Merging changes for 0.3.3

This commit is contained in:
DennisOSRM 2013-03-01 10:27:54 +01:00
commit 42b68fa834
101 changed files with 3837 additions and 2519 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -54,23 +54,23 @@ stxxl.errlog
# compiled protobuffers #
# External Libs #
# Visual Studio Temp + build Files #
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ win/bin-debug/
# Sandbox folder #

View File

@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
class CRC32 {
unsigned crc;
unsigned slowcrc_table[1<<8];
typedef boost::crc_optimal<32, 0x1EDC6F41, 0x0, 0x0, true, true> my_crc_32_type;
typedef unsigned (CRC32::*CRC32CFunctionPtr)(char *str, unsigned len, unsigned crc);

View File

@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ or see
boost::archive::iterators::transform_width<string::const_iterator, 6, 8>
boost::archive::iterators::transform_width<std::string::const_iterator, 6, 8>
> base64_t;
boost::archive::iterators::binary_from_base64<string::const_iterator>, 8, 6
boost::archive::iterators::binary_from_base64<std::string::const_iterator>, 8, 6
> binary_t;
template<class ToEncodeT>
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ static void EncodeObjectToBase64(const ToEncodeT & object, std::string& encoded)
template<class ToEncodeT>
static void DecodeObjectFromBase64(ToEncodeT & object, const std::string& _encoded) {
try {
string encoded(_encoded);
std::string encoded(_encoded);
//replace "-" with "+" and "_" with "/"
replaceAll(encoded, "-", "+");
replaceAll(encoded, "_", "/");

View File

@ -52,21 +52,12 @@ private:
unsigned edgeBasedNodeID;
unsigned nameID:31;
bool shortcut:1;
short type;
bool isAccessRestricted:1;
bool forward:1;
bool backward:1;
bool roundabout:1;
bool ignoreInGrid:1;
short type;
bool isAccessRestricted;
struct _EdgeBasedEdgeData {
int distance;
unsigned via;
unsigned nameID;
bool forward;
bool backward;
TurnInstruction turnInstruction;
typedef DynamicGraph< _NodeBasedEdgeData > _NodeBasedDynamicGraph;

View File

@ -157,11 +157,13 @@ public: = = std::numeric_limits< int >::max();
//remove parallel edges
while ( i < edges.size() && edges[i].source == source && edges[i].target == target ) {
if ( edges[i].data.forward )
if ( edges[i].data.forward) { = std::min( edges[i].data.distance, );
if ( edges[i].data.backward )
if ( edges[i].data.backward) { = std::min( edges[i].data.distance, );
//merge edges (s,t) and (t,s) into bidirectional edge
if ( == ) {
@ -242,7 +244,7 @@ public:
nodePriority[x] = _Evaluate( data, &nodeData[x], x );
std::cout << "ok" << std::endl << "preprocessing ..." << std::flush;
std::cout << "ok" << std::endl << "preprocessing " << numberOfNodes << " nodes ..." << std::flush;
bool flushedContractor = false;
while ( numberOfContractedNodes < numberOfNodes ) {
@ -274,7 +276,7 @@ public:
TemporaryStorage & tempStorage = TemporaryStorage::GetInstance();
//Write dummy number of edges to temporary file
// std::ofstream temporaryEdgeStorage(temporaryEdgeStorageFilename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
long initialFilePosition = tempStorage.tell(temporaryStorageSlotID);
uint64_t initialFilePosition = tempStorage.tell(temporaryStorageSlotID);
unsigned numberOfTemporaryEdges = 0;
tempStorage.writeToSlot(temporaryStorageSlotID, (char*)&numberOfTemporaryEdges, sizeof(unsigned));

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
#include "EdgeBasedGraphFactory.h"
EdgeBasedGraphFactory::EdgeBasedGraphFactory(int nodes, std::vector<NodeBasedEdge> & inputEdges, std::vector<NodeID> & bn, std::vector<NodeID> & tl, std::vector<_Restriction> & irs, std::vector<NodeInfo> & nI, SpeedProfileProperties sp) : inputNodeInfoList(nI), numberOfTurnRestrictions(irs.size()), speedProfile(sp) {
BOOST_FOREACH(_Restriction & restriction, irs) {
EdgeBasedGraphFactory::EdgeBasedGraphFactory(int nodes, std::vector<NodeBasedEdge> & inputEdges, std::vector<NodeID> & bn, std::vector<NodeID> & tl, std::vector<_Restriction> & irs, std::vector<NodeInfo> & nI, SpeedProfileProperties sp) : speedProfile(sp), inputNodeInfoList(nI), numberOfTurnRestrictions(irs.size()) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const _Restriction & restriction, irs) {
std::pair<NodeID, NodeID> restrictionSource = std::make_pair(restriction.fromNode, restriction.viaNode);
unsigned index;
RestrictionMap::iterator restrIter = _restrictionMap.find(restrictionSource);
@ -44,18 +44,12 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::EdgeBasedGraphFactory(int nodes, std::vector<NodeBasedEdg, restriction.flags.isOnly));
BOOST_FOREACH(NodeID id, bn) {
_barrierNodes[id] = true;
BOOST_FOREACH(NodeID id, tl) {
_trafficLights[id] = true;
_barrierNodes.insert(bn.begin(), bn.end());
_trafficLights.insert(tl.begin(), tl.end());
DeallocatingVector< _NodeBasedEdge > edges;
// edges.reserve( 2 * inputEdges.size() );
_NodeBasedEdge edge;
for ( std::vector< NodeBasedEdge >::const_iterator i = inputEdges.begin(); i != inputEdges.end(); ++i ) {
_NodeBasedEdge edge;
if(!i->isForward()) {
edge.source = i->target(); = i->source();
@ -67,9 +61,9 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::EdgeBasedGraphFactory(int nodes, std::vector<NodeBasedEdg = i->isForward(); = i->isBackward();
if(edge.source ==
if(edge.source == {
} = (std::max)((int)i->weight(), 1 );
assert( > 0 ); = false;
@ -79,6 +73,7 @@ EdgeBasedGraphFactory::EdgeBasedGraphFactory(int nodes, std::vector<NodeBasedEdg = i->type(); = i->isAccessRestricted(); = edges.size(); = i->isContraFlow();
edges.push_back( edge );
if( ) {
std::swap( edge.source, );
@ -108,16 +103,12 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GetEdgeBasedNodes( DeallocatingVector< EdgeBasedNode
void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GetOriginalEdgeData( std::vector< OriginalEdgeData> & oed) {
NodeID EdgeBasedGraphFactory::CheckForEmanatingIsOnlyTurn(const NodeID u, const NodeID v) const {
std::pair < NodeID, NodeID > restrictionSource = std::make_pair(u, v);
RestrictionMap::const_iterator restrIter = _restrictionMap.find(restrictionSource);
if (restrIter != _restrictionMap.end()) {
unsigned index = restrIter->second;
BOOST_FOREACH(RestrictionSource restrictionTarget, {
BOOST_FOREACH(const RestrictionSource & restrictionTarget, {
if(restrictionTarget.second) {
return restrictionTarget.first;
@ -159,7 +150,7 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::InsertEdgeBasedNode(
void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::Run(const char * originalEdgeDataFilename) {
void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::Run(const char * originalEdgeDataFilename, lua_State *myLuaState) {
Percent p(_nodeBasedGraph->GetNumberOfNodes());
int numberOfSkippedTurns(0);
int nodeBasedEdgeCounter(0);
@ -243,12 +234,16 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::Run(const char * originalEdgeDataFilename) {
std::vector<OriginalEdgeData> original_edge_data_vector;
//Loop over all turns and generate new set of edges.
//Three nested loop look super-linear, but we are dealing with a linear number of turns only.
for(_NodeBasedDynamicGraph::NodeIterator u = 0; u < _nodeBasedGraph->GetNumberOfNodes(); ++u ) {
for(_NodeBasedDynamicGraph::EdgeIterator e1 = _nodeBasedGraph->BeginEdges(u); e1 < _nodeBasedGraph->EndEdges(u); ++e1) {
_NodeBasedDynamicGraph::NodeIterator v = _nodeBasedGraph->GetTarget(e1);
bool isBollardNode = (_barrierNodes.find(v) != _barrierNodes.end());
//EdgeWeight heightPenalty = ComputeHeightPenalty(u, v);
NodeID onlyToNode = CheckForEmanatingIsOnlyTurn(u, v);
for(_NodeBasedDynamicGraph::EdgeIterator e2 = _nodeBasedGraph->BeginEdges(v); e2 < _nodeBasedGraph->EndEdges(v); ++e2) {
@ -258,7 +253,7 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::Run(const char * originalEdgeDataFilename) {
bool isBollardNode = (_barrierNodes.find(v) != _barrierNodes.end());
if(u == w && 1 != _nodeBasedGraph->GetOutDegree(v) ) {
@ -278,30 +273,30 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::Run(const char * originalEdgeDataFilename) {
if(_trafficLights.find(v) != _trafficLights.end()) {
distance += speedProfile.trafficSignalPenalty;
TurnInstruction turnInstruction = AnalyzeTurn(u, v, w);
unsigned penalty = 0;
TurnInstruction turnInstruction = AnalyzeTurn(u, v, w, penalty, myLuaState);
if(turnInstruction == TurnInstructions.UTurn)
distance += speedProfile.uTurnPenalty;
// if(!edgeData1.isAccessRestricted && edgeData2.isAccessRestricted) {
// distance += TurnInstructions.AccessRestrictionPenalty;
// turnInstruction |= TurnInstructions.AccessRestrictionFlag;
// }
distance += penalty;
//distance += heightPenalty;
//distance += ComputeTurnPenalty(u, v, w);
assert(edgeData1.edgeBasedNodeID != edgeData2.edgeBasedNodeID);
if(originalEdgeData.size() == originalEdgeData.capacity()-3) {
OriginalEdgeData oed(v,edgeData2.nameID, turnInstruction);
EdgeBasedEdge newEdge(edgeData1.edgeBasedNodeID, edgeData2.edgeBasedNodeID, edgeBasedEdges.size(), distance, true, false );
if(originalEdgeData.size() > 100000) {
originalEdgeDataOutFile.write((char*)&(originalEdgeData[0]), originalEdgeData.size()*sizeof(OriginalEdgeData));
if(original_edge_data_vector.size() > 100000) {
originalEdgeDataOutFile.write((char*)&(original_edge_data_vector[0]), original_edge_data_vector.size()*sizeof(OriginalEdgeData));
EdgeBasedEdge newEdge(edgeData1.edgeBasedNodeID, edgeData2.edgeBasedNodeID, edgeBasedEdges.size(), distance, true, false );
} else {
@ -311,8 +306,7 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::Run(const char * originalEdgeDataFilename) {
numberOfOriginalEdges += originalEdgeData.size();
originalEdgeDataOutFile.write((char*)&(originalEdgeData[0]), originalEdgeData.size()*sizeof(OriginalEdgeData));
originalEdgeDataOutFile.write((char*)&(original_edge_data_vector[0]), original_edge_data_vector.size()*sizeof(OriginalEdgeData));
originalEdgeDataOutFile.write((char*)&numberOfOriginalEdges, sizeof(unsigned));
@ -326,12 +320,27 @@ void EdgeBasedGraphFactory::Run(const char * originalEdgeDataFilename) {
// std::vector<EdgeBasedNode>(edgeBasedNodes).swap(edgeBasedNodes);
// INFO("size: " << edgeBasedNodes.size() << ", cap: " << edgeBasedNodes.capacity());
INFO("Node-based graph contains " << nodeBasedEdgeCounter << " edges");
INFO("Edge-based graph contains " << edgeBasedEdges.size() << " edges");
// INFO("Edge-based graph contains " << edgeBasedEdges.size() << " edges, blowup is " << 2*((double)edgeBasedEdges.size()/(double)nodeBasedEdgeCounter));
INFO("Edge-based graph skipped " << numberOfSkippedTurns << " turns, defined by " << numberOfTurnRestrictions << " restrictions.");
INFO("Generated " << edgeBasedNodes.size() << " edge based nodes");
TurnInstruction EdgeBasedGraphFactory::AnalyzeTurn(const NodeID u, const NodeID v, const NodeID w) const {
TurnInstruction EdgeBasedGraphFactory::AnalyzeTurn(const NodeID u, const NodeID v, const NodeID w, unsigned& penalty, lua_State *myLuaState) const {
const double angle = GetAngleBetweenTwoEdges(inputNodeInfoList[u], inputNodeInfoList[v], inputNodeInfoList[w]);
if( speedProfile.has_turn_penalty_function ) {
try {
//call lua profile to compute turn penalty
penalty = luabind::call_function<int>( myLuaState, "turn_function", 180-angle );
} catch (const luabind::error &er) {
std::cerr << er.what() << std::endl;
//TODO handle lua errors
} else {
penalty = 0;
if(u == w) {
return TurnInstructions.UTurn;
@ -342,33 +351,42 @@ TurnInstruction EdgeBasedGraphFactory::AnalyzeTurn(const NodeID u, const NodeID
_NodeBasedDynamicGraph::EdgeData & data1 = _nodeBasedGraph->GetEdgeData(edge1);
_NodeBasedDynamicGraph::EdgeData & data2 = _nodeBasedGraph->GetEdgeData(edge2);
if(!data1.contraFlow && data2.contraFlow) {
return TurnInstructions.EnterAgainstAllowedDirection;
if(data1.contraFlow && !data2.contraFlow) {
return TurnInstructions.LeaveAgainstAllowedDirection;
//roundabouts need to be handled explicitely
if(data1.roundabout && data2.roundabout) {
//Is a turn possible? If yes, we stay on the roundabout!
if( 1 == (_nodeBasedGraph->EndEdges(v) - _nodeBasedGraph->BeginEdges(v)) ) {
//No turn possible.
return TurnInstructions.NoTurn;
} else {
return TurnInstructions.StayOnRoundAbout;
return TurnInstructions.StayOnRoundAbout;
//Does turn start or end on roundabout?
if(data1.roundabout || data2.roundabout) {
//We are entering the roundabout
if( (!data1.roundabout) && data2.roundabout)
if( (!data1.roundabout) && data2.roundabout) {
return TurnInstructions.EnterRoundAbout;
//We are leaving the roundabout
else if(data1.roundabout && (!data2.roundabout) )
if(data1.roundabout && (!data2.roundabout) ) {
return TurnInstructions.LeaveRoundAbout;
//If street names stay the same and if we are certain that it is not a roundabout, we skip it.
if( (data1.nameID == data2.nameID) && (0 != data1.nameID))
if( (data1.nameID == data2.nameID) && (0 != data1.nameID)) {
return TurnInstructions.NoTurn;
if( (data1.nameID == data2.nameID) && (0 == data1.nameID) && (_nodeBasedGraph->GetOutDegree(v) <= 2) )
if( (data1.nameID == data2.nameID) && (0 == data1.nameID) && (_nodeBasedGraph->GetOutDegree(v) <= 2) ) {
return TurnInstructions.NoTurn;
double angle = GetAngleBetweenTwoEdges(inputNodeInfoList[u], inputNodeInfoList[v], inputNodeInfoList[w]);
return TurnInstructions.GetTurnDirectionOfInstruction(angle);
@ -379,12 +397,12 @@ unsigned EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GetNumberOfNodes() const {
/* Get angle of line segment (A,C)->(C,B), atan2 magic, formerly cosine theorem*/
template<class CoordinateT>
double EdgeBasedGraphFactory::GetAngleBetweenTwoEdges(const CoordinateT& A, const CoordinateT& C, const CoordinateT& B) const {
const int v1x = A.lon - C.lon;
const int v1y = -;
const int v2x = B.lon - C.lon;
const int v2y = -;
const double v1x = (A.lon - C.lon)/100000.;
const double v1y = lat2y( - lat2y(;
const double v2x = (B.lon - C.lon)/100000.;
const double v2y = lat2y( - lat2y(;
double angle = (atan2((double)v2y,v2x) - atan2((double)v1y,v1x) )*180/M_PI;
double angle = (atan2(v2y,v2x) - atan2(v1y,v1x) )*180/M_PI;
while(angle < 0)
angle += 360;
return angle;

View File

@ -34,8 +34,10 @@
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include "../typedefs.h"
#include "../DataStructures/DeallocatingVector.h"
@ -43,39 +45,21 @@
#include "../Extractor/ExtractorStructs.h"
#include "../DataStructures/HashTable.h"
#include "../DataStructures/ImportEdge.h"
#include "../DataStructures/MercatorUtil.h"
#include "../DataStructures/QueryEdge.h"
#include "../DataStructures/Percent.h"
#include "../DataStructures/TurnInstructions.h"
#include "../Util/BaseConfiguration.h"
class EdgeBasedGraphFactory {
struct _NodeBasedEdgeData {
int distance;
unsigned edgeBasedNodeID;
unsigned nameID:31;
bool shortcut:1;
bool forward:1;
bool backward:1;
bool roundabout:1;
bool ignoreInGrid:1;
short type;
bool isAccessRestricted;
extern "C" {
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lualib.h>
#include <luabind/luabind.hpp>
struct _EdgeBasedEdgeData {
int distance;
unsigned via;
unsigned nameID;
bool forward;
bool backward;
TurnInstruction turnInstruction;
typedef DynamicGraph< _NodeBasedEdgeData > _NodeBasedDynamicGraph;
typedef _NodeBasedDynamicGraph::InputEdge _NodeBasedEdge;
std::vector<NodeInfo> inputNodeInfoList;
unsigned numberOfTurnRestrictions;
class EdgeBasedGraphFactory : boost::noncopyable {
struct EdgeBasedNode {
bool operator<(const EdgeBasedNode & other) const {
@ -95,16 +79,45 @@ public:
bool ignoreInGrid:1;
struct SpeedProfileProperties{
SpeedProfileProperties() : trafficSignalPenalty(0), uTurnPenalty(0) {}
SpeedProfileProperties() : trafficSignalPenalty(0), uTurnPenalty(0), has_turn_penalty_function(false) {}
int trafficSignalPenalty;
int uTurnPenalty;
bool has_turn_penalty_function;
} speedProfile;
struct _NodeBasedEdgeData {
int distance;
unsigned edgeBasedNodeID;
unsigned nameID;
short type;
bool isAccessRestricted:1;
bool shortcut:1;
bool forward:1;
bool backward:1;
bool roundabout:1;
bool ignoreInGrid:1;
bool contraFlow:1;
struct _EdgeBasedEdgeData {
int distance;
unsigned via;
unsigned nameID;
bool forward;
bool backward;
TurnInstruction turnInstruction;
typedef DynamicGraph< _NodeBasedEdgeData > _NodeBasedDynamicGraph;
typedef _NodeBasedDynamicGraph::InputEdge _NodeBasedEdge;
std::vector<NodeInfo> inputNodeInfoList;
unsigned numberOfTurnRestrictions;
boost::shared_ptr<_NodeBasedDynamicGraph> _nodeBasedGraph;
boost::unordered_map<NodeID, bool> _barrierNodes;
boost::unordered_map<NodeID, bool> _trafficLights;
boost::unordered_set<NodeID> _barrierNodes;
boost::unordered_set<NodeID> _trafficLights;
typedef std::pair<NodeID, NodeID> RestrictionSource;
typedef std::pair<NodeID, bool> RestrictionTarget;
@ -113,10 +126,8 @@ private:
std::vector<EmanatingRestrictionsVector> _restrictionBucketVector;
RestrictionMap _restrictionMap;
DeallocatingVector<EdgeBasedEdge> edgeBasedEdges;
DeallocatingVector<EdgeBasedNode> edgeBasedNodes;
std::vector<OriginalEdgeData> originalEdgeData;
NodeID CheckForEmanatingIsOnlyTurn(const NodeID u, const NodeID v) const;
bool CheckIfTurnIsRestricted(const NodeID u, const NodeID v, const NodeID w) const;
@ -127,18 +138,16 @@ private:
bool belongsToTinyComponent);
template<class CoordinateT>
double GetAngleBetweenTwoEdges(const CoordinateT& A, const CoordinateT& C, const CoordinateT& B) const;
// SRTMLookup srtmLookup;
template< class InputEdgeT >
explicit EdgeBasedGraphFactory(int nodes, std::vector<InputEdgeT> & inputEdges, std::vector<NodeID> & _bollardNodes, std::vector<NodeID> & trafficLights, std::vector<_Restriction> & inputRestrictions, std::vector<NodeInfo> & nI, SpeedProfileProperties speedProfile);
void Run(const char * originalEdgeDataFilename);
void Run(const char * originalEdgeDataFilename, lua_State *myLuaState);
void GetEdgeBasedEdges( DeallocatingVector< EdgeBasedEdge >& edges );
void GetEdgeBasedNodes( DeallocatingVector< EdgeBasedNode> & nodes);
void GetOriginalEdgeData( std::vector< OriginalEdgeData> & originalEdgeData);
TurnInstruction AnalyzeTurn(const NodeID u, const NodeID v, const NodeID w) const;
TurnInstruction AnalyzeTurn(const NodeID u, const NodeID v, const NodeID w, unsigned& penalty, lua_State *myLuaState) const;
unsigned GetNumberOfNodes() const;

View File

@ -75,10 +75,13 @@ template< typename NodeID, typename Key >
class UnorderedMapStorage {
UnorderedMapStorage( size_t ) { }
UnorderedMapStorage( size_t ) {
//hash table gets 1000 Buckets
Key &operator[]( NodeID node ) {
return nodes[node];
Key &operator[]( const NodeID node ) {
return nodes[node];
void Clear() {

View File

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ or see
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#if __cplusplus > 199711L
@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ or see
template<typename ElementT, size_t bucketSizeC = 10485760/sizeof(ElementT), bool DeallocateC = false>
template<typename ElementT, std::size_t bucketSizeC = 8388608/sizeof(ElementT), bool DeallocateC = false>
class DeallocatingVectorIterator : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, ElementT> {
@ -42,12 +41,12 @@ protected:
explicit DeallocatingVectorIteratorState(const DeallocatingVectorIteratorState &r) : mData(r.mData), mIndex(r.mIndex), mBucketList(r.mBucketList) {}
//explicit DeallocatingVectorIteratorState(const ElementT * ptr, const size_t idx, const std::vector<ElementT *> & input_list) : mData(ptr), mIndex(idx), mBucketList(input_list) {}
explicit DeallocatingVectorIteratorState(const size_t idx, std::vector<ElementT *> & input_list) : mData(DEALLOCATION_VECTOR_NULL_PTR), mIndex(idx), mBucketList(input_list) {
//explicit DeallocatingVectorIteratorState(const ElementT * ptr, const std::size_t idx, const std::vector<ElementT *> & input_list) : mData(ptr), mIndex(idx), mBucketList(input_list) {}
explicit DeallocatingVectorIteratorState(const std::size_t idx, std::vector<ElementT *> & input_list) : mData(DEALLOCATION_VECTOR_NULL_PTR), mIndex(idx), mBucketList(input_list) {
ElementT * mData;
size_t mIndex;
std::size_t mIndex;
std::vector<ElementT *> & mBucketList;
inline void setPointerForIndex() {
@ -55,8 +54,8 @@ protected:
size_t _bucket = mIndex/bucketSizeC;
size_t _index = mIndex%bucketSizeC;
std::size_t _bucket = mIndex/bucketSizeC;
std::size_t _index = mIndex%bucketSizeC;
mData = &(mBucketList[_bucket][_index]);
if(DeallocateC) {
@ -104,8 +103,8 @@ public:
template<typename T2>
DeallocatingVectorIterator(const DeallocatingVectorIterator<T2> & r) : mState(r.mState) {}
DeallocatingVectorIterator(size_t idx, std::vector<ElementT *> & input_list) : mState(idx, input_list) {}
//DeallocatingVectorIterator(size_t idx, const std::vector<ElementT *> & input_list) : mState(idx, input_list) {}
DeallocatingVectorIterator(std::size_t idx, std::vector<ElementT *> & input_list) : mState(idx, input_list) {}
//DeallocatingVectorIterator(std::size_t idx, const std::vector<ElementT *> & input_list) : mState(idx, input_list) {}
DeallocatingVectorIterator(const DeallocatingVectorIteratorState & r) : mState(r) {}
template<typename T2>
@ -185,10 +184,10 @@ public:
template<typename ElementT, size_t bucketSizeC = 10485760/sizeof(ElementT) >
template<typename ElementT, std::size_t bucketSizeC = 8388608/sizeof(ElementT) >
class DeallocatingVector {
size_t mCurrentSize;
std::size_t mCurrentSize;
std::vector<ElementT *> mBucketList;
@ -227,21 +226,21 @@ public:
inline void push_back(const ElementT & element) {
size_t _capacity = capacity();
std::size_t _capacity = capacity();
if(mCurrentSize == _capacity) {
mBucketList.push_back(new ElementT[bucketSizeC]);
size_t _index = size()%bucketSizeC;
std::size_t _index = size()%bucketSizeC;
mBucketList.back()[_index] = element;
inline void reserve(const size_t) const {
inline void reserve(const std::size_t) const {
//don't do anything
inline void resize(const size_t new_size) {
inline void resize(const std::size_t new_size) {
if(new_size > mCurrentSize) {
while(capacity() < new_size) {
mBucketList.push_back(new ElementT[bucketSizeC]);
@ -249,7 +248,7 @@ public:
mCurrentSize = new_size;
if(new_size < mCurrentSize) {
size_t number_of_necessary_buckets = 1+(new_size / bucketSizeC);
std::size_t number_of_necessary_buckets = 1+(new_size / bucketSizeC);
for(unsigned i = number_of_necessary_buckets; i < mBucketList.size(); ++i) {
delete[] mBucketList[i];
@ -259,16 +258,16 @@ public:
inline size_t size() const {
inline std::size_t size() const {
return mCurrentSize;
inline size_t capacity() const {
inline std::size_t capacity() const {
return mBucketList.size() * bucketSizeC;
inline iterator begin() {
return iterator(static_cast<size_t>(0), mBucketList);
return iterator(static_cast<std::size_t>(0), mBucketList);
inline iterator end() {
@ -276,7 +275,7 @@ public:
inline deallocation_iterator dbegin() {
return deallocation_iterator(static_cast<size_t>(0), mBucketList);
return deallocation_iterator(static_cast<std::size_t>(0), mBucketList);
inline deallocation_iterator dend() {
@ -284,24 +283,36 @@ public:
inline const_iterator begin() const {
return const_iterator(static_cast<size_t>(0), mBucketList);
return const_iterator(static_cast<std::size_t>(0), mBucketList);
inline const_iterator end() const {
return const_iterator(size(), mBucketList);
inline ElementT & operator[](const size_t index) {
size_t _bucket = index / bucketSizeC;
size_t _index = index % bucketSizeC;
inline ElementT & operator[](const std::size_t index) {
std::size_t _bucket = index / bucketSizeC;
std::size_t _index = index % bucketSizeC;
return (mBucketList[_bucket][_index]);
const inline ElementT & operator[](const size_t index) const {
size_t _bucket = index / bucketSizeC;
size_t _index = index % bucketSizeC;
const inline ElementT & operator[](const std::size_t index) const {
std::size_t _bucket = index / bucketSizeC;
std::size_t _index = index % bucketSizeC;
return (mBucketList[_bucket][_index]);
inline ElementT & back() {
std::size_t _bucket = mCurrentSize / bucketSizeC;
std::size_t _index = mCurrentSize % bucketSizeC;
return (mBucketList[_bucket][_index]);
const inline ElementT & back() const {
std::size_t _bucket = mCurrentSize / bucketSizeC;
std::size_t _index = mCurrentSize % bucketSizeC;
return (mBucketList[_bucket][_index]);

View File

@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ class DynamicGraph {
m_numNodes = nodes;
m_numEdges = ( EdgeIterator ) graph.size();
m_nodes.reserve( m_numNodes );
m_nodes.resize( m_numNodes );
m_nodes.reserve( m_numNodes +1);
m_nodes.resize( m_numNodes +1);
EdgeIterator edge = 0;
EdgeIterator position = 0;
for ( NodeIterator node = 0; node < m_numNodes; ++node ) {
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ class DynamicGraph {
m_nodes[node].edges = edge - lastEdge;
position += m_nodes[node].edges;
m_nodes.back().firstEdge = position;
m_edges.reserve( position * 1.1 );
m_edges.resize( position );
edge = 0;
@ -97,40 +98,33 @@ class DynamicGraph {
return m_numEdges;
unsigned GetOutDegree( const NodeIterator &n ) const
unsigned GetOutDegree( const NodeIterator n ) const {
return m_nodes[n].edges;
NodeIterator GetTarget( const EdgeIterator &e ) const
NodeIterator GetTarget( const EdgeIterator e ) const {
return NodeIterator( m_edges[e].target );
EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData( const EdgeIterator &e )
EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData( const EdgeIterator e ) {
return m_edges[e].data;
const EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData( const EdgeIterator &e ) const
const EdgeDataT &GetEdgeData( const EdgeIterator e ) const {
return m_edges[e].data;
EdgeIterator BeginEdges( const NodeIterator &n ) const
EdgeIterator BeginEdges( const NodeIterator n ) const {
//assert( EndEdges( n ) - EdgeIterator( _nodes[n].firstEdge ) <= 100 );
return EdgeIterator( m_nodes[n].firstEdge );
EdgeIterator EndEdges( const NodeIterator &n ) const
EdgeIterator EndEdges( const NodeIterator n ) const {
return EdgeIterator( m_nodes[n].firstEdge + m_nodes[n].edges );
//adds an edge. Invalidates edge iterators for the source node
EdgeIterator InsertEdge( const NodeIterator &from, const NodeIterator &to, const EdgeDataT &data )
EdgeIterator InsertEdge( const NodeIterator from, const NodeIterator to, const EdgeDataT &data ) {
Node &node = m_nodes[from];
EdgeIterator newFirstEdge = node.edges + node.firstEdge;
if ( newFirstEdge >= m_edges.size() || !isDummy( newFirstEdge ) ) {
@ -164,7 +158,7 @@ class DynamicGraph {
//removes an edge. Invalidates edge iterators for the source node
void DeleteEdge( const NodeIterator source, const EdgeIterator &e ) {
void DeleteEdge( const NodeIterator source, const EdgeIterator e ) {
Node &node = m_nodes[source];
@ -175,8 +169,7 @@ class DynamicGraph {
//removes all edges (source,target)
int DeleteEdgesTo( const NodeIterator source, const NodeIterator target )
int DeleteEdgesTo( const NodeIterator source, const NodeIterator target ) {
int deleted = 0;
for ( EdgeIterator i = BeginEdges( source ), iend = EndEdges( source ); i < iend - deleted; ++i ) {
if ( m_edges[i].target == target ) {
@ -196,8 +189,7 @@ class DynamicGraph {
//searches for a specific edge
EdgeIterator FindEdge( const NodeIterator &from, const NodeIterator &to ) const
EdgeIterator FindEdge( const NodeIterator from, const NodeIterator to ) const {
for ( EdgeIterator i = BeginEdges( from ), iend = EndEdges( from ); i != iend; ++i ) {
if ( m_edges[i].target == to ) {
return i;
@ -208,13 +200,11 @@ class DynamicGraph {
bool isDummy( EdgeIterator edge ) const
bool isDummy( EdgeIterator edge ) const {
return m_edges[edge].target == (std::numeric_limits< NodeIterator >::max)();
void makeDummy( EdgeIterator edge )
void makeDummy( EdgeIterator edge ) {
m_edges[edge].target = (std::numeric_limits< NodeIterator >::max)();
@ -233,9 +223,8 @@ class DynamicGraph {
NodeIterator m_numNodes;
EdgeIterator m_numEdges;
DeallocatingVector< Node > m_nodes;
DeallocatingVector< Edge > m_edges;
std::vector< Node > m_nodes;
DeallocatingVector< Edge > m_edges;

