oid::opl_non_empty("aaa")); REQUIRE(oid::opl_non_empty("a b")); REQUIRE_FALSE(oid::opl_non_empty(" ")); REQUIRE_FALSE(oid::opl_non_empty(" x")); REQUIRE_FALSE(oid::opl_non_empty("\tx")); REQUIRE_FALSE(oid::opl_non_empty("")); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: skip section") { std::string d{"abcd efgh"}; const char* skip1 = d.data() + 4; const char* skip2 = d.data() + 9; const char* s = d.data(); REQUIRE(oid::opl_skip_section(&s) == skip1); REQUIRE(s == skip1); ++s; REQUIRE(oid::opl_skip_section(&s) == skip2); REQUIRE(s == skip2); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: parse escaped") { std::string result; SECTION("Empty string") { const char* s = ""; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_escaped(&s, result); }, "OPL error: eol"); } SECTION("Illegal character for hex") { const char* s = "x"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_escaped(&s, result); }, "OPL error: not a hex char"); } SECTION("Illegal character for hex after legal hex characters") { const char* s = "0123x"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_escaped(&s, result); }, "OPL error: not a hex char"); } SECTION("Too long") { const char* s = "123456780"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_escaped(&s, result); }, "OPL error: hex escape too long"); } SECTION("No data") { const char* s = "%"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_escaped(&s, result); REQUIRE(result.size() == 1); REQUIRE(result[0] == '\0'); REQUIRE(s == e); } SECTION("One hex char") { const char* s = "9%"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_escaped(&s, result); REQUIRE(result.size() == 1); REQUIRE(result == "\t"); REQUIRE(s == e); } SECTION("Two hex chars (lowercase)") { const char* s = "3c%"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_escaped(&s, result); REQUIRE(result.size() == 1); REQUIRE(result == "<"); REQUIRE(s == e); } SECTION("Two hex char (uppercase)") { const char* s = "3C%"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_escaped(&s, result); REQUIRE(result.size() == 1); REQUIRE(result == "<"); REQUIRE(s == e); } SECTION("Longer unicode characters") { const char* s1 = "30dc%"; oid::opl_parse_escaped(&s1, result); result.append("_"); const char* s2 = "1d11e%"; oid::opl_parse_escaped(&s2, result); result.append("_"); const char* s3 = "1f6eb%"; oid::opl_parse_escaped(&s3, result); REQUIRE(result == u8"\u30dc_\U0001d11e_\U0001f6eb"); } SECTION("Data after %") { const char* s = "5a%abc"; oid::opl_parse_escaped(&s, result); REQUIRE(result.size() == 1); REQUIRE(result == "Z"); REQUIRE(std::string{s} == "abc"); } } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: parse string") { std::string result; SECTION("empty string") { const char* s = ""; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_string(&s, result); REQUIRE(result.size() == 0); REQUIRE(result == ""); REQUIRE(s == e); } SECTION("normal string") { const char* s = "foo"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_string(&s, result); REQUIRE(result.size() == 3); REQUIRE(result == "foo"); REQUIRE(s == e); } SECTION("string with space") { const char* s = "foo bar"; const char* e = s + 3; oid::opl_parse_string(&s, result); REQUIRE(result.size() == 3); REQUIRE(result == "foo"); REQUIRE(s == e); } SECTION("string with tab") { const char* s = "foo\tbar"; const char* e = s + 3; oid::opl_parse_string(&s, result); REQUIRE(result.size() == 3); REQUIRE(result == "foo"); REQUIRE(s == e); } SECTION("string with comma") { const char* s = "foo,bar"; const char* e = s + 3; oid::opl_parse_string(&s, result); REQUIRE(result.size() == 3); REQUIRE(result == "foo"); REQUIRE(s == e); } SECTION("string with equal sign") { const char* s = "foo=bar"; const char* e = s + 3; oid::opl_parse_string(&s, result); REQUIRE(result.size() == 3); REQUIRE(result == "foo"); REQUIRE(s == e); } SECTION("string with escaped characters") { const char* s = "foo%3d%bar"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_string(&s, result); REQUIRE(result.size() == 7); REQUIRE(result == "foo=bar"); REQUIRE(s == e); } SECTION("string with escaped characters at end") { const char* s = "foo%3d%"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_string(&s, result); REQUIRE(result.size() == 4); REQUIRE(result == "foo="); REQUIRE(s == e); } SECTION("string with invalid escaping") { const char* s = "foo%"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_string(&s, result); }, "OPL error: eol"); } SECTION("string with invalid escaped characters") { const char* s = "foo%x%"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_string(&s, result); }, "OPL error: not a hex char"); } } template T test_parse_int(const char* s) { auto r = oid::opl_parse_int(&s); REQUIRE(*s == 'x'); return r; } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: integer") { REQUIRE(test_parse_int("0x") == 