This provides a wrapper script to invoke the Static Analyzer on the code
base. The script simply wraps your commands, that is you have to do the
..scripts/analyze cmake ..
..scripts/analyze cmake --build .
Note: the Static Analyzer is integrated in Xcode, so if you are on a
Mac, consider using Xcode natively instead of this wrapper script that
will only give you HTML output.
Only specify the flags we change from the default.
doxygen -g Doxyfile
Generates a default Doxyfile.
Also, make the docs not depend on `dot`, but conditionally create graphs
if `dot` is available, and if not still generate docs.
Automate cucumber tests bisecting by providing a `git bisect` script.
Because it is stored in source control, but bisecting changes the HEAD,
it is advised to first copy over the script to a place outside source
control, e.g. `/tmp`.
git bisect start HEAD HEAD~10
bit bisect run /tmp/
This automatically configures and builds OSRM, spawns the cucumber tests
and communicates with `git bisect` based on its return code.
- man git-bisect
This extends the compressed output vector's lifetime, as we issue an
asynchronous write operation that only receives a non-owning buffer to
the compressed data.
When the compressed output vector then goes out of scope, its destructor
is called and the data gets (potentially) destroyed. If the asynchronous
write happens afterwards, it's accessing data that is no longer there.
This is the reason for race conditions --- well, for undefined behavior
in general, but it manifests in the routed _sometimes_ not responding at
The fix works like this: keep the compressed output associated with a
connection. Connections inherit from `std::enable_shared_from_this` and
issues a `shared_from_this()` call, passing a `std::shared_ptr` to the
asynchronous write function, thus extending their lifetime.
Connecitons thus manage their lifetime by themselves, extending it when
needed (and of course via the `std::shared_pointers` pointing to it).
Buffer's non owning property, from the `async_write` documentation:
> One or more buffers containing the data to be written. Although
> the buffers object may be copied as necessary, ownership of the
> underlying memory blocks is retained by the caller, which must
> guarantee that they remain valid until the handler is called.
This caches iterators, i.e. especially the end iterator when possible.
The problem:
for (auto it = begin(seq); it != end(seq); ++it)
this has to call `end(seq)` on every iteration, since the compiler is
not able to reason about the call's site effects (to bad, huh).
Instead do it like this:
for (auto it = begin(seq), end = end(seq); it != end; ++it)
caching the end iterator.
Of course, still better would be:
for (auto&& each : seq)
if all you want is value semantics.
Why `auto&&` you may ask? Because it binds to everything and never copies!
Skim the referenced proposal (that was rejected, but nevertheless) for a
detailed explanation on range-based for loops and why `auto&&` is great.
Removes the pointless `std::unique_ptr<std::vector<T>>` usage,
as a `std::vector` already owns its resources and manages them.
Results in one indirection less (hint: good).
* Adds a data structure, RasterSource, to store parsed + queryable data
* Adds bindings for that and relevant data structures as well as source_function and segment_function
* Adds relevant unit tests and cucumber tests
* Bring-your-own-data feature
This is true:
-1 > 1u
because the integer literal `-1` is first converted to a large unsigned
value and then compared to the unsigned `1`.
This patch fixes several of those isses in the farthest insertion
`-Wsign-compare` catches those issues.
- C++14 standard
remove empty unit test
remove compiler directives
move trip related files from routing_algorithms to algorithms
run clang-format on files
fix all std::size_t related issues
improve code by adding std::move()s
clean up includes
fixing several code stye and improvement issues
add several small code improvements
return single scc in SplitUnaccessibleLocations() when theres only one
change ComputeRoute() to return an InternalRouteResult by value
improve some code style issues