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see
#ifndef EDGE_H
#define EDGE_H
@ -40,12 +40,8 @@ public:
return (source() < e.source());
/** Default constructor. target and weight are set to 0.*/
NodeBasedEdge() :
_source(0), _target(0), _name(0), _weight(0), forward(0), backward(0), _type(0), _roundabout(false), _ignoreInGrid(false), _accessRestricted(false) { assert(false); } //shall not be used.
explicit NodeBasedEdge(NodeID s, NodeID t, NodeID n, EdgeWeight w, bool f, bool b, short ty, bool ra, bool ig, bool ar) :
_source(s), _target(t), _name(n), _weight(w), forward(f), backward(b), _type(ty), _roundabout(ra), _ignoreInGrid(ig), _accessRestricted(ar) { if(ty < 0) {ERR("Type: " << ty);}; }
explicit NodeBasedEdge(NodeID s, NodeID t, NodeID n, EdgeWeight w, bool f, bool b, short ty, bool ra, bool ig, bool ar, bool cf) :
_source(s), _target(t), _name(n), _weight(w), forward(f), backward(b), _type(ty), _roundabout(ra), _ignoreInGrid(ig), _accessRestricted(ar), _contraFlow(cf) { if(ty < 0) {ERR("Type: " << ty);}; }
NodeID target() const {return _target; }
NodeID source() const {return _source; }
@ -59,6 +55,7 @@ public:
bool isRoundabout() const { return _roundabout; }
bool ignoreInGrid() const { return _ignoreInGrid; }
bool isAccessRestricted() const { return _accessRestricted; }
bool isContraFlow() const { return _contraFlow; }
NodeID _source;
NodeID _target;
@ -70,6 +67,13 @@ public:
bool _roundabout;
bool _ignoreInGrid;
bool _accessRestricted;
bool _contraFlow;
/** Default constructor. target and weight are set to 0.*/
NodeBasedEdge() :
_source(0), _target(0), _name(0), _weight(0), forward(0), backward(0), _type(0), _roundabout(false), _ignoreInGrid(false), _accessRestricted(false), _contraFlow(false) { assert(false); } //shall not be used.
class EdgeBasedEdge {
@ -91,43 +95,46 @@ public:
template<class EdgeT>
EdgeBasedEdge(const EdgeT & myEdge ) :
// _nameID1(,
// _turnInstruction(
{ }
{ }
/** Default constructor. target and weight are set to 0.*/
EdgeBasedEdge() :
_source(0), _target(0), _edgeID(0), _weight(0), _forward(false), _backward(false) { }
{ }
explicit EdgeBasedEdge(NodeID s, NodeID t, NodeID v, EdgeWeight w, bool f, bool b) :
_source(s), _target(t), _edgeID(v), _weight(w), _forward(f), _backward(b){}
explicit EdgeBasedEdge(const NodeID s, const NodeID t, const NodeID v, const EdgeWeight w, const bool f, const bool b) :
NodeID target() const {return _target; }
NodeID source() const {return _source; }
EdgeWeight weight() const {return _weight; }
NodeID id() const { return _edgeID; }
bool isBackward() const { return _backward; }
bool isForward() const { return _forward; }
NodeID _source;
NodeID _target;
NodeID _edgeID;
EdgeWeight _weight:30;
bool _forward:1;
bool _backward:1;
struct MinimalEdgeData {
EdgeWeight distance;
bool forward;
bool backward;
NodeID target() const {return m_target; }
NodeID source() const {return m_source; }
EdgeWeight weight() const {return m_weight; }
NodeID id() const { return m_edgeID; }
bool isBackward() const { return m_backward; }
bool isForward() const { return m_forward; }
NodeID m_source;
NodeID m_target;
NodeID m_edgeID;
EdgeWeight m_weight:30;
bool m_forward:1;
bool m_backward:1;
typedef NodeBasedEdge ImportEdge;

View File

@ -43,21 +43,21 @@ int readFromBz2Stream( void* pointer, char* buffer, int len ) {
return read;
} else if(BZ_STREAM_END == context->error) {
BZ2_bzReadGetUnused(&context->error, context->bz2, &unusedTmpVoid, &context->nUnused);
if(BZ_OK != context->error) { cerr << "Could not BZ2_bzReadGetUnused" << endl; exit(-1);};
if(BZ_OK != context->error) {std::cerr << "Could not BZ2_bzReadGetUnused" <<std::endl; exit(-1);};
unusedTmp = (char*)unusedTmpVoid;
for(int i=0;i<context->nUnused;i++) {
context->unused[i] = unusedTmp[i];
BZ2_bzReadClose(&context->error, context->bz2);
if(BZ_OK != context->error) { cerr << "Could not BZ2_bzReadClose" << endl; exit(-1);};
if(BZ_OK != context->error) {std::cerr << "Could not BZ2_bzReadClose" <<std::endl; exit(-1);};
context->error = BZ_STREAM_END; // set to the stream end for next call to this function
if(0 == context->nUnused && feof(context->file)) {
return read;
} else {
context->bz2 = BZ2_bzReadOpen(&context->error, context->file, 0, 0, context->unused, context->nUnused);
if(NULL == context->bz2){ cerr << "Could not open file" << endl; exit(-1);};
if(NULL == context->bz2){std::cerr << "Could not open file" <<std::endl; exit(-1);};
} else { cerr << "Could not read bz2 file" << endl; exit(-1); }
} else { std::cerr << "Could not read bz2 file" << std::endl; exit(-1); }
return read;
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ xmlTextReaderPtr inputReaderFactory( const char* name )
std::string inputName(name);
BZ2Context* context = new BZ2Context();
context->error = false;

View File

@ -16,20 +16,23 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see
#include <cmath>
#ifndef LUAUTIL_H_
#define LUAUTIL_H_
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#include <iostream>
template<typename T>
void LUA_print(T number) {
std::cout << "[LUA] " << number << std::endl;
inline double y2lat(double a) {
return 180/M_PI * (2 * atan(exp(a*M_PI/180)) - M_PI/2);
inline double lat2y(double a) {
return 180/M_PI * log(tan(M_PI/4+a*(M_PI/180)/2));
#endif /* LUAUTIL_H_ */
#endif /* MERCATORUTIL_H_ */

View File

@ -21,10 +21,12 @@ or see
#ifndef NNGRID_H_
#define NNGRID_H_
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cfloat>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
@ -42,12 +44,12 @@ or see
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include "DeallocatingVector.h"
//#include "ExtractorStructs.h"
#include "GridEdge.h"
#include "Percent.h"
#include "PhantomNodes.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include "MercatorUtil.h"
#include "StaticGraph.h"
#include "TimingUtil.h"
#include "../Algorithms/Bresenham.h"
namespace NNGrid{
@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ template<bool WriteAccess = false>
class NNGrid {
NNGrid() /*: cellCache(500), fileCache(500)*/ {
ramIndexTable.resize((1024*1024), ULONG_MAX);
ramIndexTable.resize((1024*1024), std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
NNGrid(const char* rif, const char* _i) {
@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ public:
ERR("Not available in Write mode");
iif = std::string(_i);
ramIndexTable.resize((1024*1024), ULONG_MAX);
ramIndexTable.resize((1024*1024), std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if(!ramInFile) { ERR(rif << " not found"); }
@ -87,13 +89,13 @@ public:
void OpenIndexFiles() {
assert(ramInFile.is_open());<char*>(static_cast<void*>(&ramIndexTable[0]) ), sizeof(unsigned long)*1024*1024);<char*>(static_cast<void*>(&ramIndexTable[0]) ), sizeof(uint64_t)*1024*1024);
#ifndef ROUTED
template<typename EdgeT>
inline void ConstructGrid(DeallocatingVector<EdgeT> & edgeList, char * ramIndexOut, char * fileIndexOut) {
inline void ConstructGrid(DeallocatingVector<EdgeT> & edgeList, const char * ramIndexOut, const char * fileIndexOut) {
//TODO: Implement this using STXXL-Streams
Percent p(edgeList.size());
BOOST_FOREACH(EdgeT & edge, edgeList) {
@ -106,6 +108,9 @@ public:
int tlon = edge.lon2;
AddEdge( _GridEdge(, edge.nameID, edge.weight, _Coordinate(slat, slon), _Coordinate(tlat, tlon), edge.belongsToTinyComponent ) );
if( 0 == entries.size() ) {
ERR("No viable edges for nearest neighbor index. Aborting");
double timestamp = get_timestamp();
//create index file on disk, old one is over written, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
@ -114,8 +119,8 @@ public:
INFO("finished sorting after " << (get_timestamp() - timestamp) << "s");
std::vector<GridEntry> entriesInFileWithRAMSameIndex;
unsigned indexInRamTable = entries.begin()->ramIndex;
unsigned long lastPositionInIndexFile = 0;
cout << "writing data ..." << flush;
uint64_t lastPositionInIndexFile = 0;
std::cout << "writing data ..." << std::flush;
boost::unordered_map< unsigned, unsigned > cellMap(1024);
BOOST_FOREACH(GridEntry & gridEntry, entries) {
@ -143,9 +148,9 @@ public:
//Serialize RAM Index
ofstream ramFile(ramIndexOut, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
std::ofstream ramFile(ramIndexOut, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
//write 4 MB of index Table in RAM
ramFile.write((char *)&ramIndexTable[0], sizeof(unsigned long)*1024*1024 );
ramFile.write((char *)&ramIndexTable[0], sizeof(uint64_t)*1024*1024 );
//close ram index file
@ -174,10 +179,10 @@ public:
// INFO("looked up " << candidates.size());
_GridEdge smallestEdge;
_Coordinate tmp, edgeStartCoord, edgeEndCoord;
double dist = numeric_limits<double>::max();
double dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
double r, tmpDist;
BOOST_FOREACH(_GridEdge candidate, candidates) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const _GridEdge & candidate, candidates) {
if(candidate.belongsToTinyComponent && ignoreTinyComponents)
r = 0.;
@ -216,7 +221,7 @@ public:
// }
// INFO("startCoord: " << smallestEdge.startCoord << "; targetCoord: " << smallestEdge.targetCoord << "; newEndpoint: " << resultNode.location);
double ratio = (foundNode ? std::min(1., ApproximateDistance(smallestEdge.startCoord, resultNode.location)/ApproximateDistance(smallestEdge.startCoord, smallestEdge.targetCoord)) : 0);
const double ratio = (foundNode ? std::min(1., ApproximateDistance(smallestEdge.startCoord, resultNode.location)/ApproximateDistance(smallestEdge.startCoord, smallestEdge.targetCoord)) : 0); = round(100000.*(y2lat(static_cast<double>(;
// INFO("Length of vector: " << ApproximateDistance(smallestEdge.startCoord, resultNode.location)/ApproximateDistance(smallestEdge.startCoord, smallestEdge.targetCoord));
//Hack to fix rounding errors and wandering via nodes.
@ -227,12 +232,13 @@ public:
resultNode.weight1 *= ratio;
if(INT_MAX != resultNode.weight2) {
resultNode.weight2 -= resultNode.weight1;
resultNode.weight2 *= (1.-ratio);
resultNode.ratio = ratio;
// INFO("New weight1: " << resultNode.weight1 << ", new weight2: " << resultNode.weight2 << ", ratio: " << ratio);
// INFO("start: " << edgeStartCoord << ", end: " << edgeEndCoord);
// INFO("selected node: " << resultNode.edgeBasedNode << ", bidirected: " << (resultNode.isBidirected() ? "yes" : "no") << "\n--");
// INFO("selected node: " << resultNode.edgeBasedNode << ", bidirected: " << (resultNode.isBidirected() ? "yes" : "no"));
// INFO("New weight1: " << resultNode.weight1 << ", new weight2: " << resultNode.weight2 << ", ratio: " << ratio);
// INFO("distance to input coordinate: " << ApproximateDistance(location, resultNode.location) << "\n--");
// double time2 = get_timestamp();
// INFO("NN-Lookup in " << 1000*(time2-time1) << "ms");
return foundNode;
@ -264,7 +270,7 @@ public:
_Coordinate tmp;
double dist = (std::numeric_limits<double>::max)();
BOOST_FOREACH(_GridEdge candidate, candidates) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const _GridEdge & candidate, candidates) {
double r = 0.;
double tmpDist = ComputeDistance(startCoord, candidate.startCoord, candidate.targetCoord, tmp, &r);
if(tmpDist < dist) {
@ -310,17 +316,18 @@ private:
cellMap.insert(insertionVector.begin(), insertionVector.end());
inline bool DoubleEpsilonCompare(const double d1, const double d2) {
inline bool DoubleEpsilonCompare(const double d1, const double d2) const {
return (std::fabs(d1 - d2) < FLT_EPSILON);
inline unsigned FillCell(std::vector<GridEntry>& entriesWithSameRAMIndex, const unsigned long fileOffset, boost::unordered_map< unsigned, unsigned > & cellMap ) {
#ifndef ROUTED
inline unsigned FillCell(std::vector<GridEntry>& entriesWithSameRAMIndex, const uint64_t fileOffset, boost::unordered_map< unsigned, unsigned > & cellMap ) {
std::vector<char> tmpBuffer(32*32*4096,0);
unsigned long indexIntoTmpBuffer = 0;
uint64_t indexIntoTmpBuffer = 0;
unsigned numberOfWrittenBytes = 0;
std::vector<unsigned long> cellIndex(32*32,ULONG_MAX);
std::vector<uint64_t> cellIndex(32*32,std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
for(unsigned i = 0; i < entriesWithSameRAMIndex.size() -1; ++i) {
assert(entriesWithSameRAMIndex[i].ramIndex== entriesWithSameRAMIndex[i+1].ramIndex);
@ -356,8 +363,8 @@ private:
indexIntoTmpBuffer += FlushEntriesWithSameFileIndexToBuffer(entriesWithSameFileIndex, tmpBuffer, indexIntoTmpBuffer);
assert(entriesWithSameFileIndex.size() == 0);
indexOutFile.write(static_cast<char*>(static_cast<void*>(&cellIndex[0])),32*32*sizeof(unsigned long));
numberOfWrittenBytes += 32*32*sizeof(unsigned long);
numberOfWrittenBytes += 32*32*sizeof(uint64_t);
//write contents of tmpbuffer to disk
indexOutFile.write(&tmpBuffer[0], indexIntoTmpBuffer*sizeof(char));
@ -366,7 +373,7 @@ private:
return numberOfWrittenBytes;
inline unsigned FlushEntriesWithSameFileIndexToBuffer( std::vector<GridEntry> &vectorWithSameFileIndex, std::vector<char> & tmpBuffer, const unsigned long index) const {
inline unsigned FlushEntriesWithSameFileIndexToBuffer( std::vector<GridEntry> &vectorWithSameFileIndex, std::vector<char> & tmpBuffer, const uint64_t index) const {
sort( vectorWithSameFileIndex.begin(), vectorWithSameFileIndex.end() );
vectorWithSameFileIndex.erase(unique(vectorWithSameFileIndex.begin(), vectorWithSameFileIndex.end()), vectorWithSameFileIndex.end());
const unsigned lengthOfBucket = vectorWithSameFileIndex.size();
@ -391,11 +398,12 @@ private:
return counter;
inline void GetContentsOfFileBucketEnumerated(const unsigned fileIndex, std::vector<_GridEdge>& result) const {
unsigned ramIndex = GetRAMIndexFromFileIndex(fileIndex);
unsigned long startIndexInFile = ramIndexTable[ramIndex];
if(startIndexInFile == ULONG_MAX) {
uint64_t startIndexInFile = ramIndexTable[ramIndex];
if(startIndexInFile == std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) {
unsigned enumeratedIndex = GetCellIndexFromRAMAndFileIndex(ramIndex, fileIndex);
@ -409,14 +417,14 @@ private:
//only read the single necessary cell index
localStream->seekg(startIndexInFile+(enumeratedIndex*sizeof(unsigned long)));
unsigned long fetchedIndex = 0;
localStream->read(static_cast<char*>( static_cast<void*>(&fetchedIndex)), sizeof(unsigned long));
uint64_t fetchedIndex = 0;
localStream->read(static_cast<char*>( static_cast<void*>(&fetchedIndex)), sizeof(uint64_t));
if(fetchedIndex == ULONG_MAX) {
if(fetchedIndex == std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) {
const unsigned long position = fetchedIndex + 32*32*sizeof(unsigned long) ;
const uint64_t position = fetchedIndex + 32*32*sizeof(uint64_t) ;
unsigned lengthOfBucket;
unsigned currentSizeOfResult = result.size();
@ -428,12 +436,12 @@ private:
inline void GetContentsOfFileBucket(const unsigned fileIndex, std::vector<_GridEdge>& result, boost::unordered_map< unsigned, unsigned> & cellMap) {
unsigned ramIndex = GetRAMIndexFromFileIndex(fileIndex);
unsigned long startIndexInFile = ramIndexTable[ramIndex];
if(startIndexInFile == ULONG_MAX) {
uint64_t startIndexInFile = ramIndexTable[ramIndex];
if(startIndexInFile == std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) {
unsigned long cellIndex[32*32];
uint64_t cellIndex[32*32];
BuildCellIndexToFileIndexMap(ramIndex, cellMap);
@ -446,12 +454,12 @@ private:
localStream->read(static_cast<char*>(static_cast<void*>( cellIndex)), 32*32*sizeof(unsigned long));
localStream->read(static_cast<char*>(static_cast<void*>( cellIndex)), 32*32*sizeof(uint64_t));
assert(cellMap.find(fileIndex) != cellMap.end());
if(cellIndex[cellMap[fileIndex]] == ULONG_MAX) {
if(cellIndex[cellMap[fileIndex]] == std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) {
const unsigned long position = cellIndex[cellMap[fileIndex]] + 32*32*sizeof(unsigned long) ;
const uint64_t position = cellIndex[cellMap[fileIndex]] + 32*32*sizeof(uint64_t) ;
unsigned lengthOfBucket;
unsigned currentSizeOfResult = result.size();
@ -543,7 +551,7 @@ private:
inline unsigned GetFileIndexForLatLon(const int lt, const int ln) {
inline unsigned GetFileIndexForLatLon(const int lt, const int ln) const {
double lat = lt/100000.;
double lon = ln/100000.;
@ -574,14 +582,14 @@ private:
return ramIndex;
const static unsigned long END_OF_BUCKET_DELIMITER = UINT_MAX;
const static uint64_t END_OF_BUCKET_DELIMITER = boost::integer_traits<uint64_t>::const_max;
std::ofstream indexOutFile;
std::ifstream ramInFile;
#ifndef ROUTED
std::ofstream indexOutFile;
stxxl::vector<GridEntry> entries;
std::vector<unsigned long> ramIndexTable; //8 MB for first level index in RAM
std::vector<uint64_t> ramIndexTable; //8 MB for first level index in RAM
std::string iif;
// LRUCache<int,std::vector<unsigned> > cellCache;
// LRUCache<int,std::vector<_Edge> > fileCache;

View File

@ -25,13 +25,15 @@ or see
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include "../typedefs.h"
#include "../DataStructures/QueryEdge.h"
#include "NNGrid.h"
#include "PhantomNodes.h"
#include "NodeCoords.h"
class NodeInformationHelpDesk{
class NodeInformationHelpDesk : boost::noncopyable{
NodeInformationHelpDesk(const char* ramIndexInput, const char* fileIndexInput, const unsigned _numberOfNodes, const unsigned crc) : numberOfNodes(_numberOfNodes), checkSum(crc) {
readOnlyGrid = new ReadOnlyGrid(ramIndexInput,fileIndexInput);
@ -59,34 +61,43 @@ public:
DEBUG("Loading edge data");
unsigned numberOfOrigEdges(0);*)&numberOfOrigEdges, sizeof(unsigned));
origEdgeData.resize(numberOfOrigEdges);*)&(origEdgeData[0]), numberOfOrigEdges*sizeof(OriginalEdgeData));
OriginalEdgeData deserialized_originalEdgeData;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < numberOfOrigEdges; ++i) {*)&(deserialized_originalEdgeData), sizeof(OriginalEdgeData));
origEdgeData_viaNode[i] = deserialized_originalEdgeData.viaNode;
origEdgeData_nameID[i] = deserialized_originalEdgeData.nameID;
origEdgeData_turnInstruction[i] = deserialized_originalEdgeData.turnInstruction;
DEBUG("Loaded " << numberOfOrigEdges << " orig edges");
DEBUG("Opening NN indices");
void initNNGrid() {
// void initNNGrid() {
// readOnlyGrid->OpenIndexFiles();
// }
inline int getLatitudeOfNode(const unsigned id) const {
const NodeID node =;
const NodeID node =;
inline int getLongitudeOfNode(const unsigned id) const {
const NodeID node =;
const NodeID node =;
inline unsigned getNameIndexFromEdgeID(const unsigned id) const {
inline TurnInstruction getTurnInstructionFromEdgeID(const unsigned id) const {
inline NodeID getNumberOfNodes() const { return numberOfNodes; }
@ -96,7 +107,7 @@ public:
return readOnlyGrid->FindNearestCoordinateOnEdgeInNodeBasedGraph(coord, result);
inline bool FindPhantomNodeForCoordinate( const _Coordinate & location, PhantomNode & resultNode, const unsigned zoomLevel) const {
inline bool FindPhantomNodeForCoordinate( const _Coordinate & location, PhantomNode & resultNode, const unsigned zoomLevel) {
return readOnlyGrid->FindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(location, resultNode, zoomLevel);
@ -114,7 +125,9 @@ public:
std::vector<_Coordinate> coordinateVector;
std::vector<OriginalEdgeData> origEdgeData;
std::vector<NodeID> origEdgeData_viaNode;
std::vector<unsigned> origEdgeData_nameID;
std::vector<TurnInstruction> origEdgeData_turnInstruction;
ReadOnlyGrid * readOnlyGrid;
const unsigned numberOfNodes;

View File

@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ struct QueryEdge {
NodeID target;
struct EdgeData {
NodeID id:31;
int distance:30;
bool shortcut:1;
int distance:30;
bool forward:1;
bool backward:1;
} data;

View File

@ -42,32 +42,33 @@ struct _HeapData {
_HeapData( NodeID p ) : parent(p) { }
typedef boost::thread_specific_ptr<BinaryHeap< NodeID, NodeID, int, _HeapData, UnorderedMapStorage<NodeID, int> > > SearchEngineHeapPtr;
typedef BinaryHeap< NodeID, NodeID, int, _HeapData, UnorderedMapStorage<NodeID, int> > QueryHeapType;
typedef boost::thread_specific_ptr<QueryHeapType> SearchEngineHeapPtr;
template<class EdgeData, class GraphT>
struct SearchEngineData {
typedef SearchEngineHeapPtr HeapPtr;
typedef GraphT Graph;
SearchEngineData(GraphT * g, NodeInformationHelpDesk * nh, std::vector<string> & n) :graph(g), nodeHelpDesk(nh), names(n) {}
typedef QueryHeapType QueryHeap;
SearchEngineData(GraphT * g, NodeInformationHelpDesk * nh, std::vector<std::string> & n) :graph(g), nodeHelpDesk(nh), names(n) {}
const GraphT * graph;
NodeInformationHelpDesk * nodeHelpDesk;
std::vector<string> & names;
static HeapPtr forwardHeap;
static HeapPtr backwardHeap;
static HeapPtr forwardHeap2;
static HeapPtr backwardHeap2;
static HeapPtr forwardHeap3;
static HeapPtr backwardHeap3;
std::vector<std::string> & names;
static SearchEngineHeapPtr forwardHeap;
static SearchEngineHeapPtr backwardHeap;
static SearchEngineHeapPtr forwardHeap2;
static SearchEngineHeapPtr backwardHeap2;
static SearchEngineHeapPtr forwardHeap3;
static SearchEngineHeapPtr backwardHeap3;
inline void InitializeOrClearFirstThreadLocalStorage() {
if(!forwardHeap.get()) {
forwardHeap.reset(new BinaryHeap< NodeID, NodeID, int, _HeapData, UnorderedMapStorage<NodeID, int> >(nodeHelpDesk->getNumberOfNodes()));
forwardHeap.reset(new QueryHeap(nodeHelpDesk->getNumberOfNodes()));
if(!backwardHeap.get()) {
backwardHeap.reset(new BinaryHeap< NodeID, NodeID, int, _HeapData, UnorderedMapStorage<NodeID, int> >(nodeHelpDesk->getNumberOfNodes()));
backwardHeap.reset(new QueryHeap(nodeHelpDesk->getNumberOfNodes()));
@ -75,13 +76,13 @@ struct SearchEngineData {
inline void InitializeOrClearSecondThreadLocalStorage() {
if(!forwardHeap2.get()) {
forwardHeap2.reset(new BinaryHeap< NodeID, NodeID, int, _HeapData, UnorderedMapStorage<NodeID, int> >(nodeHelpDesk->getNumberOfNodes()));
forwardHeap2.reset(new QueryHeap(nodeHelpDesk->getNumberOfNodes()));
if(!backwardHeap2.get()) {
backwardHeap2.reset(new BinaryHeap< NodeID, NodeID, int, _HeapData, UnorderedMapStorage<NodeID, int> >(nodeHelpDesk->getNumberOfNodes()));
backwardHeap2.reset(new QueryHeap(nodeHelpDesk->getNumberOfNodes()));
@ -89,13 +90,13 @@ struct SearchEngineData {
inline void InitializeOrClearThirdThreadLocalStorage() {
if(!forwardHeap3.get()) {
forwardHeap3.reset(new BinaryHeap< NodeID, NodeID, int, _HeapData, UnorderedMapStorage<NodeID, int> >(nodeHelpDesk->getNumberOfNodes()));
forwardHeap3.reset(new QueryHeap(nodeHelpDesk->getNumberOfNodes()));
if(!backwardHeap3.get()) {
backwardHeap3.reset(new BinaryHeap< NodeID, NodeID, int, _HeapData, UnorderedMapStorage<NodeID, int> >(nodeHelpDesk->getNumberOfNodes()));
backwardHeap3.reset(new QueryHeap(nodeHelpDesk->getNumberOfNodes()));
@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ public:
ShortestPathRouting<SearchEngineDataT> shortestPath;
AlternativeRouting<SearchEngineDataT> alternativePaths;
SearchEngine(GraphT * g, NodeInformationHelpDesk * nh, std::vector<string> & n) :
SearchEngine(GraphT * g, NodeInformationHelpDesk * nh, std::vector<std::string> & n) :
_queryData(g, nh, n),

View File

@ -18,16 +18,12 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see
#ifndef TIMEUTIL_H_
#define TIMEUTIL_H_
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <sys/timeb.h>
@ -43,13 +39,6 @@ or see
#include <sys/time.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
#include <tr1/functional_hash.h>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
/** Returns a timestamp (now) in seconds (incl. a fractional part). */
static inline double get_timestamp() {
struct timeval tp;
@ -57,14 +46,5 @@ static inline double get_timestamp() {
return double(tp.tv_sec) + tp.tv_usec / 1000000.;
static inline double y2lat(double a) { return 180/M_PI * (2 * atan(exp(a*M_PI/180)) - M_PI/2); }
static inline double lat2y(double a) { return 180/M_PI * log(tan(M_PI/4+a*(M_PI/180)/2)); }
static inline unsigned boost_thread_id_hash(boost::thread::id const& id) {
std::stringstream ostr;
ostr << id;
std::tr1::hash<std::string> h;
return h(ostr.str());
#endif /* TIMEUTIL_H_ */
#endif /* TIMINGUTIL_H_ */

View File

@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
#include <string>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
typedef unsigned char TurnInstruction;
//This is a hack until c++0x is available enough to use scoped enums
struct TurnInstructionsClass {
struct TurnInstructionsClass : boost::noncopyable {
const static TurnInstruction NoTurn = 0; //Give no instruction at all
const static TurnInstruction GoStraight = 1; //Tell user to go straight!
@ -44,48 +44,14 @@ struct TurnInstructionsClass {
const static TurnInstruction StayOnRoundAbout = 13;
const static TurnInstruction StartAtEndOfStreet = 14;
const static TurnInstruction ReachedYourDestination = 15;
const static TurnInstruction EnterAgainstAllowedDirection = 16;
const static TurnInstruction LeaveAgainstAllowedDirection = 17;
const static TurnInstruction AccessRestrictionFlag = 128;
const static TurnInstruction InverseAccessRestrictionFlag = 0x7f; // ~128 does not work without a warning.
const static int AccessRestrictionPenalty = 1 << 15; //unrelated to the bit set in the restriction flag
// std::string TurnStrings[16];
// std::string Ordinals[12];
//This is a hack until c++0x is available enough to use initializer lists.
// TurnInstructionsClass(){
// TurnStrings [0] = "";
// TurnStrings [1] = "Continue";
// TurnStrings [2] = "Turn slight right";
// TurnStrings [3] = "Turn right";
// TurnStrings [4] = "Turn sharp right";
// TurnStrings [5] = "U-Turn";
// TurnStrings [6] = "Turn sharp left";
// TurnStrings [7] = "Turn left";
// TurnStrings [8] = "Turn slight left";
// TurnStrings [9] = "Reach via point";
// TurnStrings[10] = "Head";
// TurnStrings[11] = "Enter roundabout";
// TurnStrings[12] = "Leave roundabout";
// TurnStrings[13] = "Stay on roundabout";
// TurnStrings[14] = "Start";
// TurnStrings[15] = "You have reached your destination";
// Ordinals[0] = "zeroth";
// Ordinals[1] = "first";
// Ordinals[2] = "second";
// Ordinals[3] = "third";
// Ordinals[4] = "fourth";
// Ordinals[5] = "fifth";
// Ordinals[6] = "sixth";
// Ordinals[7] = "seventh";
// Ordinals[8] = "eighth";
// Ordinals[9] = "nineth";
// Ordinals[10] = "tenth";
// Ordinals[11] = "one of the too many";
// };
static inline TurnInstruction GetTurnDirectionOfInstruction( const double angle ) {
if(angle >= 23 && angle < 67) {
return TurnSharpRight;

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public:
table1.resize(2 << 16);
table2.resize(2 << 16);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < (2 << 16); ++i) {
table1[i] = i; table2[i];
table1[i] = i; table2[i] = i;
std::random_shuffle(table1.begin(), table1.end());
std::random_shuffle(table2.begin(), table2.end());
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ public:
table3.resize(1 << 8);
table4.resize(1 << 8);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < (1 << 8); ++i) {
table1[i] = i; table2[i];
table3[i] = i; table4[i];
table1[i] = i; table2[i] = i;
table3[i] = i; table4[i] = i;
std::random_shuffle(table1.begin(), table1.end());
std::random_shuffle(table2.begin(), table2.end());

