require 'OSM/objects' #osmlib gem require 'OSM/Database' require 'builder' OSM_USER = 'osrm' OSM_GENERATOR = 'osrm-test' OSM_UID = 1 TEST_FOLDER = 'test' DATA_FOLDER = 'cache' PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE = 'preprocessing.log' LOG_FILE = 'fail.log' OSM_TIMESTAMP = '2000-00-00T00:00:00Z' DEFAULT_SPEEDPROFILE = 'bicycle' WAY_SPACING = 1000 DEFAULT_GRID_SIZE = 100 #meters ORIGIN = [1,1] def set_grid_size meters @zoom = 0.001*(meters.to_f/111.21) end def build_ways_from_table table #add one unconnected way for each row table.hashes.each_with_index do |row,ri| #NOTE: #currently osrm crashes when processing an isolated oneway with just 2 nodes, so we use 4 #this is relatated to the fact that a oneway deadend doesn't make a lot of sense #if we stack ways on different x coordinates, outability tests get messed up, because osrm might pick a neighboring way if the one test can't be used. #instead we place all lines as a string on the same y coordinate. this prevents using neightboring ways. #a few nodes... node1 = make_osm_id, OSM_USER, OSM_TIMESTAMP, ORIGIN[0]+(0+WAY_SPACING*ri)*@zoom, ORIGIN[1] node2 = make_osm_id, OSM_USER, OSM_TIMESTAMP, ORIGIN[0]+(1+WAY_SPACING*ri)*@zoom, ORIGIN[1] node3 = make_osm_id, OSM_USER, OSM_TIMESTAMP, ORIGIN[0]+(2+WAY_SPACING*ri)*@zoom, ORIGIN[1] node4 = make_osm_id, OSM_USER, OSM_TIMESTAMP, ORIGIN[0]+(3+WAY_SPACING*ri)*@zoom, ORIGIN[1] node1.uid = OSM_UID node2.uid = OSM_UID node3.uid = OSM_UID node4.uid = OSM_UID node1 << { :name => "a#{ri}" } node2 << { :name => "b#{ri}" } node3 << { :name => "c#{ri}" } node4 << { :name => "d#{ri}" } osm_db << node1 osm_db << node2 osm_db << node3 osm_db << node4 #...with a way between them way = make_osm_id, OSM_USER, OSM_TIMESTAMP way.uid = OSM_UID way << node1 way << node2 way << node3 way << node4 tags = row.dup tags.delete 'forw' tags.delete 'backw' tags['name'] = "w#{ri}" tags.reject! { |k,v| v=='' } way << tags osm_db << way end end def find_node_by_name s name_node_hash[s.to_s] end def find_way_by_name s name_way_hash[s.to_s] || name_way_hash[s.to_s.reverse] end def reset_data Dir.chdir TEST_FOLDER do #clear_log #clear_data_files end reset_speedprofile reset_osm @fingerprint = nil end def make_osm_id @osm_id = @osm_id+1 end def reset_osm osm_db.clear name_node_hash.clear name_way_hash.clear @osm_str = nil @osm_hash = nil ##ID -1 causes trouble, so add a few nodes to avoid it #node = nil, OSM_USER, OSM_TIMESTAMP, 0,0 #node = nil, OSM_USER, OSM_TIMESTAMP, 0,0 @osm_id = 0 end def clear_data_files File.delete *Dir.glob("#{DATA_FOLDER}/test.*") end def clear_log File.delete *Dir.glob("*.log") end def osm_db @osm_db ||= end def name_node_hash @name_node_hash ||= {} end def name_way_hash @name_way_hash ||= {} end def osm_str return @osm_str if @osm_str @osm_str = '' doc = :indent => 2, :target => @osm_str doc.instruct! osm_db.to_xml doc, OSM_GENERATOR @osm_str end def write_osm #write .oms file if needed Dir.mkdir DATA_FOLDER unless File.exist? DATA_FOLDER @osm_file = "#{DATA_FOLDER}/#{fingerprint}" unless File.exist?("#{@osm_file}.osm") "#{@osm_file}.osm", 'w') {|f| f.write(osm_str) } end end def convert_osm_to_pbf unless File.exist?("#{@osm_file}.osm.pbf") log_preprocess_info log "== Converting #{@osm_file}.osm to protobuffer format...", :preprocess #redirect stdout and stderr to a log file avoid output in the cucumber console unless system "osmosis --read-xml #{@osm_file}.osm --write-pbf #{@osm_file}.osm.pbf omitmetadata=true 1>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE} 2>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE}" raise "Failed to convert to proto buffer format. Please see #{hash}.log for more info." end log '', :preprocess end end def extracted? File.exist?("#{@osm_file}.osrm") && File.exist?("#{@osm_file}.osrm.names") && File.exist?("#{@osm_file}.osrm.restrictions") end def prepared? base = "#{DATA_FOLDER}/#{fingerprint}" File.exist?("#{base}.osrm.hsgr") end def reprocess Dir.chdir TEST_FOLDER do write_speedprofile write_osm convert_osm_to_pbf unless extracted? log_preprocess_info log "== Extracting #{@osm_file}.osm...", :preprocess unless system "../osrm-extract #{@osm_file}.osm.pbf 1>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE} 2>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE}" log "*** Exited with code #{$?.exitstatus}.", :preprocess raise "*** osrm-extract exited with code #{$?.exitstatus}. The file preprocess.log might contain more info." end log '', :preprocess end unless prepared? log_preprocess_info log "== Preparing #{@osm_file}.osm...", :preprocess unless system "../osrm-prepare #{@osm_file}.osrm #{@osm_file}.osrm.restrictions 1>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE} 2>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE}" log "*** Exited with code #{$?.exitstatus}.", :preprocess raise "*** osrm-prepare exited with code #{$?.exitstatus}. The file preprocess.log might contain more info." end log '', :preprocess end log_preprocess_done write_server_ini end end