@datastore @options @help Feature: osrm-datastore command line options Background: Given the profile "testbot" And the node map """ a b """ And the ways | nodes | | ab | And the data has been contracted Scenario: osrm-datastore - Help should be shown when no options are passed When I try to run "osrm-datastore --dataset-name test_dataset_42 {processed_file}" Then it should exit successfully When I try to run "osrm-datastore --list" Then it should exit successfully And stdout should contain "test_dataset_42/static" And stdout should contain "test_dataset_42/updatable" Scenario: osrm-datastore - Only metric update should work Given the speed file """ 0,1,50 """ And the data has been extracted When I try to run "osrm-datastore {processed_file} --dataset-name cucumber/only_metric_test" Then it should exit successfully When I try to run "osrm-customize --segment-speed-file {speeds_file} {processed_file}" Then it should exit successfully When I try to run "osrm-datastore {processed_file} --dataset-name cucumber/only_metric_test --only-metric" Then it should exit successfully Scenario: osrm-datastore - Errors on invalid path When I try to run "osrm-datastore invalid_path.osrm" Then stderr should contain "[error] Config contains invalid file paths." And stderr should contain "Missing/Broken" And it should exit with an error