View File

@ -53,13 +53,9 @@ public:
_RouteSummary() : lengthString("0"), durationString("0"), startName(0), destName(0) {}
void BuildDurationAndLengthStrings(const double distance, const unsigned time) {
//compute distance/duration for route summary
std::ostringstream s;
s << round(distance);
lengthString = s.str();
intToString(round(distance), lengthString);
int travelTime = time/10 + 1;
s << travelTime;
durationString = s.str();
intToString(travelTime, durationString);
} summary;

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ public:
"xmlns:xsi=\"\" "
"xsi:schemaLocation=\" gpx.xsd"
reply.content += "<metadata><copyright author=\"Project OSRM\"><license>Data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors (ODbL)</license></copyright></metadata>";
reply.content += "<rte>";
if(rawRoute.lengthOfShortestPath != INT_MAX && rawRoute.computedShortestPath.size()) {
convertInternalLatLonToString(, tmp);
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ public:
convertInternalLatLonToString(phantomNodes.startPhantom.location.lon, tmp);
reply.content += "lon=\"" + tmp + "\"></rtept>";
BOOST_FOREACH(_PathData pathData, rawRoute.computedShortestPath) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const _PathData & pathData, rawRoute.computedShortestPath) {
sEngine.GetCoordinatesForNodeID(pathData.node, current);
convertInternalLatLonToString(, tmp);

View File

@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ public:
reply.content += "}";
void GetRouteNames(std::vector<Segment> & shortestSegments, std::vector<Segment> & alternativeSegments, SearchEngineT &sEngine, RouteNames & routeNames) {
void GetRouteNames(std::vector<Segment> & shortestSegments, std::vector<Segment> & alternativeSegments, const SearchEngineT &sEngine, RouteNames & routeNames) {
/*** extract names for both alternatives ***/
Segment shortestSegment1, shortestSegment2;
@ -262,23 +262,25 @@ public:
std::vector<Segment> shortestDifference(shortestSegments.size());
std::vector<Segment> alternativeDifference(alternativeSegments.size());
std::set_difference(shortestSegments.begin(), shortestSegments.end(), alternativeSegments.begin(), alternativeSegments.end(), shortestDifference.begin(), boost::bind(&Segment::nameID, _1) < boost::bind(&Segment::nameID, _2) );
if(0 < shortestDifference.size() ) {
unsigned i = 0;
while( i < shortestDifference.size() && shortestDifference[i].nameID == shortestSegments[0].nameID) {
int size_of_difference = shortestDifference.size();
if(0 < size_of_difference ) {
int i = 0;
while( i < size_of_difference && shortestDifference[i].nameID == shortestSegments[0].nameID) {
if(i < shortestDifference.size()) {
if(i < size_of_difference ) {
shortestSegment2 = shortestDifference[i];
std::set_difference(alternativeSegments.begin(), alternativeSegments.end(), shortestSegments.begin(), shortestSegments.end(), alternativeDifference.begin(), boost::bind(&Segment::nameID, _1) < boost::bind(&Segment::nameID, _2) );
if(0 < alternativeDifference.size() ) {
unsigned i = 0;
while( i < alternativeDifference.size() && alternativeDifference[i].nameID == alternativeSegments[0].nameID) {
size_of_difference = alternativeDifference.size();
if(0 < size_of_difference ) {
int i = 0;
while( i < size_of_difference && alternativeDifference[i].nameID == alternativeSegments[0].nameID) {
if(i < alternativeDifference.size()) {
if(i < size_of_difference ) {
alternativeSegment2 = alternativeDifference[i];
@ -292,7 +294,7 @@ public:
routeNames.shortestPathName2 = sEngine.GetEscapedNameForNameID(shortestSegment2.nameID);
routeNames.alternativePathName1 = sEngine.GetEscapedNameForNameID(alternativeSegment1.nameID);
routeNames.alternativePathName2 += sEngine.GetEscapedNameForNameID(alternativeSegment2.nameID);
routeNames.alternativePathName2 = sEngine.GetEscapedNameForNameID(alternativeSegment2.nameID);

Extractor/BaseParser.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see
#include "BaseParser.h"
BaseParser::BaseParser(ExtractorCallbacks* ec, ScriptingEnvironment& se) :
extractor_callbacks(ec), scriptingEnvironment(se), luaState(NULL), use_turn_restrictions(true) {
luaState = se.getLuaStateForThreadID(0);
void BaseParser::ReadUseRestrictionsSetting() {
if( 0 != luaL_dostring( luaState, "return use_turn_restrictions\n") ) {
ERR(lua_tostring( luaState,-1)<< " occured in scripting block");
if( lua_isboolean( luaState, -1) ) {
use_turn_restrictions = lua_toboolean(luaState, -1);
if( use_turn_restrictions ) {
INFO("Using turn restrictions" );
} else {
INFO("Ignoring turn restrictions" );
void BaseParser::ReadRestrictionExceptions() {
if(lua_function_exists(luaState, "get_exceptions" )) {
//get list of turn restriction exceptions
try {
INFO("Found " << restriction_exceptions.size() << " exceptions to turn restriction");
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string & str, restriction_exceptions) {
INFO(" " << str);
} catch (const luabind::error &er) {
lua_State* Ler=er.state();
report_errors(Ler, -1);
} else {
INFO("Found no exceptions to turn restrictions");
void BaseParser::report_errors(lua_State *L, const int status) const {
if( 0!=status ) {
std::cerr << "-- " << lua_tostring(L, -1) << std::endl;
lua_pop(L, 1); // remove error message
void BaseParser::ParseNodeInLua(ImportNode& n, lua_State* localLuaState) {
try {
luabind::call_function<void>( localLuaState, "node_function", boost::ref(n) );
} catch (const luabind::error &er) {
lua_State* Ler=er.state();
report_errors(Ler, -1);
void BaseParser::ParseWayInLua(ExtractionWay& w, lua_State* localLuaState) {
if(2 > w.path.size()) {
try {
luabind::call_function<void>( localLuaState, "way_function", boost::ref(w) );
} catch (const luabind::error &er) {
lua_State* Ler=er.state();
report_errors(Ler, -1);
bool BaseParser::ShouldIgnoreRestriction(const std::string& except_tag_string) const {
//should this restriction be ignored? yes if there's an overlap between:
//a) the list of modes in the except tag of the restriction (except_tag_string), ex: except=bus;bicycle
//b) the lua profile defines a hierachy of modes, ex: [access, vehicle, bicycle]
if( "" == except_tag_string ) {
return false;
//Be warned, this is quadratic work here, but we assume that
//only a few exceptions are actually defined.
std::vector<std::string> exceptions;
boost::algorithm::split_regex(exceptions, except_tag_string, boost::regex("[;][ ]*"));
BOOST_FOREACH(std::string& str, exceptions) {
if( restriction_exceptions.end() != std::find(restriction_exceptions.begin(), restriction_exceptions.end(), str) ) {
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -27,23 +27,32 @@ extern "C" {
#include <lualib.h>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include "ExtractorCallbacks.h"
#include "ScriptingEnvironment.h"
template<class ExternalMemoryT, typename NodeT, typename RestrictionT, typename WayT>
class BaseParser {
class BaseParser : boost::noncopyable {
BaseParser(ExtractorCallbacks* ec, ScriptingEnvironment& se);
virtual ~BaseParser() {}
virtual bool Init() = 0;
virtual void RegisterCallbacks(ExternalMemoryT * externalMemory) = 0;
virtual void RegisterScriptingEnvironment(ScriptingEnvironment & _se) = 0;
virtual bool ReadHeader() = 0;
virtual bool Parse() = 0;
void report_errors(lua_State *L, int status) {
if ( status!=0 ) {
std::cerr << "-- " << lua_tostring(L, -1) << std::endl;
lua_pop(L, 1); // remove error message
virtual void ParseNodeInLua(ImportNode& n, lua_State* luaStateForThread);
virtual void ParseWayInLua(ExtractionWay& n, lua_State* luaStateForThread);
virtual void report_errors(lua_State *L, const int status) const;
virtual void ReadUseRestrictionsSetting();
virtual void ReadRestrictionExceptions();
virtual bool ShouldIgnoreRestriction(const std::string& except_tag_string) const;
ExtractorCallbacks* extractor_callbacks;
ScriptingEnvironment& scriptingEnvironment;
lua_State* luaState;
std::vector<std::string> restriction_exceptions;
bool use_turn_restrictions;

View File

@ -27,31 +27,31 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string & outputFileName, const
double time = get_timestamp();
boost::uint64_t memory_to_use = static_cast<boost::uint64_t>(amountOfRAM) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
cout << "[extractor] Sorting used nodes ... " << flush;
std::cout << "[extractor] Sorting used nodes ... " << std::flush;
stxxl::sort(usedNodeIDs.begin(), usedNodeIDs.end(), Cmp(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Erasing duplicate nodes ... " << flush;
stxxl::vector<NodeID>::iterator NewEnd = unique ( usedNodeIDs.begin(),usedNodeIDs.end() ) ;
std::cout << "[extractor] Erasing duplicate nodes ... " << std::flush;
stxxl::vector<NodeID>::iterator NewEnd = std::unique ( usedNodeIDs.begin(),usedNodeIDs.end() ) ;
usedNodeIDs.resize ( NewEnd - usedNodeIDs.begin() );
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Sorting all nodes ... " << flush;
std::cout << "[extractor] Sorting all nodes ... " << std::flush;
stxxl::sort(allNodes.begin(), allNodes.end(), CmpNodeByID(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Sorting used ways ... " << flush;
std::cout << "[extractor] Sorting used ways ... " << std::flush;
stxxl::sort(wayStartEndVector.begin(), wayStartEndVector.end(), CmpWayByID(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
cout << "[extractor] Sorting restrctns. by from... " << flush;
std::cout << "[extractor] Sorting restrctns. by from... " << std::flush;
stxxl::sort(restrictionsVector.begin(), restrictionsVector.end(), CmpRestrictionContainerByFrom(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
cout << "[extractor] Fixing restriction starts ... " << flush;
std::cout << "[extractor] Fixing restriction starts ... " << std::flush;
STXXLRestrictionsVector::iterator restrictionsIT = restrictionsVector.begin();
STXXLWayIDStartEndVector::iterator wayStartAndEndEdgeIT = wayStartEndVector.begin();
@ -79,16 +79,16 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string & outputFileName, const
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Sorting restrctns. by to ... " << flush;
std::cout << "[extractor] Sorting restrctns. by to ... " << std::flush;
stxxl::sort(restrictionsVector.begin(), restrictionsVector.end(), CmpRestrictionContainerByTo(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
time = get_timestamp();
unsigned usableRestrictionsCounter(0);
cout << "[extractor] Fixing restriction ends ... " << flush;
std::cout << "[extractor] Fixing restriction ends ... " << std::flush;
restrictionsIT = restrictionsVector.begin();
wayStartAndEndEdgeIT = wayStartEndVector.begin();
while(wayStartAndEndEdgeIT != wayStartEndVector.end() && restrictionsIT != restrictionsVector.end()) {
@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string & outputFileName, const
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
INFO("usable restrictions: " << usableRestrictionsCounter );
//serialize restrictions
ofstream restrictionsOutstream;, ios::binary);
std::ofstream restrictionsOutstream;, std::ios::binary);
restrictionsOutstream.write((char*)&usableRestrictionsCounter, sizeof(unsigned));
for(restrictionsIT = restrictionsVector.begin(); restrictionsIT != restrictionsVector.end(); ++restrictionsIT) {
if(UINT_MAX != restrictionsIT->restriction.fromNode && UINT_MAX != restrictionsIT->restriction.toNode) {
@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string & outputFileName, const
ofstream fout;, ios::binary);
std::ofstream fout;, std::ios::binary);
fout.write((char*)&usedNodeCounter, sizeof(unsigned));
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Confirming/Writing used nodes ... " << flush;
std::cout << "[extractor] Confirming/Writing used nodes ... " << std::flush;
STXXLNodeVector::iterator nodesIT = allNodes.begin();
STXXLNodeIDVector::iterator usedNodeIDsIT = usedNodeIDs.begin();
@ -154,24 +154,24 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string & outputFileName, const
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
cout << "[extractor] setting number of nodes ... " << flush;
ios::pos_type positionInFile = fout.tellp();
std::cout << "[extractor] setting number of nodes ... " << std::flush;
std::ios::pos_type positionInFile = fout.tellp();
fout.write((char*)&usedNodeCounter, sizeof(unsigned));
cout << "ok" << endl;
std::cout << "ok" << std::endl;
time = get_timestamp();
// Sort edges by start.
cout << "[extractor] Sorting edges by start ... " << flush;
std::cout << "[extractor] Sorting edges by start ... " << std::flush;
stxxl::sort(allEdges.begin(), allEdges.end(), CmpEdgeByStartID(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Setting start coords ... " << flush;
std::cout << "[extractor] Setting start coords ... " << std::flush;
fout.write((char*)&usedEdgeCounter, sizeof(unsigned));
// Traverse list of edges and nodes in parallel and set start coord
nodesIT = allNodes.begin();
@ -191,16 +191,16 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string & outputFileName, const
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
time = get_timestamp();
// Sort Edges by target
cout << "[extractor] Sorting edges by target ... " << flush;
std::cout << "[extractor] Sorting edges by target ... " << std::flush;
stxxl::sort(allEdges.begin(), allEdges.end(), CmpEdgeByTargetID(), memory_to_use);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] Setting target coords ... " << flush;
std::cout << "[extractor] Setting target coords ... " << std::flush;
// Traverse list of edges and nodes in parallel and set target coord
nodesIT = allNodes.begin();
edgeIT = allEdges.begin();
@ -231,22 +231,22 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string & outputFileName, const
fout.write((char*)&edgeIT->target, sizeof(unsigned));
fout.write((char*)&intDist, sizeof(int));
switch(edgeIT->direction) {
case _Way::notSure:
case ExtractionWay::notSure:
fout.write((char*)&zero, sizeof(short));
case _Way::oneway:
case ExtractionWay::oneway:
fout.write((char*)&one, sizeof(short));
case _Way::bidirectional:
case ExtractionWay::bidirectional:
fout.write((char*)&zero, sizeof(short));
case _Way::opposite:
case ExtractionWay::opposite:
fout.write((char*)&one, sizeof(short));
cerr << "[error] edge with no direction: " << edgeIT->direction << endl;
std::cerr << "[error] edge with no direction: " << edgeIT->direction << std::endl;
fout.write((char*)&intWeight, sizeof(int));
@ -256,33 +256,34 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string & outputFileName, const
fout.write((char*)&edgeIT->isRoundabout, sizeof(bool));
fout.write((char*)&edgeIT->ignoreInGrid, sizeof(bool));
fout.write((char*)&edgeIT->isAccessRestricted, sizeof(bool));
fout.write((char*)&edgeIT->isContraFlow, sizeof(bool));
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
cout << "[extractor] setting number of edges ... " << flush;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
std::cout << "[extractor] setting number of edges ... " << std::flush;
fout.write((char*)&usedEdgeCounter, sizeof(unsigned));
cout << "ok" << endl;
std::cout << "ok" << std::endl;
time = get_timestamp();
cout << "[extractor] writing street name index ... " << flush;
std::cout << "[extractor] writing street name index ... " << std::flush;
std::string nameOutFileName = (outputFileName + ".names");
ofstream nameOutFile(nameOutFileName.c_str(), ios::binary);
std::ofstream nameOutFile(nameOutFileName.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
unsigned sizeOfNameIndex = nameVector.size();
nameOutFile.write((char *)&(sizeOfNameIndex), sizeof(unsigned));
BOOST_FOREACH(string str, nameVector) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string & str, nameVector) {
unsigned lengthOfRawString = strlen(str.c_str());
nameOutFile.write((char *)&(lengthOfRawString), sizeof(unsigned));
nameOutFile.write(str.c_str(), lengthOfRawString);
cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << endl;
std::cout << "ok, after " << get_timestamp() - time << "s" << std::endl;
// time = get_timestamp();
// cout << "[extractor] writing address list ... " << flush;
@ -298,8 +299,8 @@ void ExtractionContainers::PrepareData(const std::string & outputFileName, const
INFO("Processed " << usedNodeCounter << " nodes and " << usedEdgeCounter << " edges");
} catch ( const exception& e ) {
cerr << "Caught Execption:" << e.what() << endl;
} catch ( const std::exception& e ) {
std::cerr << "Caught Execption:" << e.what() << std::endl;

View File

@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
#include <stxxl.h>
#include "ExtractorStructs.h"
#include "../DataStructures/Util.h"
#include "../DataStructures/TimingUtil.h"
class ExtractionContainers {
typedef stxxl::vector<NodeID> STXXLNodeIDVector;
typedef stxxl::vector<_Node> STXXLNodeVector;
typedef stxxl::vector<_Edge> STXXLEdgeVector;
typedef stxxl::vector<InternalExtractorEdge> STXXLEdgeVector;
typedef stxxl::vector<std::string> STXXLStringVector;
typedef stxxl::vector<_RawRestrictionContainer> STXXLRestrictionsVector;
typedef stxxl::vector<_WayIDStartAndEndEdge> STXXLWayIDStartEndVector;

View File

@ -28,12 +28,15 @@ or see
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <climits>
#include "../Util/StringUtil.h"
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
//TODO: Move into LUA
inline bool durationIsValid(const std::string &s) {
boost::regex e ("((\\d|\\d\\d):)*(\\d|\\d\\d)",boost::regex_constants::icase|boost::regex_constants::perl);
boost::regex e ("((\\d|\\d\\d):(\\d|\\d\\d):(\\d|\\d\\d))|((\\d|\\d\\d):(\\d|\\d\\d))|(\\d|\\d\\d)",boost::regex_constants::icase|boost::regex_constants::perl);
std::vector< std::string > result;
boost::algorithm::split_regex( result, s, boost::regex( ":" ) ) ;
@ -42,17 +45,28 @@ inline bool durationIsValid(const std::string &s) {
inline unsigned parseDuration(const std::string &s) {
int hours = 0;
int minutes = 0;
boost::regex e ("((\\d|\\d\\d):)*(\\d|\\d\\d)",boost::regex_constants::icase|boost::regex_constants::perl);
unsigned hours = 0;
unsigned minutes = 0;
unsigned seconds = 0;
boost::regex e ("((\\d|\\d\\d):(\\d|\\d\\d):(\\d|\\d\\d))|((\\d|\\d\\d):(\\d|\\d\\d))|(\\d|\\d\\d)",boost::regex_constants::icase|boost::regex_constants::perl);
std::vector< std::string > result;
boost::algorithm::split_regex( result, s, boost::regex( ":" ) ) ;
bool matched = regex_match(s, e);
if(matched) {
hours = (result.size()== 2) ? stringToInt(result[0]) : 0;
minutes = (result.size()== 2) ? stringToInt(result[1]) : stringToInt(result[0]);
return 600*(hours*60+minutes);
if(1 == result.size()) {
minutes = stringToInt(result[0]);
if(2 == result.size()) {
minutes = stringToInt(result[1]);
hours = stringToInt(result[0]);
if(3 == result.size()) {
seconds = stringToInt(result[2]);
minutes = stringToInt(result[1]);
hours = stringToInt(result[0]);
return 10*(3600*hours+60*minutes+seconds);
return UINT_MAX;
@ -66,5 +80,4 @@ inline int parseMaxspeed(std::string input) { //call-by-value on purpose.
return n;

View File

@ -48,58 +48,95 @@ ExtractorCallbacks::ExtractorCallbacks(ExtractionContainers * ext, StringMap * s
stringMap = strMap;
ExtractorCallbacks::~ExtractorCallbacks() {
ExtractorCallbacks::~ExtractorCallbacks() { }
/** warning: caller needs to take care of synchronization! */
bool ExtractorCallbacks::nodeFunction(_Node &n) {
if( <= 85*100000 && >= -85*100000)
void ExtractorCallbacks::nodeFunction(const _Node &n) {
if( <= 85*100000 && >= -85*100000) {
return true;
bool ExtractorCallbacks::restrictionFunction(_RawRestrictionContainer &r) {
bool ExtractorCallbacks::restrictionFunction(const _RawRestrictionContainer &r) {
return true;
/** warning: caller needs to take care of synchronization! */
bool ExtractorCallbacks::wayFunction(_Way &w) {
/*** Store name of way and split it into edge segments ***/
void ExtractorCallbacks::wayFunction(ExtractionWay &parsed_way) {
if((0 < parsed_way.speed) || (0 < parsed_way.duration)) { //Only true if the way is specified by the speed profile
if(UINT_MAX =={
DEBUG("found bogus way with id: " << << " of size " << parsed_way.path.size());
if ( w.speed > 0 ) { //Only true if the way is specified by the speed profile
if(0 < parsed_way.duration) {
//TODO: iterate all way segments and set duration corresponding to the length of each segment
parsed_way.speed = parsed_way.duration/(parsed_way.path.size()-1);
if(FLT_EPSILON >= fabs(-1. - parsed_way.speed)){
DEBUG("found way with bogus speed, id: " <<;
//Get the unique identifier for the street name
const StringMap::const_iterator strit = stringMap->find(;
if(strit == stringMap->end()) {
w.nameID = externalMemory->nameVector.size();
stringMap->insert(StringMap::value_type(, w.nameID));
const StringMap::const_iterator string_map_iterator = stringMap->find(;
if(stringMap->end() == string_map_iterator) {
parsed_way.nameID = externalMemory->nameVector.size();
stringMap->insert(std::make_pair(, parsed_way.nameID));
} else {
w.nameID = strit->second;
parsed_way.nameID = string_map_iterator->second;
if(fabs(-1. - w.speed) < FLT_EPSILON){
WARN("found way with bogus speed, id: " <<;
return true;
if( == UINT_MAX) {
WARN("found way with unknown type: " <<;
return true;
if(ExtractionWay::opposite == parsed_way.direction) {
std::reverse( parsed_way.path.begin(), parsed_way.path.end() );
parsed_way.direction = ExtractionWay::oneway;
if ( w.direction == _Way::opposite ){
std::reverse( w.path.begin(), w.path.end() );
const bool split_bidirectional_edge = (parsed_way.backward_speed > 0) && (parsed_way.speed != parsed_way.backward_speed);
for(vector< NodeID >::size_type n = 0; n < w.path.size()-1; ++n) {
externalMemory->allEdges.push_back(_Edge(w.path[n], w.path[n+1], w.type, w.direction, w.speed, w.nameID, w.roundabout, w.ignoreInGrid, w.isDurationSet, w.isAccessRestricted));
for(std::vector< NodeID >::size_type n = 0; n < parsed_way.path.size()-1; ++n) {
(split_bidirectional_edge ? ExtractionWay::oneway : parsed_way.direction),
(0 < parsed_way.duration),
//The following information is needed to identify start and end segments of restrictions
externalMemory->wayStartEndVector.push_back(_WayIDStartAndEndEdge(, w.path[0], w.path[1], w.path[w.path.size()-2], w.path[w.path.size()-1]));
externalMemory->wayStartEndVector.push_back(_WayIDStartAndEndEdge(, parsed_way.path[0], parsed_way.path[1], parsed_way.path[parsed_way.path.size()-2], parsed_way.path.back()));
if(split_bidirectional_edge) { //Only true if the way should be split
std::reverse( parsed_way.path.begin(), parsed_way.path.end() );
for(std::vector< NodeID >::size_type n = 0; n < parsed_way.path.size()-1; ++n) {
(0 < parsed_way.duration),
(ExtractionWay::oneway == parsed_way.direction)
externalMemory->wayStartEndVector.push_back(_WayIDStartAndEndEdge(, parsed_way.path[0], parsed_way.path[1], parsed_way.path[parsed_way.path.size()-2], parsed_way.path.back()));
return true;

View File

@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ public:
/** warning: caller needs to take care of synchronization! */
bool nodeFunction(_Node &n);
void nodeFunction(const _Node &n);
bool restrictionFunction(_RawRestrictionContainer &r);
bool restrictionFunction(const _RawRestrictionContainer &r);
/** warning: caller needs to take care of synchronization! */
bool wayFunction(_Way &w);
void wayFunction(ExtractionWay &w);

View File

@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ or see
#include "../DataStructures/ImportNode.h"
#include "../DataStructures/NodeCoords.h"
#include "../DataStructures/Restriction.h"
#include "../DataStructures/Util.h"
#include "../DataStructures/TimingUtil.h"
#include "../typedefs.h"
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, NodeID > StringMap;
typedef boost::unordered_map<std::string, std::pair<int, short> > StringToIntPairMap;
struct _Way {
_Way() {
struct ExtractionWay {
ExtractionWay() {
@ -50,46 +50,52 @@ struct _Way {
nameID = UINT_MAX;
direction = _Way::notSure;
direction = ExtractionWay::notSure;
speed = -1;
backward_speed = -1;
duration = -1;
type = -1;
access = true;
roundabout = false;
isDurationSet = false;
isAccessRestricted = false;
ignoreInGrid = false;
enum {
enum Directions {
notSure = 0, oneway, bidirectional, opposite
} direction;
Directions direction;
unsigned id;
unsigned nameID;
std::string name;
double speed;
double backward_speed;
double duration;
short type;
bool access;
bool roundabout;
bool isDurationSet;
bool isAccessRestricted;
bool ignoreInGrid;
std::vector< NodeID > path;
HashTable<std::string, std::string> keyVals;
struct _Relation {
_Relation() : type(unknown){}
struct ExtractorRelation {
ExtractorRelation() : type(unknown){}
enum {
unknown = 0, ferry, turnRestriction
} type;
HashTable<std::string, std::string> keyVals;
struct _Edge {
_Edge() : start(0), target(0), type(0), direction(0), speed(0), nameID(0), isRoundabout(false), ignoreInGrid(false), isDurationSet(false), isAccessRestricted(false) {};
_Edge(NodeID s, NodeID t) : start(s), target(t), type(0), direction(0), speed(0), nameID(0), isRoundabout(false), ignoreInGrid(false), isDurationSet(false), isAccessRestricted(false) { }
_Edge(NodeID s, NodeID t, short tp, short d, double sp): start(s), target(t), type(tp), direction(d), speed(sp), nameID(0), isRoundabout(false), ignoreInGrid(false), isDurationSet(false), isAccessRestricted(false) { }
_Edge(NodeID s, NodeID t, short tp, short d, double sp, unsigned nid, bool isra, bool iing, bool ids, bool iar): start(s), target(t), type(tp), direction(d), speed(sp), nameID(nid), isRoundabout(isra), ignoreInGrid(iing), isDurationSet(ids), isAccessRestricted(iar) {
struct InternalExtractorEdge {
InternalExtractorEdge() : start(0), target(0), type(0), direction(0), speed(0), nameID(0), isRoundabout(false), ignoreInGrid(false), isDurationSet(false), isAccessRestricted(false), isContraFlow(false) {};
InternalExtractorEdge(NodeID s, NodeID t) : start(s), target(t), type(0), direction(0), speed(0), nameID(0), isRoundabout(false), ignoreInGrid(false), isDurationSet(false), isAccessRestricted(false), isContraFlow(false) { }
InternalExtractorEdge(NodeID s, NodeID t, short tp, short d, double sp): start(s), target(t), type(tp), direction(d), speed(sp), nameID(0), isRoundabout(false), ignoreInGrid(false), isDurationSet(false), isAccessRestricted(false), isContraFlow(false) { }
InternalExtractorEdge(NodeID s, NodeID t, short tp, short d, double sp, unsigned nid, bool isra, bool iing, bool ids, bool iar): start(s), target(t), type(tp), direction(d), speed(sp), nameID(nid), isRoundabout(isra), ignoreInGrid(iing), isDurationSet(ids), isAccessRestricted(iar), isContraFlow(false) {
assert(0 <= type);
InternalExtractorEdge(NodeID s, NodeID t, short tp, short d, double sp, unsigned nid, bool isra, bool iing, bool ids, bool iar, bool icf): start(s), target(t), type(tp), direction(d), speed(sp), nameID(nid), isRoundabout(isra), ignoreInGrid(iing), isDurationSet(ids), isAccessRestricted(iar), isContraFlow(icf) {
assert(0 <= type);
NodeID start;
@ -102,19 +108,21 @@ struct _Edge {
bool ignoreInGrid;
bool isDurationSet;
bool isAccessRestricted;
bool isContraFlow;
_Coordinate startCoord;
_Coordinate targetCoord;
static _Edge min_value() {
return _Edge(0,0);
static InternalExtractorEdge min_value() {
return InternalExtractorEdge(0,0);
static _Edge max_value() {
return _Edge((numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)());
static InternalExtractorEdge max_value() {
return InternalExtractorEdge((std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)());
struct _WayIDStartAndEndEdge {
unsigned wayID;
NodeID firstStart;
@ -125,10 +133,10 @@ struct _WayIDStartAndEndEdge {
_WayIDStartAndEndEdge(unsigned w, NodeID fs, NodeID ft, NodeID ls, NodeID lt) : wayID(w), firstStart(fs), firstTarget(ft), lastStart(ls), lastTarget(lt) {}
static _WayIDStartAndEndEdge min_value() {
return _WayIDStartAndEndEdge((numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)());
return _WayIDStartAndEndEdge((std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)(), (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)());
static _WayIDStartAndEndEdge max_value() {
return _WayIDStartAndEndEdge((numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)());
return _WayIDStartAndEndEdge((std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)(), (std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)());
@ -171,38 +179,33 @@ struct CmpNodeByID : public std::binary_function<_Node, _Node, bool> {
struct CmpEdgeByStartID : public std::binary_function<_Edge, _Edge, bool>
typedef _Edge value_type;
bool operator () (const _Edge & a, const _Edge & b) const {
struct CmpEdgeByStartID : public std::binary_function<InternalExtractorEdge, InternalExtractorEdge, bool> {
typedef InternalExtractorEdge value_type;
bool operator () (const InternalExtractorEdge & a, const InternalExtractorEdge & b) const {
return a.start < b.start;
value_type max_value() {
return _Edge::max_value();
return InternalExtractorEdge::max_value();
value_type min_value() {
return _Edge::min_value();
return InternalExtractorEdge::min_value();
struct CmpEdgeByTargetID : public std::binary_function<_Edge, _Edge, bool>
typedef _Edge value_type;
bool operator () (const _Edge & a, const _Edge & b) const
struct CmpEdgeByTargetID : public std::binary_function<InternalExtractorEdge, InternalExtractorEdge, bool> {
typedef InternalExtractorEdge value_type;
bool operator () (const InternalExtractorEdge & a, const InternalExtractorEdge & b) const {
return <;
value_type max_value()
return _Edge::max_value();
value_type max_value() {
return InternalExtractorEdge::max_value();
value_type min_value()
return _Edge::min_value();
value_type min_value() {
return InternalExtractorEdge::min_value();
inline string GetRandomString() {
inline std::string GetRandomString() {
char s[128];
static const char alphanum[] =
@ -213,7 +216,7 @@ inline string GetRandomString() {
s[i] = alphanum[rand() % (sizeof(alphanum) - 1)];
s[127] = 0;
return string(s);
return std::string(s);

