var OSRM = require('../../'); var test = require('tape'); var monaco_path = require('./constants').data_path; var monaco_mld_path = require('./constants').mld_data_path; var monaco_corech_path = require('./constants').corech_data_path; test('constructor: throws if new keyword is not used', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); assert.throws(function() { OSRM(); }, /Cannot call constructor as function, you need to use 'new' keyword/); }); test('constructor: uses defaults with no parameter', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM(); assert.ok(osrm); }); test('constructor: does not accept more than one parameter', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); assert.throws(function() { new OSRM({}, {}); }, /Only accepts one parameter/); }); test('constructor: throws if necessary files do not exist', function(assert) { assert.plan(2); assert.throws(function() { new OSRM('missing.osrm'); }, /Required files are missing, cannot continue/); assert.throws(function() { new OSRM({path: 'missing.osrm', algorithm: 'MLD'}); }, /Required files are missing, cannot continue/); }); test('constructor: takes a shared memory argument', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM({path: monaco_path, shared_memory: false}); assert.ok(osrm); }); test('constructor: throws if shared_memory==false with no path defined', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); assert.throws(function() { new OSRM({shared_memory: false}); }, /Shared_memory must be enabled if no path is specified/); }); test('constructor: throws if given a non-bool shared_memory option', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); assert.throws(function() { new OSRM({path: monaco_path, shared_memory: 'a'}); }, /Shared_memory option must be a boolean/); }); test('constructor: throws if given a non-string/obj argument', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); assert.throws(function() { new OSRM(true); }, /Parameter must be a path or options object/); }); test('constructor: throws if given an unkown algorithm', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); assert.throws(function() { new OSRM({algorithm: 'Foo', shared_memory: true}); }, /algorithm option must be one of 'CH', 'CoreCH', or 'MLD'/); }); test('constructor: throws if given an invalid algorithm', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); assert.throws(function() { new OSRM({algorithm: 3, shared_memory: true}); }, /algorithm option must be a string and one of 'CH', 'CoreCH', or 'MLD'/); }); test('constructor: loads MLD if given as algorithm', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM({algorithm: 'MLD', path: monaco_mld_path}); assert.ok(osrm); }); test('constructor: loads CH if given as algorithm', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM({algorithm: 'CH', path: monaco_path}); assert.ok(osrm); }); test('constructor: loads CoreCH if given as algorithm', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM({algorithm: 'CoreCH', path: monaco_corech_path}); assert.ok(osrm); }); test('constructor: autoswitches to CoreCH for a CH dataset if capable', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM({algorithm: 'CH', path: monaco_corech_path}); assert.ok(osrm); }); test('constructor: throws if data doesn\'t match algorithm', function(assert) { assert.plan(3); assert.throws(function() { new OSRM({algorithm: 'CoreCH', path: monaco_mld_path}); }); assert.throws(function() { new OSRM({algorithm: 'CoreCH', path: monaco_path}); }); assert.throws(function() { new OSRM({algorithm: 'MLD', path: monaco_path}); }); }); test('constructor: parses custom limits', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); var osrm = new OSRM({ path: monaco_mld_path, algorithm: 'MLD', max_locations_trip: 1, max_locations_viaroute: 1, max_locations_distance_table: 1, max_locations_map_matching: 1, max_results_nearest: 1, max_alternatives: 1, }); assert.ok(osrm); }); test('constructor: throws on invalid custom limits', function(assert) { assert.plan(1); assert.throws(function() { var osrm = new OSRM({ path: monaco_mld_path, algorithm: 'MLD', max_locations_trip: 'unlimited', max_locations_viaroute: true, max_locations_distance_table: false, max_locations_map_matching: 'a lot', max_results_nearest: null, max_alternatives: '10' }) }); }); require('./route.js'); require('./trip.js'); require('./match.js'); require('./tile.js'); require('./table.js'); require('./nearest.js');