// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify // swiftlint:disable all // swiftformat:disable all import FlatBuffers public enum MyGame_Sample_Color: Int8, Enum, Verifiable { public typealias T = Int8 public static var byteSize: Int { return MemoryLayout.size } public var value: Int8 { return self.rawValue } case red = 0 case green = 1 case blue = 2 public static var max: MyGame_Sample_Color { return .blue } public static var min: MyGame_Sample_Color { return .red } } public enum MyGame_Sample_Equipment: UInt8, UnionEnum { public typealias T = UInt8 public init?(value: T) { self.init(rawValue: value) } public static var byteSize: Int { return MemoryLayout.size } public var value: UInt8 { return self.rawValue } case none_ = 0 case weapon = 1 public static var max: MyGame_Sample_Equipment { return .weapon } public static var min: MyGame_Sample_Equipment { return .none_ } } public struct MyGame_Sample_Vec3: NativeStruct, Verifiable, FlatbuffersInitializable { static func validateVersion() { FlatBuffersVersion_24_3_25() } private var _x: Float32 private var _y: Float32 private var _z: Float32 public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) { let _accessor = Struct(bb: bb, position: o) _x = _accessor.readBuffer(of: Float32.self, at: 0) _y = _accessor.readBuffer(of: Float32.self, at: 4) _z = _accessor.readBuffer(of: Float32.self, at: 8) } public init(x: Float32, y: Float32, z: Float32) { _x = x _y = y _z = z } public init() { _x = 0.0 _y = 0.0 _z = 0.0 } public var x: Float32 { _x } public var y: Float32 { _y } public var z: Float32 { _z } public static func verify(_ verifier: inout Verifier, at position: Int, of type: T.Type) throws where T: Verifiable { try verifier.inBuffer(position: position, of: MyGame_Sample_Vec3.self) } } public struct MyGame_Sample_Vec3_Mutable: FlatBufferObject { static func validateVersion() { FlatBuffersVersion_24_3_25() } public var __buffer: ByteBuffer! { return _accessor.bb } private var _accessor: Struct public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) { _accessor = Struct(bb: bb, position: o) } public var x: Float32 { return _accessor.readBuffer(of: Float32.self, at: 0) } @discardableResult public func mutate(x: Float32) -> Bool { return _accessor.mutate(x, index: 0) } public var y: Float32 { return _accessor.readBuffer(of: Float32.self, at: 4) } @discardableResult public func mutate(y: Float32) -> Bool { return _accessor.mutate(y, index: 4) } public var z: Float32 { return _accessor.readBuffer(of: Float32.self, at: 8) } @discardableResult public func mutate(z: Float32) -> Bool { return _accessor.mutate(z, index: 8) } } public struct MyGame_Sample_Monster: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable { static func validateVersion() { FlatBuffersVersion_24_3_25() } public var __buffer: ByteBuffer! { return _accessor.bb } private var _accessor: Table private init(_ t: Table) { _accessor = t } public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) { _accessor = Table(bb: bb, position: o) } private enum VTOFFSET: VOffset { case pos = 4 case mana = 6 case hp = 8 case name = 10 case inventory = 14 case color = 16 case weapons = 18 case equippedType = 20 case equipped = 22 case path = 24 var v: Int32 { Int32(self.rawValue) } var p: VOffset { self.rawValue } } public var pos: MyGame_Sample_Vec3? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : _accessor.readBuffer(of: MyGame_Sample_Vec3.self, at: o) } public var mutablePos: MyGame_Sample_Vec3_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Sample_Vec3_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.postion) } public var mana: Int16 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.mana.v); return o == 0 ? 150 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int16.self, at: o) } @discardableResult public func mutate(mana: Int16) -> Bool {let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.mana.v); return _accessor.mutate(mana, index: o) } public var hp: Int16 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.hp.v); return o == 0 ? 100 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int16.self, at: o) } @discardableResult public func mutate(hp: Int16) -> Bool {let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.hp.v); return _accessor.mutate(hp, index: o) } public var name: String? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.name.v); return o == 0 ? nil : _accessor.string(at: o) } public var nameSegmentArray: [UInt8]? { return _accessor.getVector(at: VTOFFSET.name.v) } public var hasInventory: Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.inventory.v); return o == 0 ? false : true } public var inventoryCount: Int32 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.inventory.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.vector(count: o) } public func inventory(at index: Int32) -> UInt8 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.inventory.