Consolidate math functions

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Niklaus 2016-03-16 21:54:29 +01:00
parent 5c01878542
commit 50738f8ce0
4 changed files with 179 additions and 204 deletions

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@ -3,20 +3,34 @@
#include "util/coordinate.hpp"
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
#include <utility>
namespace osrm
namespace util
namespace coordinate_calculation
const constexpr long double RAD = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886;
const constexpr long double DEGREE_TO_RAD = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886;
const constexpr long double RAD_TO_DEGREE = 1. / DEGREE_TO_RAD;
// earth radius varies between 6,356.750-6,378.135 km (3,949.901-3,963.189mi)
// The IUGG value for the equatorial radius is 6378.137 km (3963.19 miles)
const constexpr long double EARTH_RADIUS = 6372797.560856;
// radius used by WGS84
const constexpr double EARTH_RADIUS_WGS84 = 6378137.0;
namespace coordinate_calculation
namespace detail
// earth circumference devided by 2
const constexpr double MAXEXTENT = EARTH_RADIUS_WGS84 * boost::math::constants::pi<double>();
// ^ math functions are not constexpr since they have side-effects (setting errno) :(
const double MAX_LATITUDE = RAD_TO_DEGREE * (2.0 * std::atan(std::exp(180.0 * DEGREE_TO_RAD)) - boost::math::constants::half_pi<double>());
const constexpr double MAX_LONGITUDE = 180.0;
//! Projects both coordinates and takes the euclidean distance of the projected points
// Does not return meters!
@ -50,9 +64,6 @@ double perpendicularDistanceFromProjectedCoordinate(
Coordinate &nearest_location,
double &ratio);
double degToRad(const double degree);
double radToDeg(const double radian);
double bearing(const Coordinate first_coordinate, const Coordinate second_coordinate);
// Get angle of line segment (A,C)->(C,B)
@ -64,8 +75,15 @@ Coordinate interpolateLinear(double factor, const Coordinate from, const Coordin
namespace mercator
// This is the global default tile size for all Mapbox Vector Tiles
const constexpr double TILE_SIZE = 256.0;
// Converts projected mercator degrees to PX
const constexpr double DEGREE_TO_PX = detail::MAXEXTENT / 180.0;
FloatLatitude yToLat(const double value);
double latToY(const FloatLatitude latitude);
void xyzToMercator(const int x, const int y, const int z, double &minx, double &miny, double &maxx, double &maxy);
void xyzToWSG84(const int x, const int y, const int z, double &minx, double &miny, double &maxx, double &maxy);
} // ns mercator
} // ns coordinate_calculation
} // ns util

View File

@ -27,28 +27,30 @@ struct CoordinatePairCalculator
CoordinatePairCalculator(const util::Coordinate coordinate_a,
const util::Coordinate coordinate_b)
using namespace util::coordinate_calculation;
// initialize distance calculator with two fixed coordinates a, b
first_lon = static_cast<double>(toFloating(coordinate_a.lon)) * util::RAD;
first_lat = static_cast<double>(toFloating( * util::RAD;
second_lon = static_cast<double>(toFloating(coordinate_b.lon)) * util::RAD;
second_lat = static_cast<double>(toFloating( * util::RAD;
first_lon = static_cast<double>(toFloating(coordinate_a.lon)) * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
first_lat = static_cast<double>(toFloating( * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
second_lon = static_cast<double>(toFloating(coordinate_b.lon)) * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
second_lat = static_cast<double>(toFloating( * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
int operator()(const util::Coordinate other) const
using namespace util::coordinate_calculation;
// set third coordinate c
const float float_lon1 = static_cast<double>(toFloating(other.lon)) * util::RAD;
const float float_lat1 = static_cast<double>(toFloating( * util::RAD;
const float float_lon1 = static_cast<double>(toFloating(other.lon)) * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
const float float_lat1 = static_cast<double>(toFloating( * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
// compute distance (a,c)
const float x_value_1 = (first_lon - float_lon1) * cos((float_lat1 + first_lat) / 2.f);
