#ifndef ENGINE_RESPONSE_OBJECTS_HPP_ #define ENGINE_RESPONSE_OBJECTS_HPP_ #include "extractor/travel_mode.hpp" #include "guidance/turn_instruction.hpp" #include "engine/guidance/leg_geometry.hpp" #include "engine/guidance/route.hpp" #include "engine/guidance/route_leg.hpp" #include "engine/guidance/route_step.hpp" #include "engine/guidance/step_maneuver.hpp" #include "engine/polyline_compressor.hpp" #include "util/coordinate.hpp" #include "util/json_container.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include namespace osrm { namespace engine { struct Hint; namespace api { namespace json { namespace detail { util::json::Array coordinateToLonLat(const util::Coordinate &coordinate); /** * Ensures that a bearing value is a whole number, and clamped to the range 0-359 */ inline double roundAndClampBearing(double bearing) { return std::fmod(std::round(bearing), 360); } } // namespace detail template util::json::String makePolyline(ForwardIter begin, ForwardIter end) { return {encodePolyline(begin, end)}; } template util::json::Object makeGeoJSONGeometry(ForwardIter begin, ForwardIter end) { auto num_coordinates = std::distance(begin, end); BOOST_ASSERT(num_coordinates != 0); util::json::Object geojson; geojson.values["type"] = "LineString"; util::json::Array coordinates; if (num_coordinates > 1) { coordinates.values.reserve(num_coordinates); auto into = std::back_inserter(coordinates.values); std::transform(begin, end, into, &detail::coordinateToLonLat); } else if (num_coordinates > 0) { // For a single location we create a [location, location] LineString // instead of a single Point making the GeoJSON output consistent. coordinates.values.reserve(2); auto location = detail::coordinateToLonLat(*begin); coordinates.values.push_back(location); coordinates.values.push_back(location); } geojson.values["coordinates"] = std::move(coordinates); return geojson; } util::json::Object makeStepManeuver(const guidance::StepManeuver &maneuver); util::json::Object makeRouteStep(guidance::RouteStep step, util::json::Value geometry); util::json::Object makeRoute(const guidance::Route &route, util::json::Array legs, boost::optional geometry, const char *weight_name); // Creates a Waypoint without Hint, see the Hint overload below util::json::Object makeWaypoint(const util::Coordinate &location, const double &distance, std::string name); // Creates a Waypoint with Hint, see the overload above when Hint is not needed util::json::Object makeWaypoint(const util::Coordinate &location, const double &distance, std::string name, const Hint &hint); util::json::Object makeRouteLeg(guidance::RouteLeg leg, util::json::Array steps); util::json::Array makeRouteLegs(std::vector legs, std::vector step_geometries, std::vector annotations); } } } // namespace engine } // namespace osrm #endif // ENGINE_GUIDANCE_API_RESPONSE_GENERATOR_HPP_