Extractor/PBFParser.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see
#include "PBFParser.h"
PBFParser::PBFParser(const char * fileName, ExtractorCallbacks* ec, ScriptingEnvironment& se) : BaseParser( ec, se ) {
//TODO: What is the bottleneck here? Filling the queue or reading the stuff from disk?
//NOTE: With Lua scripting, it is parsing the stuff. I/O is virtually for free.
threadDataQueue = boost::make_shared<ConcurrentQueue<_ThreadData*> >( 2500 ); /* Max 2500 items in queue, hardcoded. */, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!input) {
std::cerr << fileName << ": File not found." << std::endl;
#ifndef NDEBUG
blockCount = 0;
groupCount = 0;
PBFParser::~PBFParser() {
if(input.is_open()) {
// Clean up any leftover ThreadData objects in the queue
_ThreadData* td;
while (threadDataQueue->try_pop(td)) {
delete td;
#ifndef NDEBUG
DEBUG("parsed " << blockCount << " blocks from pbf with " << groupCount << " groups");
inline bool PBFParser::ReadHeader() {
_ThreadData initData;
/** read Header */
if(!readPBFBlobHeader(input, &initData)) {
return false;
if(readBlob(input, &initData)) {
if(!initData.PBFHeaderBlock.ParseFromArray(&(initData.charBuffer[0]), initData.charBuffer.size() ) ) {
std::cerr << "[error] Header not parseable!" << std::endl;
return false;
for(int i = 0, featureSize = initData.PBFHeaderBlock.required_features_size(); i < featureSize; ++i) {
const std::string& feature = initData.PBFHeaderBlock.required_features( i );
bool supported = false;
if ( "OsmSchema-V0.6" == feature ) {
supported = true;
else if ( "DenseNodes" == feature ) {
supported = true;
if ( !supported ) {
std::cerr << "[error] required feature not supported: " << << std::endl;
return false;
} else {
std::cerr << "[error] blob not loaded!" << std::endl;
return true;
inline void PBFParser::ReadData() {
bool keepRunning = true;
do {
_ThreadData *threadData = new _ThreadData();
keepRunning = readNextBlock(input, threadData);
if (keepRunning) {
} else {
threadDataQueue->push(NULL); // No more data to read, parse stops when NULL encountered
delete threadData;
} while(keepRunning);
inline void PBFParser::ParseData() {
while (true) {
_ThreadData *threadData;
if( NULL==threadData ) {
INFO("Parse Data Thread Finished");
threadDataQueue->push(NULL); // Signal end of data for other threads
for(int i = 0, groupSize = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup_size(); i < groupSize; ++i) {
threadData->currentGroupID = i;
if(threadData->entityTypeIndicator == TypeNode) {
if(threadData->entityTypeIndicator == TypeWay) {
if(threadData->entityTypeIndicator == TypeRelation) {
if(threadData->entityTypeIndicator == TypeDenseNode) {
delete threadData;
threadData = NULL;
inline bool PBFParser::Parse() {
// Start the read and parse threads
boost::thread readThread(boost::bind(&PBFParser::ReadData, this));
//Open several parse threads that are synchronized before call to
boost::thread parseThread(boost::bind(&PBFParser::ParseData, this));
// Wait for the threads to finish
return true;
inline void PBFParser::parseDenseNode(_ThreadData * threadData) {
const OSMPBF::DenseNodes& dense = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup( threadData->currentGroupID ).dense();
int denseTagIndex = 0;
int m_lastDenseID = 0;
int m_lastDenseLatitude = 0;
int m_lastDenseLongitude = 0;
ImportNode n;
std::vector<ImportNode> extracted_nodes_vector;
const int number_of_nodes = dense.id_size();
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_nodes; ++i) {
m_lastDenseID += i );
m_lastDenseLatitude += i );
m_lastDenseLongitude += dense.lon( i ); = m_lastDenseID; = 100000*( ( double ) m_lastDenseLatitude * threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.granularity() + threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.lat_offset() ) / NANO;
n.lon = 100000*( ( double ) m_lastDenseLongitude * threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.granularity() + threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.lon_offset() ) / NANO;
while (denseTagIndex < dense.keys_vals_size()) {
const int tagValue = dense.keys_vals( denseTagIndex );
if( 0==tagValue ) {
const int keyValue = dense.keys_vals ( denseTagIndex+1 );
const std::string & key = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s(tagValue).data();
const std::string & value = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s(keyValue).data();
n.keyVals.Add(key, value);
denseTagIndex += 2;
#pragma omp parallel for schedule ( guided )
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_nodes; ++i) {
ImportNode &n = extracted_nodes_vector[i];
ParseNodeInLua( n, scriptingEnvironment.getLuaStateForThreadID(omp_get_thread_num()) );
BOOST_FOREACH(ImportNode &n, extracted_nodes_vector) {
inline void PBFParser::parseNode(_ThreadData * ) {
ERR("Parsing of simple nodes not supported. PBF should use dense nodes");
inline void PBFParser::parseRelation(_ThreadData * threadData) {
//TODO: leave early, if relation is not a restriction
//TODO: reuse rawRestriction container
if( !use_turn_restrictions ) {
const OSMPBF::PrimitiveGroup& group = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup( threadData->currentGroupID );
for(int i = 0; i < group.relations_size(); ++i ) {
std::string except_tag_string;
const OSMPBF::Relation& inputRelation = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup( threadData->currentGroupID ).relations(i);
bool isRestriction = false;
bool isOnlyRestriction = false;
for(int k = 0, endOfKeys = inputRelation.keys_size(); k < endOfKeys; ++k) {
const std::string & key = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s(inputRelation.keys(k));
const std::string & val = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s(inputRelation.vals(k));
if ("type" == key) {
if( "restriction" == val) {
isRestriction = true;
} else {
if ("restriction" == key) {
if(val.find("only_") == 0) {
isOnlyRestriction = true;
if ("except" == key) {
except_tag_string = val;
if( isRestriction && ShouldIgnoreRestriction(except_tag_string) ) {
if(isRestriction) {
int64_t lastRef = 0;
_RawRestrictionContainer currentRestrictionContainer(isOnlyRestriction);
for(int rolesIndex = 0; rolesIndex < inputRelation.roles_sid_size(); ++rolesIndex) {
std::string role(threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s( inputRelation.roles_sid( rolesIndex ) ).data());
lastRef += inputRelation.memids(rolesIndex);
if(!("from" == role || "to" == role || "via" == role)) {
switch(inputRelation.types(rolesIndex)) {
case 0: //node
if("from" == role || "to" == role) { //Only via should be a node
assert("via" == role);
if(UINT_MAX != currentRestrictionContainer.viaNode) {
currentRestrictionContainer.viaNode = UINT_MAX;
assert(UINT_MAX == currentRestrictionContainer.viaNode);
currentRestrictionContainer.restriction.viaNode = lastRef;
case 1: //way
assert("from" == role || "to" == role || "via" == role);
if("from" == role) {
currentRestrictionContainer.fromWay = lastRef;
if ("to" == role) {
currentRestrictionContainer.toWay = lastRef;
if ("via" == role) {
assert(currentRestrictionContainer.restriction.toNode == UINT_MAX);
currentRestrictionContainer.viaNode = lastRef;
case 2: //relation, not used. relations relating to relations are evil.
default: //should not happen
//cout << "unknown";
if(!extractor_callbacks->restrictionFunction(currentRestrictionContainer)) {
std::cerr << "[PBFParser] relation not parsed" << std::endl;
inline void PBFParser::parseWay(_ThreadData * threadData) {
ExtractionWay w;
std::vector<ExtractionWay> waysToParse;
const int number_of_ways = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup( threadData->currentGroupID ).ways_size();
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_ways; ++i) {
const OSMPBF::Way& inputWay = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup( threadData->currentGroupID ).ways( i ); =;
unsigned pathNode(0);
const int number_of_referenced_nodes = inputWay.refs_size();
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_referenced_nodes; ++i) {
pathNode += inputWay.refs(i);
assert(inputWay.keys_size() == inputWay.vals_size());
const int number_of_keys = inputWay.keys_size();
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_keys; ++i) {
const std::string & key = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s(inputWay.keys(i));
const std::string & val = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s(inputWay.vals(i));
w.keyVals.Add(key, val);
#pragma omp parallel for schedule ( guided )
for(int i = 0; i < number_of_ways; ++i) {
ExtractionWay & w = waysToParse[i];
ParseWayInLua( w, scriptingEnvironment.getLuaStateForThreadID(omp_get_thread_num()) );
BOOST_FOREACH(ExtractionWay & w, waysToParse) {
inline void PBFParser::loadGroup(_ThreadData * threadData) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
const OSMPBF::PrimitiveGroup& group = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup( threadData->currentGroupID );
threadData->entityTypeIndicator = 0;
if ( group.nodes_size() != 0 ) {
threadData->entityTypeIndicator = TypeNode;
if ( group.ways_size() != 0 ) {
threadData->entityTypeIndicator = TypeWay;
if ( group.relations_size() != 0 ) {
threadData->entityTypeIndicator = TypeRelation;
if ( group.has_dense() ) {
threadData->entityTypeIndicator = TypeDenseNode;
assert( group.dense().id_size() != 0 );
assert( threadData->entityTypeIndicator != 0 );
inline void PBFParser::loadBlock(_ThreadData * threadData) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
threadData->currentGroupID = 0;
threadData->currentEntityID = 0;
inline bool PBFParser::readPBFBlobHeader(std::fstream& stream, _ThreadData * threadData) {
int size(0); *)&size, sizeof(int));
size = swapEndian(size);
if(stream.eof()) {
return false;
if ( size > MAX_BLOB_HEADER_SIZE || size < 0 ) {
return false;
char *data = new char[size];, size*sizeof(data[0]));
bool dataSuccessfullyParsed = (threadData->PBFBlobHeader).ParseFromArray( data, size);
delete[] data;
return dataSuccessfullyParsed;
inline bool PBFParser::unpackZLIB(std::fstream &, _ThreadData * threadData) {
unsigned rawSize = threadData->PBFBlob.raw_size();
char* unpackedDataArray = new char[rawSize];
z_stream compressedDataStream;
compressedDataStream.next_in = ( unsigned char* ) threadData->PBFBlob.zlib_data().data();
compressedDataStream.avail_in = threadData->PBFBlob.zlib_data().size();
compressedDataStream.next_out = ( unsigned char* ) unpackedDataArray;
compressedDataStream.avail_out = rawSize;
compressedDataStream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
compressedDataStream.zfree = Z_NULL;
compressedDataStream.opaque = Z_NULL;
int ret = inflateInit( &compressedDataStream );
if ( ret != Z_OK ) {
std::cerr << "[error] failed to init zlib stream" << std::endl;
delete[] unpackedDataArray;
return false;
ret = inflate( &compressedDataStream, Z_FINISH );
if ( ret != Z_STREAM_END ) {
std::cerr << "[error] failed to inflate zlib stream" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "[error] Error type: " << ret << std::endl;
delete[] unpackedDataArray;
return false;
ret = inflateEnd( &compressedDataStream );
if ( ret != Z_OK ) {
std::cerr << "[error] failed to deinit zlib stream" << std::endl;
delete[] unpackedDataArray;
return false;
threadData->charBuffer.clear(); threadData->charBuffer.resize(rawSize);
std::copy(unpackedDataArray, unpackedDataArray + rawSize, threadData->charBuffer.begin());
delete[] unpackedDataArray;
return true;
inline bool PBFParser::unpackLZMA(std::fstream &, _ThreadData * ) {
return false;
inline bool PBFParser::readBlob(std::fstream& stream, _ThreadData * threadData) {
if(stream.eof()) {
return false;
const int size = threadData->PBFBlobHeader.datasize();
if ( size < 0 || size > MAX_BLOB_SIZE ) {
std::cerr << "[error] invalid Blob size:" << size << std::endl;
return false;
char* data = new char[size];, sizeof(data[0])*size);
if ( !threadData->PBFBlob.ParseFromArray( data, size ) ) {
std::cerr << "[error] failed to parse blob" << std::endl;
delete[] data;
return false;
if ( threadData->PBFBlob.has_raw() ) {
const std::string& data = threadData->PBFBlob.raw();
threadData->charBuffer.resize( data.size() );
std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), threadData->charBuffer.begin());
} else if ( threadData->PBFBlob.has_zlib_data() ) {
if ( !unpackZLIB(stream, threadData) ) {
std::cerr << "[error] zlib data encountered that could not be unpacked" << std::endl;
delete[] data;
return false;
} else if ( threadData->PBFBlob.has_lzma_data() ) {
if ( !unpackLZMA(stream, threadData) ) {
std::cerr << "[error] lzma data encountered that could not be unpacked" << std::endl;
delete[] data;
return false;
} else {
std::cerr << "[error] Blob contains no data" << std::endl;
delete[] data;
return false;
delete[] data;
return true;
bool PBFParser::readNextBlock(std::fstream& stream, _ThreadData * threadData) {
if(stream.eof()) {
return false;
if ( !readPBFBlobHeader(stream, threadData) ){
return false;
if ( threadData->PBFBlobHeader.type() != "OSMData" ) {
return false;
if ( !readBlob(stream, threadData) ) {
return false;
if ( !threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.ParseFromArray( &(threadData->charBuffer[0]), threadData-> charBuffer.size() ) ) {
ERR("failed to parse PrimitiveBlock");
return false;
return true;

View File

@ -1,600 +1,101 @@
open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see
open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see
#ifndef PBFPARSER_H_
#define PBFPARSER_H_
#include <zlib.h>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/ref.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <osmpbf/fileformat.pb.h>
#include <osmpbf/osmformat.pb.h>
#include "../typedefs.h"
#include <zlib.h>
#include "BaseParser.h"
#include "ExtractorCallbacks.h"
#include "ExtractorStructs.h"
#include "ScriptingEnvironment.h"
#include "../typedefs.h"
#include "../DataStructures/HashTable.h"
#include "../DataStructures/ConcurrentQueue.h"
#include "../Util/MachineInfo.h"
#include "../Util/OpenMPWrapper.h"
class PBFParser : public BaseParser<ExtractorCallbacks, _Node, _RawRestrictionContainer, _Way> {
// typedef BaseParser<ExtractorCallbacks, _Node, _RawRestrictionContainer, _Way> super;
#include "BaseParser.h"
class PBFParser : public BaseParser {
enum EntityType {
TypeNode = 1,
TypeWay = 2,
TypeRelation = 4,
TypeDenseNode = 8
} ;
enum Endianness {
LittleEndian = 1,
BigEndian = 2
struct _ThreadData {
int currentGroupID;
int currentEntityID;
short entityTypeIndicator;
OSMPBF::BlobHeader PBFBlobHeader;
OSMPBF::HeaderBlock PBFHeaderBlock;
OSMPBF::PrimitiveBlock PBFprimitiveBlock;
std::vector<char> charBuffer;
PBFParser(const char * fileName) : externalMemory(NULL){
//TODO: What is the bottleneck here? Filling the queue or reading the stuff from disk?
//NOTE: With Lua scripting, it is parsing the stuff. I/O is virtually for free.
threadDataQueue = boost::make_shared<ConcurrentQueue<_ThreadData*> >( 2500 ); /* Max 2500 items in queue, hardcoded. */, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!input) {
std::cerr << fileName << ": File not found." << std::endl;
#ifndef NDEBUG
blockCount = 0;
groupCount = 0;
void RegisterCallbacks(ExtractorCallbacks * em) {
externalMemory = em;
//call by value, but who cares. It is done once.
void RegisterScriptingEnvironment(ScriptingEnvironment & _se) {
scriptingEnvironment = _se;
~PBFParser() {
// Clean up any leftover ThreadData objects in the queue
_ThreadData* td;
while (threadDataQueue->try_pop(td)) {
delete td;
#ifndef NDEBUG
DEBUG("parsed " << blockCount << " blocks from pbf with " << groupCount << " groups");
inline bool Init() {
_ThreadData initData;
/** read Header */
if(!readPBFBlobHeader(input, &initData)) {
return false;
if(readBlob(input, &initData)) {
if(!initData.PBFHeaderBlock.ParseFromArray(&(initData.charBuffer[0]), initData.charBuffer.size() ) ) {
std::cerr << "[error] Header not parseable!" << std::endl;
return false;
for(int i = 0, featureSize = initData.PBFHeaderBlock.required_features_size(); i < featureSize; ++i) {
const std::string& feature = initData.PBFHeaderBlock.required_features( i );
bool supported = false;
if ( "OsmSchema-V0.6" == feature )
supported = true;
else if ( "DenseNodes" == feature )
supported = true;
if ( !supported ) {
std::cerr << "[error] required feature not supported: " << << std::endl;
return false;
} else {
std::cerr << "[error] blob not loaded!" << std::endl;
return true;
inline void ReadData() {
bool keepRunning = true;
do {
_ThreadData *threadData = new _ThreadData();
keepRunning = readNextBlock(input, threadData);
if (keepRunning)
else {
threadDataQueue->push(NULL); // No more data to read, parse stops when NULL encountered
delete threadData;
} while(keepRunning);
inline void ParseData() {
while (1) {
_ThreadData *threadData;
if (threadData == NULL) {
INFO("Parse Data Thread Finished");
threadDataQueue->push(NULL); // Signal end of data for other threads
for(int i = 0, groupSize = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup_size(); i < groupSize; ++i) {
threadData->currentGroupID = i;
if(threadData->entityTypeIndicator == TypeNode)
if(threadData->entityTypeIndicator == TypeWay)
if(threadData->entityTypeIndicator == TypeRelation)
if(threadData->entityTypeIndicator == TypeDenseNode)
delete threadData;
threadData = NULL;
inline bool Parse() {
// Start the read and parse threads
boost::thread readThread(boost::bind(&PBFParser::ReadData, this));
//Open several parse threads that are synchronized before call to
boost::thread parseThread(boost::bind(&PBFParser::ParseData, this));
// Wait for the threads to finish
return true;
PBFParser(const char * fileName, ExtractorCallbacks* ec, ScriptingEnvironment& se);
virtual ~PBFParser();
inline bool ReadHeader();
inline bool Parse();
inline void parseDenseNode(_ThreadData * threadData) {
const OSMPBF::DenseNodes& dense = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup( threadData->currentGroupID ).dense();
int denseTagIndex = 0;
int m_lastDenseID = 0;
int m_lastDenseLatitude = 0;
int m_lastDenseLongitude = 0;
ImportNode n;
std::vector<ImportNode> nodesToParse;
for(int i = 0, idSize = dense.id_size(); i < idSize; ++i) {
m_lastDenseID += i );
m_lastDenseLatitude += i );
m_lastDenseLongitude += dense.lon( i ); = m_lastDenseID; = 100000*( ( double ) m_lastDenseLatitude * threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.granularity() +threadData-> PBFprimitiveBlock.lat_offset() ) / NANO;
n.lon = 100000*( ( double ) m_lastDenseLongitude * threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.granularity() + threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.lon_offset() ) / NANO;
while (denseTagIndex < dense.keys_vals_size()) {
const int tagValue = dense.keys_vals( denseTagIndex );
if(tagValue == 0) {
const int keyValue = dense.keys_vals ( denseTagIndex+1 );
const std::string & key = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s(tagValue).data();
const std::string & value = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s(keyValue).data();
n.keyVals.Add(key, value);
denseTagIndex += 2;
unsigned endi_nodes = nodesToParse.size();
#pragma omp parallel for schedule ( guided )
for(unsigned i = 0; i < endi_nodes; ++i) {
ImportNode &n = nodesToParse[i];
/** Pass the unpacked node to the LUA call back **/
try {
} catch (const luabind::error &er) {
lua_State* Ler=er.state();
report_errors(Ler, -1);
// catch (...) {
// ERR("Unknown error occurred during PBF dense node parsing!");
// }
BOOST_FOREACH(ImportNode &n, nodesToParse) {
std::cerr << "[PBFParser] dense node not parsed" << std::endl;
inline void parseNode(_ThreadData * ) {
ERR("Parsing of simple nodes not supported. PBF should use dense nodes");
inline void parseRelation(_ThreadData * threadData) {
//TODO: leave early, if relatio is not a restriction
//TODO: reuse rawRestriction container
const OSMPBF::PrimitiveGroup& group = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup( threadData->currentGroupID );
for(int i = 0; i < group.relations_size(); ++i ) {
const OSMPBF::Relation& inputRelation = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup( threadData->currentGroupID ).relations(i);
bool isRestriction = false;
bool isOnlyRestriction = false;
for(int k = 0, endOfKeys = inputRelation.keys_size(); k < endOfKeys; ++k) {
const std::string & key = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s(inputRelation.keys(k));
const std::string & val = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s(inputRelation.vals(k));
if ("type" == key) {
if( "restriction" == val)
isRestriction = true;
if ("restriction" == key) {
if(val.find("only_") == 0)
isOnlyRestriction = true;
if(isRestriction) {
long long lastRef = 0;
_RawRestrictionContainer currentRestrictionContainer(isOnlyRestriction);
for(int rolesIndex = 0; rolesIndex < inputRelation.roles_sid_size(); ++rolesIndex) {
std::string role(threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s( inputRelation.roles_sid( rolesIndex ) ).data());
lastRef += inputRelation.memids(rolesIndex);
if(false == ("from" == role || "to" == role || "via" == role)) {
switch(inputRelation.types(rolesIndex)) {
case 0: //node
if("from" == role || "to" == role) //Only via should be a node
assert("via" == role);
if(UINT_MAX != currentRestrictionContainer.viaNode)
currentRestrictionContainer.viaNode = UINT_MAX;
assert(UINT_MAX == currentRestrictionContainer.viaNode);
currentRestrictionContainer.restriction.viaNode = lastRef;
case 1: //way
assert("from" == role || "to" == role || "via" == role);
if("from" == role) {
currentRestrictionContainer.fromWay = lastRef;
if ("to" == role) {
currentRestrictionContainer.toWay = lastRef;
if ("via" == role) {
assert(currentRestrictionContainer.restriction.toNode == UINT_MAX);
currentRestrictionContainer.viaNode = lastRef;
case 2: //relation, not used. relations relating to relations are evil.
default: //should not happen
//cout << "unknown";
// if(UINT_MAX != currentRestriction.viaNode) {
// cout << "restr from " << currentRestriction.from << " via ";
// cout << "node " << currentRestriction.viaNode;
// cout << " to " << << endl;
// }
std::cerr << "[PBFParser] relation not parsed" << std::endl;
inline void parseWay(_ThreadData * threadData) {
_Way w;
std::vector<_Way> waysToParse(threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup( threadData->currentGroupID ).ways_size());
for(int i = 0, ways_size = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup( threadData->currentGroupID ).ways_size(); i < ways_size; ++i) {
const OSMPBF::Way& inputWay = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup( threadData->currentGroupID ).ways( i ); =;
unsigned pathNode(0);
for(int i = 0; i < inputWay.refs_size(); ++i) {
pathNode += inputWay.refs(i);
assert(inputWay.keys_size() == inputWay.vals_size());
for(int i = 0; i < inputWay.keys_size(); ++i) {
const std::string & key = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s(inputWay.keys(i));
const std::string & val = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.stringtable().s(inputWay.vals(i));
w.keyVals.Add(key, val);
unsigned endi_ways = waysToParse.size();
#pragma omp parallel for schedule ( guided )
for(unsigned i = 0; i < endi_ways; ++i) {
_Way & w = waysToParse[i];
/** Pass the unpacked way to the LUA call back **/
try {
} catch (const luabind::error &er) {
lua_State* Ler=er.state();
report_errors(Ler, -1);
// catch (...) {
// ERR("Unknown error!");
// }
BOOST_FOREACH(_Way & w, waysToParse) {
if(!externalMemory->wayFunction(w)) {
std::cerr << "[PBFParser] way not parsed" << std::endl;
inline void loadGroup(_ThreadData * threadData) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
const OSMPBF::PrimitiveGroup& group = threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.primitivegroup( threadData->currentGroupID );
threadData->entityTypeIndicator = 0;
if ( group.nodes_size() != 0 ) {
threadData->entityTypeIndicator = TypeNode;
if ( group.ways_size() != 0 ) {
threadData->entityTypeIndicator = TypeWay;
if ( group.relations_size() != 0 ) {
threadData->entityTypeIndicator = TypeRelation;
if ( group.has_dense() ) {
threadData->entityTypeIndicator = TypeDenseNode;
assert( group.dense().id_size() != 0 );
assert( threadData->entityTypeIndicator != 0 );
inline void loadBlock(_ThreadData * threadData) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
threadData->currentGroupID = 0;
threadData->currentEntityID = 0;
/* Reverses Network Byte Order into something usable, compiles down to a bswap-mov combination */
inline unsigned swapEndian(unsigned x) const {
if(getMachineEndianness() == LittleEndian)
return ( (x>>24) | ((x<<8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((x>>8) & 0x0000FF00) | (x<<24) );
return x;
inline bool readPBFBlobHeader(std::fstream& stream, _ThreadData * threadData) {
int size(0); *)&size, sizeof(int));
size = swapEndian(size);
if(stream.eof()) {
return false;
if ( size > MAX_BLOB_HEADER_SIZE || size < 0 ) {
return false;
char *data = new char[size];, size*sizeof(data[0]));
bool dataSuccessfullyParsed = (threadData->PBFBlobHeader).ParseFromArray( data, size);
delete[] data;
return dataSuccessfullyParsed;
inline bool unpackZLIB(std::fstream &, _ThreadData * threadData) {
unsigned rawSize = threadData->PBFBlob.raw_size();
char* unpackedDataArray = new char[rawSize];
z_stream compressedDataStream;
compressedDataStream.next_in = ( unsigned char* ) threadData->PBFBlob.zlib_data().data();
compressedDataStream.avail_in = threadData->PBFBlob.zlib_data().size();
compressedDataStream.next_out = ( unsigned char* ) unpackedDataArray;
compressedDataStream.avail_out = rawSize;
compressedDataStream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
compressedDataStream.zfree = Z_NULL;
compressedDataStream.opaque = Z_NULL;
int ret = inflateInit( &compressedDataStream );
if ( ret != Z_OK ) {
std::cerr << "[error] failed to init zlib stream" << std::endl;
delete[] unpackedDataArray;
return false;
ret = inflate( &compressedDataStream, Z_FINISH );
if ( ret != Z_STREAM_END ) {
std::cerr << "[error] failed to inflate zlib stream" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "[error] Error type: " << ret << std::endl;
delete[] unpackedDataArray;
return false;
ret = inflateEnd( &compressedDataStream );
if ( ret != Z_OK ) {
std::cerr << "[error] failed to deinit zlib stream" << std::endl;
delete[] unpackedDataArray;
return false;
threadData->charBuffer.clear(); threadData->charBuffer.resize(rawSize);
std::copy(unpackedDataArray, unpackedDataArray + rawSize, threadData->charBuffer.begin());
delete[] unpackedDataArray;
return true;
inline bool unpackLZMA(std::fstream &, _ThreadData * ) const {
return false;
inline bool readBlob(std::fstream& stream, _ThreadData * threadData) {
return false;
const int size = threadData->PBFBlobHeader.datasize();
if ( size < 0 || size > MAX_BLOB_SIZE ) {
std::cerr << "[error] invalid Blob size:" << size << std::endl;
return false;
char* data = new char[size];, sizeof(data[0])*size);
if ( !threadData->PBFBlob.ParseFromArray( data, size ) ) {
std::cerr << "[error] failed to parse blob" << std::endl;
delete[] data;
return false;
if ( threadData->PBFBlob.has_raw() ) {
const std::string& data = threadData->PBFBlob.raw();
threadData->charBuffer.resize( data.size() );
std::copy(data.begin(), data.end(), threadData->charBuffer.begin());
} else if ( threadData->PBFBlob.has_zlib_data() ) {
if ( !unpackZLIB(stream, threadData) ) {
std::cerr << "[error] zlib data encountered that could not be unpacked" << std::endl;
delete[] data;
return false;
} else if ( threadData->PBFBlob.has_lzma_data() ) {
if ( !unpackLZMA(stream, threadData) )
std::cerr << "[error] lzma data encountered that could not be unpacked" << std::endl;
delete[] data;
return false;
} else {
std::cerr << "[error] Blob contains no data" << std::endl;
delete[] data;
return false;
delete[] data;
return true;
inline bool readNextBlock(std::fstream& stream, _ThreadData * threadData) {
if(stream.eof()) {
return false;
if ( !readPBFBlobHeader(stream, threadData) ){
return false;
if ( threadData->PBFBlobHeader.type() != "OSMData" ) {
return false;
if ( !readBlob(stream, threadData) ) {
return false;
if ( !threadData->PBFprimitiveBlock.ParseFromArray( &(threadData->charBuffer[0]), threadData-> charBuffer.size() ) ) {
ERR("failed to parse PrimitiveBlock");
return false;
return true;
//Is optimized to a single 'mov eax,1' on GCC, clang and icc using -O3
inline Endianness getMachineEndianness() const {
int i(1);
char *p = (char *) &i;
if (1 == p[0])
return LittleEndian;
return BigEndian;
inline void ReadData();
inline void ParseData();
inline void parseDenseNode(_ThreadData * threadData);
inline void parseNode(_ThreadData * );
inline void parseRelation(_ThreadData * threadData);
inline void parseWay(_ThreadData * threadData);
inline void loadGroup(_ThreadData * threadData);
inline void loadBlock(_ThreadData * threadData);
inline bool readPBFBlobHeader(std::fstream& stream, _ThreadData * threadData);
inline bool unpackZLIB(std::fstream &, _ThreadData * threadData);
inline bool unpackLZMA(std::fstream &, _ThreadData * );
inline bool readBlob(std::fstream& stream, _ThreadData * threadData) ;
inline bool readNextBlock(std::fstream& stream, _ThreadData * threadData);
static const int NANO = 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
static const int MAX_BLOB_HEADER_SIZE = 64 * 1024;
static const int MAX_BLOB_SIZE = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
#ifndef NDEBUG
/* counting the number of read blocks and groups */
unsigned groupCount;
unsigned blockCount;
ExtractorCallbacks * externalMemory;
/* the input stream to parse */
std::fstream input;
/* ThreadData Queue */
std::fstream input; // the input stream to parse
boost::shared_ptr<ConcurrentQueue < _ThreadData* > > threadDataQueue;
ScriptingEnvironment scriptingEnvironment;
#endif /* PBFPARSER_H_ */

