With C++11 the stdlib gains:
- `std::stoi` function family to convert from `std::string` to integral type
- `std::to_string` to convert from number types to `std::string`
The only reason for hand-writing the conversion code therefore is
performance. I benchmarked an `osrm-extract` with the hand-written code
against one with the stdlib conversion features and could not find any
significant difference (we switch back and forth between C++ and Lua,
shaving off a few us in conversion doesn't gain us much).
Formatting arithmetic types in the default format with given precision
requires streams, but is doable in a few lines of idiomatic stdlib code.
For this, there is now the following function template available:
template <Arithmetic T, int Precision = 6>
inline std::string to_string_with_precision(const T);
that requires integral or floating point types and returns a formatted
string in the defaukt format with the given precision applied.
In addition this completely rips out Boost.Spirit from the `casts.hpp`
header, resulting in faster compile times.
- http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/stol
- http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/string/basic_string/to_string
- http://www.kumobius.com/2013/08/c-string-to-int/
This caches iterators, i.e. especially the end iterator when possible.
The problem:
for (auto it = begin(seq); it != end(seq); ++it)
this has to call `end(seq)` on every iteration, since the compiler is
not able to reason about the call's site effects (to bad, huh).
Instead do it like this:
for (auto it = begin(seq), end = end(seq); it != end; ++it)
caching the end iterator.
Of course, still better would be:
for (auto&& each : seq)
if all you want is value semantics.
Why `auto&&` you may ask? Because it binds to everything and never copies!
Skim the referenced proposal (that was rejected, but nevertheless) for a
detailed explanation on range-based for loops and why `auto&&` is great.
- http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2014/n3853.htm