const float y_value_1 = first_lat - float_lat1;
const float dist1 = std::hypot(x_value_1, y_value_1) * util::EARTH_RADIUS;
const float dist1 = std::hypot(x_value_1, y_value_1) * EARTH_RADIUS;
// compute distance (b,c)
const float x_value_2 = (second_lon - float_lon1) * cos((float_lat1 + second_lat) / 2.f);
const float y_value_2 = second_lat - float_lat1;
const float dist2 = std::hypot(x_value_2, y_value_2) * util::EARTH_RADIUS;
const float dist2 = std::hypot(x_value_2, y_value_2) * EARTH_RADIUS;
// return the minimum
return static_cast<int>(std::min(dist1, dist2));

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#include "engine/plugins/plugin_base.hpp"
#include "engine/plugins/tile.hpp"
#include "util/coordinate_calculation.hpp"
#include <protozero/varint.hpp>
#include <protozero/pbf_writer.hpp>
@ -17,89 +19,29 @@ namespace engine
namespace plugins
namespace detail
// Vector tiles are 4096 virtual pixels on each side
const constexpr double VECTOR_TILE_EXTENT = 4096.0;
// from mapnik/well_known_srs.hpp
const constexpr double EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137.0;
const constexpr double EARTH_DIAMETER = EARTH_RADIUS * 2.0;
const constexpr double MAXEXTENT = EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE / 2.0;
const constexpr double M_PI_by2 = M_PI / 2.0;
const constexpr double D2R = M_PI / 180.0;
const constexpr double R2D = 180.0 / M_PI;
const constexpr double M_PIby360 = M_PI / 360.0;
const constexpr double MAXEXTENTby180 = MAXEXTENT / 180.0;
const double MAX_LATITUDE = R2D * (2.0 * std::atan(std::exp(180.0 * D2R)) - M_PI_by2);
// ^ math functions are not constexpr since they have side-effects (setting errno) :(
// Simple container class for WSG84 coordinates
template <typename T> struct Point final
Point(T _x, T _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {}
const T x;
const T y;
// from mapnik-vector-tile
namespace detail_pbf
namespace pbf
inline unsigned encode_length(const unsigned len) { return (len << 3u) | 2u; }
// Converts a regular WSG84 lon/lat pair into
// a mercator coordinate
inline void lonlat2merc(double &x, double &y)
struct BBox final
if (x > 180)
x = 180;
else if (x < -180)
x = -180;
else if (y < -MAX_LATITUDE)
x = x * MAXEXTENTby180;
y = std::log(std::tan((90 + y) * M_PIby360)) * R2D;
y = y * MAXEXTENTby180;
// This is the global default tile size for all Mapbox Vector Tiles
const constexpr double tile_size_ = 256.0;
inline void from_pixels(const double shift, double &x, double &y)
const double b = shift / 2.0;
x = (x - b) / (shift / 360.0);
const double g = (y - b) / -(shift / (2 * M_PI));
y = R2D * (2.0 * std::atan(std::exp(g)) - M_PI_by2);
// Converts a WMS tile coordinate (z,x,y) into a mercator bounding box
inline void xyz2mercator(
const int x, const int y, const int z, double &minx, double &miny, double &maxx, double &maxy)
minx = x * tile_size_;
miny = (y + 1.0) * tile_size_;
maxx = (x + 1.0) * tile_size_;
maxy = y * tile_size_;
const double shift = std::pow(2.0, z) * tile_size_;
from_pixels(shift, minx, miny);
from_pixels(shift, maxx, maxy);
lonlat2merc(minx, miny);
lonlat2merc(maxx, maxy);
// Converts a WMS tile coordinate (z,x,y) into a wsg84 bounding box
inline void xyz2wsg84(
const int x, const int y, const int z, double &minx, double &miny, double &maxx, double &maxy)
minx = x * tile_size_;
miny = (y + 1.0) * tile_size_;
maxx = (x + 1.0) * tile_size_;
maxy = y * tile_size_;
const double shift = std::pow(2.0, z) * tile_size_;
from_pixels(shift, minx, miny);
from_pixels(shift, maxx, maxy);
// emulates mapbox::box2d, just a simple container for
// a box
struct bbox final
bbox(const double _minx, const double _miny, const double _maxx, const double _maxy)
BBox(const double _minx, const double _miny, const double _maxx, const double _maxy)
: minx(_minx), miny(_miny), maxx(_maxx), maxy(_maxy)
@ -113,15 +55,6 @@ struct bbox final
const double maxy;
// Simple container class for WSG84 coordinates
struct point_type_d final
point_type_d(double _x, double _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {}
const double x;
const double y;
// Simple container for integer coordinates (i.e. pixel coords)
struct point_type_i final
