@prepare @options @files Feature: osrm-contract command line options: datasources # expansions: # {processed_file} => path to .osrm file Background: Given the profile "testbot" Given the extract extra arguments "--generate-edge-lookup" And the node map """ a b """ And the ways | nodes | | ab | And the speed file """ 1,2,50 2,1,50 2,3,50 3,2,50 1,4,50 4,1,50 """ And the data has been extracted Scenario: osrm-contract - Passing base file When I run "osrm-contract --segment-speed-file {speeds_file} {processed_file}" Then datasource names should contain "lua profile,27_osrmcontract_passing_base_file_speeds" And it should exit successfully Scenario: osrm-contract - Passing base file Given the speed file """ """ And the data has been extracted When I run "osrm-contract --segment-speed-file {speeds_file} {processed_file}" Then it should exit successfully