Additional road network extractor that works in external memory.

This commit is contained in:
Dennis Luxen 2010-07-15 14:45:43 +00:00
parent 72e314d1c0
commit 4df82206b4
5 changed files with 582 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ Third Party Libraries:
Boost 1.37+
kdtree++ 0.7+ (0.62 does not work with g++ 4.0+)
sparsehash 1.4+
sparsehash 1.4+
stxxl 1.2.1+

View File

@ -34,4 +34,11 @@ Q: How fast is this thing?
A: Good question. Here is a number. The engine was able to handle more than
2800 requests per Minute on the German road network with the travel time
metric on a Core 2 Duo. This also includes transfer of data across a
switched 100MBit/s LAN. So, I guess it's fair to say it's fast.
switched 100MBit/s LAN. So, I guess it's fair to say it's fast.
Q: What is the difference between extractNetwork and extractLargeNetwork?
A: extractNetwork does all of its magic in RAM, while extractLargeNetwork uses the
stxxl library to store the data in external memory. Use the first one for small
networks, but beware of running out of RAM. Swapping is the kiss of death. For
larger networks use extractLargeNetwork. It will be somewhat slower on the
smaller files, but way faster with large ones like the planet file.

View File

@ -8,5 +8,3 @@ The server part is mostly adapted from the boost http examples. It should be rep
The KD-Tree uses a lot of RAM. An own implementation might be better.
Use Boost to compress all in-/output streams to the file system
Rework extractor to be fully externalized

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@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ all:
g++ -O3 -Wall -Wno-deprecated -fopenmp -march=native -lboost_regex-mt -lboost_iostreams-mt -lboost_thread-mt -lboost_system-mt -o routed routed.cpp -DNDEBUG
g++ createHierarchy.cpp -fopenmp -Wno-deprecated -o createHierarchy -O3 -march=native -DNDEBUG
g++ extractNetwork.cpp -fopenmp -Wno-deprecated -o extractNetwork -O3 -march=native -I/usr/include/libxml2/ -lxml2 -DNDEBUG
g++ extractLargeNetwork.cpp -fopenmp -Wno-deprecated -o extractLargeNetwork -O3 -march=native -I/usr/include/libxml2/ -lxml2 -DNDEBUG -I/usr/include/include -lstxxl
rm -rf createHierarchy routed extractNetwork *.o *.gch