@ -131,15 +64,15 @@ struct point_type_i final
const std::int64_t y;
using line_type = std::vector<point_type_i>;
using line_typed = std::vector<point_type_d>;
using FixedLine = std::vector<detail::Point<std::int32_t>>;
using FloatLine = std::vector<detail::Point<double>>;
// from mapnik-vector-tile
// Encodes a linestring using protobuf zigzag encoding
inline bool encode_linestring(line_type line,
protozero::packed_field_uint32 &geometry,
std::int32_t &start_x,
std::int32_t &start_y)
inline bool encodeLinestring(const FixedLine& line,
protozero::packed_field_uint32 &geometry,
std::int32_t &start_x,
std::int32_t &start_y)
const std::size_t line_size = line.size();
if (line_size < 2)
@ -155,7 +88,7 @@ inline bool encode_linestring(line_type line,
geometry.add_element(protozero::encode_zigzag32(pt->y - start_y));
start_x = pt->x;
start_y = pt->y;
for (++pt; pt != line.end(); ++pt)
const std::int32_t dx = pt->x - start_x;
@ -168,15 +101,42 @@ inline bool encode_linestring(line_type line,
return true;
FixedLine coordinatesToTileLine(const util::Coordinate start,
const util::Coordinate target,
const detail::BBox &tile_bbox)
using namespace util::coordinate_calculation;
FloatLine geo_line;
FixedLine tile_line;
for (auto const &pt : geo_line)
double px_merc = pt.x * mercator::DEGREE_TO_PX;
double py_merc = mercator::latToY(util::FloatLatitude(pt.y)) * mercator::DEGREE_TO_PX;
// convert lon/lat to tile coordinates
const auto px = std::round(
((px_merc - tile_bbox.minx) * mercator::TILE_SIZE / tile_bbox.width()) *
detail::VECTOR_TILE_EXTENT / util::coordinate_calculation::mercator::TILE_SIZE);
const auto py = std::round(
((tile_bbox.maxy - py_merc) * mercator::TILE_SIZE / tile_bbox.height()) *
detail::VECTOR_TILE_EXTENT / util::coordinate_calculation::mercator::TILE_SIZE);
tile_line.emplace_back(px, py);
return tile_line;
Status TilePlugin::HandleRequest(const api::TileParameters &parameters, std::string &pbf_buffer)
// Vector tiles are 4096 virtual pixels on each side
const double tile_extent = 4096.0;
using namespace util::coordinate_calculation;
double min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat;
// Convert the z,x,y mercator tile coordinates into WSG84 lon/lat values
xyz2wsg84(parameters.x, parameters.y, parameters.z, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat);
mercator::xyzToWSG84(parameters.x, parameters.y, parameters.z, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon,
util::Coordinate southwest{util::FloatLongitude(min_lon), util::FloatLatitude(min_lat)};
util::Coordinate northeast{util::FloatLongitude(max_lon), util::FloatLatitude(max_lat)};
@ -188,8 +148,9 @@ Status TilePlugin::HandleRequest(const api::TileParameters &parameters, std::str
// TODO: extract speed values for compressed and uncompressed geometries
// Convert tile coordinates into mercator coordinates
xyz2mercator(parameters.x, parameters.y, parameters.z, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat);
const bbox tile_bbox{min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat};
mercator::xyzToMercator(parameters.x, parameters.y, parameters.z, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon,
const detail::BBox tile_bbox{min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat};
uint8_t max_datasource_id = 0;
@ -263,38 +224,10 @@ Status TilePlugin::HandleRequest(const api::TileParameters &parameters, std::str
max_datasource_id = std::max(max_datasource_id, forward_datasource);
max_datasource_id = std::max(max_datasource_id, reverse_datasource);
// If this is a valid forward edge, go ahead and add it to the tile
if (forward_weight != 0 && edge.forward_edge_based_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID)
const auto encode_tile_line = [&layer_writer, &edge, &id](
const detail::FixedLine &tile_line, const std::uint32_t speed_kmh, const std::uint8_t datasource,
std::int32_t &start_x, std::int32_t &start_y)
std::int32_t start_x = 0;
std::int32_t start_y = 0;
line_typed geo_line;
// Calculate the speed for this line
std::uint32_t speed =
static_cast<std::uint32_t>(round(length / forward_weight * 10 * 3.6));
line_type tile_line;
for (auto const &pt : geo_line)
