#include "extractor/intersection/intersection_analysis.hpp" #include "extractor/graph_compressor.hpp" #include "../common/range_tools.hpp" #include "../unit_tests/mocks/mock_scripting_environment.hpp" #include BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(intersection_analysis_tests) using namespace osrm; using namespace osrm::guidance; using namespace osrm::extractor; using namespace osrm::extractor::intersection; using InputEdge = util::NodeBasedDynamicGraph::InputEdge; using Graph = util::NodeBasedDynamicGraph; BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(simple_intersection_connectivity) { std::unordered_set barrier_nodes{6}; std::unordered_set traffic_lights; std::vector annotations{ {EMPTY_NAMEID, 0, INAVLID_CLASS_DATA, TRAVEL_MODE_DRIVING, false}, {EMPTY_NAMEID, 1, INAVLID_CLASS_DATA, TRAVEL_MODE_DRIVING, false}}; std::vector restrictions{TurnRestriction{NodeRestriction{0, 2, 1}, false}}; CompressedEdgeContainer container; test::MockScriptingEnvironment scripting_environment; std::vector maneuver_overrides; TurnLanesIndexedArray turn_lanes_data{{0, 0, 3}, {TurnLaneType::uturn | TurnLaneType::left, TurnLaneType::straight, TurnLaneType::straight | TurnLaneType::right}}; // Graph with an additional turn restriction 0→2→1 and bollard at 6 // 0→5↔6↔7 // ↕ // 1↔2←3 // ↓ // 4 const auto unit_edge = [](const NodeID from, const NodeID to, bool allowed, AnnotationID annotation) { return InputEdge{from, to, 1, 1, 1, GeometryID{0, false}, !allowed, NodeBasedEdgeClassification(), annotation}; }; std::vector edges = {unit_edge(0, 2, true, 1), unit_edge(0, 5, true, 0), unit_edge(1, 2, true, 0), unit_edge(2, 0, true, 0), unit_edge(2, 1, true, 0), unit_edge(2, 3, false, 0), unit_edge(2, 4, true, 0), unit_edge(3, 2, true, 0), unit_edge(4, 2, false, 0), unit_edge(5, 0, false, 0), unit_edge(5, 6, true, 0), unit_edge(6, 5, true, 0), unit_edge(6, 7, true, 0), unit_edge(7, 6, true, 0)}; IntersectionEdgeGeometries edge_geometries{ {0, 180, 180, 10.}, // 0→2 {1, 90, 90, 10.}, // 0→5 {2, 90, 90, 10.}, // 1→2 {3, 0, 0, 10.}, // 2→0 {4, 270, 270, 10.}, // 2→1 {5, 90, 90, 10.}, // 2→3 {6, 180, 180, 10.}, // 2→4 {7, 270, 270, 10.}, // 3→2 {8, 0, 0, 10.}, // 4→2 {9, 270, 270, 10.}, // 5→0 {10, 90, 90, 10.}, // 5→6 {11, 270, 270, 10.}, // 6→5 {12, 90, 90, 10.}, // 6→7 {13, 270, 270, 10.} // 7→6 }; Graph graph(8, edges); GraphCompressor().Compress(barrier_nodes, traffic_lights, scripting_environment, restrictions, maneuver_overrides, graph, annotations, container); REQUIRE_SIZE_RANGE(getIncomingEdges(graph, 2), 3); REQUIRE_SIZE_RANGE(getOutgoingEdges(graph, 2), 4); EdgeBasedNodeDataContainer node_data_container( std::vector(graph.GetNumberOfEdges()), annotations); RestrictionGraph restriction_graph = constructRestrictionGraph(restrictions); RestrictionMap restriction_map(restriction_graph); const auto connectivity_matrix = [&](NodeID node) { std::vector result; const auto incoming_edges = getIncomingEdges(graph, node); const auto outgoing_edges = getOutgoingEdges(graph, node); for (const auto incoming_edge : incoming_edges) { for (const auto outgoing_edge : outgoing_edges) { result.push_back(isTurnAllowed(graph, node_data_container, restriction_map, barrier_nodes, edge_geometries, turn_lanes_data, incoming_edge, outgoing_edge)); } } return result; }; CHECK_EQUAL_RANGE(connectivity_matrix(0), 1, 1); // from node 2 allowed U-turn and to node 5 CHECK_EQUAL_RANGE(connectivity_matrix(1), 1); // from node 2 allowed U-turn CHECK_EQUAL_RANGE(connectivity_matrix(2), // clang-format off 1, 0, 0, 1, // from node 0 to node 4 and a U-turn at 2 1, 0, 0, 1, // from node 1 to nodes 0 and 4 1, 1, 0, 1 // from node 3 to nodes 0, 1 and 4 // clang-format on ); REQUIRE_SIZE_RANGE(connectivity_matrix(3), 0); // no incoming edges, empty matrix CHECK_EQUAL_RANGE(connectivity_matrix(4), 0); // from node 2 not allowed U-turn CHECK_EQUAL_RANGE(connectivity_matrix(5), // clang-format off 0, 1, // from node 0 to node 6 0, 1, // from node 6 a U-turn to node 6 // clang-format on ); CHECK_EQUAL_RANGE(connectivity_matrix(6), // clang-format off 1, 0, // from node 5 a U-turn to node 5 0, 1, // from node 7 a U-turn to node 7 // clang-format on ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(roundabout_intersection_connectivity) { std::unordered_set barrier_nodes; std::unordered_set traffic_lights; std::vector annotations; std::vector restrictions; CompressedEdgeContainer