/* open source routing machine Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, 2010 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt. */ #ifndef EXTRACTORSTRUCTS_H_ #define EXTRACTORSTRUCTS_H_ #include #include #include #include /* Default Speed Profile: motorway 110 motorway_link 90 trunk 90 trunk_link 70 primary 70 primary_link 60 secondary 60 secondary_link 50 tertiary 55 unclassified 25 residential 40 living_street 10 service 30 ferry 5 */ std::string names[14] = { "motorway", "motorway_link", "trunk", "trunk_link", "primary", "primary_link", "secondary", "secondary_link", "tertiary", "unclassified", "residential", "living_street", "service", "ferry" }; double speeds[14] = { 110, 90, 90, 70, 70, 60, 60, 50, 55, 25, 40 , 10, 30, 5}; struct _Node : NodeInfo{ bool trafficSignal; _Node(int _lat, int _lon, unsigned int _id) : NodeInfo(_lat, _lon, _id) {} _Node() {} static _Node min_value() { return _Node(0,0,0); } static _Node max_value() { return _Node(numeric_limits::max(), numeric_limits::max(), numeric_limits::max()); } NodeID key() const { return id; } }; struct _Coordinate { int lat; int lon; _Coordinate () : lat(INT_MIN), lon(INT_MIN) {} _Coordinate (int t, int n) : lat(t) , lon(n) {} }; struct _Way { std::vector< NodeID > path; enum { notSure = 0, oneway, bidirectional, opposite } direction; double maximumSpeed; bool usefull:1; bool access:1; short type; }; struct _Relation { enum { unknown = 0, ferry } type; }; struct _Edge { _Edge() {}; _Edge(NodeID s, NodeID t) : start(s), target(t) { } _Edge(NodeID s, NodeID t, short tp, short d, double sp): start(s), target(t), type(tp), direction(d), speed(sp) { } NodeID start; NodeID target; short type; short direction; double speed; _Coordinate startCoord; _Coordinate targetCoord; }; struct Settings { struct SpeedProfile { vector< double > speed; vector< string > names; } speedProfile; vector accessList; int trafficLightPenalty; int indexInAccessListOf( const string & key) { for(int i = 0; i< accessList.size(); i++) { if(accessList[i] == key) return i; } return -1; } }; struct Cmp : public std::binary_function { typedef NodeID value_type; bool operator () (const NodeID & a, const NodeID & b) const { return a < b; } value_type max_value() { return 0xffffffff; } value_type min_value() { return 0x0; } }; struct CompareEdgeByStart : public std::binary_function<_Edge, _Edge, bool> { typedef _Edge value_type; bool operator () (const _Edge & a, const _Edge & b) const { return a.start < b.start; } value_type max_value() { return _Edge(UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX); } value_type min_value() { return _Edge(0, 0); } }; struct CompareEdgeByTarget : public std::binary_function<_Edge, _Edge, bool> { typedef _Edge value_type; bool operator () (const _Edge & a, const _Edge & b) const { return a.target < b.target; } value_type max_value() { return _Edge(UINT_MAX, UINT_MAX); } value_type min_value() { return _Edge(0, 0); } }; struct CmpNodeByID : public std::binary_function<_Node, _Node, bool> { typedef _Node value_type; bool operator () (const _Node & a, const _Node & b) const { return a.id < b.id; } value_type max_value() { return _Node::max_value(); } value_type min_value() { return _Node::min_value(); } }; _Way _ReadXMLWay( xmlTextReaderPtr& inputReader, Settings& settings ) { _Way way; way.direction = _Way::notSure; way.maximumSpeed = -1; way.type = -1; way.usefull = false; way.access = true; // cout << "new way" << endl; if ( xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement( inputReader ) != 1 ) { const int depth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader ); while ( xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1 ) { const int childType = xmlTextReaderNodeType( inputReader ); if ( childType != 1 && childType != 15 ) continue; const int childDepth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader ); xmlChar* childName = xmlTextReaderName( inputReader ); if ( childName == NULL ) continue; if ( depth == childDepth && childType == 15 && xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "way" ) == 1 ) { xmlFree( childName ); break; } if ( childType != 1 ) { xmlFree( childName ); continue; } if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "tag" ) == 1 ) { xmlChar* k = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "k" ); xmlChar* value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "v" ); // cout << "->k=" << k << ", v=" << value << endl; if ( k != NULL && value != NULL ) { if ( xmlStrEqual( k, ( const xmlChar* ) "name" ) == 1 ) { //write into namedb and note nameid at edge. } if ( xmlStrEqual( k, ( const xmlChar* ) "oneway" ) == 1 ) { if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "no" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "false" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "0" ) == 1 ) way.direction = _Way::bidirectional; else if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "yes" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "true" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "1" ) == 1 ) way.direction = _Way::oneway; else if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "-1" ) == 1 ) way.direction = _Way::opposite; } else if ( xmlStrEqual( k, ( const xmlChar* ) "junction" ) == 1 ) { if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "roundabout" ) == 1 ) { if ( way.direction == _Way::notSure ) { way.direction = _Way::oneway; } way.usefull = true; if(way.type == -1) way.type = 9; } } else if ( xmlStrEqual( k, ( const xmlChar* ) "route" ) == 1 ) { string name( (const char* ) value ); if (name == "ferry") { for ( int i = 0; i < settings.speedProfile.names.size(); i++ ) { if ( name == settings.speedProfile.names[i] ) { way.type = i; way.maximumSpeed = settings.speedProfile.speed[i]; way.usefull = true; way.direction == _Way::bidirectional; break; } } } } else if ( xmlStrEqual( k, ( const xmlChar* ) "highway" ) == 1 ) { string name( ( const char* ) value ); for ( int i = 0; i < settings.speedProfile.names.size(); i++ ) { if ( name == settings.speedProfile.names[i] ) { way.type = i; way.usefull = true; break; } } if ( name == "motorway" ) { if ( way.direction == _Way::notSure ) { way.direction = _Way::oneway; } } else if ( name == "motorway_link" ) { if ( way.direction == _Way::notSure ) { way.direction = _Way::oneway; } } } else