0); REQUIRE(test_parse_int("-0x") == 0); REQUIRE(test_parse_int("1x") == 1); REQUIRE(test_parse_int("17x") == 17); REQUIRE(test_parse_int("-1x") == -1); REQUIRE(test_parse_int("1234567890123x") == 1234567890123); REQUIRE(test_parse_int("-1234567890123x") == -1234567890123); REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ test_parse_int(""); }, "OPL error: expected integer"); REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ test_parse_int("-x"); }, "OPL error: expected integer"); REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ test_parse_int(" 1"); }, "OPL error: expected integer"); REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ test_parse_int("x"); }, "OPL error: expected integer"); REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ test_parse_int("99999999999999999999999x"); }, "OPL error: integer too long"); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: int32_t") { REQUIRE(test_parse_int("0x") == 0); REQUIRE(test_parse_int("123x") == 123); REQUIRE(test_parse_int("-123x") == -123); REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ test_parse_int("12345678901x"); }, "OPL error: integer too long"); REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ test_parse_int("-12345678901x"); }, "OPL error: integer too long"); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: uint32_t") { REQUIRE(test_parse_int("0x") == 0); REQUIRE(test_parse_int("123x") == 123); REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ test_parse_int("-123x"); }, "OPL error: integer too long"); REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ test_parse_int("12345678901x"); }, "OPL error: integer too long"); REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ test_parse_int("-12345678901x"); }, "OPL error: integer too long"); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: visible flag") { const char* data = "V"; const char* e = data + std::strlen(data); REQUIRE(oid::opl_parse_visible(&data)); REQUIRE(e == data); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: deleted flag") { const char* data = "D"; const char* e = data + std::strlen(data); REQUIRE_FALSE(oid::opl_parse_visible(&data)); REQUIRE(e == data); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: invalid visible flag") { const char* data = "x"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_visible(&data); }, "OPL error: invalid visible flag"); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: timestamp (empty)") { const char* data = ""; const char* e = data + std::strlen(data); REQUIRE(oid::opl_parse_timestamp(&data) == osmium::Timestamp{}); REQUIRE(e == data); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: timestamp (space)") { const char* data = " "; const char* e = data; REQUIRE(oid::opl_parse_timestamp(&data) == osmium::Timestamp{}); REQUIRE(e == data); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: timestamp (tab)") { const char* data = "\t"; const char* e = data; REQUIRE(oid::opl_parse_timestamp(&data) == osmium::Timestamp{}); REQUIRE(e == data); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: timestamp (invalid)") { const char* data = "abc"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_timestamp(&data); }, "OPL error: can not parse timestamp"); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: timestamp (valid)") { const char* data = "2016-03-04T17:28:03Z"; const char* e = data + std::strlen(data); REQUIRE(oid::opl_parse_timestamp(&data) == osmium::Timestamp{"2016-03-04T17:28:03Z"}); REQUIRE(e == data); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: valid timestamp with trailing data") { const char* data = "2016-03-04T17:28:03Zxxx"; REQUIRE(oid::opl_parse_timestamp(&data) == osmium::Timestamp{"2016-03-04T17:28:03Z"}); REQUIRE(std::string{data} == "xxx"); } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: tags") { osmium::memory::Buffer buffer{1024}; SECTION("Empty") { const char* data = ""; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_tags(data, buffer); }, "OPL error: expected '='"); } SECTION("One tag") { const char* data = "foo=bar"; oid::opl_parse_tags(data, buffer); const auto& taglist = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(taglist.size() == 1); REQUIRE(std::string{taglist.begin()->key()} == "foo"); REQUIRE(std::string{taglist.begin()->value()} == "bar"); } SECTION("Empty key and value are allowed") { const char* data = "="; oid::opl_parse_tags(data, buffer); const auto& taglist = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(taglist.size() == 1); REQUIRE(std::string{taglist.begin()->key()} == ""); REQUIRE(std::string{taglist.begin()->value()} == ""); } SECTION("Multiple tags") { const char* data = "highway=residential,oneway=yes,maxspeed=30"; oid::opl_parse_tags(data, buffer); const auto& taglist = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(taglist.size() == 