#include "catch.hpp" #include #include #include TEST_CASE("Location") { // fails on MSVC and doesn't really matter // static_assert(std::is_literal_type::value, "osmium::Location not literal type"); SECTION("instantiation_with_default_parameters") { osmium::Location loc; REQUIRE(!loc); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(loc.lon(), osmium::invalid_location); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(loc.lat(), osmium::invalid_location); } SECTION("instantiation_with_double_parameters") { osmium::Location loc1(1.2, 4.5); REQUIRE(!!loc1); REQUIRE(12000000 == loc1.x()); REQUIRE(45000000 == loc1.y()); REQUIRE(1.2 == loc1.lon()); REQUIRE(4.5 == loc1.lat()); osmium::Location loc2(loc1); REQUIRE(4.5 == loc2.lat()); osmium::Location loc3 = loc1; REQUIRE(4.5 == loc3.lat()); } SECTION("instantiation_with_double_parameters_constructor_with_universal_initializer") { osmium::Location loc { 2.2, 3.3 }; REQUIRE(2.2 == loc.lon()); REQUIRE(3.3 == loc.lat()); } SECTION("instantiation_with_double_parameters_constructor_with_initializer_list") { osmium::Location loc({ 4.4, 5.5 }); REQUIRE(4.4 == loc.lon()); REQUIRE(5.5 == loc.lat()); } SECTION("instantiation_with_double_parameters_operator_equal") { osmium::Location loc = { 5.5, 6.6 }; REQUIRE(5.5 == loc.lon()); REQUIRE(6.6 == loc.lat()); } SECTION("equality") { osmium::Location loc1(1.2, 4.5); osmium::Location loc2(1.2, 4.5); osmium::Location loc3(1.5, 1.5); REQUIRE(loc1 == loc2); REQUIRE(loc1 != loc3); } SECTION("order") { REQUIRE(osmium::Location(-1.2, 10.0) < osmium::Location(1.2, 10.0)); REQUIRE(osmium::Location(1.2, 10.0) > osmium::Location(-1.2, 10.0)); REQUIRE(osmium::Location(10.2, 20.0) < osmium::Location(11.2, 20.2)); REQUIRE(osmium::Location(10.2, 20.2) < osmium::Location(11.2, 20.0)); REQUIRE(osmium::Location(11.2, 20.2) > osmium::Location(10.2, 20.0)); } SECTION("validity") { REQUIRE(osmium::Location(0.0, 0.0).valid()); REQUIRE(osmium::Location(1.2, 4.5).valid()); REQUIRE(osmium::Location(-1.2, 4.5).valid()); REQUIRE(osmium::Location(-180.0, -90.0).valid()); REQUIRE(osmium::Location(180.0, -90.0).valid()); REQUIRE(osmium::Location(-180.0, 90.0).valid()); REQUIRE(osmium::Location(180.0, 90.0).valid()); REQUIRE(!osmium::Location(200.0, 4.5).valid()); REQUIRE(!osmium::Location(-1.2, -100.0).valid()); REQUIRE(!osmium::Location(-180.0, 90.005).valid()); } SECTION("output_to_iterator_comma_separator") { char buffer[100]; osmium::Location loc(-3.2, 47.3); *loc.as_string(buffer, ',') = 0; REQUIRE(std::string("-3.2,47.3") == buffer); } SECTION("output_to_iterator_space_separator") { char buffer[100]; osmium::Location loc(0.0, 7.0); *loc.as_string(buffer, ' ') = 0; REQUIRE(std::string("0 7") == buffer); } SECTION("output_to_iterator_check_precision") { char buffer[100]; osmium::Location loc(-179.9999999, -90.0); *loc.as_string(buffer, ' ') = 0; REQUIRE(std::string("-179.9999999 -90") == buffer); } SECTION("output_to_iterator_undefined_location") { char buffer[100]; osmium::Location loc; REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(loc.as_string(buffer, ','), osmium::invalid_location); } SECTION("output_to_string_comman_separator") { std::string s; osmium::Location loc(-3.2, 