View File

@ -18,15 +18,7 @@
or see
extern "C" {
#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>
#include <lualib.h>
#include "ScriptingEnvironment.h"
#include "../typedefs.h"
#include "../Util/OpenMPWrapper.h"
ScriptingEnvironment::ScriptingEnvironment() {}
ScriptingEnvironment::ScriptingEnvironment(const char * fileName) {
@ -44,6 +36,8 @@ ScriptingEnvironment::ScriptingEnvironment(const char * fileName) {
//open utility libraries string library;
luaAddScriptFolderToLoadPath( myLuaState, fileName );
// Add our function to the state's global scope
luabind::module(myLuaState) [
luabind::def("print", LUA_print<std::string>),
@ -51,15 +45,7 @@ ScriptingEnvironment::ScriptingEnvironment(const char * fileName) {
luabind::def("durationIsValid", durationIsValid),
luabind::def("parseDuration", parseDuration)
//#pragma omp critical
// {
// if(0 != luaL_dostring(
// myLuaState,
// "print('Initializing LUA engine')\n"
// )) {
// ERR(lua_tostring(myLuaState,-1)<< " occured in scripting block");
// }
// }
luabind::module(myLuaState) [
luabind::class_<HashTable<std::string, std::string> >("keyVals")
.def("Add", &HashTable<std::string, std::string>::Add)
@ -79,32 +65,32 @@ ScriptingEnvironment::ScriptingEnvironment(const char * fileName) {
luabind::module(myLuaState) [
.def_readwrite("name", &_Way::name)
.def_readwrite("speed", &_Way::speed)
.def_readwrite("type", &_Way::type)
.def_readwrite("access", &_Way::access)
.def_readwrite("roundabout", &_Way::roundabout)
.def_readwrite("is_duration_set", &_Way::isDurationSet)
.def_readwrite("is_access_restricted", &_Way::isAccessRestricted)
.def_readwrite("ignore_in_grid", &_Way::ignoreInGrid)
.def_readwrite("tags", &_Way::keyVals)
.def_readwrite("direction", &_Way::direction)
.def_readwrite("name", &ExtractionWay::name)
.def_readwrite("speed", &ExtractionWay::speed)
.def_readwrite("backward_speed", &ExtractionWay::backward_speed)
.def_readwrite("duration", &ExtractionWay::duration)
.def_readwrite("type", &ExtractionWay::type)
.def_readwrite("access", &ExtractionWay::access)
.def_readwrite("roundabout", &ExtractionWay::roundabout)
.def_readwrite("is_access_restricted", &ExtractionWay::isAccessRestricted)
.def_readwrite("ignore_in_grid", &ExtractionWay::ignoreInGrid)
.def_readwrite("tags", &ExtractionWay::keyVals)
.def_readwrite("direction", &ExtractionWay::direction)
luabind::value("notSure", 0),
luabind::value("oneway", 1),
luabind::value("bidirectional", 2),
luabind::value("opposite", 3)
luabind::value("notSure", 0),
luabind::value("oneway", 1),
luabind::value("bidirectional", 2),
luabind::value("opposite", 3)
luabind::module(myLuaState) [
luabind::class_<std::vector<std::string> >("vector")
.def("Add", &std::vector<std::string>::push_back)
// Now call our function in a lua script
//#pragma omp critical
// {
// INFO("Parsing speedprofile from " << fileName );
// }
if(0 != luaL_dofile(myLuaState, fileName) ) {
ERR(lua_tostring(myLuaState,-1)<< " occured in scripting block");

View File

@ -30,9 +30,11 @@ extern "C" {
#include "ExtractionHelperFunctions.h"
#include "ExtractorStructs.h"
#include "LuaUtil.h"
#include "../typedefs.h"
#include "../DataStructures/ImportNode.h"
#include "../Util/LuaUtil.h"
#include "../Util/OpenMPWrapper.h"
class ScriptingEnvironment {

Extractor/XMLParser.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see
#include <boost/ref.hpp>
#include "XMLParser.h"
#include "ExtractorStructs.h"
#include "../DataStructures/HashTable.h"
#include "../DataStructures/InputReaderFactory.h"
XMLParser::XMLParser(const char * filename, ExtractorCallbacks* ec, ScriptingEnvironment& se) : BaseParser(ec, se) {
WARN("Parsing plain .osm/.osm.bz2 is deprecated. Switch to .pbf");
inputReader = inputReaderFactory(filename);
bool XMLParser::ReadHeader() {
return (xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1);
bool XMLParser::Parse() {
while ( xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1 ) {
const int type = xmlTextReaderNodeType( inputReader );
//1 is Element
if ( type != 1 ) {
xmlChar* currentName = xmlTextReaderName( inputReader );
if ( currentName == NULL ) {
if ( xmlStrEqual( currentName, ( const xmlChar* ) "node" ) == 1 ) {
ImportNode n = _ReadXMLNode();
ParseNodeInLua( n, luaState );
// if(!extractor_callbacks->nodeFunction(n))
// std::cerr << "[XMLParser] dense node not parsed" << std::endl;
if ( xmlStrEqual( currentName, ( const xmlChar* ) "way" ) == 1 ) {
ExtractionWay way = _ReadXMLWay( );
ParseWayInLua( way, luaState );
// if(!extractor_callbacks->wayFunction(way))
// std::cerr << "[PBFParser] way not parsed" << std::endl;
if( use_turn_restrictions ) {
if ( xmlStrEqual( currentName, ( const xmlChar* ) "relation" ) == 1 ) {
_RawRestrictionContainer r = _ReadXMLRestriction();
if(r.fromWay != UINT_MAX) {
if(!extractor_callbacks->restrictionFunction(r)) {
std::cerr << "[XMLParser] restriction not parsed" << std::endl;
xmlFree( currentName );
return true;
_RawRestrictionContainer XMLParser::_ReadXMLRestriction() {
_RawRestrictionContainer restriction;
std::string except_tag_string;
if ( xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement( inputReader ) != 1 ) {
const int depth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );while ( xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1 ) {
const int childType = xmlTextReaderNodeType( inputReader );
if ( childType != 1 && childType != 15 ) {
const int childDepth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
xmlChar* childName = xmlTextReaderName( inputReader );
if ( childName == NULL ) {
if ( depth == childDepth && childType == 15 && xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "relation" ) == 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( childType != 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "tag" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* k = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "k" );
xmlChar* value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "v" );
if ( k != NULL && value != NULL ) {
if(xmlStrEqual(k, ( const xmlChar* ) "restriction" )){
if(0 == std::string((const char *) value).find("only_")) {
restriction.restriction.flags.isOnly = true;
if ( xmlStrEqual(k, (const xmlChar *) "except") ) {
except_tag_string = (const char*) value;
if ( k != NULL ) {
xmlFree( k );
if ( value != NULL ) {
xmlFree( value );
} else if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "member" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* ref = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "ref" );
if ( ref != NULL ) {
xmlChar * role = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "role" );
xmlChar * type = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "type" );
if(xmlStrEqual(role, (const xmlChar *) "to") && xmlStrEqual(type, (const xmlChar *) "way")) {
restriction.toWay = atoi((const char*) ref);
if(xmlStrEqual(role, (const xmlChar *) "from") && xmlStrEqual(type, (const xmlChar *) "way")) {
restriction.fromWay = atoi((const char*) ref);
if(xmlStrEqual(role, (const xmlChar *) "via") && xmlStrEqual(type, (const xmlChar *) "node")) {
restriction.restriction.viaNode = atoi((const char*) ref);
if(NULL != type) {
xmlFree( type );
if(NULL != role) {
xmlFree( role );
if(NULL != ref) {
xmlFree( ref );
xmlFree( childName );
if( ShouldIgnoreRestriction(except_tag_string) ) {
restriction.fromWay = UINT_MAX; //workaround to ignore the restriction
return restriction;
ExtractionWay XMLParser::_ReadXMLWay() {
ExtractionWay way;
if ( xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement( inputReader ) != 1 ) {
const int depth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
while ( xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1 ) {
const int childType = xmlTextReaderNodeType( inputReader );
if ( childType != 1 && childType != 15 ) {
const int childDepth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
xmlChar* childName = xmlTextReaderName( inputReader );
if ( childName == NULL ) {
if ( depth == childDepth && childType == 15 && xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "way" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* id = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "id" ); = atoi((char*)id);
xmlFree( childName );
if ( childType != 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "tag" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* k = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "k" );
xmlChar* value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "v" );
// cout << "->k=" << k << ", v=" << value << endl;
if ( k != NULL && value != NULL ) {
way.keyVals.Add(std::string( (char *) k ), std::string( (char *) value));
if ( k != NULL ) {
xmlFree( k );
if ( value != NULL ) {
xmlFree( value );
} else if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "nd" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* ref = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "ref" );
if ( ref != NULL ) {
way.path.push_back( atoi(( const char* ) ref ) );
xmlFree( ref );
xmlFree( childName );
return way;
ImportNode XMLParser::_ReadXMLNode() {
ImportNode node;
xmlChar* attribute = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "lat" );
if ( attribute != NULL ) { = static_cast<NodeID>(100000.*atof(( const char* ) attribute ) );
xmlFree( attribute );
attribute = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "lon" );
if ( attribute != NULL ) {
node.lon = static_cast<NodeID>(100000.*atof(( const char* ) attribute ));
xmlFree( attribute );
attribute = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "id" );
if ( attribute != NULL ) { = atoi(( const char* ) attribute );
xmlFree( attribute );
if ( xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement( inputReader ) != 1 ) {
const int depth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
while ( xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1 ) {
const int childType = xmlTextReaderNodeType( inputReader );
// 1 = Element, 15 = EndElement
if ( childType != 1 && childType != 15 ) {
const int childDepth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
xmlChar* childName = xmlTextReaderName( inputReader );
if ( childName == NULL ) {
if ( depth == childDepth && childType == 15 && xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "node" ) == 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( childType != 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "tag" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* k = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "k" );
xmlChar* value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "v" );
if ( k != NULL && value != NULL ) {
node.keyVals.Add(std::string( reinterpret_cast<char*>(k) ), std::string( reinterpret_cast<char*>(value)));
if ( k != NULL ) {
xmlFree( k );
if ( value != NULL ) {
xmlFree( value );
xmlFree( childName );
return node;

View File

@ -1,308 +1,42 @@
open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see
open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see
#ifndef XMLPARSER_H_
#define XMLPARSER_H_
#include <boost/ref.hpp>
#include <libxml/xmlreader.h>
#include "../typedefs.h"
#include "BaseParser.h"
#include "ExtractorStructs.h"
#include "ExtractorCallbacks.h"
#include "ScriptingEnvironment.h"
#include "../DataStructures/HashTable.h"
#include "../DataStructures/InputReaderFactory.h"
class XMLParser : public BaseParser<ExtractorCallbacks, _Node, _RawRestrictionContainer, _Way> {
class XMLParser : public BaseParser {
XMLParser(const char * filename) : externalMemory(NULL), myLuaState(NULL){
WARN("Parsing plain .osm/.osm.bz2 is deprecated. Switch to .pbf");
inputReader = inputReaderFactory(filename);
virtual ~XMLParser() {}
void RegisterCallbacks(ExtractorCallbacks * em) {
externalMemory = em;
void RegisterScriptingEnvironment(ScriptingEnvironment & _se) {
myLuaState = _se.getLuaStateForThreadID(0);
bool Init() {
return (xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1);
bool Parse() {
while ( xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1 ) {
const int type = xmlTextReaderNodeType( inputReader );
//1 is Element
if ( type != 1 )
xmlChar* currentName = xmlTextReaderName( inputReader );
if ( currentName == NULL )
if ( xmlStrEqual( currentName, ( const xmlChar* ) "node" ) == 1 ) {
ImportNode n = _ReadXMLNode( );
/** Pass the unpacked node to the LUA call back **/
try {
std::cerr << "[XMLParser] dense node not parsed" << std::endl;
} catch (const luabind::error &er) {
cerr << er.what() << endl;
lua_State* Ler=er.state();
report_errors(Ler, -1);
} catch (std::exception & e) {
} catch (...) {
ERR("Unknown error occurred during XML node parsing!");
if ( xmlStrEqual( currentName, ( const xmlChar* ) "way" ) == 1 ) {
string name;
_Way way = _ReadXMLWay( );
/** Pass the unpacked way to the LUA call back **/
try {
if(!externalMemory->wayFunction(way)) {
std::cerr << "[PBFParser] way not parsed" << std::endl;
} catch (const luabind::error &er) {
cerr << er.what() << endl;
lua_State* Ler=er.state();
report_errors(Ler, -1);
} catch (std::exception & e) {
} catch (...) {
ERR("Unknown error occurred during XML way parsing!");
if ( xmlStrEqual( currentName, ( const xmlChar* ) "relation" ) == 1 ) {
_RawRestrictionContainer r = _ReadXMLRestriction();
if(r.fromWay != UINT_MAX) {
if(!externalMemory->restrictionFunction(r)) {
std::cerr << "[XMLParser] restriction not parsed" << std::endl;
xmlFree( currentName );
return true;
XMLParser(const char* filename, ExtractorCallbacks* ec, ScriptingEnvironment& se);
bool ReadHeader();
bool Parse();
_RawRestrictionContainer _ReadXMLRestriction ( ) {
_RawRestrictionContainer restriction;
if ( xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement( inputReader ) != 1 ) {
const int depth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );while ( xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1 ) {
const int childType = xmlTextReaderNodeType( inputReader );
if ( childType != 1 && childType != 15 )
const int childDepth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
xmlChar* childName = xmlTextReaderName( inputReader );
if ( childName == NULL )
if ( depth == childDepth && childType == 15 && xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "relation" ) == 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( childType != 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "tag" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* k = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "k" );
xmlChar* value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "v" );
if ( k != NULL && value != NULL ) {
if(xmlStrEqual(k, ( const xmlChar* ) "restriction" )){
if(0 == std::string((const char *) value).find("only_"))
restriction.restriction.flags.isOnly = true;
if ( k != NULL )
xmlFree( k );
if ( value != NULL )
xmlFree( value );
} else if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "member" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* ref = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "ref" );
if ( ref != NULL ) {
xmlChar * role = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "role" );
xmlChar * type = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "type" );
if(xmlStrEqual(role, (const xmlChar *) "to") && xmlStrEqual(type, (const xmlChar *) "way")) {
restriction.toWay = atoi((const char*) ref);
if(xmlStrEqual(role, (const xmlChar *) "from") && xmlStrEqual(type, (const xmlChar *) "way")) {
restriction.fromWay = atoi((const char*) ref);
if(xmlStrEqual(role, (const xmlChar *) "via") && xmlStrEqual(type, (const xmlChar *) "node")) {
restriction.restriction.viaNode = atoi((const char*) ref);
if(NULL != type)
xmlFree( type );
if(NULL != role)
xmlFree( role );
if(NULL != ref)
xmlFree( ref );
xmlFree( childName );
return restriction;
_Way _ReadXMLWay( ) {
_Way way;
if ( xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement( inputReader ) != 1 ) {
const int depth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
while ( xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1 ) {
const int childType = xmlTextReaderNodeType( inputReader );
if ( childType != 1 && childType != 15 )
const int childDepth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
xmlChar* childName = xmlTextReaderName( inputReader );
if ( childName == NULL )
if ( depth == childDepth && childType == 15 && xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "way" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* id = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "id" ); = atoi((char*)id);
xmlFree( childName );
if ( childType != 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "tag" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* k = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "k" );
xmlChar* value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "v" );
// cout << "->k=" << k << ", v=" << value << endl;
if ( k != NULL && value != NULL ) {
way.keyVals.Add(std::string( (char *) k ), std::string( (char *) value));
if ( k != NULL )
xmlFree( k );
if ( value != NULL )
xmlFree( value );
} else if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "nd" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* ref = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "ref" );
if ( ref != NULL ) {
way.path.push_back( atoi(( const char* ) ref ) );
xmlFree( ref );
xmlFree( childName );
return way;
ImportNode _ReadXMLNode( ) {
ImportNode node;
xmlChar* attribute = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "lat" );
if ( attribute != NULL ) { = static_cast<NodeID>(100000.*atof(( const char* ) attribute ) );
xmlFree( attribute );
attribute = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "lon" );
if ( attribute != NULL ) {
node.lon = static_cast<NodeID>(100000.*atof(( const char* ) attribute ));
xmlFree( attribute );
attribute = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "id" );
if ( attribute != NULL ) { = atoi(( const char* ) attribute );
xmlFree( attribute );
if ( xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement( inputReader ) != 1 ) {
const int depth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
while ( xmlTextReaderRead( inputReader ) == 1 ) {
const int childType = xmlTextReaderNodeType( inputReader );
// 1 = Element, 15 = EndElement
if ( childType != 1 && childType != 15 )
const int childDepth = xmlTextReaderDepth( inputReader );
xmlChar* childName = xmlTextReaderName( inputReader );
if ( childName == NULL )
if ( depth == childDepth && childType == 15 && xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "node" ) == 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( childType != 1 ) {
xmlFree( childName );
if ( xmlStrEqual( childName, ( const xmlChar* ) "tag" ) == 1 ) {
xmlChar* k = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "k" );
xmlChar* value = xmlTextReaderGetAttribute( inputReader, ( const xmlChar* ) "v" );
if ( k != NULL && value != NULL ) {
node.keyVals.Add(std::string( reinterpret_cast<char*>(k) ), std::string( reinterpret_cast<char*>(value)));
if ( k != NULL )
xmlFree( k );
if ( value != NULL )
xmlFree( value );
xmlFree( childName );
return node;
/* Input Reader */
_RawRestrictionContainer _ReadXMLRestriction();
ExtractionWay _ReadXMLWay();
ImportNode _ReadXMLNode();
xmlTextReaderPtr inputReader;
//holds the callback functions and storage for our temporary data
ExtractorCallbacks * externalMemory;
lua_State *myLuaState;
#endif /* XMLPARSER_H_ */

View File

@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ public:
//query to helpdesk
_Coordinate result;
std::string JSONParameter, tmp;
std::string tmp;
// JSONParameter = routeParameters.options.Find("jsonp");
if("" != routeParameters.jsonpParameter) {
reply.content += JSONParameter;
reply.content += routeParameters.jsonpParameter;
reply.content += "(";
reply.status = http::Reply::ok;
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public:
reply.content += ",\"transactionId\": \"OSRM Routing Engine JSON Locate (v0.3)\"";
reply.content += ("}");
if("" != JSONParameter) {
if("" != routeParameters.jsonpParameter) {
reply.content += ")";
reply.headers[1].name = "Content-Type";
reply.headers[1].value = "text/javascript";

View File

@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ public:
nodeHelpDesk->FindPhantomNodeForCoordinate(routeParameters.coordinates[0], result, routeParameters.zoomLevel);
std::string tmp;
std::string JSONParameter;
if("" != routeParameters.jsonpParameter) {
@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ public:
reply.content += ",\"transactionId\":\"OSRM Routing Engine JSON Nearest (v0.3)\"";
reply.content += ("}");
if("" != JSONParameter) {
if("" != routeParameters.jsonpParameter) {
reply.content += ")";
reply.headers[1].name = "Content-Type";
reply.headers[1].value = "text/javascript";

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ require 'sys/proctable'
DATA_FOLDER = 'sandbox'
PROFILE = 'bicycle'
OSRM_PORT = 5000
PROFILES_FOLDER = '../profiles' do |t|
t.cucumber_opts = %w{--format pretty}
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ areas = {
:kbh => { :country => 'denmark', :bbox => 'top=55.6972 left=12.5222 right=12.624 bottom=55.6376' },
:frd => { :country => 'denmark', :bbox => 'top=55.7007 left=12.4765 bottom=55.6576 right=12.5698' },
:regh => { :country => 'denmark', :bbox => 'top=56.164 left=11.792 bottom=55.403 right=12.731' },
:dk => { :country => 'denmark', :bbox => nil },
:denmark => { :country => 'denmark', :bbox => nil },
:skaane => { :country => 'sweden', :bbox => 'top=56.55 left=12.4 bottom=55.3 right=14.6' }
@ -115,11 +116,25 @@ end
desc "Reprocess OSM data."
task :process => :setup do
Dir.chdir DATA_FOLDER do
raise "Error while extracting data." unless system "../osrm-extract #{osm_data_area_name}.osm.pbf #{PROFILES_FOLDER}/#{PROFILE}.lua"
raise "Error while preparing data." unless system "../osrm-prepare #{osm_data_area_name}.osrm #{osm_data_area_name}.osrm.restrictions #{PROFILES_FOLDER}/#{PROFILE}.lua"
desc "Extract OSM data."
task :extract => :setup do
Dir.chdir DATA_FOLDER do
raise "Error while extracting data." unless system "../osrm-extract #{osm_data_area_name}.osm.pbf ../profiles/#{PROFILE}.lua"
desc "Prepare OSM data."
task :prepare => :setup do
Dir.chdir DATA_FOLDER do
raise "Error while preparing data." unless system "../osrm-prepare #{osm_data_area_name}.osrm #{osm_data_area_name}.osrm.restrictions ../profiles/#{PROFILE}.lua"

