// some constants OSRM.GEOCODE_POST = 'http://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/v1/search?format=json'; OSRM.SOURCE_MARKER_LABEL = "source"; OSRM.TARGET_MARKER_LABEL = "target"; // prepare request and call geocoder function callGeocoder(marker_id, query) { //build request if (marker_id == OSRM.SOURCE_MARKER_LABEL) { var src= OSRM.GEOCODE_POST + "&q=" + query; OSRM.JSONP.call( src, showGeocoderResults_Source, showGeocoderResults_Timeout, OSRM.JSONP.TIMEOUT, "geocoder_source" ); } else if (marker_id == OSRM.TARGET_MARKER_LABEL) { var src = OSRM.GEOCODE_POST + "&q=" + query; OSRM.JSONP.call( src, showGeocoderResults_Target, showGeocoderResults_Timeout, OSRM.JSONP.TIMEOUT, "geocoder_target" ); } } // helper function for clicks on geocoder search results function onclickGeocoderResult(marker_id, lat, lon) { var index; if( marker_id == OSRM.SOURCE_MARKER_LABEL ) index = my_markers.setSource( new L.LatLng(lat, lon) ); else if( marker_id == OSRM.TARGET_MARKER_LABEL ) index = my_markers.setTarget( new L.LatLng(lat, lon) ); else index = -1; // search via positions not yet implemented my_markers.route[index].show(); my_markers.route[index].centerView(); getRoute(OSRM.FULL_DESCRIPTION); } // processing JSONP response of geocoder // (with wrapper functions for source/target jsonp) function showGeocoderResults_Source(response) { showGeocoderResults(OSRM.SOURCE_MARKER_LABEL, response); } function showGeocoderResults_Target(response) { showGeocoderResults(OSRM.TARGET_MARKER_LABEL, response); } function showGeocoderResults(marker_id, response) { if(response){ if(response.length == 0) { showGeocoderResults_Empty(); return; } var html = ""; html += ''; for(var i=0; i < response.length; i++){ var result = response[i]; //odd or even ? var rowstyle='results-odd'; if(i%2==0) { rowstyle='results-even'; } html += ''; html += ''; html += '"; } html += '
'+(i+1)+'.'; if(result.display_name){ html += '
'; } html += "
'; document.getElementById('information-box-headline').innerHTML = OSRM.loc("SEARCH_RESULTS")+":"; document.getElementById('information-box').innerHTML = html; onclickGeocoderResult(marker_id, response[0].lat, response[0].lon); } } function showGeocoderResults_Empty() { document.getElementById('information-box-headline').innerHTML = OSRM.loc("SEARCH_RESULTS")+":"; document.getElementById('information-box').innerHTML = "


"; } function showGeocoderResults_Timeout() { document.getElementById('information-box-headline').innerHTML = OSRM.loc("SEARCH_RESULTS")+":"; document.getElementById('information-box').innerHTML = "


"; }