47.3); loc.as_string(std::back_inserter(s), ','); REQUIRE(s == "-3.2,47.3"); } SECTION("output_to_string_space_separator") { std::string s; osmium::Location loc(0.0, 7.0); loc.as_string(std::back_inserter(s), ' '); REQUIRE(s == "0 7"); } SECTION("output_to_string_check_precision") { std::string s; osmium::Location loc(-179.9999999, -90.0); loc.as_string(std::back_inserter(s), ' '); REQUIRE(s == "-179.9999999 -90"); } SECTION("output_to_string_undefined_location") { std::string s; osmium::Location loc; REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(loc.as_string(std::back_inserter(s), ','), osmium::invalid_location); } SECTION("output_defined") { osmium::Location p(-3.20, 47.30); std::stringstream out; out << p; REQUIRE(out.str() == "(-3.2,47.3)"); } SECTION("output_undefined") { osmium::Location p; std::stringstream out; out << p; REQUIRE(out.str() == "(undefined,undefined)"); } } TEST_CASE("Location hash") { if (sizeof(size_t) == 8) { REQUIRE(std::hash{}({0, 0}) == 0); REQUIRE(std::hash{}({0, 1}) == 1); const int64_t a = std::hash{}({1, 0}); REQUIRE(a == 0x100000000); const int64_t b = std::hash{}({1, 1}); REQUIRE(b == 0x100000001); } else { REQUIRE(std::hash{}({0, 0}) == 0); REQUIRE(std::hash{}({0, 1}) == 1); REQUIRE(std::hash{}({1, 0}) == 1); REQUIRE(std::hash{}({1, 1}) == 0); } } void C(const char* s, long v, const char* r = "") { std::string strm{"-"}; strm += s; REQUIRE(std::atof(strm.c_str() + 1) == Approx( v / 10000000.0)); REQUIRE(std::atof(strm.c_str() ) == Approx(-v / 10000000.0)); const char* x = strm.c_str() + 1; const char** data = &x; REQUIRE(osmium::detail::string_to_location_coordinate(data) == v); REQUIRE(std::string{*data} == r); x = strm.c_str(); data = &x; REQUIRE(osmium::detail::string_to_location_coordinate(data) == -v); REQUIRE(std::string{*data} == r); } void F(const char* s) { std::string strm{"-"}; strm += s; const char* x = strm.c_str(); const char** data = &x; REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(osmium::detail::string_to_location_coordinate(data), osmium::invalid_location); ++x; data = &x; REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(osmium::detail::string_to_location_coordinate(data), osmium::invalid_location); } TEST_CASE("Parsing coordinates from strings") { F("x"); F("."); F(".e2"); F("--"); F(""); F(" "); F(" 123"); C("123 ", 1230000000, " "); C("123x", 1230000000, "x"); C("1.2x", 12000000, "x"); C("0", 0); C("1", 10000000); C("2", 20000000); C("9", 90000000); C("10", 100000000); C("11", 110000000); C("90", 900000000); C("100", 1000000000); C("101", 1010000000); C("00", 0); C("01", 10000000); C("001", 10000000); C("0001", 10000000); F("1234"); F("1234."); F("12345678901234567890"); F("1.1234568111111111111111111111111111111"); F("112.34568111111111111111111111111111111"); C("0.", 0); C(".0", 0); C("0.0", 0); C("1.", 10000000); C("1.0", 10000000); C("1.2", 12000000); C("0.1", 1000000); C(".1", 1000000); C("0.01", 100000); C(".01", 100000); C("0.001", 10000); C("0.0001", 1000); C("0.00001", 100); C("0.000001", 10); C("0.0000001", 1); C("1.1234567", 11234567); C("1.12345670", 11234567); C("1.12345674", 11234567); C("1.123456751", 11234568); C("1.12345679", 11234568); C("1.12345680", 