extractLargeNetwork.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <libxml/xmlreader.h>
#include <google/sparse_hash_map>
#include <stxxl/mng>
#include <stxxl/ksort>
#include <stxxl/sort>
#include <stxxl/vector>
#include <stxxl/bits/io/syscall_file.h>
#include "typedefs.h"
using namespace std;
struct _Node : NodeInfo{
bool trafficSignal;
_Node(int _lat, int _lon, unsigned int _id) : NodeInfo(_lat, _lon, _id) {}
_Node() {}
static _Node min_value()
return _Node(0,0,0);
static _Node max_value()
return _Node(numeric_limits<int>::max(), numeric_limits<int>::max(), numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max());
NodeID key() const
return id;
struct _Way {
std::vector< NodeID > path;
enum {
notSure = 0, oneway, bidirectional, opposite
} direction;
double maximumSpeed;
bool usefull:1;
bool access:1;
short type;
struct _Stats {
NodeID numberOfNodes;
NodeID numberOfEdges;
NodeID numberOfWays;
NodeID numberOfMaxspeed;
struct Settings {
struct SpeedProfile {
vector< double > speed;
vector< string > names;
} speedProfile;
vector<string> accessList;
int trafficLightPenalty;
int indexInAccessListOf( const string & key)
for(int i = 0; i< accessList.size(); i++)
if(accessList[i] == key)
return i;
return -1;
struct Cmp : public std::binary_function<NodeID, NodeID, bool>
typedef unsigned value_type;
bool operator () (const NodeID & a, const NodeID & b) const
return a < b;
value_type max_value()
return 0xffffffff;
value_type min_value()
return 0x0;
typedef google::dense_hash_map<NodeID, _Node> NodeMap;
_Way _ReadXMLWay( xmlTextReaderPtr& inputReader );
_Node _ReadXMLNode( xmlTextReaderPtr& inputReader );
double ApproximateDistance( const int lat1, const int lon1, const int lat2, const int lon2 );
_Stats stats;
Settings settings;
vector<NodeID> SignalNodes;
NodeMap * nodeMap = new NodeMap();
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
if(argc <= 1)
cerr << "usage: " << endl << argv[0] << " <file.osm>" << endl;
cout << "reading input file. This may take some time ..." << flush;
Default Speed Profile:
motorway 120
motorway_link 80
trunk 100
trunk_link 80
secondary 100
secondary_link 50
primary 100
primary_link 50
tertiary 100
unclassified 50
residential 50
living_street 30
service 20
string names[13] = { "motorway", "motorway_link", "trunk", "trunk_link", "secondary", "secondary_link", "primary", "primary_link", "tertiary", "unclassified", "residential", "living_street", "service" };
double speeds[13] = { 120, 80, 100, 80, 100, 50, 100, 50, 100, 50, 50 , 30, 20};
settings.speedProfile.names.insert(settings.speedProfile.names.begin(), names, names+13);
settings.speedProfile.speed.insert(settings.speedProfile.speed.begin(), speeds, speeds+13);
xmlTextReaderPtr inputReader = xmlNewTextReaderFilename( argv[1] );
ofstream allNodeFile("_allnodes", ios::binary);
ofstream usedNodesFile("_usednodes", ios::binary);
ofstream wayFile("_ways", ios::binary);
try {
while ( xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1 ) {
const int type = xmlTextReaderNodeType( inputReader );
//1 is Element
if ( type != 1 )
xmlChar* currentName = xmlTextReaderName( inputReader );
if ( currentName == NULL )
if ( xmlStrEqual( currentName, ( const xmlChar* ) "node" ) == 1 ) {
_Node node = _ReadXMLNode( inputReader );
allNodeFile.write((char *)&node, sizeof(node));// << << << node.lon << node.trafficSignal << endl;
if ( node.trafficSignal )
SignalNodes.push_back( );
else if ( xmlStrEqual( currentName, ( const xmlChar* ) "way" ) == 1 ) {
_Way way = _ReadXMLWay( inputReader );
if ( way.usefull && way.access && way.path.size() ) {
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < way.path.size(); ++i ) {
usedNodesFile.write((char *)&way.path[i], sizeof(NodeID));
if ( way.direction == _Way::opposite )
std::reverse( way.path.begin(), way.path.end() );
stats.numberOfEdges += ( int ) way.path.size() - 1;
vector< NodeID > & path = way.path;
double speed = way.maximumSpeed;
assert(way.type > -1 || way.maximumSpeed != -1);
for(vector< NodeID >::size_type n = 0; n < path.size()-1; n++)
//serialize path[n], path[n+1]
wayFile.write((char*)&way.path[n], sizeof(NodeID));
wayFile.write((char*)&way.path[n+1], sizeof(NodeID));
wayFile.write((char*)&way.type, sizeof(short));
wayFile.write((char*)&way.direction, sizeof(short));
wayFile.write((char*)&way.maximumSpeed, sizeof(double));
xmlFree( currentName );
cout << "ok" << endl;
//sort(UsedNodes.begin(), UsedNodes.end());
unsigned memory_to_use = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
stxxl::syscall_file f("_usednodes", stxxl::file::DIRECT | stxxl::file::RDWR);
typedef stxxl::vector<NodeID> usedNodesVectorType;
usedNodesVectorType usedNodes( &f);
cout << "Sorting used nodes ..." << flush;
stxxl::sort(usedNodes.begin(), usedNodes.end(), Cmp(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok" << endl;
cout << "Erasing duplicate entries ..." << flush;
stxxl::vector<NodeID>::iterator NewEnd = unique ( usedNodes.begin(),usedNodes.end() ) ;
usedNodes.resize ( NewEnd - usedNodes.begin() );
cout << "ok" << endl;
stxxl::syscall_file fallnodes("_allnodes", stxxl::file::DIRECT | stxxl::file::RDWR);
typedef stxxl::vector< _Node > second_vector_type;
second_vector_type van(&fallnodes);
cout << "Sorting all nodes ..." << flush;