View File

@ -21,23 +21,25 @@ or see
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include "BasicRoutingInterface.h"
const double VIAPATH_ALPHA = 0.25;
const double VIAPATH_EPSILON = 0.25;
const double VIAPATH_GAMMA = 0.80;
const double VIAPATH_ALPHA = 0.15;
const double VIAPATH_EPSILON = 0.10; //alternative at most 15% longer
const double VIAPATH_GAMMA = 0.75; //alternative shares at most 75% with the shortest.
template<class QueryDataT>
class AlternativeRouting : private BasicRoutingInterface<QueryDataT>{
class AlternativeRouting : private BasicRoutingInterface<QueryDataT> {
typedef BasicRoutingInterface<QueryDataT> super;
typedef std::pair<NodeID, int> PreselectedNode;
typedef typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr HeapPtr;
typedef std::pair<NodeID, NodeID> UnpackEdge;
typedef typename QueryDataT::Graph SearchGraph;
typedef typename QueryDataT::QueryHeap QueryHeap;
typedef std::pair<NodeID, NodeID> SearchSpaceEdge;
struct RankedCandidateNode {
RankedCandidateNode(NodeID n, int l, int s) : node(n), length(l), sharing(s) {}
RankedCandidateNode(const NodeID n, const int l, const int s) : node(n), length(l), sharing(s) {}
NodeID node;
int length;
int sharing;
@ -45,9 +47,12 @@ class AlternativeRouting : private BasicRoutingInterface<QueryDataT>{
return (2*length + sharing) < (2*other.length + other.sharing);
const SearchGraph * search_graph;
AlternativeRouting(QueryDataT & qd) : super(qd) { }
AlternativeRouting(QueryDataT & qd) : super(qd), search_graph(qd.graph) { }
~AlternativeRouting() {}
@ -59,81 +64,115 @@ public:
std::vector<NodeID> alternativePath;
std::vector<NodeID> viaNodeCandidates;
std::vector <NodeID> packedShortestPath;
std::vector<PreselectedNode> nodesThatPassPreselection;
std::vector<SearchSpaceEdge> forward_search_space;
std::vector<SearchSpaceEdge> reverse_search_space;
HeapPtr & forwardHeap = super::_queryData.forwardHeap;
HeapPtr & backwardHeap = super::_queryData.backwardHeap;
HeapPtr & forwardHeap2 = super::_queryData.forwardHeap2;
HeapPtr & backwardHeap2 = super::_queryData.backwardHeap2;
//Initialize Queues
//Initialize Queues, semi-expensive because access to TSS invokes a system call
int _upperBound = INT_MAX;
NodeID middle = UINT_MAX;
forwardHeap->Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode);
QueryHeap & forward_heap1 = *(super::_queryData.forwardHeap);
QueryHeap & reverse_heap1 = *(super::_queryData.backwardHeap);
QueryHeap & forward_heap2 = *(super::_queryData.forwardHeap2);
QueryHeap & reverse_heap2 = *(super::_queryData.backwardHeap2);
int upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance = INT_MAX;
NodeID middle_node = UINT_MAX;
forward_heap1.Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode);
if(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.isBidirected() ) {
forwardHeap->Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight2, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1);
forward_heap1.Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight2, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1);
backwardHeap->Insert(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode);
reverse_heap1.Insert(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode);
if(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.isBidirected() ) {
backwardHeap->Insert(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight2, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1);
reverse_heap1.Insert(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight2, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1);
const int offset = (phantomNodePair.startPhantom.isBidirected() ? std::max(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight2) : phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1)
+ (phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.isBidirected() ? std::max(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight2) : phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1);
const int forward_offset = phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1 + (phantomNodePair.startPhantom.isBidirected() ? phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight2 : 0);
const int reverse_offset = phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1 + (phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.isBidirected() ? phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight2 : 0);
//exploration dijkstra from nodes s and t until deletemin/(1+epsilon) > _lengthOfShortestPath
while(forwardHeap->Size() + backwardHeap->Size() > 0){
if(forwardHeap->Size() > 0){
AlternativeRoutingStep(forwardHeap, backwardHeap, &middle, &_upperBound, 2*offset, true, viaNodeCandidates);
while(0 < (forward_heap1.Size() + reverse_heap1.Size())){
if(0 < forward_heap1.Size()){
AlternativeRoutingStep<true >(forward_heap1, reverse_heap1, &middle_node, &upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance, viaNodeCandidates, forward_search_space, forward_offset);
if(backwardHeap->Size() > 0){
AlternativeRoutingStep(backwardHeap, forwardHeap, &middle, &_upperBound, 2*offset, false, viaNodeCandidates);
if(0 < reverse_heap1.Size()){
AlternativeRoutingStep<false>(reverse_heap1, forward_heap1, &middle_node, &upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance, viaNodeCandidates, reverse_search_space, reverse_offset);
std::sort(viaNodeCandidates.begin(), viaNodeCandidates.end());
int size = std::unique(viaNodeCandidates.begin(), viaNodeCandidates.end())- viaNodeCandidates.begin();
//save (packed) shortest path of shortest path and keep it for later use.
//we need it during the checks and dont want to recompute it always
super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(forwardHeap, backwardHeap, middle, packedShortestPath);
std::vector<NodeID> packed_forward_path;
std::vector<NodeID> packed_reverse_path;
//ch-pruning of via nodes in both search spaces
super::RetrievePackedPathFromSingleHeap(forward_heap1, middle_node, packed_forward_path);
super::RetrievePackedPathFromSingleHeap(reverse_heap1, middle_node, packed_reverse_path);
boost::unordered_map<NodeID, int> approximated_forward_sharing;
boost::unordered_map<NodeID, int> approximated_reverse_sharing;
unsigned index_into_forward_path = 0;
//sweep over search space, compute forward sharing for each current edge (u,v)
BOOST_FOREACH(const SearchSpaceEdge & current_edge, forward_search_space) {
const NodeID u = current_edge.first;
const NodeID v = current_edge.second;
if(packed_forward_path.size() < index_into_forward_path && current_edge == forward_search_space[index_into_forward_path]) {
//current_edge is on shortest path => sharing(u):=queue.GetKey(u);
approximated_forward_sharing[v] = forward_heap1.GetKey(u);
} else {
//sharing (s) = sharing (t)
approximated_forward_sharing[v] = approximated_forward_sharing[u];
unsigned index_into_reverse_path = 0;
//sweep over search space, compute backward sharing
BOOST_FOREACH(const SearchSpaceEdge & current_edge, reverse_search_space) {
const NodeID u = current_edge.first;
const NodeID v = current_edge.second;
if(packed_reverse_path.size() < index_into_reverse_path && current_edge == reverse_search_space[index_into_reverse_path]) {
//current_edge is on shortest path => sharing(u):=queue.GetKey(u);
approximated_reverse_sharing[v] = reverse_heap1.GetKey(u);
} else {
//sharing (s) = sharing (t)
approximated_reverse_sharing[v] = approximated_reverse_sharing[u];
std::vector<NodeID> nodes_that_passed_preselection;
BOOST_FOREACH(const NodeID node, viaNodeCandidates) {
if(node == middle) //subpath optimality tells us that this case is just the shortest path
int approximated_sharing = approximated_forward_sharing[node] + approximated_reverse_sharing[node];
int approximated_length = forward_heap1.GetKey(node)+reverse_heap1.GetKey(node);
bool lengthPassed = (approximated_length < upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance*(1+VIAPATH_EPSILON));
bool sharingPassed = (approximated_sharing <= upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance*VIAPATH_GAMMA);
bool stretchPassed = approximated_length - approximated_sharing < (1.+VIAPATH_EPSILON)*(upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance-approximated_sharing);
int sharing = approximateAmountOfSharing(node, forwardHeap, backwardHeap, packedShortestPath);
int length1 = forwardHeap->GetKey(node);
int length2 = backwardHeap->GetKey(node);
bool lengthPassed = (length1+length2 < _upperBound*(1+VIAPATH_EPSILON));
bool sharingPassed = (sharing <= _upperBound*VIAPATH_GAMMA);
bool stretchPassed = length1+length2 - sharing < (1.+VIAPATH_EPSILON)*(_upperBound-sharing);
if(lengthPassed && sharingPassed && stretchPassed)
nodesThatPassPreselection.push_back(std::make_pair(node, length1+length2));
if(lengthPassed && sharingPassed && stretchPassed) {
std::vector<NodeID> & packedShortestPath = packed_forward_path;
std::reverse(packedShortestPath.begin(), packedShortestPath.end());
packedShortestPath.insert(packedShortestPath.end(),packed_reverse_path.begin(), packed_reverse_path.end());
std::vector<RankedCandidateNode > rankedCandidates;
//prioritizing via nodes for deep inspection
BOOST_FOREACH(const PreselectedNode node, nodesThatPassPreselection) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const NodeID node, nodes_that_passed_preselection) {
int lengthOfViaPath = 0, sharingOfViaPath = 0;
computeLengthAndSharingOfViaPath(node, &lengthOfViaPath, &sharingOfViaPath, offset, packedShortestPath);
if(sharingOfViaPath <= VIAPATH_GAMMA*_upperBound)
rankedCandidates.push_back(RankedCandidateNode(node.first, lengthOfViaPath, sharingOfViaPath));
computeLengthAndSharingOfViaPath(node, &lengthOfViaPath, &sharingOfViaPath, forward_offset+reverse_offset, packedShortestPath);
if(sharingOfViaPath <= upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance*VIAPATH_GAMMA) {
rankedCandidates.push_back(RankedCandidateNode(node, lengthOfViaPath, sharingOfViaPath));
std::sort(rankedCandidates.begin(), rankedCandidates.end());
NodeID selectedViaNode = UINT_MAX;
int lengthOfViaPath = INT_MAX;
NodeID s_v_middle = UINT_MAX, v_t_middle = UINT_MAX;
BOOST_FOREACH(const RankedCandidateNode candidate, rankedCandidates){
if(viaNodeCandidatePasses_T_Test(forwardHeap, backwardHeap, forwardHeap2, backwardHeap2, candidate, offset, _upperBound, &lengthOfViaPath, &s_v_middle, &v_t_middle)) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const RankedCandidateNode & candidate, rankedCandidates){
if(viaNodeCandidatePasses_T_Test(forward_heap1, reverse_heap1, forward_heap2, reverse_heap2, candidate, forward_offset+reverse_offset, upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance, &lengthOfViaPath, &s_v_middle, &v_t_middle)) {
// select first admissable
selectedViaNode = candidate.node;
@ -141,15 +180,15 @@ public:
//Unpack shortest path and alternative, if they exist
if(INT_MAX != _upperBound) {
if(INT_MAX != upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance) {
super::UnpackPath(packedShortestPath, rawRouteData.computedShortestPath);
rawRouteData.lengthOfShortestPath = _upperBound;
rawRouteData.lengthOfShortestPath = upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance;
} else {
rawRouteData.lengthOfShortestPath = INT_MAX;
if(selectedViaNode != UINT_MAX) {
retrievePackedViaPath(forwardHeap, backwardHeap, forwardHeap2, backwardHeap2, s_v_middle, v_t_middle, rawRouteData.computedAlternativePath);
retrievePackedViaPath(forward_heap1, reverse_heap1, forward_heap2, reverse_heap2, s_v_middle, v_t_middle, rawRouteData.computedAlternativePath);
rawRouteData.lengthOfAlternativePath = lengthOfViaPath;
} else {
rawRouteData.lengthOfAlternativePath = INT_MAX;
@ -158,7 +197,7 @@ public:
//unpack <s,..,v,..,t> by exploring search spaces from v
inline void retrievePackedViaPath(const HeapPtr & _forwardHeap1, const HeapPtr & _backwardHeap1, const HeapPtr & _forwardHeap2, const HeapPtr & _backwardHeap2,
inline void retrievePackedViaPath(QueryHeap & _forwardHeap1, QueryHeap & _backwardHeap1, QueryHeap & _forwardHeap2, QueryHeap & _backwardHeap2,
const NodeID s_v_middle, const NodeID v_t_middle, std::vector<_PathData> & unpackedPath) {
//unpack [s,v)
std::vector<NodeID> packed_s_v_path, packed_v_t_path;
@ -170,16 +209,16 @@ private:
super::UnpackPath(packed_s_v_path, unpackedPath);
inline void computeLengthAndSharingOfViaPath(const PreselectedNode& node, int *lengthOfViaPath, int *sharingOfViaPath,
const int offset, const std::vector<NodeID> & packedShortestPath) {
inline void computeLengthAndSharingOfViaPath(const NodeID via_node, int *real_length_of_via_path, int *sharing_of_via_path,
const int offset, const std::vector<NodeID> & packed_shortest_path) {
//compute and unpack <s,..,v> and <v,..,t> by exploring search spaces from v and intersecting against queues
//only half-searches have to be done at this stage
HeapPtr & existingForwardHeap = super::_queryData.forwardHeap;
HeapPtr & existingBackwardHeap = super::_queryData.backwardHeap;
HeapPtr & newForwardHeap = super::_queryData.forwardHeap2;
HeapPtr & newBackwardHeap = super::_queryData.backwardHeap2;
QueryHeap & existingForwardHeap = *super::_queryData.forwardHeap;
QueryHeap & existingBackwardHeap = *super::_queryData.backwardHeap;
QueryHeap & newForwardHeap = *super::_queryData.forwardHeap2;
QueryHeap & newBackwardHeap = *super::_queryData.backwardHeap2;
std::vector < NodeID > packed_s_v_path;
std::vector < NodeID > packed_v_t_path;
@ -189,18 +228,18 @@ private:
NodeID s_v_middle = UINT_MAX;
int upperBoundFor_s_v_Path = INT_MAX;//compute path <s,..,v> by reusing forward search from s
newBackwardHeap->Insert(node.first, 0, node.first);
while (newBackwardHeap->Size() > 0) {
newBackwardHeap.Insert(via_node, 0, via_node);
while (0 < newBackwardHeap.Size()) {
super::RoutingStep(newBackwardHeap, existingForwardHeap, &s_v_middle, &upperBoundFor_s_v_Path, 2 * offset, false);
//compute path <v,..,t> by reusing backward search from node t
NodeID v_t_middle = UINT_MAX;
int upperBoundFor_v_t_Path = INT_MAX;
newForwardHeap->Insert(node.first, 0, node.first);
while (newForwardHeap->Size() > 0) {
newForwardHeap.Insert(via_node, 0, via_node);
while (0 < newForwardHeap.Size() ) {
super::RoutingStep(newForwardHeap, existingBackwardHeap, &v_t_middle, &upperBoundFor_v_t_Path, 2 * offset, true);
*lengthOfViaPath = upperBoundFor_s_v_Path + upperBoundFor_v_t_Path;
*real_length_of_via_path = upperBoundFor_s_v_Path + upperBoundFor_v_t_Path;
if(UINT_MAX == s_v_middle || UINT_MAX == v_t_middle)
@ -211,35 +250,35 @@ private:
//partial unpacking, compute sharing
//First partially unpack s-->v until paths deviate, note length of common path.
for (unsigned i = 0, lengthOfPackedPath = std::min( packed_s_v_path.size(), packedShortestPath.size()) - 1; (i < lengthOfPackedPath); ++i) {
if (packed_s_v_path[i] == packedShortestPath[i] && packed_s_v_path[i + 1] == packedShortestPath[i + 1]) {
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeID = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(packed_s_v_path[i], packed_s_v_path[i + 1]);
*sharingOfViaPath += super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
for (unsigned i = 0, lengthOfPackedPath = std::min( packed_s_v_path.size(), packed_shortest_path.size()) - 1; (i < lengthOfPackedPath); ++i) {
if (packed_s_v_path[i] == packed_shortest_path[i] && packed_s_v_path[i + 1] == packed_shortest_path[i + 1]) {
typename SearchGraph::EdgeIterator edgeID = search_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(packed_s_v_path[i], packed_s_v_path[i + 1]);
*sharing_of_via_path += search_graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
} else {
if (packed_s_v_path[i] == packedShortestPath[i]) {
if (packed_s_v_path[i] == packed_shortest_path[i]) {
super::UnpackEdge(packed_s_v_path[i], packed_s_v_path[i+1], partiallyUnpackedViaPath);
super::UnpackEdge(packedShortestPath[i], packedShortestPath[i+1], partiallyUnpackedShortestPath);
super::UnpackEdge(packed_shortest_path[i], packed_shortest_path[i+1], partiallyUnpackedShortestPath);
//traverse partially unpacked edge and note common prefix
for (int i = 0, lengthOfPackedPath = std::min( partiallyUnpackedViaPath.size(), partiallyUnpackedShortestPath.size()) - 1; (i < lengthOfPackedPath) && (partiallyUnpackedViaPath[i] == partiallyUnpackedShortestPath[i] && partiallyUnpackedViaPath[i+1] == partiallyUnpackedShortestPath[i+1]); ++i) {
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeID = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(partiallyUnpackedViaPath[i], partiallyUnpackedViaPath[i+1]);
*sharingOfViaPath += super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
typename SearchGraph::EdgeIterator edgeID = search_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(partiallyUnpackedViaPath[i], partiallyUnpackedViaPath[i+1]);
*sharing_of_via_path += search_graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
//Second, partially unpack v-->t in reverse order until paths deviate and note lengths
int viaPathIndex = packed_v_t_path.size() - 1;
int shortestPathIndex = packedShortestPath.size() - 1;
int shortestPathIndex = packed_shortest_path.size() - 1;
for (; viaPathIndex > 0 && shortestPathIndex > 0; --viaPathIndex,--shortestPathIndex ) {
if (packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex - 1] == packedShortestPath[shortestPathIndex - 1] && packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex] == packedShortestPath[shortestPathIndex]) {
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeID = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection( packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex - 1], packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex]);
*sharingOfViaPath += super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
if (packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex - 1] == packed_shortest_path[shortestPathIndex - 1] && packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex] == packed_shortest_path[shortestPathIndex]) {
typename SearchGraph::EdgeIterator edgeID = search_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection( packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex - 1], packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex]);
*sharing_of_via_path += search_graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
} else {
if (packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex] == packedShortestPath[shortestPathIndex]) {
if (packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex] == packed_shortest_path[shortestPathIndex]) {
super::UnpackEdge(packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex-1], packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex], partiallyUnpackedViaPath);
super::UnpackEdge(packedShortestPath[shortestPathIndex-1] , packedShortestPath[shortestPathIndex], partiallyUnpackedShortestPath);
super::UnpackEdge(packed_shortest_path[shortestPathIndex-1] , packed_shortest_path[shortestPathIndex], partiallyUnpackedShortestPath);
@ -249,16 +288,16 @@ private:
shortestPathIndex = partiallyUnpackedShortestPath.size() - 1;
for (; viaPathIndex > 0 && shortestPathIndex > 0; --viaPathIndex,--shortestPathIndex) {
if (partiallyUnpackedViaPath[viaPathIndex - 1] == partiallyUnpackedShortestPath[shortestPathIndex - 1] && partiallyUnpackedViaPath[viaPathIndex] == partiallyUnpackedShortestPath[shortestPathIndex]) {
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeID = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection( partiallyUnpackedViaPath[viaPathIndex - 1], partiallyUnpackedViaPath[viaPathIndex]);
*sharingOfViaPath += super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
typename SearchGraph::EdgeIterator edgeID = search_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection( partiallyUnpackedViaPath[viaPathIndex - 1], partiallyUnpackedViaPath[viaPathIndex]);
*sharing_of_via_path += search_graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
} else {
//finished partial unpacking spree! Amount of sharing is stored to appropriate poiner variable
//finished partial unpacking spree! Amount of sharing is stored to appropriate pointer variable
inline int approximateAmountOfSharing(const NodeID middleNodeIDOfAlternativePath, HeapPtr & _forwardHeap, HeapPtr & _backwardHeap, const std::vector<NodeID> & packedShortestPath) {
inline int approximateAmountOfSharing(const NodeID middleNodeIDOfAlternativePath, QueryHeap & _forwardHeap, QueryHeap & _backwardHeap, const std::vector<NodeID> & packedShortestPath) {
std::vector<NodeID> packedAlternativePath;
super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(_forwardHeap, _backwardHeap, middleNodeIDOfAlternativePath, packedAlternativePath);
@ -270,8 +309,8 @@ private:
//compute forward sharing
while( (packedAlternativePath[aindex] == packedShortestPath[aindex]) && (packedAlternativePath[aindex+1] == packedShortestPath[aindex+1]) ) {
// INFO("retrieving edge (" << packedAlternativePath[aindex] << "," << packedAlternativePath[aindex+1] << ")");
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeID = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(packedAlternativePath[aindex], packedAlternativePath[aindex+1]);
sharing += super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
typename SearchGraph::EdgeIterator edgeID = search_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(packedAlternativePath[aindex], packedAlternativePath[aindex+1]);
sharing += search_graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
@ -279,55 +318,65 @@ private:
int bindex = packedShortestPath.size()-1;
//compute backward sharing
while( aindex > 0 && bindex > 0 && (packedAlternativePath[aindex] == packedShortestPath[bindex]) && (packedAlternativePath[aindex-1] == packedShortestPath[bindex-1]) ) {
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeID = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(packedAlternativePath[aindex], packedAlternativePath[aindex-1]);
sharing += super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
typename SearchGraph::EdgeIterator edgeID = search_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(packedAlternativePath[aindex], packedAlternativePath[aindex-1]);
sharing += search_graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
--aindex; --bindex;
return sharing;
inline void AlternativeRoutingStep(HeapPtr & _forwardHeap, HeapPtr & _backwardHeap, NodeID *middle, int *_upperbound, const int edgeBasedOffset, const bool forwardDirection, std::vector<NodeID>& searchSpaceIntersection) const {
const NodeID node = _forwardHeap->DeleteMin();
template<bool forwardDirection>
inline void AlternativeRoutingStep(
QueryHeap & _forward_heap,
QueryHeap & _reverse_heap,
NodeID *middle_node,
int *upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance,
std::vector<NodeID>& searchSpaceIntersection,
std::vector<SearchSpaceEdge> & search_space,
const int edgeBasedOffset
) const {
const NodeID node = _forward_heap.DeleteMin();
const int distance = _forward_heap.GetKey(node);
int scaledDistance = (distance-edgeBasedOffset)/(1.+VIAPATH_EPSILON);
if(scaledDistance > *upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance){
const int distance = _forwardHeap->GetKey(node);
if(_backwardHeap->WasInserted(node) ){
search_space.push_back(std::make_pair(_forward_heap.GetData( node ).parent, node));
if(_reverse_heap.WasInserted(node) ){
const int newDistance = _backwardHeap->GetKey(node) + distance;
if(newDistance < *_upperbound ){
const int newDistance = _reverse_heap.GetKey(node) + distance;
if(newDistance < *upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance ){
if(newDistance>=0 ) {
*middle = node;
*_upperbound = newDistance;
*middle_node = node;
*upper_bound_to_shortest_path_distance = newDistance;
int scaledDistance = (distance-edgeBasedOffset)/(1.+VIAPATH_EPSILON);
if(scaledDistance > *_upperbound){
for ( typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edge = super::_queryData.graph->BeginEdges( node ); edge < super::_queryData.graph->EndEdges(node); edge++ ) {
const typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeData & data = super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edge);
for ( typename SearchGraph::EdgeIterator edge = search_graph->BeginEdges( node ); edge < search_graph->EndEdges(node); edge++ ) {
const typename SearchGraph::EdgeData & data = search_graph->GetEdgeData(edge);
bool forwardDirectionFlag = (forwardDirection ? data.forward : data.backward );
if(forwardDirectionFlag) {
const NodeID to = super::_queryData.graph->GetTarget(edge);
const NodeID to = search_graph->GetTarget(edge);
const int edgeWeight = data.distance;
assert( edgeWeight > 0 );
const int toDistance = distance + edgeWeight;
//New Node discovered -> Add to Heap + Node Info Storage
if ( !_forwardHeap->WasInserted( to ) ) {
_forwardHeap->Insert( to, toDistance, node );
if ( !_forward_heap.WasInserted( to ) ) {
_forward_heap.Insert( to, toDistance, node );
//Found a shorter Path -> Update distance
else if ( toDistance < _forwardHeap->GetKey( to ) ) {
_forwardHeap->GetData( to ).parent = node;
_forwardHeap->DecreaseKey( to, toDistance );
else if ( toDistance < _forward_heap.GetKey( to ) ) {
_forward_heap.GetData( to ).parent = node;
_forward_heap.DecreaseKey( to, toDistance );
//new parent
@ -335,16 +384,17 @@ private:
//conduct T-Test
inline bool viaNodeCandidatePasses_T_Test( HeapPtr& existingForwardHeap, HeapPtr& existingBackwardHeap, HeapPtr& newForwardHeap, HeapPtr& newBackwardHeap, const RankedCandidateNode& candidate, const int offset, const int lengthOfShortestPath, int * lengthOfViaPath, NodeID * s_v_middle, NodeID * v_t_middle) {
inline bool viaNodeCandidatePasses_T_Test( QueryHeap& existingForwardHeap, QueryHeap& existingBackwardHeap, QueryHeap& newForwardHeap, QueryHeap& newBackwardHeap, const RankedCandidateNode& candidate, const int offset, const int lengthOfShortestPath, int * lengthOfViaPath, NodeID * s_v_middle, NodeID * v_t_middle) {
std::vector < NodeID > packed_s_v_path;
std::vector < NodeID > packed_v_t_path;
*s_v_middle = UINT_MAX;
int upperBoundFor_s_v_Path = INT_MAX;
//compute path <s,..,v> by reusing forward search from s
newBackwardHeap->Insert(candidate.node, 0, candidate.node);
while (newBackwardHeap->Size() > 0) {
newBackwardHeap.Insert(candidate.node, 0, candidate.node);
while (newBackwardHeap.Size() > 0) {
super::RoutingStep(newBackwardHeap, existingForwardHeap, s_v_middle, &upperBoundFor_s_v_Path, 2*offset, false);
@ -354,8 +404,8 @@ private:
//compute path <v,..,t> by reusing backward search from t
*v_t_middle = UINT_MAX;
int upperBoundFor_v_t_Path = INT_MAX;
newForwardHeap->Insert(candidate.node, 0, candidate.node);
while (newForwardHeap->Size() > 0) {
newForwardHeap.Insert(candidate.node, 0, candidate.node);
while (newForwardHeap.Size() > 0) {
super::RoutingStep(newForwardHeap, existingBackwardHeap, v_t_middle, &upperBoundFor_v_t_Path, 2*offset, true);
@ -369,14 +419,21 @@ private:
super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(newForwardHeap, existingBackwardHeap, *v_t_middle, packed_v_t_path);
NodeID s_P = *s_v_middle, t_P = *v_t_middle;
if(UINT_MAX == s_P) {
return false;
if(UINT_MAX == t_P) {
return false;
const int T_threshold = VIAPATH_EPSILON * lengthOfShortestPath;
int unpackedUntilDistance = 0;
std::stack<UnpackEdge> unpackStack;
std::stack<SearchSpaceEdge> unpackStack;
//Traverse path s-->v
for (unsigned i = packed_s_v_path.size() - 1; (i > 0) && unpackStack.empty(); --i) {
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeID = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection( packed_s_v_path[i - 1], packed_s_v_path[i]);
int lengthOfCurrentEdge = super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
typename SearchGraph::EdgeIterator edgeID = search_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection( packed_s_v_path[i - 1], packed_s_v_path[i]);
int lengthOfCurrentEdge = search_graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
if (lengthOfCurrentEdge + unpackedUntilDistance >= T_threshold) {
unpackStack.push(std::make_pair(packed_s_v_path[i - 1], packed_s_v_path[i]));
} else {
@ -386,17 +443,17 @@ private:
while (!unpackStack.empty()) {
const UnpackEdge viaPathEdge =;
const SearchSpaceEdge viaPathEdge =;
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeIDInViaPath = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(viaPathEdge.first, viaPathEdge.second);
typename SearchGraph::EdgeIterator edgeIDInViaPath = search_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(viaPathEdge.first, viaPathEdge.second);
if(UINT_MAX == edgeIDInViaPath)
return false;
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeData currentEdgeData = super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInViaPath);
typename SearchGraph::EdgeData currentEdgeData = search_graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInViaPath);
bool IsViaEdgeShortCut = currentEdgeData.shortcut;
if (IsViaEdgeShortCut) {
const NodeID middleOfViaPath =;
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeIDOfSecondSegment = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(middleOfViaPath, viaPathEdge.second);
int lengthOfSecondSegment = super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDOfSecondSegment).distance;
typename SearchGraph::EdgeIterator edgeIDOfSecondSegment = search_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(middleOfViaPath, viaPathEdge.second);
int lengthOfSecondSegment = search_graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDOfSecondSegment).distance;
//attention: !unpacking in reverse!
//Check if second segment is the one to go over treshold? if yes add second segment to stack, else push first segment to stack and add distance of second one.
if (unpackedUntilDistance + lengthOfSecondSegment >= T_threshold) {
@ -416,8 +473,8 @@ private:
unpackedUntilDistance = 0;
//Traverse path s-->v
for (unsigned i = 0, lengthOfPackedPath = packed_v_t_path.size() - 1; (i < lengthOfPackedPath) && unpackStack.empty(); ++i) {
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeID = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection( packed_v_t_path[i], packed_v_t_path[i + 1]);
int lengthOfCurrentEdge = super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
typename SearchGraph::EdgeIterator edgeID = search_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection( packed_v_t_path[i], packed_v_t_path[i + 1]);
int lengthOfCurrentEdge = search_graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
if (lengthOfCurrentEdge + unpackedUntilDistance >= T_threshold) {
unpackStack.push( std::make_pair(packed_v_t_path[i], packed_v_t_path[i + 1]));
} else {
@ -427,17 +484,17 @@ private:
while (!unpackStack.empty()) {
const UnpackEdge viaPathEdge =;
const SearchSpaceEdge viaPathEdge =;
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeIDInViaPath = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(viaPathEdge.first, viaPathEdge.second);
typename SearchGraph::EdgeIterator edgeIDInViaPath = search_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(viaPathEdge.first, viaPathEdge.second);
if(UINT_MAX == edgeIDInViaPath)
return false;
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeData currentEdgeData = super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInViaPath);
typename SearchGraph::EdgeData currentEdgeData = search_graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInViaPath);
const bool IsViaEdgeShortCut = currentEdgeData.shortcut;
if (IsViaEdgeShortCut) {
const NodeID middleOfViaPath =;
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeIDOfFirstSegment = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(viaPathEdge.first, middleOfViaPath);
int lengthOfFirstSegment = super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData( edgeIDOfFirstSegment).distance;
typename SearchGraph::EdgeIterator edgeIDOfFirstSegment = search_graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(viaPathEdge.first, middleOfViaPath);
int lengthOfFirstSegment = search_graph->GetEdgeData( edgeIDOfFirstSegment).distance;
//Check if first segment is the one to go over treshold? if yes first segment to stack, else push second segment to stack and add distance of first one.
if (unpackedUntilDistance + lengthOfFirstSegment >= T_threshold) {
unpackStack.push( std::make_pair(viaPathEdge.first, middleOfViaPath));
@ -454,20 +511,21 @@ private:
lengthOfPathT_Test_Path += unpackedUntilDistance;
//Run actual T-Test query and compare if distances equal.
HeapPtr& forwardHeap = super::_queryData.forwardHeap3;
HeapPtr& backwardHeap = super::_queryData.backwardHeap3;
QueryHeap& forward_heap3 = *super::_queryData.forwardHeap3;
QueryHeap& backward_heap3 = *super::_queryData.backwardHeap3;
int _upperBound = INT_MAX;
NodeID middle = UINT_MAX;
forwardHeap->Insert(s_P, 0, s_P);
backwardHeap->Insert(t_P, 0, t_P);
forward_heap3.Insert(s_P, 0, s_P);
backward_heap3.Insert(t_P, 0, t_P);
//exploration from s and t until deletemin/(1+epsilon) > _lengthOfShortestPath
while (forwardHeap->Size() + backwardHeap->Size() > 0) {
if (forwardHeap->Size() > 0) {
super::RoutingStep(forwardHeap, backwardHeap, &middle, &_upperBound, offset, true);
while (forward_heap3.Size() + backward_heap3.Size() > 0) {
if (forward_heap3.Size() > 0) {
super::RoutingStep(forward_heap3, backward_heap3, &middle, &_upperBound, offset, true);
if (backwardHeap->Size() > 0) {
super::RoutingStep(backwardHeap, forwardHeap, &middle, &_upperBound, offset, false);
if (backward_heap3.Size() > 0) {
super::RoutingStep(backward_heap3, forward_heap3, &middle, &_upperBound, offset, false);
return (_upperBound <= lengthOfPathT_Test_Path);

View File

@ -23,43 +23,43 @@ or see
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
#include "../Plugins/RawRouteData.h"
#include "../Util/ContainerUtils.h"
template<class QueryDataT>
class BasicRoutingInterface {
class BasicRoutingInterface : boost::noncopyable{
QueryDataT & _queryData;
BasicRoutingInterface(QueryDataT & qd) : _queryData(qd) { }
virtual ~BasicRoutingInterface(){ };
inline void RoutingStep(typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & _forwardHeap, typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & _backwardHeap, NodeID *middle, int *_upperbound, const int edgeBasedOffset, const bool forwardDirection) const {
const NodeID node = _forwardHeap->DeleteMin();
const int distance = _forwardHeap->GetKey(node);
// INFO((forwardDirection ? "[forw]" : "[back]") << " settled node " << node << " at distance " << distance);
if(_backwardHeap->WasInserted(node) ){
// INFO((forwardDirection ? "[forw]" : "[back]") << " scanned node " << node << " in both directions, upper bound: " << *_upperbound);
const int newDistance = _backwardHeap->GetKey(node) + distance;
inline void RoutingStep(typename QueryDataT::QueryHeap & _forwardHeap, typename QueryDataT::QueryHeap & _backwardHeap, NodeID *middle, int *_upperbound, const int edgeBasedOffset, const bool forwardDirection) const {
const NodeID node = _forwardHeap.DeleteMin();
const int distance = _forwardHeap.GetKey(node);
if(_backwardHeap.WasInserted(node) ){
const int newDistance = _backwardHeap.GetKey(node) + distance;
if(newDistance < *_upperbound ){
if(newDistance>=0 ) {
// INFO((forwardDirection ? "[forw]" : "[back]") << " -> node " << node << " is new middle at total distance " << newDistance);
*middle = node;
*_upperbound = newDistance;
} else {
// INFO((forwardDirection ? "[forw]" : "[back]") << " -> ignored " << node << " as new middle at total distance " << newDistance);
if(distance-edgeBasedOffset > *_upperbound){
for ( typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edge = _queryData.graph->BeginEdges( node ); edge < _queryData.graph->EndEdges(node); edge++ ) {
for ( typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edge = _queryData.graph->BeginEdges( node ); edge < _queryData.graph->EndEdges(node); ++edge ) {
const typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeData & data = _queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edge);
bool backwardDirectionFlag = (!forwardDirection) ? data.forward : data.backward;
if(backwardDirectionFlag) {
@ -68,16 +68,15 @@ public:
assert( edgeWeight > 0 );
if(_forwardHeap->WasInserted( to )) {
if(_forwardHeap->GetKey( to ) + edgeWeight < distance) {
if(_forwardHeap.WasInserted( to )) {
if(_forwardHeap.GetKey( to ) + edgeWeight < distance) {
for ( typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edge = _queryData.graph->BeginEdges( node ); edge < _queryData.graph->EndEdges(node); edge++ ) {
for ( typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edge = _queryData.graph->BeginEdges( node ); edge < _queryData.graph->EndEdges(node); ++edge ) {
const typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeData & data = _queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edge);
bool forwardDirectionFlag = (forwardDirection ? data.forward : data.backward );
if(forwardDirectionFlag) {
@ -89,23 +88,20 @@ public:
const int toDistance = distance + edgeWeight;
//New Node discovered -> Add to Heap + Node Info Storage
if ( !_forwardHeap->WasInserted( to ) ) {
// INFO((forwardDirection ? "[forw]" : "[back]") << " scanning edge (" << node << "," << to << ") with distance " << toDistance << ", edge length: " << data.distance);
_forwardHeap->Insert( to, toDistance, node );
if ( !_forwardHeap.WasInserted( to ) ) {
_forwardHeap.Insert( to, toDistance, node );
//Found a shorter Path -> Update distance
else if ( toDistance < _forwardHeap->GetKey( to ) ) {
// INFO((forwardDirection ? "[forw]" : "[back]") << " decrease and scanning edge (" << node << "," << to << ") from " << _forwardHeap->GetKey(to) << "to " << toDistance << ", edge length: " << data.distance);
_forwardHeap->GetData( to ).parent = node;
_forwardHeap->DecreaseKey( to, toDistance );
else if ( toDistance < _forwardHeap.GetKey( to ) ) {
_forwardHeap.GetData( to ).parent = node;
_forwardHeap.DecreaseKey( to, toDistance );
//new parent
inline void UnpackPath(std::vector<NodeID> & packedPath, std::vector<_PathData> & unpackedPath) const {
inline void UnpackPath(const std::vector<NodeID> & packedPath, std::vector<_PathData> & unpackedPath) const {
const unsigned sizeOfPackedPath = packedPath.size();
std::stack<std::pair<NodeID, NodeID> > recursionStack;
@ -118,15 +114,12 @@ public:
while(!recursionStack.empty()) {
edge =;
// INFO("Unpacking edge (" << edge.first << "," << edge.second << ")");
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator smallestEdge = SPECIAL_EDGEID;
int smallestWeight = INT_MAX;
for(typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator eit = _queryData.graph->BeginEdges(edge.first);eit < _queryData.graph->EndEdges(edge.first);++eit){
const int weight = _queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(eit).distance;
// INFO("Checking edge (" << edge.first << "/" << _queryData.graph->GetTarget(eit) << ")");
if(_queryData.graph->GetTarget(eit) == edge.second && weight < smallestWeight && _queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(eit).forward){
// INFO("1smallest " << eit << ", " << weight);
smallestEdge = eit;
smallestWeight = weight;
@ -135,9 +128,7 @@ public:
if(smallestEdge == SPECIAL_EDGEID){
for(typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator eit = _queryData.graph->BeginEdges(edge.second);eit < _queryData.graph->EndEdges(edge.second);++eit){
const int weight = _queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(eit).distance;
// INFO("Checking edge (" << edge.first << "/" << _queryData.graph->GetTarget(eit) << ")");
if(_queryData.graph->GetTarget(eit) == edge.first && weight < smallestWeight && _queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(eit).backward){
// INFO("2smallest " << eit << ", " << weight);
smallestEdge = eit;
smallestWeight = weight;
@ -159,7 +150,6 @@ public:
inline void UnpackEdge(const NodeID s, const NodeID t, std::vector<NodeID> & unpackedPath) const {
std::stack<std::pair<NodeID, NodeID> > recursionStack;
@ -193,7 +183,6 @@ public:
if(ed.shortcut) {//unpack
const NodeID middle =;
//again, we need to this in reversed order
// INFO("unpacking (" << middle << "," << edge.second << ") and (" << edge.first << "," << middle << ")");
recursionStack.push(std::make_pair(middle, edge.second));
recursionStack.push(std::make_pair(edge.first, middle));
} else {
@ -204,22 +193,29 @@ public:
inline void RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(const typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & _fHeap, const typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & _bHeap, const NodeID middle, std::vector<NodeID>& packedPath) {
inline void RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(typename QueryDataT::QueryHeap & _fHeap, typename QueryDataT::QueryHeap & _bHeap, const NodeID middle, std::vector<NodeID>& packedPath) const {
NodeID pathNode = middle;
while(pathNode != _fHeap->GetData(pathNode).parent) {
pathNode = _fHeap->GetData(pathNode).parent;
while(pathNode != _fHeap.GetData(pathNode).parent) {
pathNode = _fHeap.GetData(pathNode).parent;
std::reverse(packedPath.begin(), packedPath.end());
pathNode = middle;
while (pathNode != _bHeap->GetData(pathNode).parent){
pathNode = _bHeap->GetData(pathNode).parent;
while (pathNode != _bHeap.GetData(pathNode).parent){
pathNode = _bHeap.GetData(pathNode).parent;
inline void RetrievePackedPathFromSingleHeap(typename QueryDataT::QueryHeap & search_heap, const NodeID middle, std::vector<NodeID>& packed_path) const {
NodeID pathNode = middle;
while(pathNode != search_heap.GetData(pathNode).parent) {
pathNode = search_heap.GetData(pathNode).parent;

