-- Foot profile -- Begin of globals bollards_whitelist = { [""] = true, ["cattle_grid"] = true, ["border_control"] = true, ["toll_booth"] = true, ["sally_port"] = true, ["gate"] = true} access_tag_whitelist = { ["yes"] = true, ["foot"] = true, ["permissive"] = true, ["designated"] = true } access_tag_blacklist = { ["no"] = true, ["private"] = true, ["agricultural"] = true, ["forestery"] = true } access_tag_restricted = { ["destination"] = true, ["delivery"] = true } access_tags = { "foot" } service_tag_restricted = { ["parking_aisle"] = true } ignore_in_grid = { ["ferry"] = true } restriction_exception_tags = { "foot" } speed_profile = { ["primary"] = 5, ["primary_link"] = 5, ["secondary"] = 5, ["secondary_link"] = 5, ["tertiary"] = 5, ["tertiary_link"] = 5, ["unclassified"] = 5, ["residential"] = 5, ["road"] = 5, ["living_street"] = 5, ["service"] = 5, ["track"] = 5, ["path"] = 5, ["steps"] = 5, ["ferry"] = 5, ["pedestrian"] = 5, ["footway"] = 5, ["pier"] = 5, ["default"] = 5 } take_minimum_of_speeds = true obey_oneway = true obey_bollards = false use_restrictions = false ignore_areas = true -- future feature traffic_signal_penalty = 2 u_turn_penalty = 2 -- End of globals function get_exceptions(vector) for i,v in ipairs(restriction_exception_tags) do vector:Add(v) end end function node_function (node) local barrier = node.tags:Find ("barrier") local access = node.tags:Find ("access") local traffic_signal = node.tags:Find("highway") --flag node if it carries a traffic light if traffic_signal == "traffic_signals" then node.traffic_light = true; end if obey_bollards then --flag node as unpassable if it black listed as unpassable if access_tag_blacklist[barrier] then node.bollard = true; end --reverse the previous flag if there is an access tag specifying entrance if node.bollard and not bollards_whitelist[barrier] and not access_tag_whitelist[barrier] then node.bollard = false; end end return 1 end function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay) -- A way must have two nodes or more if(numberOfNodesInWay < 2) then return 0; end -- First, get the properties of each way that we come across local highway = way.tags:Find("highway") local name = way.tags:Find("name") local ref = way.tags:Find("ref") local junction = way.tags:Find("junction") local route = way.tags:Find("route") local maxspeed = parseMaxspeed(way.tags:Find ( "maxspeed") ) local man_made = way.tags:Find("man_made") local barrier = way.tags:Find("barrier") local oneway = way.tags:Find("oneway") local onewayClass = way.tags:Find("oneway:foot") local duration = way.tags:Find("duration") local service = way.tags:Find("service") local area = way.tags:Find("area") local access = way.tags:Find("access") -- Second parse the way according to these properties if ignore_areas and ("yes" == area) then return 0 end -- Check if we are allowed to access the way if access_tag_blacklist[access] ~=nil and access_tag_blacklist[access] then return 0; end -- Check if our vehicle types are forbidden for i,v in ipairs(access_tags) do local mode_value = way.tags:Find(v) if nil ~= mode_value and "no" == mode_value then return 0; end end -- Set the name that will be used for instructions if "" ~= ref then way.name = ref elseif "" ~= name then way.name = name end if "roundabout" == junction then way.roundabout = true; end -- Handling ferries and piers if (speed_profile[route] ~= nil and speed_profile[route] > 0) or (speed_profile[man_made] ~= nil and speed_profile[man_made] > 0) then if durationIsValid(duration) then way.speed = parseDuration(duration) / math.max(1, numberOfNodesInWay-1); way.is_duration_set = true; end way.direction = Way.bidirectional; if speed_profile[route] ~= nil then highway = route; elseif speed_profile[man_made] ~= nil then highway = man_made; end if not way.is_duration_set then way.speed = speed_profile[highway] end end -- Set the avg speed on the way if it is accessible by road class if (speed_profile[highway] ~= nil and way.speed == -1 ) then way.speed = speed_profile[highway] end -- Set the avg speed on ways that are marked accessible if access_tag_whitelist[access] and way.speed == -1 then if (0 < maxspeed and not take_minimum_of_speeds) or maxspeed == 0 then maxspeed = math.huge end way.speed = math.min(speed_profile["default"], maxspeed) end -- Set access restriction flag if access is allowed under certain restrictions only if access ~= "" and access_tag_restricted[access] then way.is_access_restricted = true end -- Set access restriction flag if service is allowed under certain restrictions only if service ~= "" and service_tag_restricted[service] then way.is_access_restricted = true end -- Set direction according to tags on way if obey_oneway then if onewayClass == "yes" or onewayClass == "1" or onewayClass == "true" then way.direction = Way.oneway elseif onewayClass == "no" or onewayClass == "0" or onewayClass == "false" then way.direction = Way.bidirectional elseif onewayClass == "-1" then way.direction = Way.opposite else way.direction = Way.bidirectional end else way.direction = Way.bidirectional end -- Override general direction settings of there is a specific one for our mode of travel if ignore_in_grid[highway] ~= nil and ignore_in_grid[highway] then way.ignore_in_grid = true end way.type = 1 return 1 end