container; test::MockScriptingEnvironment scripting_environment; std::vector maneuver_overrides; TurnLanesIndexedArray turn_lanes_data; // Graph with roundabout edges 5→0→2 // 1 2 3 // ↘ ↑ ↙ // 0 // ↙ ↑ ↘ // 4 5 6 const auto unit_edge = [](const NodeID from, const NodeID to, bool allowed, bool roundabout) { return InputEdge{from, to, 1, 1, 1, GeometryID{0, false}, !allowed, NodeBasedEdgeClassification{ true, false, false, roundabout, false, false, false, {}, 0, 0}, 0}; }; std::vector edges = {unit_edge(0, 1, false, false), unit_edge(0, 2, true, true), unit_edge(0, 3, false, false), unit_edge(0, 4, true, false), unit_edge(0, 5, false, true), unit_edge(0, 6, true, false), unit_edge(1, 0, true, false), unit_edge(2, 0, false, true), unit_edge(3, 0, true, false), unit_edge(4, 0, false, false), unit_edge(5, 0, true, true), unit_edge(6, 0, false, false)}; IntersectionEdgeGeometries edge_geometries{ {0, 315, 315, 10}, // 0→1 {1, 0, 0, 10}, // 0→2 {2, 45, 45, 10}, // 0→3 {3, 225, 225, 10}, // 0→4 {4, 180, 180, 10}, // 0→5 {5, 135, 135, 10}, // 0→6 {6, 135, 135, 10}, // 1→0 {7, 180, 180, 10}, // 2→0 {8, 225, 225, 10}, // 3→0 {9, 45, 45, 10}, // 4→0 {10, 0, 0, 10}, // 5→0 {11, 315, 315, 10} // 6→0 }; Graph graph(7, edges); GraphCompressor().Compress(barrier_nodes, traffic_lights, scripting_environment, restrictions, maneuver_overrides, graph, annotations, container); REQUIRE_SIZE_RANGE(getIncomingEdges(graph, 0), 3); REQUIRE_SIZE_RANGE(getOutgoingEdges(graph, 0), 6); EdgeBasedNodeDataContainer node_data_container( std::vector(graph.GetNumberOfEdges()), annotations); RestrictionGraph restriction_graph = constructRestrictionGraph(restrictions); RestrictionMap restriction_map(restriction_graph); const auto connectivity_matrix = [&](NodeID node) { std::vector result; const auto incoming_edges = getIncomingEdges(graph, node); const auto outgoing_edges = getOutgoingEdges(graph, node); for (const auto incoming_edge : incoming_edges) { for (const auto outgoing_edge : outgoing_edges) { result.push_back(isTurnAllowed(graph, node_data_container, restriction_map, barrier_nodes, edge_geometries, turn_lanes_data, incoming_edge, outgoing_edge)); } } return result; }; CHECK_EQUAL_RANGE(connectivity_matrix(0), // clang-format off 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, // from node 1 to nodes 2 and 6 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, // from node 3 to nodes 2 and 4 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 // from node 5 to nodes 2, 4 and 6 // clang-format on ); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(skip_degree_two_nodes) { std::unordered_set barrier_nodes{1}; std::unordered_set traffic_lights{2}; std::vector annotations(1); std::vector restrictions; CompressedEdgeContainer container; test::MockScriptingEnvironment scripting_environment; std::vector maneuver_overrides; TurnLanesIndexedArray turn_lanes_data; // Graph // // 0↔1→2↔3↔4→5 7 // ↑ ↕ ↕ // 6 8 ↔ 9 // const auto unit_edge = [](const NodeID from, const NodeID to, bool allowed) { return InputEdge{ from, to, 1, 1, 1, GeometryID{0, false}, !allowed, NodeBasedEdgeClassification{}, 0}; }; std::vector edges = {unit_edge(0, 1, true), // 0 unit_edge(1, 0, true), unit_edge(1, 2, true), unit_edge(2, 1, false), unit_edge(2, 3, true), unit_edge(3, 2, true), // 5 unit_edge(3, 4, true), unit_edge(4, 3, true), unit_edge(4, 5, true), unit_edge(4, 6, false), unit_edge(5, 4, false), // 10 unit_edge(6, 4, true), // Circle unit_edge(7, 8, true), // 12 unit_edge(7, 9, true), unit_edge(8, 7, true), unit_edge(8, 9, true), unit_edge(9, 7, true), unit_edge(9, 8, true)}; Graph graph(10, edges); GraphCompressor().Compress(barrier_nodes, traffic_lights, scripting_environment, restrictions, maneuver_overrides, graph, annotations, container); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(graph.GetTarget(skipDegreeTwoNodes(graph, {0, 0}).edge), 4); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(graph.GetTarget(skipDegreeTwoNodes(graph, {4, 7}).edge), 0); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(graph.GetTarget(skipDegreeTwoNodes(graph, {5, 10}).edge), 4); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(graph.GetTarget(skipDegreeTwoNodes(graph, {6, 11}).edge), 4); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(graph.GetTarget(skipDegreeTwoNodes(graph, {7, 12}).edge), 7); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END()