require("lib/access") -- Begin of globals barrier_whitelist = { [""] = true, ["cycle_barrier"] = true, ["bollard"] = true, ["entrance"] = true, ["cattle_grid"] = true, ["border_control"] = true, ["toll_booth"] = true, ["sally_port"] = true, ["gate"] = true} access_tag_whitelist = { ["yes"] = true, ["permissive"] = true, ["designated"] = true } access_tag_blacklist = { ["no"] = true, ["private"] = true, ["agricultural"] = true, ["forestery"] = true } access_tag_restricted = { ["destination"] = true, ["delivery"] = true } access_tags_hierachy = { "bicycle", "vehicle", "access" } cycleway_tags = {["track"]=true,["lane"]=true,["opposite"]=true,["opposite_lane"]=true,["opposite_track"]=true,["share_busway"]=true,["sharrow"]=true,["shared"]=true } service_tag_restricted = { ["parking_aisle"] = true } restriction_exception_tags = { "bicycle", "vehicle", "access" } default_speed = 16 walking_speed = 4 bicycle_speeds = { ["cycleway"] = 18, ["primary"] = 17, ["primary_link"] = 17, ["secondary"] = 18, ["secondary_link"] = 18, ["tertiary"] = 18, ["tertiary_link"] = 18, ["residential"] = 18, ["unclassified"] = 16, ["living_street"] = 16, ["road"] = 16, ["service"] = 16, ["track"] = 13, ["path"] = 13 --["footway"] = 12, --["pedestrian"] = 12, } pedestrian_speeds = { ["footway"] = walking_speed, ["pedestrian"] = walking_speed, ["steps"] = 2 } railway_speeds = { ["train"] = 10, ["railway"] = 10, ["subway"] = 10, ["light_rail"] = 10, ["monorail"] = 10, ["tram"] = 10 } platform_speeds = { ["platform"] = walking_speed } amenity_speeds = { ["parking"] = 10, ["parking_entrance"] = 10 } man_made_speeds = { ["pier"] = walking_speed } route_speeds = { ["ferry"] = 5 } take_minimum_of_speeds = true obey_oneway = true obey_bollards = false use_restrictions = true ignore_areas = true -- future feature traffic_signal_penalty = 2 u_turn_penalty = 20 -- End of globals function get_exceptions(vector) for i,v in ipairs(restriction_exception_tags) do vector:Add(v) end end function node_function (node) local barrier = node.tags:Find ("barrier") local access = Access.find_access_tag(node, access_tags_hierachy) local traffic_signal = node.tags:Find("highway") -- flag node if it carries a traffic light if traffic_signal == "traffic_signals" then node.traffic_light = true end -- parse access and barrier tags if access and access ~= "" then if access_tag_blacklist[access] then node.bollard = true else node.bollard = false end elseif barrier and barrier ~= "" then if barrier_whitelist[barrier] then node.bollard = false else node.bollard = true end end return 1 end function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay) -- A way must have two nodes or more if(numberOfNodesInWay < 2) then return 0; end -- initial routability check, filters out buildings, boundaries, etc local highway = way.tags:Find("highway") local route = way.tags:Find("route") local man_made = way.tags:Find("man_made") local railway = way.tags:Find("railway") local amenity = way.tags:Find("amenity") local public_transport = way.tags:Find("public_transport") if (not highway or highway == '') and (not route or route == '') and (not railway or railway=='') and (not amenity or amenity=='') and (not man_made or man_made=='') and (not public_transport or public_transport=='') then return 0 end -- access local access = Access.find_access_tag(way, access_tags_hierachy) if access_tag_blacklist[access] then return 0 end -- other tags local name = way.tags:Find("name") local ref = way.tags:Find("ref") local junction = way.tags:Find("junction") local maxspeed = parseMaxspeed(way.tags:Find ( "maxspeed") ) local maxspeed_forward = parseMaxspeed(way.tags:Find( "maxspeed:forward")) local maxspeed_backward = parseMaxspeed(way.tags:Find( "maxspeed:backward")) local barrier = way.tags:Find("barrier") local oneway = way.tags:Find("oneway") local onewayClass = way.tags:Find("oneway:bicycle") local cycleway = way.tags:Find("cycleway") local cycleway_left = way.tags:Find("cycleway:left") local cycleway_right = way.tags:Find("cycleway:right") local duration = way.tags:Find("duration") local service = way.tags:Find("service") local area = way.tags:Find("area") local foot = way.tags:Find("foot") -- name if "" ~= ref then = ref elseif "" ~= name then = name else = highway -- if no name