View File

@ -28,13 +28,14 @@ or see
template<class QueryDataT>
class ShortestPathRouting : public BasicRoutingInterface<QueryDataT>{
typedef BasicRoutingInterface<QueryDataT> super;
typedef typename QueryDataT::QueryHeap QueryHeap;
ShortestPathRouting(QueryDataT & qd) : super(qd) {}
ShortestPathRouting( QueryDataT & qd) : super(qd) {}
~ShortestPathRouting() {}
void operator()(std::vector<PhantomNodes> & phantomNodesVector, RawRouteData & rawRouteData) {
BOOST_FOREACH(PhantomNodes & phantomNodePair, phantomNodesVector) {
void operator()(std::vector<PhantomNodes> & phantomNodesVector, RawRouteData & rawRouteData) const {
BOOST_FOREACH(const PhantomNodes & phantomNodePair, phantomNodesVector) {
if(!phantomNodePair.AtLeastOnePhantomNodeIsUINTMAX()) {
rawRouteData.lengthOfShortestPath = rawRouteData.lengthOfAlternativePath = INT_MAX;
@ -43,125 +44,102 @@ public:
int distance1 = 0;
int distance2 = 0;
bool searchFrom1stStartNode(true);
bool searchFrom2ndStartNode(true);
NodeID middle1 = ( NodeID ) UINT_MAX;
NodeID middle2 = ( NodeID ) UINT_MAX;
bool searchFrom1stStartNode = true;
bool searchFrom2ndStartNode = true;
NodeID middle1 = UINT_MAX;
NodeID middle2 = UINT_MAX;
std::vector<NodeID> packedPath1;
std::vector<NodeID> packedPath2;
typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & forwardHeap = super::_queryData.forwardHeap;
typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & backwardHeap = super::_queryData.backwardHeap;
typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & forwardHeap2 = super::_queryData.forwardHeap2;
typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & backwardHeap2 = super::_queryData.backwardHeap2;
QueryHeap & forward_heap1 = *(super::_queryData.forwardHeap);
QueryHeap & reverse_heap1 = *(super::_queryData.backwardHeap);
QueryHeap & forward_heap2 = *(super::_queryData.forwardHeap2);
QueryHeap & reverse_heap2 = *(super::_queryData.backwardHeap2);
//Get distance to next pair of target nodes.
BOOST_FOREACH(PhantomNodes & phantomNodePair, phantomNodesVector) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const PhantomNodes & phantomNodePair, phantomNodesVector) {
forward_heap1.Clear(); forward_heap2.Clear();
reverse_heap1.Clear(); reverse_heap2.Clear();
int _localUpperbound1 = INT_MAX;
int _localUpperbound2 = INT_MAX;
middle1 = UINT_MAX;
middle2 = UINT_MAX;
//insert new starting nodes into forward heap, adjusted by previous distances.
if(searchFrom1stStartNode) {
forwardHeap->Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode);
forwardHeap2->Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode);
// INFO("a 1,2)forw insert " << phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode << " with weight " << phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1);
// } else {
// INFO("Skipping first start node");
forward_heap1.Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode);
forward_heap2.Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode);
if(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.isBidirected() && searchFrom2ndStartNode) {
forwardHeap->Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight2, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1);
forwardHeap2->Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight2, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1);
// INFO("b 1,2)forw insert " << phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1 << " with weight " << -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1);
// } else if(!searchFrom2ndStartNode) {
// INFO("Skipping second start node");
forward_heap1.Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight2, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1);
forward_heap2.Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight2, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1);
// backwardHeap->Clear();
// backwardHeap2->Clear();
//insert new backward nodes into backward heap, unadjusted.
backwardHeap->Insert(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode);
// INFO("1) back insert " << phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode << " with weight " << phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1);
reverse_heap1.Insert(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode);
if(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.isBidirected() ) {
// INFO("2) back insert " << phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1 << " with weight " << phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight2);
backwardHeap2->Insert(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight2, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1);
reverse_heap2.Insert(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight2, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1);
int offset = (phantomNodePair.startPhantom.isBidirected() ? std::max(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight2) : phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1) ;
offset += (phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.isBidirected() ? std::max(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight2) : phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1) ;
const int forward_offset = phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1 + (phantomNodePair.startPhantom.isBidirected() ? phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight2 : 0);
const int reverse_offset = phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1 + (phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.isBidirected() ? phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight2 : 0);
//run two-Target Dijkstra routing step.
while(forwardHeap->Size() + backwardHeap->Size() > 0){
if(forwardHeap->Size() > 0){
super::RoutingStep(forwardHeap, backwardHeap, &middle1, &_localUpperbound1, 2*offset, true);
while(0 < (forward_heap1.Size() + reverse_heap1.Size() )){
if(0 < forward_heap1.Size()){
super::RoutingStep(forward_heap1, reverse_heap1, &middle1, &_localUpperbound1, forward_offset, true);
if(backwardHeap->Size() > 0){
super::RoutingStep(backwardHeap, forwardHeap, &middle1, &_localUpperbound1, 2*offset, false);
if(0 < reverse_heap1.Size() ){
super::RoutingStep(reverse_heap1, forward_heap1, &middle1, &_localUpperbound1, reverse_offset, false);
if(backwardHeap2->Size() > 0) {
while(forwardHeap2->Size() + backwardHeap2->Size() > 0){
if(forwardHeap2->Size() > 0){
super::RoutingStep(forwardHeap2, backwardHeap2, &middle2, &_localUpperbound2, 2*offset, true);
if(0 < reverse_heap2.Size()) {
while(0 < (forward_heap2.Size() + reverse_heap2.Size() )){
if(0 < forward_heap2.Size()){
super::RoutingStep(forward_heap2, reverse_heap2, &middle2, &_localUpperbound2, forward_offset, true);
if(backwardHeap2->Size() > 0){
super::RoutingStep(backwardHeap2, forwardHeap2, &middle2, &_localUpperbound2, 2*offset, false);
if(0 < reverse_heap2.Size()){
super::RoutingStep(reverse_heap2, forward_heap2, &middle2, &_localUpperbound2, reverse_offset, false);
// INFO("upperbound1: " << _localUpperbound1 << ", distance1: " << distance1);
// INFO("upperbound2: " << _localUpperbound2 << ", distance2: " << distance2);
//No path found for both target nodes?
if(INT_MAX == _localUpperbound1 && INT_MAX == _localUpperbound2) {
if((INT_MAX == _localUpperbound1) && (INT_MAX == _localUpperbound2)) {
rawRouteData.lengthOfShortestPath = rawRouteData.lengthOfAlternativePath = INT_MAX;
if(UINT_MAX == middle1) {
searchFrom1stStartNode = false;
// INFO("Next Search will not start from 1st");
} else {
// INFO("Next Search will start from 1st");
searchFrom1stStartNode = true;
if(UINT_MAX == middle2) {
searchFrom2ndStartNode = false;
// INFO("Next Search will not start from 2nd");
} else {
searchFrom2ndStartNode = true;
// INFO("Next Search will start from 2nd");
//Was at most one of the two paths not found?
assert(!(INT_MAX == distance1 && INT_MAX == distance2));
// INFO("middle1: " << middle1);
//Unpack paths if they exist
std::vector<NodeID> temporaryPackedPath1;
std::vector<NodeID> temporaryPackedPath2;
if(INT_MAX != _localUpperbound1) {
super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(forwardHeap, backwardHeap, middle1, temporaryPackedPath1);
// INFO("temporaryPackedPath1 ends with " << *(temporaryPackedPath1.end()-1) );
super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(forward_heap1, reverse_heap1, middle1, temporaryPackedPath1);
// INFO("middle2: " << middle2);
if(INT_MAX != _localUpperbound2) {
super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(forwardHeap2, backwardHeap2, middle2, temporaryPackedPath2);
// INFO("temporaryPackedPath2 ends with " << *(temporaryPackedPath2.end()-1) );
super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(forward_heap2, reverse_heap2, middle2, temporaryPackedPath2);
//if one of the paths was not found, replace it with the other one.
if(0 == temporaryPackedPath1.size()) {
// INFO("Deleting path 1");
temporaryPackedPath1.insert(temporaryPackedPath1.end(), temporaryPackedPath2.begin(), temporaryPackedPath2.end());
_localUpperbound1 = _localUpperbound2;
if(0 == temporaryPackedPath2.size()) {
// INFO("Deleting path 2");
temporaryPackedPath2.insert(temporaryPackedPath2.end(), temporaryPackedPath1.begin(), temporaryPackedPath1.end());
_localUpperbound2 = _localUpperbound1;
@ -170,28 +148,21 @@ public:
//Plug paths together, s.t. end of packed path is begin of temporary packed path
if(0 < packedPath1.size() && 0 < packedPath2.size() ) {
// INFO("Both paths are non-empty");
if( *(temporaryPackedPath1.begin()) == *(temporaryPackedPath2.begin())) {
// INFO("both paths start with the same node:" << *(temporaryPackedPath1.begin()));
//both new route segments start with the same node, thus one of the packedPath must go.
assert( (packedPath1.size() == packedPath2.size() ) || (*(packedPath1.end()-1) != *(packedPath2.end()-1)) );
if( *(packedPath1.end()-1) == *(temporaryPackedPath1.begin())) {
// INFO("Deleting packedPath2 that ends with " << *(packedPath2.end()-1) << ", other ends with " << *(packedPath1.end()-1));
packedPath2.insert(packedPath2.end(), packedPath1.begin(), packedPath1.end());
distance2 = distance1;
// INFO("packedPath2 now ends with " << *(packedPath2.end()-1));
} else {
// INFO("Deleting path1 that ends with " << *(packedPath1.end()-1) << ", other ends with " << *(packedPath2.end()-1));
packedPath1.insert(packedPath1.end(), packedPath2.begin(), packedPath2.end());
distance1 = distance2;
// INFO("Path1 now ends with " << *(packedPath1.end()-1));
} else {
//packed paths 1 and 2 may need to switch.
if(*(packedPath1.end()-1) != *(temporaryPackedPath1.begin())) {
// INFO("Switching");
std::swap(distance1, distance2);
@ -201,61 +172,24 @@ public:
packedPath2.insert(packedPath2.end(), temporaryPackedPath2.begin(), temporaryPackedPath2.end());
if( (packedPath1.back() == packedPath2.back()) && phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.isBidirected() ) {
// INFO("both paths end in same direction on bidirected edge, make sure start only start with : " << packedPath1.back());
NodeID lastNodeID = packedPath2.back();
searchFrom1stStartNode &= !(lastNodeID == phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1);
searchFrom2ndStartNode &= !(lastNodeID == phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode);
// INFO("Next search from node " << phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode << ": " << (searchFrom1stStartNode ? "yes" : "no") );
// INFO("Next search from node " << phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1 << ": " << (searchFrom2ndStartNode ? "yes" : "no") );
distance1 += _localUpperbound1;
distance2 += _localUpperbound2;
// INFO("length path1: " << distance1);
// INFO("length path2: " << distance2);
if(distance1 <= distance2){
//remove consecutive duplicates
// std::cout << "unclean 1: ";
// for(unsigned i = 0; i < packedPath1.size(); ++i)
// std::cout << packedPath1[i] << " ";
// std::cout << std::endl;
// std::cout << "cleaned 1: ";
// for(unsigned i = 0; i < packedPath1.size(); ++i)
// std::cout << packedPath1[i] << " ";
// std::cout << std::endl;
// super::UnpackPath(packedPath1, rawRouteData.computedShortestPath);
} else {
if(distance1 > distance2){
std::swap(packedPath1, packedPath2);
// std::cout << "unclean 2: ";
// for(unsigned i = 0; i < packedPath2.size(); ++i)
// std::cout << packedPath2[i] << " ";
// std::cout << std::endl;
// _RemoveConsecutiveDuplicatesFromContainer(packedPath2);
// std::cout << "cleaned 2: ";
// for(unsigned i = 0; i < packedPath2.size(); ++i)
// std::cout << packedPath2[i] << " ";
// std::cout << std::endl;
// super::UnpackPath(packedPath2, unpackedPath);
super::UnpackPath(packedPath1, rawRouteData.computedShortestPath);
rawRouteData.lengthOfShortestPath = std::min(distance1, distance2);
// INFO("Found via route with distance " << std::min(distance1, distance2));
template<class ContainerT>
void _RemoveConsecutiveDuplicatesFromContainer(ContainerT & packedPath) {
//remove consecutive duplicates
typename ContainerT::iterator it;
// using default comparison:
it = std::unique(packedPath.begin(), packedPath.end());
packedPath.resize(it - packedPath.begin());

View File

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ if "clang" in env["CXX"]:
if GetOption('allflags') is not None:
env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ["-W#warnings", "-Wc++0x-compat", "-Waddress-of-temporary", "-Wambiguous-member-template", "-Warray-bounds", "-Watomic-properties", "-Wbind-to-temporary-copy", "-Wbuiltin-macro-redefined", "-Wc++-compat", "-Wc++0x-extensions", "-Wcomments", "-Wconditional-uninitialized", "-Wconstant-logical-operand", "-Wdeclaration-after-statement", "-Wdeprecated", "-Wdeprecated-implementations", "-Wdeprecated-writable-strings", "-Wduplicate-method-arg", "-Wempty-body", "-Wendif-labels", "-Wenum-compare", "-Wformat=2", "-Wfour-char-constants", "-Wgnu", "-Wincomplete-implementation", "-Winvalid-noreturn", "-Winvalid-offsetof", "-Winvalid-token-paste", "-Wlocal-type-template-args", "-Wmethod-signatures", "-Wmicrosoft", "-Wmissing-declarations", "-Wnon-pod-varargs", "-Wnonfragile-abi2", "-Wnull-dereference", "-Wout-of-line-declaration", "-Woverlength-strings", "-Wpacked", "-Wpointer-arith", "-Wpointer-sign", "-Wprotocol", "-Wreadonly-setter-attrs", "-Wselector", "-Wshift-overflow", "-Wshift-sign-overflow", "-Wstrict-selector-match", "-Wsuper-class-method-mismatch", "-Wtautological-compare", "-Wtypedef-redefinition", "-Wundeclared-selector", "-Wunnamed-type-template-args", "-Wunused-exception-parameter", "-Wunused-member-function", "-Wused-but-marked-unused", "-Wvariadic-macros"])
env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-minline-all-stringops', '-fopenmp'])
env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-minline-all-stringops', '-fopenmp', '-Wall'])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '-fopenmp')
if GetOption('buildconfiguration') == 'debug':

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ template <typename Iterator, class HandlerT>
struct APIGrammar : qi::grammar<Iterator> {
APIGrammar(HandlerT * h) : APIGrammar::base_type(api_call), handler(h) {
api_call = qi::lit('/') >> string[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setService, handler, ::_1)] >> *(query);
query = ('?') >> (+(zoom | output | jsonp | checksum | location | hint | cmp | language | instruction | alt_route | old_API) ) ;
query = ('?') >> (+(zoom | output | jsonp | checksum | location | hint | cmp | language | instruction | geometry | alt_route | old_API) ) ;
zoom = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit('z') >> '=' >> qi::short_[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setZoomLevel, handler, ::_1)];
output = (-qi::lit('&')) >> qi::lit("output") >> '=' >> string[boost::bind(&HandlerT::setOutputFormat, handler, ::_1)];

View File

@ -21,8 +21,11 @@ or see
#include <string>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include "../Util/StringUtil.h"
namespace http {
const std::string okString = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n";
@ -70,15 +73,13 @@ struct Reply {
std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> HeaderstoBuffers();
std::string content;
static Reply stockReply(status_type status);
void setSize(unsigned size) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < headers.size(); ++i) {
Header& h = headers[i];
if("Content-Length" == {
std::stringstream sizeString;
sizeString << size;
h.value = sizeString.str();
void setSize(const unsigned size) {
BOOST_FOREACH ( Header& h, headers) {
if("Content-Length" == {
std::string sizeString;
intToString(size,h.value );
@ -138,11 +139,13 @@ Reply Reply::stockReply(Reply::status_type status) {
Reply rep;
rep.status = status;
rep.content = ToString(status);
rep.headers[0].name = "Content-Length";
rep.headers[0].value = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(rep.content.size());
rep.headers[1].name = "Content-Type";
rep.headers[1].value = "text/html";
rep.headers[0].name = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin";
rep.headers[0].value = "*";
rep.headers[1].name = "Content-Length";
rep.headers[1].value = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(rep.content.size());
rep.headers[2].name = "Content-Type";
rep.headers[2].value = "text/html";
return rep;
} // namespace http

View File

@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ or see
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/enable_shared_from_this.hpp>
#include "../DataStructures/Util.h"
#include "BasicDatastructures.h"
#include "RequestHandler.h"
#include "RequestParser.h"

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ or see
#include "../DataStructures/HashTable.h"
#include "../Plugins/BasePlugin.h"
#include "../Plugins/RouteParameters.h"
#include "../Util/StringUtil.h"
#include "../typedefs.h"
namespace http {
@ -71,16 +72,17 @@ public:
bool result = boost::spirit::qi::parse(it, request.end(), apiParser); // returns true if successful
if (!result || (it != request.end()) ) {
rep = http::Reply::stockReply(http::Reply::badRequest);
std::stringstream content;
int position = std::distance(request.begin(), it);
content << "Input seems to be malformed close to position " << position << "<br>";
content << "<pre>";
content << req.uri << "<br>";
std::string tmp_position_string;
intToString(position, tmp_position_string);
rep.content += "Input seems to be malformed close to position ";
rep.content += "<br><pre>";
rep.content += request;
rep.content += tmp_position_string;
rep.content += "<br>";
for(unsigned i = 0, end = std::distance(request.begin(), it); i < end; ++i)
content << "&nbsp;";
content << "^" << "<br>";
content << "</pre>";
rep.content += content.str();
rep.content += "&nbsp;";
rep.content += "^<br></pre>";
} else {
//Finished parsing, lets call the right plugin to handle the request
if(pluginMap.Holds(routeParameters.service)) {

Util/ContainerUtils.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* ContainerUtils.h
* Created on: 02.02.2013
* Author: dennis
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
template<typename T>
inline void sort_unique_resize(std::vector<T> & vector) {
std::sort(vector.begin(), vector.end());
unsigned number_of_unique_elements = std::unique(vector.begin(), vector.end()) - vector.begin();
template<typename T>
inline void sort_unique_resize_shrink_vector(std::vector<T> & vector) {
template<typename T>
inline void remove_consecutive_duplicates_from_vector(std::vector<T> & vector) {
unsigned number_of_unique_elements = std::unique(vector.begin(), vector.end()) - vector.begin();
#endif /* CONTAINERUTILS_H_ */

View File

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ NodeID readBinaryOSRMGraphFromStream(std::istream &in, std::vector<EdgeT>& edgeL
short type;
NodeID nameID;
int length;
bool isRoundabout, ignoreInGrid, isAccessRestricted;
bool isRoundabout, ignoreInGrid, isAccessRestricted, isContraFlow;
for (EdgeID i=0; i<m; ++i) {*)&source, sizeof(unsigned));
@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ NodeID readBinaryOSRMGraphFromStream(std::istream &in, std::vector<EdgeT>& edgeL*)&isRoundabout, sizeof(bool));*)&ignoreInGrid, sizeof(bool));*)&isAccessRestricted, sizeof(bool));*)&isContraFlow, sizeof(bool));
GUARANTEE(length > 0, "loaded null length edge" );
GUARANTEE(weight > 0, "loaded null weight");
@ -150,7 +151,7 @@ NodeID readBinaryOSRMGraphFromStream(std::istream &in, std::vector<EdgeT>& edgeL
std::swap(forward, backward);
EdgeT inputEdge(source, target, nameID, weight, forward, backward, type, isRoundabout, ignoreInGrid, isAccessRestricted );
EdgeT inputEdge(source, target, nameID, weight, forward, backward, type, isRoundabout, ignoreInGrid, isAccessRestricted, isContraFlow );
std::sort(edgeList.begin(), edgeList.end());
@ -169,14 +170,14 @@ NodeID readBinaryOSRMGraphFromStream(std::istream &in, std::vector<EdgeT>& edgeL
edgeList[i]._source = UINT_MAX;
} else {
//edge i-1 is open in both directions, but edge i is smaller in one direction. Close edge i-1 in this direction
edgeList[i-1].forward = ~edgeList[i].isForward();
edgeList[i-1].backward = ~edgeList[i].isBackward();
edgeList[i-1].forward = !edgeList[i].isForward();
edgeList[i-1].backward = !edgeList[i].isBackward();
} else if (edgeFlagsAreSuperSet2) {
if(edgeList[i-1].weight() <= edgeList[i].weight()) {
//edge i-1 is smaller for one direction. edge i is open in both. close edge i in the other direction
edgeList[i].forward = ~edgeList[i-1].isForward();
edgeList[i].backward = ~edgeList[i-1].isBackward();
edgeList[i].forward = !edgeList[i-1].isForward();
edgeList[i].backward = !edgeList[i-1].isBackward();
} else {
//edge i is smaller and goes in both direction. Throw away edge i-1
edgeList[i-1]._source = UINT_MAX;

Util/LuaUtil.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see
#ifndef LUAUTIL_H_
#define LUAUTIL_H_
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp>
template<typename T>
void LUA_print(T number) {
std::cout << "[LUA] " << number << std::endl;
// Check if the lua function <name> is defined
inline bool lua_function_exists(lua_State* lua_state, const char* name) {
luabind::object g = luabind::globals(lua_state);
luabind::object func = g[name];
return func && (luabind::type(func) == LUA_TFUNCTION);
// Add the folder contain the script to the lua load path, so script can easily require() other lua scripts inside that folder, or subfolders.
// See for details on the package.path syntax.
inline void luaAddScriptFolderToLoadPath(lua_State* myLuaState, const char* fileName) {
const boost::filesystem::path profilePath( fileName );
std::string folder = profilePath.parent_path().string();
//TODO: This code is most probably not Windows safe since it uses UNIX'ish path delimiters
const std::string luaCode = "package.path = \"" + folder + "/?.lua;profiles/?.lua;\" .. package.path";
luaL_dostring( myLuaState, luaCode.c_str() );
#endif /* LUAUTIL_H_ */

View File

@ -30,8 +30,29 @@ extern "C" {
#include <windows.h>
/* Returns the physical memory size in kilobytes */
unsigned GetPhysicalmemory(void){
enum Endianness {
LittleEndian = 1,
BigEndian = 2
//Function is optimized to a single 'mov eax,1' on GCC, clang and icc using -O3
inline Endianness getMachineEndianness() {
int i(1);
char *p = (char *) &i;
if (1 == p[0])
return LittleEndian;
return BigEndian;
// Reverses Network Byte Order into something usable, compiles down to a bswap-mov combination
inline unsigned swapEndian(unsigned x) {
if(getMachineEndianness() == LittleEndian)
return ( (x>>24) | ((x<<8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((x>>8) & 0x0000FF00) | (x<<24) );
return x;
// Returns the physical memory size in kilobytes
inline unsigned GetPhysicalmemory(void){
#if defined(SUN5) || defined(__linux__)
return (sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) * sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE));
@ -61,4 +82,5 @@ unsigned GetPhysicalmemory(void){
#endif // MACHINE_INFO_H

View File

@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ or see
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/karma.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <cstdio>
#include "../DataStructures/Coordinate.h"
#include "../typedefs.h"
@ -80,6 +80,20 @@ static inline int stringToInt(const std::string& input) {
return value;
static inline void doubleToString(const double value, std::string & output){
std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> sink(output);
boost::spirit::karma::generate(sink, boost::spirit::karma::double_, value);
static inline void doubleToStringWithTwoDigitsBehindComma(const double value, std::string & output){
// The largest 32-bit integer is 4294967295, that is 10 chars
// On the safe side, add 1 for sign, and 1 for trailing zero
char buffer[12] ;
sprintf(buffer, "%g", value) ;
output = buffer ;
static inline void convertInternalLatLonToString(const int value, std::string & output) {
char buffer[100];
buffer[10] = 0; // Nullterminierung
@ -106,70 +120,38 @@ static inline void convertInternalReversedCoordinateToString(const _Coordinate &
output += " ";
static inline void doubleToString(const double value, std::string & output){
// The largest 32-bit integer is 4294967295, that is 10 chars
// On the safe side, add 1 for sign, and 1 for trailing zero
char buffer[12] ;
sprintf(buffer, "%f", value) ;
output = buffer ;
static inline void doubleToStringWithTwoDigitsBehindComma(const double value, std::string & output){
// The largest 32-bit integer is 4294967295, that is 10 chars
// On the safe side, add 1 for sign, and 1 for trailing zero
char buffer[12] ;
sprintf(buffer, "%g", value) ;
output = buffer ;
inline std::string & replaceAll(std::string &s, const std::string &sub, const std::string &other) {
size_t b = 0;
for (;;) {
b = s.find(sub, b);
if (b == s.npos) break;
s.replace(b, sub.size(), other);
b += other.size();
return s;
inline void replaceAll(std::string &s, const std::string &sub, const std::string &other) {
boost::replace_all(s, sub, other);
inline void stringSplit(const std::string &s, const char delim, std::vector<std::string>& result) {
std::stringstream ss(s);
std::string item;
while(std::getline(ss, item, delim)) {
if(item.size() > 0)
boost::split(result, s, boost::is_any_of(std::string(&delim)));
static std::string originals[] = {"&", "\"", "<", ">", "'", "[", "]", "\\"};
static std::string entities[] = {"&amp;", "&quot;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "&#39;", "&91;", "&93;", " &#92;" };
inline std::string HTMLEntitize( std::string result) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(originals)/sizeof(std::string); i++) {
result = replaceAll(result, originals[i], entities[i]);
inline std::string HTMLEntitize( const std::string & input) {
std::string result(input);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(originals)/sizeof(std::string); ++i) {
replaceAll(result, originals[i], entities[i]);
return result;
inline std::string HTMLDeEntitize( std::string result) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(originals)/sizeof(std::string); i++) {
result = replaceAll(result, entities[i], originals[i]);
inline std::string HTMLDeEntitize( std::string & result) {
for(unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(originals)/sizeof(std::string); ++i) {
replaceAll(result, entities[i], originals[i]);
return result;
inline bool StringStartsWith(std::string & input, std::string & prefix) {
return (input.find(prefix) == 0);
inline bool StringStartsWith(const std::string & input, const std::string & prefix) {
return boost::starts_with(input, prefix);
* Function returns a 'random' filename in temporary directors.
* May not be platform independent.
// Function returns a 'random' filename in temporary directors.
// May not be platform independent.
inline void GetTemporaryFileName(std::string & filename) {
char buffer[L_tmpnam];
char * retPointer = tmpnam (buffer);

View File

@ -44,12 +44,11 @@ extern "C" {
#include "DataStructures/NNGrid.h"
#include "DataStructures/QueryEdge.h"
#include "Util/BaseConfiguration.h"
#include "Util/InputFileUtil.h"
#include "Util/GraphLoader.h"
#include "Util/InputFileUtil.h"
#include "Util/LuaUtil.h"
#include "Util/StringUtil.h"
using namespace std;
typedef QueryEdge::EdgeData EdgeData;
typedef DynamicGraph<EdgeData>::InputEdge InputEdge;
typedef StaticGraph<EdgeData>::InputEdge StaticEdge;
@ -59,6 +58,7 @@ std::vector<NodeInfo> internalToExternalNodeMapping;
std::vector<_Restriction> inputRestrictions;
std::vector<NodeID> bollardNodes;
std::vector<NodeID> trafficLightNodes;
std::vector<ImportEdge> edgeList;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
if(argc < 3) {
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
INFO("Using restrictions from file: " << argv[2]);
std::ifstream restrictionsInstream(argv[2], ios::binary);
std::ifstream restrictionsInstream(argv[2], std::ios::binary);
if(!restrictionsInstream.good()) {
ERR("Could not access <osrm-restrictions> files");
@ -93,12 +93,11 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
ERR("Cannot open " << argv[1]);
char nodeOut[1024]; strcpy(nodeOut, argv[1]); strcat(nodeOut, ".nodes");
char edgeOut[1024]; strcpy(edgeOut, argv[1]); strcat(edgeOut, ".edges");
char graphOut[1024]; strcpy(graphOut, argv[1]); strcat(graphOut, ".hsgr");
char ramIndexOut[1024]; strcpy(ramIndexOut, argv[1]); strcat(ramIndexOut, ".ramIndex");
char fileIndexOut[1024]; strcpy(fileIndexOut, argv[1]); strcat(fileIndexOut, ".fileIndex");
char levelInfoOut[1024]; strcpy(levelInfoOut, argv[1]); strcat(levelInfoOut, ".levels");
std::string nodeOut(argv[1]); nodeOut += ".nodes";
std::string edgeOut(argv[1]); edgeOut += ".edges";
std::string graphOut(argv[1]); graphOut += ".hsgr";
std::string ramIndexOut(argv[1]); ramIndexOut += ".ramIndex";
std::string fileIndexOut(argv[1]); fileIndexOut += ".fileIndex";
/*** Setup Scripting Environment ***/
if(!testDataFile( (argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "profile.lua") )) {
@ -111,6 +110,11 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Connect LuaBind to this lua state
//open utility libraries string library;
//adjust lua load path
luaAddScriptFolderToLoadPath( myLuaState, (argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "profile.lua") );
// Now call our function in a lua script
INFO("Parsing speedprofile from " << (argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "profile.lua") );
@ -129,8 +133,9 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
ERR(lua_tostring(myLuaState,-1)<< " occured in scripting block");
speedProfile.uTurnPenalty = 10*lua_tointeger(myLuaState, -1);
speedProfile.has_turn_penalty_function = lua_function_exists( myLuaState, "turn_function" );
std::vector<ImportEdge> edgeList;
NodeID nodeBasedNodeNumber = readBinaryOSRMGraphFromStream(in, edgeList, bollardNodes, trafficLightNodes, &internalToExternalNodeMapping, inputRestrictions);
@ -146,34 +151,27 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
INFO("Generating edge-expanded graph representation");
EdgeBasedGraphFactory * edgeBasedGraphFactory = new EdgeBasedGraphFactory (nodeBasedNodeNumber, edgeList, bollardNodes, trafficLightNodes, inputRestrictions, internalToExternalNodeMapping, speedProfile);
edgeBasedGraphFactory->Run(edgeOut.c_str(), myLuaState);
NodeID edgeBasedNodeNumber = edgeBasedGraphFactory->GetNumberOfNodes();
DeallocatingVector<EdgeBasedEdge> edgeBasedEdgeList;
DeallocatingVector<EdgeBasedGraphFactory::EdgeBasedNode> nodeBasedEdgeList;
delete edgeBasedGraphFactory;
* Writing info on original (node-based) nodes
INFO("writing node map ...");
std::ofstream mapOutFile(nodeOut, std::ios::binary);
std::ofstream mapOutFile(nodeOut.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
mapOutFile.write((char *)&(internalToExternalNodeMapping[0]), internalToExternalNodeMapping.size()*sizeof(NodeInfo));
* Writing info on original (node-based) edges
INFO("writing info on original edges");
std::vector<OriginalEdgeData> originalEdgeData;
DeallocatingVector<EdgeBasedGraphFactory::EdgeBasedNode> nodeBasedEdgeList;
delete edgeBasedGraphFactory;
double expansionHasFinishedTime = get_timestamp() - startupTime;
@ -182,7 +180,7 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
INFO("building grid ...");
WritableGrid * writeableGrid = new WritableGrid();
writeableGrid->ConstructGrid(nodeBasedEdgeList, ramIndexOut, fileIndexOut);
writeableGrid->ConstructGrid(nodeBasedEdgeList, ramIndexOut.c_str(), fileIndexOut.c_str());
delete writeableGrid;
IteratorbasedCRC32<DeallocatingVector<EdgeBasedGraphFactory::EdgeBasedNode> > crc32;
unsigned crc32OfNodeBasedEdgeList = crc32(nodeBasedEdgeList.begin(), nodeBasedEdgeList.end() );
@ -208,13 +206,13 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
INFO("Building Node Array");
sort(contractedEdgeList.begin(), contractedEdgeList.end());
std::sort(contractedEdgeList.begin(), contractedEdgeList.end());
unsigned numberOfNodes = 0;
unsigned numberOfEdges = contractedEdgeList.size();
INFO("Serializing compacted graph");
ofstream edgeOutFile(graphOut, ios::binary);
std::ofstream edgeOutFile(graphOut.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
BOOST_FOREACH(QueryEdge & edge, contractedEdgeList) {
BOOST_FOREACH(const QueryEdge & edge, contractedEdgeList) {
if(edge.source > numberOfNodes) {
numberOfNodes = edge.source;