3); auto it = taglist.cbegin(); REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "highway"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "residential"); ++it; REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "oneway"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "yes"); ++it; REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "maxspeed"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "30"); ++it; REQUIRE(it == taglist.cend()); } SECTION("No equal signs") { const char* data = "a"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_tags(data, buffer); }, "OPL error: expected '='"); } SECTION("Two equal signs") { const char* data = "a=b=c"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_tags(data, buffer); }, "OPL error: expected ','"); } } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: nodes") { osmium::memory::Buffer buffer{1024}; SECTION("Empty") { const char* const s = ""; oid::opl_parse_way_nodes(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); REQUIRE(buffer.written() == 0); } SECTION("Invalid format, missing n") { const char* const s = "xyz"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_way_nodes(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); }, "OPL error: expected 'n'"); } SECTION("Invalid format, missing ID") { const char* const s = "nx"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_way_nodes(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); }, "OPL error: expected integer"); } SECTION("Valid format: one node") { const char* const s = "n123"; oid::opl_parse_way_nodes(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const auto& wnl = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(wnl.size() == 1); REQUIRE(wnl.begin()->ref() == 123); } SECTION("Valid format: two nodes") { const char* const s = "n123,n456"; oid::opl_parse_way_nodes(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const auto& wnl = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(wnl.size() == 2); auto it = wnl.begin(); REQUIRE(it->ref() == 123); ++it; REQUIRE(it->ref() == 456); ++it; REQUIRE(it == wnl.end()); } SECTION("Trailing comma") { const char* const s = "n123,n456,"; oid::opl_parse_way_nodes(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const auto& wnl = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(wnl.size() == 2); auto it = wnl.begin(); REQUIRE(it->ref() == 123); ++it; REQUIRE(it->ref() == 456); ++it; REQUIRE(it == wnl.end()); } SECTION("Way nodes with coordinates") { const char* const s = "n123x1.2y3.4,n456x33y0.1"; oid::opl_parse_way_nodes(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const auto& wnl = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(wnl.size() == 2); auto it = wnl.begin(); REQUIRE(it->ref() == 123); const osmium::Location loc1{1.2, 3.4}; REQUIRE(it->location() == loc1); ++it; REQUIRE(it->ref() == 456); const osmium::Location loc2{33.0, 0.1}; REQUIRE(it->location() == loc2); ++it; REQUIRE(it == wnl.end()); } } TEST_CASE("Parse OPL: members") { osmium::memory::Buffer buffer{1024}; SECTION("Empty") { const char* const s = ""; oid::opl_parse_relation_members(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); REQUIRE(buffer.written() == 0); } SECTION("Invalid: unknown object type") { const char* const s = "x123@foo"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_relation_members(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); }, "OPL error: unknown object type"); } SECTION("Invalid: illegal ref") { const char* const s = "wx"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_relation_members(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); }, "OPL error: expected integer"); } SECTION("Invalid: missing @") { const char* const s = "n123foo"; REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_relation_members(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); }, "OPL error: expected '@'"); } SECTION("Valid format: one member") { const char* const s = "n123@foo"; oid::opl_parse_relation_members(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const auto& rml = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(rml.size() == 1); auto it = rml.begin(); REQUIRE(it->type() == osmium::item_type::node); REQUIRE(it->ref() == 123); REQUIRE(std::string{it->role()} == "foo"); ++it; REQUIRE(it == rml.end()); } SECTION("Valid format: one member without role") { const char* const s = "n123@"; oid::opl_parse_relation_members(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const auto& rml = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(rml.size() == 1); auto it = rml.begin(); REQUIRE(it->type() == osmium::item_type::node); REQUIRE(it->ref() == 123); REQUIRE(std::string{it->role()} == ""); ++it; REQUIRE(it == rml.end()); } SECTION("Valid format: three members") { const char* const s = "n123@,w456@abc,r78@type"; oid::opl_parse_relation_members(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const auto& rml = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(rml.size() == 3); auto it = rml.begin(); REQUIRE(it->type() == osmium::item_type::node); REQUIRE(it->ref() == 123); REQUIRE(std::string{it->role()} == ""); ++it; REQUIRE(it->type() == osmium::item_type::way); REQUIRE(it->ref() == 456); REQUIRE(std::string{it->role()} == "abc"); ++it; REQUIRE(it->type() == osmium::item_type::relation); REQUIRE(it->ref() == 78); REQUIRE(std::string{it->role()} == "type"); ++it; REQUIRE(it == rml.end()); } SECTION("Trailing comma") { const char* const s = "n123@,w456@abc,r78@type,"; oid::opl_parse_relation_members(s, s + std::strlen(s), buffer); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const auto& rml = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(rml.size() == 3); auto it = rml.begin(); REQUIRE(it->type() == osmium::item_type::node); REQUIRE(it->ref() == 123); REQUIRE(std::string{it->role()} == ""); ++it; REQUIRE(it->type() == osmium::item_type::way); REQUIRE(it->ref() == 456); REQUIRE(std::string{it->role()} == "abc"); ++it; REQUIRE(it->type() == osmium::item_type::relation); REQUIRE(it->ref() == 78); REQUIRE(std::string{it->role()} == "type"); ++it; REQUIRE(it == rml.end()); } } TEST_CASE("Parse node") { osmium::memory::Buffer buffer{1024}; SECTION("Node with id only") { const char* s = "17"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_node(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Node& node = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(node.id() == 17); } SECTION("Node with trailing space") { const char* s = "17 "; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_node(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Node& node = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(node.id() == 17); } SECTION("Node with id and version") { const char* s = "17 v23"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_node(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Node& node = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(node.id() == 17); REQUIRE(node.version() == 23); } SECTION("Node with multiple spaces") { const char* s = "17 v23"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_node(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Node& node = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(node.id() == 17); REQUIRE(node.version() == 23); } SECTION("Node with tab instead of space") { const char* s = "17\tv23"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_node(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Node& node = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(node.id() == 17); REQUIRE(node.version() == 23); } SECTION("Full node (no tags)") { const char* s = "125799 v6 dV c7711393 t2011-03-29T21:43:10Z i45445 uUScha T x8.7868047 y53.0749415"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_node(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Node& node = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(node.id() == 125799); REQUIRE(node.version() == 6); REQUIRE(node.visible()); REQUIRE(node.changeset() == 7711393); REQUIRE(node.timestamp() == osmium::Timestamp{"2011-03-29T21:43:10Z"}); REQUIRE(node.uid() == 45445); REQUIRE(std::string{node.user()} == "UScha"); osmium::Location loc{8.7868047, 53.0749415}; REQUIRE(node.location() == loc); REQUIRE(node.tags().empty()); } SECTION("Node with tags)") { const char* s = "123 v1 c456 Thighway=residential,oneway=true,name=High%20%Street"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_node(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Node& node = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(node.id() == 123); REQUIRE(node.version() == 1); REQUIRE(node.changeset() == 456); REQUIRE(node.tags().size() == 3); auto it = node.tags().cbegin(); REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "highway"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "residential"); ++it; REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "oneway"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "true"); ++it; REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "name"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "High Street"); ++it; REQUIRE(it == node.tags().cend()); } SECTION("Order does not matter") { const char* s = "125799 c7711393 dV v6 i45445 uUScha T t2011-03-29T21:43:10Z y53.0749415 x8.7868047"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_node(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Node& node = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(node.id() == 125799); REQUIRE(node.version() == 6); REQUIRE(node.visible()); REQUIRE(node.changeset() == 7711393); REQUIRE(node.timestamp() == osmium::Timestamp{"2011-03-29T21:43:10Z"}); REQUIRE(node.uid() == 