if ( xmlStrEqual( k, ( const xmlChar* ) "maxspeed" ) == 1 ) { double maxspeed = atof(( const char* ) value ); xmlChar buffer[100]; xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lf", maxspeed ); if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) { way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed; } else { xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lf kmh", maxspeed ); if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) { way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed; } else { xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lfkmh", maxspeed ); if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) { way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed; } else { xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lf km/h", maxspeed ); if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) { way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed; } else { xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lfkm/h", maxspeed ); if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) { way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed; } else { xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lf mph", maxspeed ); if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) { way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed; } else { xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lfmph", maxspeed ); if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) { way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed; } else { xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lf mp/h", maxspeed ); if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) { way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed; } else { xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lfmp/h", maxspeed ); if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) { way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed; } } } } } } } } } } else { if ( xmlStrEqual( k, (const xmlChar*) "access" )) { if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "private" ) == 1) if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "private" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "no" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "agricultural" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "forestry" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "delivery" ) == 1 ) { way.access = false; } else if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "yes" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "designated" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "official" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "permissive" ) == 1 ) { way.access = true; } } if ( xmlStrEqual( k, (const xmlChar*) "motorcar" )) { if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "yes" ) == 1) { way.access = true; } else if ( xmlStrEqual( k, (const xmlChar*) "no" )) { way.access = false; } } } if ( k != NULL ) xmlFree( k ); if ( value != NULL ) xmlFree( value ); } } else if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "nd" ) == 1 ) { xmlChar* ref = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "ref" ); if ( ref != NULL ) { way.path.push_back( atoi(( const char* ) ref ) ); xmlFree( ref ); } } xmlFree( childName ); } } assert(way.type > -1 || way.maximumSpeed != -1); return way; } _Node _ReadXMLNode( xmlTextReaderPtr& inputReader ) { _Node node; node.trafficSignal = false; xmlChar* attribute = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "lat" ); if ( attribute != NULL ) { node.lat = static_cast(100000.*atof(( const char* ) attribute ) ); xmlFree( attribute ); } attribute = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "lon" ); if ( attribute != NULL ) { node.lon = static_cast(100000.*atof(( const char* ) attribute )); xmlFree( attribute ); } attribute = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "id" ); if ( attribute != NULL ) { node.id = atoi(( const char* ) attribute ); xmlFree( attribute ); } if ( xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement( inputReader ) != 1 ) { const int depth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader ); while ( xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1 ) { const int childType = xmlTextReaderNodeType( inputReader ); // 1 = Element, 15 = EndElement if ( childType != 1 && childType != 15 ) continue; const int childDepth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader ); xmlChar* childName = xmlTextReaderName( inputReader ); if ( childName == NULL ) continue; if ( depth == childDepth && childType == 15 && xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "node" ) == 1 ) { xmlFree( childName ); break; } if ( childType != 1 ) { xmlFree( childName ); continue; } if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "tag" ) == 1 ) { xmlChar* k = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "k" ); xmlChar* value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "v" ); if ( k != NULL && value != NULL ) { if ( xmlStrEqual( k, ( const xmlChar* ) "highway" ) == 1 ) { if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "traffic_signals" ) == 1 ) node.trafficSignal = true; } } if ( k != NULL ) xmlFree( k ); if ( value != NULL ) xmlFree( value ); } xmlFree( childName ); } } return node; } _Relation _ReadXMLRelation ( xmlTextReaderPtr& inputReader ) { _Relation relation; relation.type = _Relation::unknown; return relation; } double ApproximateDistance( const int lat1, const int lon1, const int lat2, const int lon2 ) { static const double DEG_TO_RAD = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886; ///Earth's quatratic mean radius for WGS-84 static const double EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS = 6372797.560856; double latitudeArc = ( lat1/100000. - lat2/100000. ) * DEG_TO_RAD; double longitudeArc = ( lon1/100000. - lon2/100000. ) * DEG_TO_RAD; double latitudeH = sin( latitudeArc * 0.5 ); latitudeH *= latitudeH; double lontitudeH = sin( longitudeArc * 0.5 ); lontitudeH *= lontitudeH; double tmp = cos( lat1/100000. * DEG_TO_RAD ) * cos( lat2/100000. * DEG_TO_RAD ); double distanceArc = 2.0 * asin( sqrt( latitudeH + tmp * lontitudeH ) ); return EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS * distanceArc; } #endif /* EXTRACTORSTRUCTS_H_ */