double px_merc = pt.x;
double py_merc = pt.y;
lonlat2merc(px_merc, py_merc);
// convert lon/lat to tile coordinates
const auto px = std::round(
((px_merc - tile_bbox.minx) * tile_extent / 16.0 / tile_bbox.width()) *
tile_extent / 256.0);
const auto py = std::round(
((tile_bbox.maxy - py_merc) * tile_extent / 16.0 / tile_bbox.height()) *
tile_extent / 256.0);
tile_line.emplace_back(px, py);
// Here, we save the two attributes for our feature: the speed and the
// is_small
// boolean. We onl serve up speeds from 0-139, so all we do is save the
@ -316,18 +249,32 @@ Status TilePlugin::HandleRequest(const api::TileParameters &parameters, std::str
field.add_element(0); // "speed" tag key offset
std::min(speed, 127u)); // save the speed value, capped at 127
std::min(speed_kmh, 127u)); // save the speed value, capped at 127
field.add_element(1); // "is_small" tag key offset
field.add_element(128 +
(edge.component.is_tiny ? 0 : 1)); // is_small feature
field.add_element(2); // "datasource" tag key offset
field.add_element(130 + forward_datasource); // datasource value offset
field.add_element(130 + datasource); // datasource value offset
// Encode the geometry for the feature
protozero::packed_field_uint32 geometry(feature_writer, 4);
encode_linestring(tile_line, geometry, start_x, start_y);
encodeLinestring(tile_line, geometry, start_x, start_y);
// If this is a valid forward edge, go ahead and add it to the tile
if (forward_weight != 0 && edge.forward_edge_based_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID)
std::int32_t start_x = 0;
std::int32_t start_y = 0;
// Calculate the speed for this line
std::uint32_t speed_kmh =
static_cast<std::uint32_t>(round(length / forward_weight * 10 * 3.6));
auto tile_line = coordinatesToTileLine(a, b, tile_bbox);
encode_tile_line(tile_line, speed_kmh, forward_datasource, start_x, start_y);
// Repeat the above for the coordinates reversed and using the `reverse`
@ -337,49 +284,12 @@ Status TilePlugin::HandleRequest(const api::TileParameters &parameters, std::str
std::int32_t start_x = 0;
std::int32_t start_y = 0;
line_typed geo_line;
// Calculate the speed for this line
std::uint32_t speed_kmh =
static_cast<std::uint32_t>(round(length / reverse_weight * 10 * 3.6));
const auto speed =
static_cast<const std::uint32_t>(round(length / reverse_weight * 10 * 3.6));
line_type tile_line;
for (auto const &pt : geo_line)
double px_merc = pt.x;
double py_merc = pt.y;
lonlat2merc(px_merc, py_merc);
// convert to integer tile coordinat
const auto px = std::round(
((px_merc - tile_bbox.minx) * tile_extent / 16.0 / tile_bbox.width()) *
tile_extent / 256.0);
const auto py = std::round(
((tile_bbox.maxy - py_merc) * tile_extent / 16.0 / tile_bbox.height()) *
tile_extent / 256.0);
tile_line.emplace_back(px, py);
protozero::pbf_writer feature_writer(layer_writer, 2);
feature_writer.add_enum(3, 2); // geometry type
feature_writer.add_uint64(1, id++); // id
protozero::packed_field_uint32 field(feature_writer, 2);
field.add_element(0); // "speed" tag key offset
std::min(speed, 127u)); // save the speed value, capped at 127
field.add_element(1); // "is_small" tag key offset
field.add_element(128 +
(edge.component.is_tiny ? 0 : 1)); // is_small feature
field.add_element(2); // "datasource" tag key offset
field.add_element(130 + reverse_datasource); // datasource value offset
protozero::packed_field_uint32 geometry(feature_writer, 4);
encode_linestring(tile_line, geometry, start_x, start_y);
auto tile_line = coordinatesToTileLine(b, a, tile_bbox);
encode_tile_line(tile_line, speed_kmh, reverse_datasource, start_x, start_y);

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
#include "util/trigonometry_table.hpp"
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
#include <cmath>
@ -14,6 +13,7 @@ namespace osrm
namespace util
namespace coordinate_calculation
@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ double haversineDistance(const Coordinate coordinate_1, const Coordinate coordin
const double ln1 = lon1 / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
const double lt2 = lat2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
const double ln2 = lon2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION;