45445); REQUIRE(std::string{node.user()} == "UScha"); osmium::Location loc{8.7868047, 53.0749415}; REQUIRE(node.location() == loc); REQUIRE(node.tags().empty()); } } TEST_CASE("Parse way") { osmium::memory::Buffer buffer{1024}; SECTION("Way with id only") { const char* s = "17"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_way(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Way& way = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(way.id() == 17); } SECTION("Complete way") { const char* s = "78216 v12 dV c35895909 t2015-12-11T22:01:57Z i7412 umjulius Tdestination=Interlaken;%20%Kandersteg;%20%Zweisimmen,highway=motorway_link,name=Thun%20%Süd,oneway=yes,ref=17,surface=asphalt Nn1011242,n2569390773,n2569390769,n255308687,n2569390761,n255308689,n255308691,n1407526499,n255308692,n3888362655,n255308693,n255308694,n255308695,n255308686"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_way(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Way& way = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(way.id() == 78216); REQUIRE(way.version() == 12); REQUIRE(way.visible()); REQUIRE(way.changeset() == 35895909); REQUIRE(way.timestamp() == osmium::Timestamp{"2015-12-11T22:01:57Z"}); REQUIRE(way.uid() == 7412); REQUIRE(std::string{way.user()} == "mjulius"); REQUIRE(way.tags().size() == 6); auto it = way.tags().cbegin(); REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "destination"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "Interlaken; Kandersteg; Zweisimmen"); ++it; REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "highway"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "motorway_link"); ++it; REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "name"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "Thun Süd"); ++it; REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "oneway"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "yes"); ++it; REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "ref"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "17"); ++it; REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "surface"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "asphalt"); ++it; REQUIRE(it == way.tags().cend()); REQUIRE(way.nodes().size() == 14); std::vector ids = { 1011242, 2569390773, 2569390769, 255308687, 2569390761, 255308689, 255308691, 1407526499, 255308692, 3888362655, 255308693, 255308694, 255308695, 255308686 }; REQUIRE(std::equal(way.nodes().cbegin(), way.nodes().cend(), ids.cbegin())); } } TEST_CASE("Parse relation") { osmium::memory::Buffer buffer{1024}; SECTION("Relation with id only") { const char* s = "17"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_relation(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Relation& relation = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(relation.id() == 17); } SECTION("Complete relation") { const char* s = "1074 v45 dV c20048094 t2014-01-17T10:27:04Z i86566 uwisieb Ttype=multipolygon,landuse=forest Mw255722275@inner,w256126142@outer,w24402792@inner,w256950103@outer,w255722279@outer"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_relation(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Relation& relation = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(relation.id() == 1074); REQUIRE(relation.version() == 45); REQUIRE(relation.visible()); REQUIRE(relation.changeset() == 20048094); REQUIRE(relation.timestamp() == osmium::Timestamp{"2014-01-17T10:27:04Z"}); REQUIRE(relation.uid() == 86566); REQUIRE(std::string{relation.user()} == "wisieb"); REQUIRE(relation.tags().size() == 2); auto it = relation.tags().cbegin(); REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "type"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "multipolygon"); ++it; REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "landuse"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "forest"); ++it; REQUIRE(it == relation.tags().cend()); REQUIRE(relation.members().size() == 5); auto mit = relation.members().cbegin(); REQUIRE(mit->type() == osmium::item_type::way); REQUIRE(mit->ref() == 255722275); REQUIRE(std::string{mit->role()} == "inner"); ++mit; REQUIRE(mit->type() == osmium::item_type::way); REQUIRE(mit->ref() == 256126142); REQUIRE(std::string{mit->role()} == "outer"); ++mit; ++mit; ++mit; ++mit; REQUIRE(mit == relation.members().cend()); } } TEST_CASE("Parse changeset") { osmium::memory::Buffer buffer{1024}; SECTION("Changeset with id only") { const char* s = "17"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_changeset(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Changeset& changeset = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(changeset.id() == 17); } SECTION("Complete changeset") { const char* s = "873494 k1 s2009-04-21T08:52:49Z e2009-04-21T09:52:49Z d0 i13093 uTiberiusNero x13.923302 y50.957069 