port foot profile

This commit is contained in:
Dennis Luxen 2014-08-27 18:43:07 +02:00
parent 27c255c874
commit d79eac3e26

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@ -73,42 +73,42 @@ function get_exceptions(vector)
function node_function (node)
local barrier = node.tags:Find ("barrier")
function node_function (node, result)
local barrier = node:get_value_by_key("barrier")
local access = Access.find_access_tag(node, access_tags_hierachy)
local traffic_signal = node.tags:Find("highway")
local traffic_signal = node:get_value_by_key("highway")
-- flag node if it carries a traffic light
if traffic_signal == "traffic_signals" then
node.traffic_light = true
if traffic_signal and traffic_signal == "traffic_signals" then
result.traffic_light = true
-- parse access and barrier tags
if access and access ~= "" then
if access_tag_blacklist[access] then
node.bollard = true
result.barrier = true
node.bollard = false
result.barrier = false
elseif barrier and barrier ~= "" then
if barrier_whitelist[barrier] then
node.bollard = false
result.barrier = false
node.bollard = true
result.barrier = true
return 1
function way_function (way)
function way_function (way, result)
-- initial routability check, filters out buildings, boundaries, etc
local highway = way.tags:Find("highway")
local route = way.tags:Find("route")
local man_made = way.tags:Find("man_made")
local railway = way.tags:Find("railway")
local amenity = way.tags:Find("amenity")
local public_transport = way.tags:Find("public_transport")
local highway = way:get_value_by_key("highway")
local route = way:get_value_by_key("route")
local man_made = way:get_value_by_key("man_made")
local railway = way:get_value_by_key("railway")
local amenity = way:get_value_by_key("amenity")
local public_transport = way:get_value_by_key("public_transport")
if (not highway or highway == '') and
(not route or route == '') and
(not railway or railway=='') and
@ -130,82 +130,82 @@ function way_function (way)
local name = way.tags:Find("name")
local ref = way.tags:Find("ref")
local junction = way.tags:Find("junction")
local onewayClass = way.tags:Find("oneway:foot")
local duration = way.tags:Find("duration")
local service = way.tags:Find("service")
local area = way.tags:Find("area")
local foot = way.tags:Find("foot")
local surface = way.tags:Find("surface")
local name = way:get_value_by_key("name")
local ref = way:get_value_by_key("ref")
local junction = way:get_value_by_key("junction")
local onewayClass = way:get_value_by_key("oneway:foot")
local duration = way:get_value_by_key("duration")
local service = way:get_value_by_key("service")
local area = way:get_value_by_key("area")
local foot = way:get_value_by_key("foot")
local surface = way:get_value_by_key("surface")
-- name
if "" ~= ref and "" ~= name then
way.name = name .. ' / ' .. ref
elseif "" ~= ref then
way.name = ref
elseif "" ~= name then
way.name = name
way.name = "{highway:"..highway.."}" -- if no name exists, use way type
if ref and "" ~= ref and name and "" ~= name then
result.name = name .. ' / ' .. ref
elseif ref and "" ~= ref then
result.name = ref
elseif name and "" ~= name then
result.name = name
elseif highway then
result.name = "{highway:"..highway.."}" -- if no name exists, use way type
-- this encoding scheme is excepted to be a temporary solution
-- roundabouts
if "roundabout" == junction then
way.roundabout = true;
result.roundabout = true;
-- speed
if route_speeds[route] then
-- ferries (doesn't cover routes tagged using relations)
way.ignore_in_grid = true
if durationIsValid(duration) then
way.duration = math.max( 1, parseDuration(duration) )
result.ignore_in_grid = true
if duration and durationIsValid(duration) then
result.duration = math.max( 1, parseDuration(duration) )
way.forward_speed = route_speeds[route]
way.backward_speed = route_speeds[route]
result.forward_speed = route_speeds[route]
result.backward_speed = route_speeds[route]
way.forward_mode = mode_ferry
way.backward_mode = mode_ferry
result.forward_mode = mode_ferry
result.backward_mode = mode_ferry
elseif railway and platform_speeds[railway] then
-- railway platforms (old tagging scheme)
way.forward_speed = platform_speeds[railway]
way.backward_speed = platform_speeds[railway]
result.forward_speed = platform_speeds[railway]
result.backward_speed = platform_speeds[railway]
elseif platform_speeds[public_transport] then
-- public_transport platforms (new tagging platform)
way.forward_speed = platform_speeds[public_transport]
way.backward_speed = platform_speeds[public_transport]
result.forward_speed = platform_speeds[public_transport]
result.backward_speed = platform_speeds[public_transport]
elseif amenity and amenity_speeds[amenity] then
-- parking areas
way.forward_speed = amenity_speeds[amenity]
way.backward_speed = amenity_speeds[amenity]
result.forward_speed = amenity_speeds[amenity]
result.backward_speed = amenity_speeds[amenity]
elseif speeds[highway] then
-- regular ways
way.forward_speed = speeds[highway]
way.backward_speed = speeds[highway]
result.forward_speed = speeds[highway]
result.backward_speed = speeds[highway]
elseif access and access_tag_whitelist[access] then
-- unknown way, but valid access tag
way.forward_speed = walking_speed
way.backward_speed = walking_speed
result.forward_speed = walking_speed
result.backward_speed = walking_speed
-- oneway
if onewayClass == "yes" or onewayClass == "1" or onewayClass == "true" then
way.backward_mode = 0
result.backward_mode = 0
elseif onewayClass == "no" or onewayClass == "0" or onewayClass == "false" then
-- nothing to do
elseif onewayClass == "-1" then
way.forward_mode = 0
result.forward_mode = 0
-- surfaces
if surface then
surface_speed = surface_speeds[surface]
if surface_speed then
way.forward_speed = math.min(way.forward_speed, surface_speed)
way.backward_speed = math.min(way.backward_speed, surface_speed)
result.forward_speed = math.min(result.forward_speed, surface_speed)
result.backward_speed = math.min(result.backward_speed, surface_speed)