# Advanced vtzero topics ## Differences between the protocol buffer specification and the vtzero implementation The [protobuf specification says](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding#optional) that a decoder library must handle repeated *non-packed* fields if repeated *packed* fields are expected and it must handle multiple repeated packed fields as if the items are concatenated. Encoders should never encode fields in this way, though, so it is very unlikely that this would ever happen. For performance reasons vtzero doesn't handle this case. ## Differences between the vector tile specification and the vtzero implementation The [vector tile specification](https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-spec/blob/master/2.1/README.md#41-layers) clearly says that you can not have two layers with the same name in a vector tile. For performance reasons this is neither checked on reading nor on writing. ## The `create_vtzero_point` customization point The vtzero builder classes have several functions which take a `vtzero::point` as argument. But chances are that you are using a different point type in your code. That's why these functions have overloads taking any type `TPoint` that can be converted to a `vtzero::point`. This conversion is done by calling the function `create_vtzero_point()`. Vtzero supplies a version of this function which will work with any type with members `x` and `y`: ```cpp template vtzero::point create_vtzero_point(TPoint p) noexcept { return {p.x, p.y}; } ``` You can define your own overload of that function taking your own point type as parameter and returning a `vtzero::point`. Vtzero will find your function using [ADL](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/adl) which magically makes the vtzero builders work with your point type. ## Using the `property_mapper` class when copying layers Sometimes you want to copy some features of a layer into a new layer. Because you only copy some features (and/or only some properties of the features), the key and value tables in the layer have to be rebuilt. This is where the `property_mapper` class helps you. It keeps the mapping between the index values of the old and the new table adding property keys and values as needed to the new table. Here is some code that shows you how to use it: ```cpp #include // you have to include this vtzero::layer layer = ...; // layer you got from an existing tile vtzero::layer_builder layer_builder{...}; // create new layer // instantiate the property mapper with the old and new layers vtzero::property_mapper mapper{layer, layer_builder}; // you'll probably want to iterate over all features in the old layer... while (auto feature = layer.next_feature()) { // ... and decide somehow which ones you want to keep if (keep_feature(feature)) { // instantiate a feature builder as usual and copy id and geometry vtzero::geometry_feature_builder feature_builder{layer_builder}; feature_builder.copy_id(feature); feature_builder.set_geometry(feature.geometry()); // now iterate over all properties... while (auto idxs = feature.next_property_indexes()) { // ... decide which ones to keep, if (keep_property(idxs)) { // ... and add them to the new layer using the mapper feature_builder.add_property(mapper(idxs)); } } } } ``` ## Protection against huge memory use When decoding a vector tile we got from an unknown source, we don't know what surprises it might contain. Building data structures based on the vector tile sometimes means we have to allocate memory and in the worst case this might be quite a lot of memory. Vtzero usually doesn't allocate any memory when decoding a tile, except when reading properties, when there is space for lookup tables allocated. The memory use for these lookup tables is `sizeof(data_view)` times the number of entries in the key/value table. In the worst case, when a vector tile basically only contains such a table, memory use is proportional to the size of the vector tile. But memory use can be an order of magnitude larger than the tile size! If you are concerned about memory use, limit the size of the vector tiles you give to vtzero. When reading geometries from vector tiles, vtzero doesn't need much memory itself, but the users of vtzero might. In a typical case you might reserve enough memory to store, say, a linestring, and then fill that memory. To allow you to do this, vtzero tells you about the number of points in the linestring. This number comes from the tile and it might be rather large. Vtzero does a consistency check comparing the number of points the geometry says it has with the number of bytes used for the geometry and it will throw an exception if the numbers can't fit. So you are protected against tiny tiles pretending to contain a huge geometry. But there still could be a medium-sized tile which gets "blown up" into a huge memory hog. Your representation of a linestring can be an order of magnitude larger than the minimum 2 bytes per point needed in the encoded tile. So again: If you are concerned about memory use, limit the size of the vector tiles you give to vtzero.