11234568); C("1.12345681", 11234568); C("180.0000000", 1800000000); C("180.0000001", 1800000001); C("179.9999999", 1799999999); C("179.99999999", 1800000000); C("200.123", 2001230000); C("8.109E-4" , 8109); C("8.1090E-4" , 8109); C("8.10909E-4" , 8109); C("8.109095E-4" , 8109); C("8.1090959E-4" , 8109); C("8.10909598E-4" , 8109); C("8.109095988E-4" , 8109); C("8.1090959887E-4" , 8109); C("8.10909598870E-4" , 8109); C("8.109095988709E-4" , 8109); C("8.1090959887098E-4" , 8109); C("8.10909598870983E-4" , 8109); C("8.109095988709837E-4" , 8109); C("81.09095988709837E-4" , 81091); C("810.9095988709837E-4" , 810910); C(".8109095988709837E-4" , 811); C(".08109095988709837E-4" , 81); C("1e2", 1000000000); C("1e1", 100000000); C("1e0", 10000000); C("1e-1", 1000000); C("1e-2", 100000); C("1e-3", 10000); C("1e-4", 1000); C("1e-5", 100); C("1e-6", 10); C("1e-7", 1); C("1.0e2", 1000000000); C("1.e2", 1000000000); C("1.1e1", 110000000); C("0.1e1", 10000000); C(".1e1", 10000000); C("1.2e0", 12000000); C("1.9e-1", 1900000); C("2.0e-2", 200000); C("2.1e-3", 21000); C("9.0e-4", 9000); C("9.1e-5", 910); C("1.0e-6", 10); C("1.0e-7", 1); C("1.4e-7", 1); C("1.5e-7", 2); C("1.9e-7", 2); C("0.5e-7", 1); C("0.1e-7", 0); C("0.0e-7", 0); C("1.9e-8", 0); C("1.9e-9", 0); C("1.9e-10", 0); F("e"); F(" e"); F(" 1.1e2"); F("1.0e3"); F("5e4"); F("5.0e2"); F("3e2"); F("1e"); F("1e-"); F("1e1234567"); F("0.5e"); F("1e10"); C("1e2 ", 1000000000, " "); C("1.1e2 ", 1100000000, " "); C("1.1e2x", 1100000000, "x"); C("1.1e2:", 1100000000, ":"); } TEST_CASE("Writing zero coordinate into string") { std::string buffer; osmium::detail::append_location_coordinate_to_string(std::back_inserter(buffer), 0); REQUIRE(buffer == "0"); } void CW(long v, const char* s) { std::string buffer; osmium::detail::append_location_coordinate_to_string(std::back_inserter(buffer), v); REQUIRE(buffer == s); buffer.clear(); osmium::detail::append_location_coordinate_to_string(std::back_inserter(buffer), -v); REQUIRE(buffer[0] == '-'); REQUIRE_FALSE(std::strcmp(buffer.c_str() + 1, s)); } TEST_CASE("Writing coordinate into string") { CW( 10000000, "1"); CW( 90000000, "9"); CW( 100000000, "10"); CW(1000000000, "100"); CW(2000000000, "200"); CW( 1000000, "0.1"); CW( 100000, "0.01"); CW( 10000, "0.001"); CW( 1000, "0.0001"); CW( 100, "0.00001"); CW( 10, "0.000001"); CW( 1, "0.0000001"); CW( 1230000, "0.123"); CW( 9999999, "0.9999999"); CW( 40101010, "4.010101"); CW( 494561234, "49.4561234"); CW(1799999999, "179.9999999"); } TEST_CASE("set lon/lat from string") { osmium::Location loc; loc.set_lon("1.2"); loc.set_lat("3.4"); REQUIRE(loc.lon() == Approx(1.2)); REQUIRE(loc.lat() == Approx(3.4)); } TEST_CASE("set lon/lat from string with trailing characters") { osmium::Location loc; REQUIRE_THROWS_AS({ loc.set_lon("1.2x"); }, osmium::invalid_location); REQUIRE_THROWS_AS({ loc.set_lat("3.4e1 "); }, osmium::invalid_location); } TEST_CASE("set lon/lat from string with trailing characters using partial") { osmium::Location loc; const char* x = "1.2x"; const char* y = "3.4 "; loc.set_lon_partial(&x); loc.set_lat_partial(&y); REQUIRE(loc.lon() == Approx(1.2)); REQUIRE(loc.lat() == Approx(3.4)); REQUIRE(*x == 'x'); REQUIRE(*y == ' '); }