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.directRead(of: UInt8.self, offset: _accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 1) } public var inventory: [UInt8] { return _accessor.getVector(at: VTOFFSET.inventory.v) ?? [] } public func mutate(inventory: UInt8, at index: Int32) -> Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.inventory.v); return _accessor.directMutate(inventory, index: _accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 1) } public var color: MyGame_Sample_Color { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.color.v); return o == 0 ? .blue : MyGame_Sample_Color(rawValue: _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int8.self, at: o)) ?? .blue } @discardableResult public func mutate(color: MyGame_Sample_Color) -> Bool {let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.color.v); return _accessor.mutate(color.rawValue, index: o) } public var hasWeapons: Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.weapons.v); return o == 0 ? false : true } public var weaponsCount: Int32 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.weapons.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.vector(count: o) } public func weapons(at index: Int32) -> MyGame_Sample_Weapon? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.weapons.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Sample_Weapon(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(_accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 4)) } public var equippedType: MyGame_Sample_Equipment { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.equippedType.v); return o == 0 ? .none_ : MyGame_Sample_Equipment(rawValue: _accessor.readBuffer(of: UInt8.self, at: o)) ?? .none_ } public func equipped(type: T.Type) -> T? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.equipped.v); return o == 0 ? nil : _accessor.union(o) } public var hasPath: Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.path.v); return o == 0 ? false : true } public var pathCount: Int32 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.path.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.vector(count: o) } public func path(at index: Int32) -> MyGame_Sample_Vec3? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.path.v); return o == 0 ? nil : _accessor.directRead(of: MyGame_Sample_Vec3.self, offset: _accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 12) } public func mutablePath(at index: Int32) -> MyGame_Sample_Vec3_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.path.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Sample_Vec3_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 12) } public static func startMonster(_ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) -> UOffset { fbb.startTable(with: 11) } public static func add(pos: MyGame_Sample_Vec3?, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { guard let pos = pos else { return }; fbb.create(struct: pos, position: VTOFFSET.pos.p) } public static func add(mana: Int16, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { fbb.add(element: mana, def: 150, at: VTOFFSET.mana.p) } public static func add(hp: Int16, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { fbb.add(element: hp, def: 100, at: VTOFFSET.hp.p) } public static func add(name: Offset, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { fbb.add(offset: name, at: VTOFFSET.name.p) } public static func addVectorOf(inventory: Offset, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { fbb.add(offset: inventory, at: VTOFFSET.inventory.p) } public static func add(color: MyGame_Sample_Color, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { fbb.add(element: color.rawValue, def: 2, at: VTOFFSET.color.p) } public static func addVectorOf(weapons: Offset, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { fbb.add(offset: weapons, at: VTOFFSET.weapons.p) } public static func add(equippedType: MyGame_Sample_Equipment, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { fbb.add(element: equippedType.rawValue, def: 0, at: VTOFFSET.equippedType.p) } public static func add(equipped: Offset, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { fbb.add(offset: equipped, at: VTOFFSET.equipped.p) } public static func addVectorOf(path: Offset, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { fbb.add(offset: path, at: VTOFFSET.path.p) } public static func startVectorOfPath(_ size: Int, in builder: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { builder.startVector(size * MemoryLayout.size, elementSize: MemoryLayout.alignment) } public static func endMonster(_ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder, start: UOffset) -> Offset { let end = Offset(offset: fbb.endTable(at: start)); return end } public static func