stxxl::ksort(van.begin(), van.end(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok" << endl;
// cout << endl << "Statistics: " << endl;
// cout << "All Nodes: " << stats.numberOfNodes << endl;
// // cout << "Used Nodes: " << UsedNodes.size() << endl;
// cout << "Number of Ways: " << stats.numberOfWays << endl;
// cout << "Edges in graph: " << stats.numberOfEdges << endl;
// cout << "Number of ways with maxspeed information: " << stats.numberOfMaxspeed << endl;
// cout << "Number of nodes with traffic lights: " << SignalNodes.size() << endl;
// cout << "finished loading data" << endl;
// cout << "calculated edge weights and writing to disk ..." << flush;
string name(argv[1]);
int pos=name.find(".osm"); // pos=9
name.replace(pos, 5, ".osrm");
} else {
ofstream fout;;
ifstream inall("_allnodes", ios::binary);
ifstream inuse("_usednodes", ios::binary);
ifstream inway("_ways", ios::binary);
cout << "Writing used nodes ..." << flush;
fout << usedNodes.size() << endl;
NodeID counter = 0;
for(usedNodesVectorType::iterator it = usedNodes.begin(); it!=usedNodes.end(); it++)
NodeID currentNodeID = *it;
_Node current_Node; *)&current_Node, sizeof(_Node));
{ *)&current_Node, sizeof(_Node));
fout <<<< " " << current_Node.lon << " " << << "\n";
nodeMap->insert(std::make_pair(, current_Node));
cout << "ok" << endl;
cout << "writing used ways ..." << endl;
NodeID start, target;
short type, direction;
double maximumSpeed;
fout << stats.numberOfEdges << "\n";
{*)&start, sizeof(NodeID));*)&target, sizeof(NodeID));*)&type, sizeof(short));*)&direction, sizeof(short));*)&maximumSpeed, sizeof(double));
assert(type > -1 || maximumSpeed != -1);
NodeMap::iterator startit = nodeMap->find(start);
if(startit == nodeMap->end())
cerr << "Node " << start << " missing albeit referenced in way. Edge skipped" << endl;
NodeMap::iterator targetit = nodeMap->find(target);
if(targetit == nodeMap->end())
cerr << "Node << " << target << "missing albeit reference in a way. Edge skipped" << endl;
double distance = ApproximateDistance(startit->, startit->second.lon, targetit->, targetit->second.lon);
if(maximumSpeed == -1)
maximumSpeed = settings.speedProfile.speed[type];
double weight = ( distance * 10. ) / (maximumSpeed / 3.6);
double intWeight = max(1, (int) weight);
case _Way::notSure:
fout << startit->first << " " << targetit->first << " " << max(1, (int)distance) << " " << 0 << " " << intWeight << "\n";
case _Way::oneway:
fout << startit->first << " " << targetit->first << " " << max(1, (int)distance) << " " << 1 << " " << intWeight << "\n";
case _Way::bidirectional:
fout << startit->first << " " << targetit->first << " " << max(1, (int)distance) << " " << 0 << " " << intWeight << "\n";
case _Way::opposite:
fout << startit->first << " " << targetit->first << " " << max(1, (int)distance) << " " << 1 << " " << intWeight << "\n";
cout << "ok" << endl;
} catch ( const std::exception& e ) {
cerr << "Caught Execption:" << e.what() << endl;
return false;
return true;
_Way _ReadXMLWay( xmlTextReaderPtr& inputReader ) {
_Way way;
way.direction = _Way::notSure;
way.maximumSpeed = -1;
way.type = -1;
way.usefull = false;
way.access = true;
if ( xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement( inputReader ) != 1 ) {
const int depth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
while ( xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1 ) {
const int childType = xmlTextReaderNodeType( inputReader );
if ( childType != 1 && childType != 15 )
const int childDepth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
xmlChar* childName = xmlTextReaderName( inputReader );
if ( childName == NULL )
if ( depth == childDepth && childType == 15 && xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "way" ) == 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( childType != 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "tag" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* k = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "k" );
xmlChar* value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "v" );
if ( k != NULL && value != NULL ) {
if ( xmlStrEqual( k, ( const xmlChar* ) "oneway" ) == 1 ) {
if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "no" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "false" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "0" ) == 1 )
way.direction = _Way::bidirectional;
else if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "yes" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "true" ) == 1 || xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "1" ) == 1 )
way.direction = _Way::oneway;
else if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "-1" ) == 1 )
way.direction = _Way::opposite;
} else if ( xmlStrEqual( k, ( const xmlChar* ) "junction" ) == 1 ) {
if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "roundabout" ) == 1 ) {
if ( way.direction == _Way::notSure ) {
way.direction = _Way::oneway;
if ( way.maximumSpeed == -1 )
way.maximumSpeed = 10;
way.usefull = true;
} else if ( xmlStrEqual( k, ( const xmlChar* ) "highway" ) == 1 ) {
string name( ( const char* ) value );
for ( int i = 0; i < settings.speedProfile.names.size(); i++ ) {
if ( name == settings.speedProfile.names[i] ) {
way.type = i;
way.usefull = true;
