test nearest API

This commit is contained in:
Emil Tin 2013-02-03 20:17:06 +01:00
parent 7544727f7a
commit ccdd0f599a
5 changed files with 239 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
Feature: Locating Nearest node on a Way - pick closest way
Given the profile "testbot"
Scenario: Nearest - two ways crossing
Given the node map
| | 0 | c | 1 | |
| 7 | | n | | 2 |
| a | k | x | m | b |
| 6 | | l | | 3 |
| | 5 | d | 4 | |
And the ways
| nodes |
| axc |
| cxd |
When I request nearest I should get
| in | out |
| 0 | c |
| 1 | c |
| 2 | b |
| 3 | b |
| 4 | d |
| 5 | d |
| 6 | a |
| 7 | a |
| k | k |
| l | l |
| m | m |
| n | n |

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
Feature: Locating Nearest node on a Way - basic projection onto way
Given the profile "testbot"
Scenario: Nearest - easy-west way
Given the node map
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| | a | x | b | |
| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
When I request nearest I should get
| in | out |
| 0 | a |
| 1 | a |
| 2 | x |
| 3 | b |
| 4 | b |
| 5 | a |
| 6 | a |
| 7 | x |
| 8 | b |
| 9 | b |
Scenario: Nearest - north-south way
Given the node map
| 0 | | 5 |
| 1 | a | 6 |
| 2 | x | 7 |
| 3 | b | 8 |
| 4 | | 9 |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
When I request nearest I should get
| in | out |
| 0 | a |
| 1 | a |
| 2 | x |
| 3 | b |
| 4 | b |
| 5 | a |
| 6 | a |
| 7 | x |
| 8 | b |
| 9 | b |
Scenario: Nearest - diagonal 1
Given the node map
| 8 | | 4 | | | |
| | a | | 5 | | |
| 0 | | x | | 6 | |
| | 1 | | y | | 7 |
| | | 2 | | b | |
| | | | 3 | | 9 |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
When I request nearest I should get
| in | out |
| 0 | a |
| 1 | x |
| 2 | y |
| 3 | b |
| 4 | a |
| 5 | x |
| 6 | y |
| 7 | b |
| 8 | a |
| 9 | b |
Scenario: Nearest - diagonal 2
Given the node map
| | | | 3 | | 9 |
| | | 2 | | b | |
| | 1 | | y | | 7 |
| 0 | | x | | 6 | |
| | a | | 5 | | |
| 8 | | 4 | | | |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
When I request nearest I should get
| in | out |
| 0 | a |
| 1 | x |
| 2 | y |
| 3 | b |
| 4 | a |
| 5 | x |
| 6 | y |
| 7 | b |
| 8 | a |
| 9 | b |

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
When /^I request nearest I should get$/ do |table|
actual = []
OSRMLauncher.new do
table.hashes.each_with_index do |row,ri|
in_node = @name_node_hash[ row['in'] ]
raise "*** unknown in-node '#{row['in']}" unless in_node
out_node = @name_node_hash[ row['out'] ]
raise "*** unknown out-node '#{row['out']}" unless out_node
response = request_nearest("#{in_node.lat},#{in_node.lon}")
if response.code == "200" && response.body.empty? == false
json = JSON.parse response.body
if json['status'] == 0
coord = json['mapped_coordinate']
got = {'in' => row['in'], 'out' => coord }
ok = true
row.keys.each do |key|
if key=='out'
if FuzzyMatch.match_location coord, out_node
got[key] = row[key]
row[key] = "#{row[key]} [#{out_node.lat},#{out_node.lon}]"
ok = false
unless ok
failed = { :attempt => 'nearest', :query => @query, :response => response }
log_fail row,got,[failed]
actual << got
table.routing_diff! actual
When /^I route (\d+) times I should get$/ do |n,table|
ok = true
n.to_i.times do
ok = false unless step "I route I should get", table

features/support/fuzzy.rb Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
class FuzzyMatch
def self.match got, want
if got == want
return true
elsif want.match /(.*)\s+~(.+)%$/ #percentage range: 100 ~5%
margin = 1 - $2.to_f*0.01
from = $1.to_f*margin
to = $1.to_f/margin
return got.to_f >= from && got.to_f <= to
elsif want.match /(.*)\s+\+\-(.+)$/ #absolute range: 100 +-5
margin = $2.to_f
from = $1.to_f-margin
to = $1.to_f+margin
return got.to_f >= from && got.to_f <= to
elsif want =~ /^\/(.*)\/$/ #regex: /a,b,.*/
return got =~ /#{$1}/
return false
def self.match_location got, want
match( got[0], "#{want.lat} ~0.002%" ) &&
match( got[1], "#{want.lon} ~0.002%" )

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
require 'net/http'
def request_nearest_url path
@query = path
uri = URI.parse "#{HOST}/#{path}"
Timeout.timeout(REQUEST_TIMEOUT) do
Net::HTTP.get_response uri
rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e
raise "*** osrm-routed is not running."
rescue Timeout::Error
raise "*** osrm-routed did not respond."
def request_nearest a
request_nearest_url "nearest?loc=#{a}"