createMonster( _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder, pos: MyGame_Sample_Vec3? = nil, mana: Int16 = 150, hp: Int16 = 100, nameOffset name: Offset = Offset(), inventoryVectorOffset inventory: Offset = Offset(), color: MyGame_Sample_Color = .blue, weaponsVectorOffset weapons: Offset = Offset(), equippedType: MyGame_Sample_Equipment = .none_, equippedOffset equipped: Offset = Offset(), pathVectorOffset path: Offset = Offset() ) -> Offset { let __start = MyGame_Sample_Monster.startMonster(&fbb) MyGame_Sample_Monster.add(pos: pos, &fbb) MyGame_Sample_Monster.add(mana: mana, &fbb) MyGame_Sample_Monster.add(hp: hp, &fbb) MyGame_Sample_Monster.add(name: name, &fbb) MyGame_Sample_Monster.addVectorOf(inventory: inventory, &fbb) MyGame_Sample_Monster.add(color: color, &fbb) MyGame_Sample_Monster.addVectorOf(weapons: weapons, &fbb) MyGame_Sample_Monster.add(equippedType: equippedType, &fbb) MyGame_Sample_Monster.add(equipped: equipped, &fbb) MyGame_Sample_Monster.addVectorOf(path: path, &fbb) return MyGame_Sample_Monster.endMonster(&fbb, start: __start) } public static func verify(_ verifier: inout Verifier, at position: Int, of type: T.Type) throws where T: Verifiable { var _v = try verifier.visitTable(at: position) try _v.visit(field: VTOFFSET.pos.p, fieldName: "pos", required: false, type: MyGame_Sample_Vec3.self) try _v.visit(field: VTOFFSET.mana.p, fieldName: "mana", required: false, type: Int16.self) try _v.visit(field: VTOFFSET.hp.p, fieldName: "hp", required: false, type: Int16.self) try _v.visit(field: VTOFFSET.name.p, fieldName: "name", required: false, type: ForwardOffset.self) try _v.visit(field: VTOFFSET.inventory.p, fieldName: "inventory", required: false, type: ForwardOffset>.self) try _v.visit(field: VTOFFSET.color.p, fieldName: "color", required: false, type: MyGame_Sample_Color.self) try _v.visit(field: VTOFFSET.weapons.p, fieldName: "weapons", required: false, type: ForwardOffset, MyGame_Sample_Weapon>>.self) try _v.visit(unionKey: VTOFFSET.equippedType.p, unionField: VTOFFSET.equipped.p, unionKeyName: "equippedType", fieldName: "equipped", required: false, completion: { (verifier, key: MyGame_Sample_Equipment, pos) in switch key { case .none_: break // NOTE - SWIFT doesnt support none case .weapon: try ForwardOffset.verify(&verifier, at: pos, of: MyGame_Sample_Weapon.self) } }) try _v.visit(field: VTOFFSET.path.p, fieldName: "path", required: false, type: ForwardOffset>.self) _v.finish() } } public struct MyGame_Sample_Weapon: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable { static func validateVersion() { FlatBuffersVersion_24_3_25() } public var __buffer: ByteBuffer! { return _accessor.bb } private var _accessor: Table private init(_ t: Table) { _accessor = t } public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) { _accessor = Table(bb: bb, position: o) } private enum VTOFFSET: VOffset { case name = 4 case damage = 6 var v: Int32 { Int32(self.rawValue) } var p: VOffset { self.rawValue } } public var name: String? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.name.v); return o == 0 ? nil : _accessor.string(at: o) } public var nameSegmentArray: [UInt8]? { return _accessor.getVector(at: VTOFFSET.name.v) } public var damage: Int16 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.damage.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int16.self, at: o) } @discardableResult public func mutate(damage: Int16) -> Bool {let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.damage.v); return _accessor.mutate(damage, index: o) } public static func startWeapon(_ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) -> UOffset { fbb.startTable(with: 2) } public static func add(name: Offset, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { fbb.add(offset: name, at: VTOFFSET.name.p) } public static func add(damage: Int16, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { fbb.add(element: damage, def: 0, at: VTOFFSET.damage.p) } public static func endWeapon(_ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder, start: UOffset) -> Offset { let end = Offset(offset: fbb.endTable(at: start)); return end } public static func createWeapon( _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder, nameOffset name: Offset = Offset(), damage: Int16 = 0 ) -> Offset { let __start = MyGame_Sample_Weapon.startWeapon(&fbb) MyGame_Sample_Weapon.add(name: name, &fbb) MyGame_Sample_Weapon.add(damage: damage, &fbb) return MyGame_Sample_Weapon.endWeapon(&fbb, start: __start) } public static func verify(_ verifier: inout Verifier, at position: Int, of type: T.Type) throws where T: Verifiable { var _v = try verifier.visitTable(at: position) try _v.visit(field: VTOFFSET.name.p, fieldName: "name", required: false, type: ForwardOffset.self) try _v.visit(field: VTOFFSET.damage.p, fieldName: "damage", required: false, type: Int16.self) _v.finish() } }