if ( name == "motorway" ) {
if ( way.direction == _Way::notSure ) {
way.direction = _Way::oneway;
} else if ( name == "motorway_link" ) {
if ( way.direction == _Way::notSure ) {
way.direction = _Way::oneway;
} else if ( xmlStrEqual( k, ( const xmlChar* ) "maxspeed" ) == 1 ) {
double maxspeed = atof(( const char* ) value );
xmlChar buffer[100];
xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lf", maxspeed );
if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) {
way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed;
} else {
xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lf kmh", maxspeed );
if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) {
way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed;
} else {
xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lfkmh", maxspeed );
if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) {
way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed;
} else {
xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lf km/h", maxspeed );
if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) {
way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed;
} else {
xmlStrPrintf( buffer, 100, ( const xmlChar* ) "%.lfkm/h", maxspeed );
if ( xmlStrEqual( value, buffer ) == 1 ) {
way.maximumSpeed = maxspeed;
} else {
// string key( ( const char* ) k );
// int index = -1;// settings.accessList.indexOf( key );
// if ( index != -1 ) { //&& index < way.accessPriority ) {
if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "private" ) == 1
|| xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "no" ) == 1
|| xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "agricultural" ) == 1
|| xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "forestry" ) == 1
|| xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "delivery" ) == 1
) {
way.access = false;
else if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "yes" ) == 1
|| xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "designated" ) == 1
|| xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "official" ) == 1
|| xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "permissive" ) == 1
) {
way.access = true;
// }
if ( k != NULL )
xmlFree( k );
if ( value != NULL )
xmlFree( value );
} else if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "nd" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* ref = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "ref" );
if ( ref != NULL ) {
way.path.push_back( atoi(( const char* ) ref ) );
xmlFree( ref );
xmlFree( childName );
return way;
_Node _ReadXMLNode( xmlTextReaderPtr& inputReader ) {
_Node node;
node.trafficSignal = false;
xmlChar* attribute = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "lat" );
if ( attribute != NULL ) { = static_cast<NodeID>(100000*atof(( const char* ) attribute ) );
xmlFree( attribute );
attribute = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "lon" );
if ( attribute != NULL ) {
node.lon = static_cast<NodeID>(100000*atof(( const char* ) attribute ));
xmlFree( attribute );
attribute = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "id" );
if ( attribute != NULL ) { = atoi(( const char* ) attribute );
xmlFree( attribute );
if ( xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement( inputReader ) != 1 ) {
const int depth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
while ( xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1 ) {
const int childType = xmlTextReaderNodeType( inputReader );
// 1 = Element, 15 = EndElement
if ( childType != 1 && childType != 15 )
const int childDepth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
xmlChar* childName = xmlTextReaderName( inputReader );
if ( childName == NULL )
if ( depth == childDepth && childType == 15 && xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "node" ) == 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( childType != 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "tag" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* k = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "k" );
xmlChar* value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "v" );
if ( k != NULL && value != NULL ) {
if ( xmlStrEqual( k, ( const xmlChar* ) "highway" ) == 1 ) {
if ( xmlStrEqual( value, ( const xmlChar* ) "traffic_signals" ) == 1 )
node.trafficSignal = true;
if ( k != NULL )
xmlFree( k );
if ( value != NULL )
xmlFree( value );
xmlFree( childName );
return node;
double ApproximateDistance( const int lat1, const int lon1, const int lat2, const int lon2 ) {
static const double DEG_TO_RAD = 0.017453292519943295769236907684886;
///Earth's quatratic mean radius for WGS-84
static const double EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS = 6372797.560856;
double latitudeArc = ( lat1/100000. - lat2/100000. ) * DEG_TO_RAD;
double longitudeArc = ( lon1/100000. - lon2/100000. ) * DEG_TO_RAD;
double latitudeH = sin( latitudeArc * 0.5 );
latitudeH *= latitudeH;
double lontitudeH = sin( longitudeArc * 0.5 );
lontitudeH *= lontitudeH;
double tmp = cos( lat1/100000. * DEG_TO_RAD ) * cos( lat2/100000. * DEG_TO_RAD );
double distanceArc = 2.0 * asin( sqrt( latitudeH + tmp * lontitudeH ) );
return EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS * distanceArc;