X14.0337519 Y50.9824084 Tcreated_by=Potlatch%20%0.11"; const char* e = s + std::strlen(s); oid::opl_parse_changeset(&s, buffer); REQUIRE(s == e); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); const osmium::Changeset& changeset = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(changeset.id() == 873494); REQUIRE(changeset.created_at() == osmium::Timestamp{"2009-04-21T08:52:49Z"}); REQUIRE(changeset.closed_at() == osmium::Timestamp{"2009-04-21T09:52:49Z"}); REQUIRE(changeset.num_changes() == 1); REQUIRE(changeset.num_comments() == 0); REQUIRE(changeset.uid() == 13093); REQUIRE(std::string{changeset.user()} == "TiberiusNero"); REQUIRE(changeset.tags().size() == 1); auto it = changeset.tags().cbegin(); REQUIRE(std::string{it->key()} == "created_by"); REQUIRE(std::string{it->value()} == "Potlatch 0.11"); ++it; REQUIRE(it == changeset.tags().cend()); osmium::Box box{13.923302, 50.957069, 14.0337519, 50.9824084}; REQUIRE(box == changeset.bounds()); } } TEST_CASE("Parse line") { osmium::memory::Buffer buffer{1024}; SECTION("Empty line") { const char* s = ""; REQUIRE_FALSE(oid::opl_parse_line(0, "", buffer)); REQUIRE(buffer.written() == 0); } SECTION("Comment line") { REQUIRE_FALSE(oid::opl_parse_line(0, "# abc", buffer)); REQUIRE(buffer.written() == 0); } SECTION("Fail") { REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_line(0, "X", buffer); }, "OPL error: unknown type on line 0 column 0"); REQUIRE(buffer.written() == 0); } SECTION("New line at end not allowed") { REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ oid::opl_parse_line(0, "n12 v3\n", buffer); }, "OPL error: expected space or tab character on line 0 column 6"); } SECTION("Node, but not asking for nodes") { REQUIRE_FALSE(oid::opl_parse_line(0, "n12 v1", buffer, osmium::osm_entity_bits::way)); REQUIRE(buffer.written() == 0); } SECTION("Node") { REQUIRE(oid::opl_parse_line(0, "n12 v3", buffer)); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); auto& item = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(item.type() == osmium::item_type::node); } SECTION("Way") { REQUIRE(oid::opl_parse_line(0, "w12 v3", buffer)); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); auto& item = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(item.type() == osmium::item_type::way); } SECTION("Relation") { REQUIRE(oid::opl_parse_line(0, "r12 v3", buffer)); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); auto& item = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(item.type() == osmium::item_type::relation); } SECTION("Changeset") { REQUIRE(oid::opl_parse_line(0, "c12", buffer)); REQUIRE(buffer.written() > 0); auto& item = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(item.type() == osmium::item_type::changeset); } } TEST_CASE("Get context for errors") { osmium::memory::Buffer buffer{1024}; SECTION("Unknown object type") { bool error = false; try { oid::opl_parse_line(0, "~~~", buffer); } catch (const osmium::opl_error& e) { error = true; REQUIRE(e.line == 0); REQUIRE(e.column == 0); REQUIRE(std::string{e.data} == "~~~"); } REQUIRE(error); } SECTION("Node id") { bool error = false; try { oid::opl_parse_line(0, "n~~~", buffer); } catch (const osmium::opl_error& e) { error = true; REQUIRE(e.line == 0); REQUIRE(e.column == 1); REQUIRE(std::string{e.data} == "~~~"); } REQUIRE(error); } SECTION("Node expect space") { bool error = false; try { oid::opl_parse_line(1, "n123~~~", buffer); } catch (const osmium::opl_error& e) { error = true; REQUIRE(e.line == 1); REQUIRE(e.column == 4); REQUIRE(std::string{e.data} == "~~~"); } REQUIRE(error); } SECTION("Node unknown attribute") { bool error = false; try { oid::opl_parse_line(2, "n123 ~~~", buffer); } catch (const osmium::opl_error& e) { error = true; REQUIRE(e.line == 2); REQUIRE(e.column == 5); REQUIRE(std::string{e.data} == "~~~"); } REQUIRE(error); } SECTION("Node version not an int") { bool error = false; try { oid::opl_parse_line(3, "n123 v~~~", buffer); } catch (const osmium::opl_error& e) { error = true; REQUIRE(e.line == 3); REQUIRE(e.column == 6); REQUIRE(std::string{e.data} == "~~~"); } REQUIRE(error); } } TEST_CASE("Parse line with external interface") { osmium::memory::Buffer buffer{1024}; SECTION("Node") { REQUIRE(osmium::opl_parse("n12 v3", buffer)); REQUIRE(buffer.committed() > 0); REQUIRE(buffer.written() == buffer.committed()); const auto& item = buffer.get(0); REQUIRE(item.type() == osmium::item_type::node); REQUIRE(static_cast(item).id() == 12); } SECTION("Empty line") { REQUIRE_FALSE(osmium::opl_parse("", buffer)); REQUIRE(buffer.written() == 0); REQUIRE(buffer.committed() == 0); } SECTION("Failure") { REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH({ osmium::opl_parse("x", buffer); }, "OPL error: unknown type on line 0 column 0"); REQUIRE(buffer.written() == 0); REQUIRE(buffer.committed() == 0); } }