const double dlat1 = lt1 * (RAD);
const double dlat1 = lt1 * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
const double dlong1 = ln1 * (RAD);
const double dlat2 = lt2 * (RAD);
const double dlong2 = ln2 * (RAD);
const double dlong1 = ln1 * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
const double dlat2 = lt2 * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
const double dlong2 = ln2 * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
const double dlong = dlong1 - dlong2;
const double dlat = dlat1 - dlat2;
@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ double greatCircleDistance(const Coordinate coordinate_1, const Coordinate coord
BOOST_ASSERT(lat2 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
BOOST_ASSERT(lon2 != std::numeric_limits<int>::min());
const double float_lat1 = (lat1 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * RAD;
const double float_lon1 = (lon1 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * RAD;
const double float_lat2 = (lat2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * RAD;
const double float_lon2 = (lon2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * RAD;
const double float_lat1 = (lat1 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
const double float_lon1 = (lon1 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
const double float_lat2 = (lat2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
const double float_lon2 = (lon2 / COORDINATE_PRECISION) * DEGREE_TO_RAD;
const double x_value = (float_lon2 - float_lon1) * std::cos((float_lat1 + float_lat2) / 2.0);
const double y_value = float_lat2 - float_lat1;
@ -269,22 +269,67 @@ Coordinate interpolateLinear(double factor, const Coordinate from, const Coordin
namespace mercator
FloatLatitude yToLat(const double value)
FloatLatitude yToLat(const double y)
using namespace boost::math::constants;
const double normalized_lat = RAD_TO_DEGREE * 2. * std::atan(std::exp(y * DEGREE_TO_RAD));
return FloatLatitude(
180. * (1. / pi<long double>()) *
(2. * std::atan(std::exp(value * pi<double>() / 180.)) - half_pi<double>()));
return FloatLatitude(normalized_lat - 90.);
double latToY(const FloatLatitude latitude)
using namespace boost::math::constants;
const double normalized_lat = 90. + static_cast<double>(latitude);
return 180. * (1. / pi<double>()) *
std::log(std::tan((pi<double>() / 4.) +
static_cast<double>(latitude) * (pi<double>() / 180.) / 2.));
return RAD_TO_DEGREE * std::log(std::tan(normalized_lat * DEGREE_TO_RAD * 0.5));
FloatLatitude clamp(const FloatLatitude lat)
return std::max(std::min(lat, FloatLatitude(detail::MAX_LATITUDE)),
FloatLongitude clamp(const FloatLongitude lon)
return std::max(std::min(lon, FloatLongitude(detail::MAX_LONGITUDE)),
inline void pixelToDegree(const double shift, double &x, double &y)
const double b = shift / 2.0;
x = (x - b) / shift * 360.0;
// FIXME needs to be simplified
const double g = (y - b) / -(shift / (2 * M_PI)) / DEGREE_TO_RAD;
y = static_cast<double>(util::coordinate_calculation::mercator::yToLat(g));
// Converts a WMS tile coordinate (z,x,y) into a wsg84 bounding box
void xyzToWSG84(const int x, const int y, const int z, double &minx, double &miny, double &maxx, double &maxy)
using util::coordinate_calculation::mercator::TILE_SIZE;
minx = x * TILE_SIZE;
miny = (y + 1.0) * TILE_SIZE;
maxx = (x + 1.0) * TILE_SIZE;
maxy = y * TILE_SIZE;
// 2^z * TILE_SIZE
const double shift = (1u << static_cast<unsigned>(z)) * TILE_SIZE;
pixelToDegree(shift, minx, miny);
pixelToDegree(shift, maxx, maxy);
// Converts a WMS tile coordinate (z,x,y) into a mercator bounding box
void xyzToMercator(const int x, const int y, const int z, double &minx, double &miny, double &maxx, double &maxy)
using namespace util::coordinate_calculation::mercator;
xyzToWSG84(x, y, z, minx, miny, maxx, maxy);
minx = static_cast<double>(clamp(util::FloatLongitude(minx))) * DEGREE_TO_PX;
miny = latToY(clamp(util::FloatLatitude(miny))) * DEGREE_TO_PX;
maxx = static_cast<double>(clamp(util::FloatLongitude(maxx))) * DEGREE_TO_PX;
maxy = latToY(clamp(util::FloatLatitude(maxy))) * DEGREE_TO_PX;
} // ns mercato // ns mercatorr