exists, use way type end -- speed if route_speeds[route] then -- ferries (doesn't cover routes tagged using relations) way.direction = Way.bidirectional way.ignore_in_grid = true if durationIsValid(duration) then way.duration = math.max( 1, parseDuration(duration) ) else way.speed = route_speeds[route] end elseif railway and platform_speeds[railway] then -- railway platforms (old tagging scheme) way.speed = platform_speeds[railway] elseif platform_speeds[public_transport] then -- public_transport platforms (new tagging platform) way.speed = platform_speeds[public_transport] elseif railway and railway_speeds[railway] then -- railways if access and access_tag_whitelist[access] then way.speed = railway_speeds[railway] way.direction = Way.bidirectional end elseif amenity and amenity_speeds[amenity] then -- parking areas way.speed = amenity_speeds[amenity] elseif bicycle_speeds[highway] then -- regular ways way.speed = bicycle_speeds[highway] elseif access and access_tag_whitelist[access] then -- unknown way, but valid access tag way.speed = default_speed else -- biking not allowed, maybe we can push our bike? -- essentially requires pedestrian profiling, for example foot=no mean we can't push a bike -- TODO: if we can push, the way should be marked as pedestrion mode, but there's no way to do it yet from lua.. if foot ~= 'no' then if pedestrian_speeds[highway] then -- pedestrian-only ways and areas way.speed = pedestrian_speeds[highway] elseif man_made and man_made_speeds[man_made] then -- man made structures way.speed = man_made_speeds[man_made] elseif foot == 'yes' then way.speed = walking_speed end end end -- direction way.direction = Way.bidirectional local impliedOneway = false if junction == "roundabout" or highway == "motorway_link" or highway == "motorway" then way.direction = Way.oneway impliedOneway = true end if onewayClass == "yes" or onewayClass == "1" or onewayClass == "true" then way.direction = Way.oneway elseif onewayClass == "no" or onewayClass == "0" or onewayClass == "false" then way.direction = Way.bidirectional elseif onewayClass == "-1" then way.direction = Way.opposite elseif oneway == "no" or oneway == "0" or oneway == "false" then way.direction = Way.bidirectional elseif cycleway and string.find(cycleway, "opposite") == 1 then if impliedOneway then way.direction = Way.opposite else way.direction = Way.bidirectional end elseif cycleway_left and cycleway_tags[cycleway_left] and cycleway_right and cycleway_tags[cycleway_right] then way.direction = Way.bidirectional elseif cycleway_left and cycleway_tags[cycleway_left] then if impliedOneway then way.direction = Way.opposite else way.direction = Way.bidirectional end elseif cycleway_right and cycleway_tags[cycleway_right] then if impliedOneway then way.direction = Way.oneway else way.direction = Way.bidirectional end elseif oneway == "-1" then way.direction = Way.opposite elseif oneway == "yes" or oneway == "1" or oneway == "true" then way.direction = Way.oneway end -- pushing bikes if bicycle_speeds[highway] or pedestrian_speeds[highway] then if foot ~= 'no' then if way.direction == Way.oneway then way.backward_speed = walking_speed elseif way.direction == Way.opposite then way.backward_speed = walking_speed way.speed = way.speed end end if way.backward_speed == way.speed then -- TODO: no way yet to mark a way as pedestrian mode if forward/backward speeds are equal way.direction = Way.bidirectional end end -- cycleways if cycleway and cycleway_tags[cycleway] then way.speed = bicycle_speeds["cycleway"] elseif cycleway_left and cycleway_tags[cycleway_left] then way.speed = bicycle_speeds["cycleway"] elseif cycleway_right and cycleway_tags[cycleway_right] then way.speed = bicycle_speeds["cycleway"] end -- maxspeed -- TODO: maxspeed of backward direction if take_minimum_of_speeds then if maxspeed and maxspeed>0 then way.speed = math.min(way.speed, maxspeed) end end -- Override speed settings if explicit forward/backward maxspeeds are given if maxspeed_forward ~= nil and maxspeed_forward > 0 then if Way.bidirectional == way.direction then way.backward_speed = way.speed end way.speed = maxspeed_forward end if maxspeed_backward ~= nil and maxspeed_backward > 0 then way.backward_speed = maxspeed_backward end way.type = 1 return 1 end