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ or see
#include "Util/BaseConfiguration.h"
#include "Util/InputFileUtil.h"
#include "Util/MachineInfo.h"
#include "Util/OpenMPWrapper.h"
#include "Util/StringUtil.h"
typedef BaseConfiguration ExtractorConfiguration;
@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ typedef BaseConfiguration ExtractorConfiguration;
ExtractorCallbacks * extractCallBacks;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
double earliestTime = get_timestamp();
if(argc < 2) {
ERR("usage: \n" << argv[0] << " <file.osm/.osm.bz2/.osm.pbf> [<profile.lua>]");
@ -55,7 +58,6 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
INFO("extracting data from input file " << argv[1]);
bool isPBF(false);
std::string outputFileName(argv[1]);
@ -67,12 +69,12 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
isPBF = true;
if(pos!=string::npos) {
if(pos!=std::string::npos) {
outputFileName.replace(pos, 8, ".osrm");
restrictionsFileName.replace(pos, 8, ".osrm.restrictions");
} else {
if(pos!=string::npos) {
if(pos!=std::string::npos) {
outputFileName.replace(pos, 5, ".osrm");
restrictionsFileName.replace(pos, 5, ".osrm.restrictions");
} else {
@ -90,30 +92,30 @@ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
StringMap stringMap;
ExtractionContainers externalMemory;
stringMap[""] = 0;
extractCallBacks = new ExtractorCallbacks(&externalMemory, &stringMap);
BaseParser<ExtractorCallbacks, _Node, _RawRestrictionContainer, _Way> * parser;
BaseParser* parser;
if(isPBF) {
parser = new PBFParser(argv[1]);
parser = new PBFParser(argv[1], extractCallBacks, scriptingEnvironment);
} else {
parser = new XMLParser(argv[1]);
parser = new XMLParser(argv[1], extractCallBacks, scriptingEnvironment);
if(!parser->ReadHeader()) {
ERR("Parser not initialized!");
INFO("Parsing in progress..");
double time = get_timestamp();
INFO("parsing finished after " << get_timestamp() - time << " seconds");
INFO("Parsing finished after " << get_timestamp() - time << " seconds");
externalMemory.PrepareData(outputFileName, restrictionsFileName, amountOfRAM);
delete parser;
delete extractCallBacks;
INFO("finished after " << get_timestamp() - earliestTime << "s");
std::cout << "\nRun:\n"
"./osrm-prepare " << outputFileName << " " << restrictionsFileName << std::endl;
return 0;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@routing @bicycle @access
Feature: Bike - Restricted access
Feature: Bike - Access tags on ways
@ -7,37 +7,95 @@ Reference:
Scenario: Bike - Access tag hierachy on ways
Then routability should be
| access | vehicle | bicycle | bothw |
| | | | x |
| yes | | | x |
| no | | | |
| | yes | | x |
| | no | | |
| no | yes | | x |
| yes | no | | |
| | | yes | x |
| | | no | |
| no | | yes | x |
| yes | | no | |
| | no | yes | x |
| | yes | no | |
| highway | access | vehicle | bicycle | bothw |
| | | | | x |
| | yes | | | x |
| | no | | | |
| | | yes | | x |
| | | no | | |
| | no | yes | | x |
| | yes | no | | |
| | | | yes | x |
| | | | no | |
| | no | | yes | x |
| | yes | | no | |
| | | no | yes | x |
| | | yes | no | |
| runway | | | | |
| runway | yes | | | x |
| runway | no | | | |
| runway | | yes | | x |
| runway | | no | | |
| runway | no | yes | | x |
| runway | yes | no | | |
| runway | | | yes | x |
| runway | | | no | |
| runway | no | | yes | x |
| runway | yes | | no | |
| runway | | no | yes | x |
| runway | | yes | no | |
Scenario: Bike - Access tag hierachy on nodes
Then routability should be
| node/access | node/vehicle | node/bicycle | bothw |
| | | | x |
| yes | | | x |
| no | | | |
| | yes | | x |
| | no | | |
| no | yes | | x |
| yes | no | | |
| | | yes | x |
| | | no | |
| no | | yes | x |
| yes | | no | |
| | no | yes | x |
| | yes | no | |
Scenario: Bike - Access tag in forward direction
Then routability should be
| highway | access:forward | vehicle:forward | bicycle:forward | forw | backw |
| | | | | x | |
| | yes | | | x | |
| | no | | | | |
| | | yes | | x | |
| | | no | | | |
| | no | yes | | x | |
| | yes | no | | | |
| | | | yes | x | |
| | | | no | | |
| | no | | yes | x | |
| | yes | | no | | |
| | | no | yes | x | |
| | | yes | no | | |
| runway | | | | x | |
| runway | yes | | | x | |
| runway | no | | | | |
| runway | | yes | | x | |
| runway | | no | | | |
| runway | no | yes | | x | |
| runway | yes | no | | | |
| runway | | | yes | x | |
| runway | | | no | | |
| runway | no | | yes | x | |
| runway | yes | | no | | |
| runway | | no | yes | x | |
| runway | | yes | no | | |
Scenario: Bike - Access tag in backward direction
Then routability should be
| highway | access:forward | vehicle:forward | bicycle:forward | forw | backw |
| | | | | | x |
| | yes | | | | x |
| | no | | | | |
| | | yes | | | x |
| | | no | | | |
| | no | yes | | | x |
| | yes | no | | | |
| | | | yes | | x |
| | | | no | | |
| | no | | yes | | x |
| | yes | | no | | |
| | | no | yes | | x |
| | | yes | no | | |
| runway | | | | | x |
| runway | yes | | | | x |
| runway | no | | | | |
| runway | | yes | | | x |
| runway | | no | | | |
| runway | no | yes | | | x |
| runway | yes | no | | | |
| runway | | | yes | | x |
| runway | | | no | | |
| runway | no | | yes | | x |
| runway | yes | | no | | |
| runway | | no | yes | | x |
| runway | | yes | no | | |
Scenario: Bike - Overwriting implied acccess on ways
Then routability should be
@ -51,18 +109,6 @@ Reference:
| runway | | yes | | x |
| runway | | | yes | x |
Scenario: Bike - Overwriting implied acccess on nodes
Then routability should be
| highway | node/access | node/vehicle | node/bicycle | bothw |
| cycleway | | | | x |
| runway | | | | |
| cycleway | no | | | |
| cycleway | | no | | |
| cycleway | | | no | |
| runway | yes | | | |
| runway | | yes | | |
| runway | | | yes | |
Scenario: Bike - Access tags on ways
Then routability should be
| access | vehicle | bicycle | bothw |
@ -92,35 +138,6 @@ Reference:
| | | agricultural | |
| | | forestery | |
Scenario: Bike - Access tags on nodes
Then routability should be
| node/access | node/vehicle | node/bicycle | bothw |
| | | | x |
| yes | | | x |
| permissive | | | x |
| designated | | | x |
| some_tag | | | x |
| no | | | |
| private | | | |
| agricultural | | | |
| forestery | | | |
| | yes | | x |
| | permissive | | x |
| | designated | | x |
| | some_tag | | x |
| | no | | |
| | private | | |
| | agricultural | | |
| | forestery | | |
| | | yes | x |
| | | permissive | x |
| | | designated | x |
| | | some_tag | x |
| | | no | |
| | | private | |
| | | agricultural | |
| | | forestery | |
Scenario: Bike - Access tags on both node and way
Then routability should be
| access | node/access | bothw |
@ -147,10 +164,10 @@ Reference:
Scenario: Bike - Ignore access tags for other modes
Then routability should be
| highway | foot | motor_vehicle | moped | bothw |
| runway | yes | | | |
| highway | boat | motor_vehicle | moped | bothw |
| river | yes | | | |
| cycleway | no | | | x |
| runway | | yes | | |
| cycleway | | no | | x |
| runway | | | yes | |
| cycleway | | | no | x |
| cycleway | | | no | x |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
@routing @bicycle @access
Feature: Bike - Access tags on nodes
Given the profile "bicycle"
Scenario: Bike - Access tag hierachy on nodes
Then routability should be
| node/access | node/vehicle | node/bicycle | bothw |
| | | | x |
| yes | | | x |
| no | | | |
| | yes | | x |
| | no | | |
| no | yes | | x |
| yes | no | | |
| | | yes | x |
| | | no | |
| no | | yes | x |
| yes | | no | |
| | no | yes | x |
| | yes | no | |
Scenario: Bike - Overwriting implied acccess on nodes
Then routability should be
| highway | node/access | node/vehicle | node/bicycle | bothw |
| cycleway | | | | x |
| runway | | | | |
| cycleway | no | | | |
| cycleway | | no | | |
| cycleway | | | no | |
| runway | yes | | | |
| runway | | yes | | |
| runway | | | yes | |
Scenario: Bike - Access tags on nodes
Then routability should be
| node/access | node/vehicle | node/bicycle | bothw |
| | | | x |
| yes | | | x |
| permissive | | | x |
| designated | | | x |
| some_tag | | | x |
| no | | | |
| private | | | |
| agricultural | | | |
| forestery | | | |
| | yes | | x |
| | permissive | | x |
| | designated | | x |
| | some_tag | | x |
| | no | | |
| | private | | |
| | agricultural | | |
| | forestery | | |
| | | yes | x |
| | | permissive | x |
| | | designated | x |
| | | some_tag | x |
| | | no | |
| | | private | |
| | | agricultural | |
| | | forestery | |

View File

@ -29,16 +29,16 @@ Reference:
Then routability should be
| highway | cycleway | cycleway:left | cycleway:right | forw | backw |
| primary | | | | x | x |
| pirmary | track | | | x | x |
| pirmary | opposite | | | x | x |
| pirmary | | track | | x | x |
| pirmary | | opposite | | x | x |
| pirmary | | | track | x | x |
| pirmary | | | opposite | x | x |
| pirmary | | track | track | x | x |
| pirmary | | opposite | opposite | x | x |
| pirmary | | track | opposite | x | x |
| pirmary | | opposite | track | x | x |
| primary | track | | | x | x |
| primary | opposite | | | x | x |
| primary | | track | | x | x |
| primary | | opposite | | x | x |
| primary | | | track | x | x |
| primary | | | opposite | x | x |
| primary | | track | track | x | x |
| primary | | opposite | opposite | x | x |
| primary | | track | opposite | x | x |
| primary | | opposite | track | x | x |
Scenario: Bike - Left/right side cycleways on implied oneways
Then routability should be

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@ -58,79 +58,6 @@ Feature: Bike - Handle ferry routes
| abcd | | ferry | yes | 1:00 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | d | abcd | 3600s +-1 |
| d | a | abcd | 3600s +-1 |
Scenario: Bike - Ferry duration, connected routes
Given the node map
| x | | | | | | | | y |
| | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | route | bicycle | duration |
| xa | primary | | | |
| yg | primary | | | |
| abcd | | ferry | yes | 0:30 |
| defg | | ferry | yes | 0:30 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | g | abcd,defg | 3600s +-1 |
| g | a | defg,abcd | 3600s +-1 |
Scenario: Bike - Prefer road when faster than ferry
Given the node map
| x | a | b | c | |
| | | | | d |
| y | g | f | e | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | route | bicycle | duration |
| xa | primary | | | |
| yg | primary | | | |
| xy | primary | | | |
| abcd | | ferry | yes | 0:01 |
| defg | | ferry | yes | 0:01 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | g | xa,xy,yg | 60s +-25% |
| g | a | yg,xy,xa | 60s +-25% |
Scenario: Bike - Long winding ferry route
Given the node map
| x | | b | | d | | f | | y |
| | a | | c | | e | | g | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | route | bicycle | duration |
| xa | primary | | | |
| yg | primary | | | |
| abcdefg | | ferry | yes | 6:30 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | g | abcdefg | 23400s +-1 |
| g | a | abcdefg | 23400s +-1 |
Scenario: Bike - Ferry duration, individual parts
Given the node map
| x | y | | z | | | v |
| a | b | | c | | | d |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | route | bicycle | duration |
| xa | primary | | | |
| yb | primary | | | |
| zc | primary | | | |
| vd | primary | | | |
| abcd | | ferry | yes | 1:00 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | d | abcd | 3600s +-1 |
| a | b | abcd | 600s +-1 |
| b | c | abcd | 1200s +-1 |
| c | d | abcd | 1800s +-1 |
| from | to | route | time |
| a | d | abcd | 3600s +-10 |
| d | a | abcd | 3600s +-10 |

View File

@ -3,20 +3,39 @@ Feature: Bike - Max speed restrictions
Background: Use specific speeds
Given the profile "bicycle"
Scenario: Bike - Respect maxspeeds when lower that way type speed
Given the node map
| a | b | c |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | maxspeed |
| ab | residential | |
| bc | residential | 10 |
Scenario: Bicycle - Respect maxspeeds when lower that way type speed
Then routability should be
| highway | maxspeed | bothw |
| residential | | 49s ~10% |
| residential | 10 | 72s ~10% |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | b | ab | 20s ~5% |
| b | c | bc | 36s ~5% |
Scenario: Bicycle - Ignore maxspeed when higher than way speed
Then routability should be
| highway | maxspeed | bothw |
| residential | | 49s ~10% |
| residential | 80 | 49s ~10% |
Scenario: Bicycle - Maxspeed formats
Then routability should be
| highway | maxspeed | bothw |
| residential | | 49s ~10% |
| residential | 5 | 144s ~10% |
| residential | 5mph | 90s ~10% |
| residential | 5 mph | 90s ~10% |
| residential | 5MPH | 90s ~10% |
| residential | 5 MPH | 90s ~10% |
| trunk | 5unknown | 49s ~10% |
| trunk | 5 unknown | 49s ~10% |
Scenario: Bicycle - Maxspeed special tags
Then routability should be
| highway | maxspeed | bothw |
| residential | | 49s ~10% |
| residential | none | 49s ~10% |
| residential | signals | 49s ~10% |
Scenario: Bike - Do not use maxspeed when higher that way type speed
Given the node map
@ -29,5 +48,23 @@ Feature: Bike - Max speed restrictions
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | b | ab | 20s ~5% |
| b | c | bc | 20s ~5% |
| a | b | ab | 24s ~5% |
| b | c | bc | 24s ~5% |
Scenario: Bike - Forward/backward maxspeed
Given the shortcuts
| key | value |
| bike | 49s ~10% |
| run | 73s ~10% |
| walk | 145s ~10% |
| snail | 720s ~10% |
Then routability should be
| maxspeed | maxspeed:forward | maxspeed:backward | forw | backw |
| | | | bike | bike |
| 10 | | | run | run |
| | 10 | | run | bike |
| | | 10 | bike | run |
| 1 | 10 | | run | snail |
| 1 | | 10 | snail | run |
| 1 | 5 | 10 | walk | run |

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@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
@routing @bicycle @oneway
Feature: Bike - Oneway streets
Handle oneways streets, as defined at
Usually we can push bikes against oneways, but we use foot=no to prevent this in these tests
Given the profile "bicycle"
Scenario: Bike - Simple oneway
Then routability should be
| highway | oneway | forw | backw |
| primary | yes | x | |
| highway | foot | oneway | forw | backw |
| primary | no | yes | x | |
Scenario: Simple reverse oneway
Then routability should be
| highway | oneway | forw | backw |
| primary | -1 | | x |
| highway | foot | oneway | forw | backw |
| primary | no | -1 | | x |
Scenario: Bike - Around the Block
Given the node map
@ -21,11 +22,11 @@ Handle oneways streets, as defined at
| d | c |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| ab | yes |
| bc | |
| cd | |
| da | |
| nodes | oneway | foot |
| ab | yes | no |
| bc | | no |
| cd | | no |
| da | | no |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
@ -34,80 +35,80 @@ Handle oneways streets, as defined at
Scenario: Bike - Handle various oneway tag values
Then routability should be
| oneway | forw | backw |
| | x | x |
| nonsense | x | x |
| no | x | x |
| false | x | x |
| 0 | x | x |
| yes | x | |
| true | x | |
| 1 | x | |
| -1 | | x |
| foot | oneway | forw | backw |
| no | | x | x |
| no | nonsense | x | x |
| no | no | x | x |
| no | false | x | x |
| no | 0 | x | x |
| no | yes | x | |
| no | true | x | |
| no | 1 | x | |
| no | -1 | | x |
Scenario: Bike - Implied oneways
Then routability should be
| highway | bicycle | junction | forw | backw |
| | | | x | x |
| | | roundabout | x | |
| motorway | yes | | x | |
| motorway_link | yes | | x | |
| motorway | yes | roundabout | x | |
| motorway_link | yes | roundabout | x | |
| highway | foot | bicycle | junction | forw | backw |
| | no | | | x | x |
| | no | | roundabout | x | |
| motorway | no | yes | | x | |
| motorway_link | no | yes | | x | |
| motorway | no | yes | roundabout | x | |
| motorway_link | no | yes | roundabout | x | |
Scenario: Bike - Overriding implied oneways
Then routability should be
| highway | junction | oneway | forw | backw |
| primary | roundabout | no | x | x |
| primary | roundabout | yes | x | |
| motorway_link | | -1 | | |
| trunk_link | | -1 | | |
| primary | roundabout | -1 | | x |
| highway | foot | junction | oneway | forw | backw |
| primary | no | roundabout | no | x | x |
| primary | no | roundabout | yes | x | |
| motorway_link | no | | -1 | | |
| trunk_link | no | | -1 | | |
| primary | no | roundabout | -1 | | x |
Scenario: Bike - Oneway:bicycle should override normal oneways tags
Then routability should be
| oneway:bicycle | oneway | junction | forw | backw |
| yes | | | x | |
| yes | yes | | x | |
| yes | no | | x | |
| yes | -1 | | x | |
| yes | | roundabout | x | |
| no | | | x | x |
| no | yes | | x | x |
| no | no | | x | x |
| no | -1 | | x | x |
| no | | roundabout | x | x |
| -1 | | | | x |
| -1 | yes | | | x |
| -1 | no | | | x |
| -1 | -1 | | | x |
| -1 | | roundabout | | x |
| foot | oneway:bicycle | oneway | junction | forw | backw |
| no | yes | | | x | |
| no | yes | yes | | x | |
| no | yes | no | | x | |
| no | yes | -1 | | x | |
| no | yes | | roundabout | x | |
| no | no | | | x | x |
| no | no | yes | | x | x |
| no | no | no | | x | x |
| no | no | -1 | | x | x |
| no | no | | roundabout | x | x |
| no | -1 | | | | x |
| no | -1 | yes | | | x |
| no | -1 | no | | | x |
| no | -1 | -1 | | | x |
| no | -1 | | roundabout | | x |
Scenario: Bike - Contra flow
Then routability should be
| oneway | cycleway | forw | backw |
| yes | opposite | x | x |
| yes | opposite_track | x | x |
| yes | opposite_lane | x | x |
| -1 | opposite | x | x |
| -1 | opposite_track | x | x |
| -1 | opposite_lane | x | x |
| no | opposite | x | x |
| no | opposite_track | x | x |
| no | opposite_lane | x | x |
| foot | oneway | cycleway | forw | backw |
| no | yes | opposite | x | x |
| no | yes | opposite_track | x | x |
| no | yes | opposite_lane | x | x |
| no | -1 | opposite | x | x |
| no | -1 | opposite_track | x | x |
| no | -1 | opposite_lane | x | x |
| no | no | opposite | x | x |
| no | no | opposite_track | x | x |
| no | no | opposite_lane | x | x |
Scenario: Bike - Should not be affected by car tags
Then routability should be
| junction | oneway | oneway:car | forw | backw |
| | yes | yes | x | |
| | yes | no | x | |
| | yes | -1 | x | |
| | no | yes | x | x |
| | no | no | x | x |
| | no | -1 | x | x |
| | -1 | yes | | x |
| | -1 | no | | x |
| | -1 | -1 | | x |
| roundabout | | yes | x | |
| roundabout | | no | x | |
| roundabout | | -1 | x | |
| foot | junction | oneway | oneway:car | forw | backw |
| no | | yes | yes | x | |
| no | | yes | no | x | |
| no | | yes | -1 | x | |
| no | | no | yes | x | x |
| no | | no | no | x | x |
| no | | no | -1 | x | x |
| no | | -1 | yes | | x |
| no | | -1 | no | | x |
| no | | -1 | -1 | | x |
| no | roundabout | | yes | x | |
| no | roundabout | | no | x | |
| no | roundabout | | -1 | x | |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
@routing @bicycle @pushing
Feature: Bike - Accessability of different way types
Given the profile "bicycle"
Given the shortcuts
| key | value |
| bike | 49s ~20% |
| foot | 121s ~20% |
Scenario: Bike - Pushing bikes on pedestrian-only ways
Then routability should be
| highway | oneway | forw | backw |
| (nil) | | | |
| cycleway | | bike | bike |
| primary | | bike | bike |
| pedestrian | | foot | foot |
| footway | | foot | foot |
| primary | yes | bike | foot |
Scenario: Bike - Pushing bikes against normal oneways
Then routability should be
| highway | oneway | forw | backw |
| (nil) | | | |
| primary | yes | bike | foot |
| pedestrian | yes | foot | foot |
Scenario: Bike - Pushing bikes against reverse oneways
Then routability should be
| highway | oneway | forw | backw |
| (nil) | | | |
| primary | -1 | foot | bike |
| pedestrian | -1 | foot | foot |
Scenario: Bike - Push bikes on pedestrian areas
Given the node map
| x | |
| a | b |
| d | c |
And the ways
| nodes | area | highway |
| xa | | primary |
| abcda | yes | pedestrian |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| a | b | abcda |
| a | d | abcda |
| b | c | abcda |
| c | b | abcda |
| c | d | abcda |
| d | c | abcda |
| d | a | abcda |
| a | d | abcda |
Scenario: Bike - Pushing bikes on ways with foot=yes
Then routability should be
| highway | foot | bothw |
| motorway | | |
| motorway | yes | foot |
| runway | | |
| runway | yes | foot |
Scenario: Bike - Pushing bikes on ways with foot=yes in one direction
Then routability should be
| highway | foot:forward | foot:backward | forw | backw |
| motorway | | | | |
| motorway | yes | | foot | |
| motorway | | yes | | foot |
Scenario: Bike - Don't allow routing on ways still under construction
Then routability should be
| highway | foot | bicycle | bothw |
| primary | | | x |
| construction | | | |
| construction | yes | | |
| construction | | yes | |
Scenario: Bike - Don't push bikes against oneway flow on roundabouts
Then routability should be
| junction | forw | backw |
| roundabout | x | |

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
@routing @bicycle @restrictions
Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
Handle turn restrictions as defined by
Ignore turn restrictions on bicycle, since you always become a temporary pedestrian.
Note that if u-turns are allowed, turn restrictions can lead to suprising, but correct, routes.
Background: Use car routing
Given the profile "bicycle"
@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
| | s | |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| sj | yes |
| nj | -1 |
| wj | -1 |
| ej | -1 |
| nodes | oneway | foot |
| sj | yes | no |
| nj | -1 | no |
| wj | -1 | no |
| ej | -1 | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| s | w | |
| s | w | sj,wj |
| s | n | sj,nj |
| s | e | sj,ej |
@ -38,11 +38,11 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
| | s | |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| sj | yes |
| nj | -1 |
| wj | -1 |
| ej | -1 |
| nodes | oneway | foot |
| sj | yes | no |
| nj | -1 | no |
| wj | -1 | no |
| ej | -1 | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
| from | to | route |
| s | w | sj,wj |
| s | n | sj,nj |
| s | e | |
| s | e | sj,ej |
Scenario: Bike - No u-turn
@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
| | s | |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| sj | yes |
| nj | -1 |
| wj | -1 |
| ej | -1 |
| nodes | oneway | foot |
| sj | yes | no |
| nj | -1 | no |
| wj | -1 | no |
| ej | -1 | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| s | w | |
| s | w | sj,wj |
| s | n | sj,nj |
| s | e | sj,ej |
@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
| | s | |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| sj | yes |
| nj | -1 |
| wj | -1 |
| ej | -1 |
| nodes | oneway | foot |
| sj | yes | no |
| nj | -1 | no |
| wj | -1 | no |
| ej | -1 | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| s | w | |
| s | w | sj,wj |
| s | n | sj,nj |
| s | e | sj,ej |
@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
| | s | |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| sj | yes |
| nj | -1 |
| wj | -1 |
| ej | -1 |
| nodes | oneway | foot |
| sj | yes | no |
| nj | -1 | no |
| wj | -1 | no |
| ej | -1 | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| s | w | sj,wj |
| s | n | |
| s | e | |
| s | n | sj,nj |
| s | e | sj,ej |
Scenario: Bike - Only right turn
@ -134,11 +134,11 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
| | s | |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| sj | yes |
| nj | -1 |
| wj | -1 |
| ej | -1 |
| nodes | oneway | foot |
| sj | yes | no |
| nj | -1 | no |
| wj | -1 | no |
| ej | -1 | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| s | w | |
| s | n | |
| s | w | sj,wj |
| s | n | sj,nj |
| s | e | sj,ej |
@ -158,11 +158,11 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
| | s | |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| sj | yes |
| nj | -1 |
| wj | -1 |
| ej | -1 |
| nodes | oneway | foot |
| sj | yes | no |
| nj | -1 | no |
| wj | -1 | no |
| ej | -1 | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| s | w | |
| s | w | sj,wj |
| s | n | sj,nj |
| s | e | |
| s | e | sj,ej |
Scenario: Bike - Handle any only_* restriction
@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
| | s | |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| sj | yes |
| nj | -1 |
| wj | -1 |
| ej | -1 |
| nodes | oneway | foot |
| sj | yes | no |
| nj | -1 | no |
| wj | -1 | no |
| ej | -1 | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction |
@ -194,11 +194,11 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| s | w | |
| s | w | sj,wj |
| s | n | sj,nj |
| s | e | |
| s | e | sj,ej |
@except @todo
Scenario: Bike - Except tag and on no_ restrictions
Given the node map
| b | x | c |
@ -206,29 +206,29 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
| | s | |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| sj | yes |
| xj | -1 |
| aj | -1 |
| bj | -1 |
| cj | -1 |
| dj | -1 |
| nodes | oneway | foot |
| sj | no | no |
| xj | -1 | no |
| aj | -1 | no |
| bj | no | no |
| cj | -1 | no |
| dj | -1 | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction | except |
| restriction | sj | aj | j | no_left_turn | bicycle |
| restriction | sj | bj | j | no_left_turn | |
| restriction | sj | cj | j | no_right_turn | bicycle |
| restriction | sj | dj | j | no_right_turn | |
| restriction | sj | cj | j | no_right_turn | |
| restriction | sj | dj | j | no_right_turn | bicycle |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| s | a | sj,aj |
| s | b | |
| s | c | |
| s | b | sj,bj |
| s | c | sj,cj |
| s | d | sj,dj |
@except @todo
Scenario: Bike - Except tag and on only_ restrictions
Given the node map
| a | | b |
@ -236,10 +236,10 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
| | s | |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| sj | yes |
| aj | -1 |
| bj | -1 |
| nodes | oneway | foot |
| sj | yes | no |
| aj | no | no |
| bj | no | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction | except |
@ -249,3 +249,41 @@ Feature: Bike - Turn restrictions
| from | to | route |
| s | a | sj,aj |
| s | b | sj,bj |
Scenario: Bike - Multiple except tag values
Given the node map
| s | j | a |
| | | b |
| | | c |
| | | d |
| | | e |
| | | f |
And the ways
| nodes | oneway | foot |
| sj | yes | no |
| ja | yes | no |
| jb | yes | no |
| jc | yes | no |
| jd | yes | no |
| je | yes | no |
| jf | yes | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction | except |
| restriction | sj | ja | j | no_straight_on | |
| restriction | sj | jb | j | no_straight_on | bicycle |
| restriction | sj | jc | j | no_straight_on | bus; bicycle |
| restriction | sj | jd | j | no_straight_on | bicycle; motocar |
| restriction | sj | je | j | no_straight_on | bus, bicycle |
| restriction | sj | jf | j | no_straight_on | bicycle, bus |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| s | a | sj,ja |
| s | b | sj,jb |
| s | c | sj,jc |
| s | d | sj,jd |
| s | e | sj,je |
| s | f | sj,jf |

View File

@ -30,3 +30,10 @@ Bringing bikes on trains and subways
| (nil) | some_tag | | |
| (nil) | some_tag | no | |
| (nil) | some_tag | yes | x |
Scenario: Bike - Don't route on railways under construction
Then routability should be
| highway | railway | bicycle | bothw |
| primary | | | x |
| (nil) | construction | yes | |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
@routing @bicycle @turn_penalty
Feature: Turn Penalties
Given the profile "turnbot"
Scenario: Bike - turns should incur a delay that depend on the angle
Given the node map
| c | d | e |
| b | j | f |
| a | s | g |
And the ways
| nodes |
| sj |
| ja |
| jb |
| jc |
| jd |
| je |
| jf |
| jg |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time | distance |
| s | a | sj,ja | 39s +-1 | 242m +-1 |
| s | b | sj,jb | 30s +-1 | 200m +-1 |
| s | c | sj,jc | 29s +-1 | 242m +-1 |
| s | d | sj,jd | 20s +-1 | 200m +-1 |
| s | e | sj,je | 29s +-1 | 242m +-1 |
| s | f | sj,jf | 30s +-1 | 200m +-1 |
| s | g | sj,jg | 39s +-1 | 242m +-1 |

View File

@ -4,32 +4,38 @@ Feature: Bike - Accessability of different way types
Given the profile "bicycle"
Scenario: Bike - Basic access
Scenario: Bike - Routability of way types
Bikes are allowed on footways etc because you can pull your bike at a lower speed.
Given the profile "bicycle"
Pier is not allowed, since it's tagged using man_made=pier.
Then routability should be
| highway | forw |
| (nil) | |
| motorway | |
| motorway_link | |
| trunk | |
| trunk_link | |
| primary | x |
| primary_link | x |
| secondary | x |
| secondary_link | x |
| tertiary | x |
| tertiary_link | x |
| residential | x |
| service | x |
| unclassified | x |
| living_street | x |
| road | x |
| track | x |
| path | x |
| footway | x |
| pedestrian | x |
| steps | x |
| pier | x |
| cycleway | x |
| bridleway | |
| highway | bothw |
| (nil) | |
| motorway | |
| motorway_link | |
| trunk | |
| trunk_link | |
| primary | x |
| primary_link | x |
| secondary | x |
| secondary_link | x |
| tertiary | x |
| tertiary_link | x |
| residential | x |
| service | x |
| unclassified | x |
| living_street | x |
| road | x |
| track | x |
| path | x |
| footway | x |
| pedestrian | x |
| steps | x |
| cycleway | x |
| bridleway | |
| pier | |
Scenario: Bike - Routability of man_made structures
Then routability should be
| highway | man_made | bothw |
| (nil) | (nil) | |
| (nil) | pier | x |

View File

@ -10,16 +10,16 @@ Feature: Car - Max speed restrictions
| a | b | c |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | maxspeed |
| ab | trunk | |
| bc | trunk | 10 |
| nodes | highway | maxspeed |
| ab | trunk | |
| bc | trunk | 10 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | b | ab | 42s ~10% |
| b | c | bc | 360s ~10% |
Scenario: Car - Ignore maxspeed when higher than way speed
Scenario: Car - Do not ignore maxspeed when higher than way speed
Given the node map
| a | b | c |
@ -31,4 +31,24 @@ Feature: Car - Max speed restrictions
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | b | ab | 144s ~10% |
| b | c | bc | 144s ~10% |
| b | c | bc | 63s ~10% |
Scenario: Car - Forward/backward maxspeed
Given the shortcuts
| key | value |
| car | 12s ~10% |
| run | 73s ~10% |
| walk | 146s ~10% |
| snail | 720s ~10% |
And a grid size of 100 meters
Then routability should be
| maxspeed | maxspeed:forward | maxspeed:backward | forw | backw |
| | | | car | car |
| 10 | | | run | run |
| | 10 | | run | car |
| | | 10 | car | run |
| 1 | 10 | | run | snail |
| 1 | | 10 | snail | run |
| 1 | 5 | 10 | walk | run |

View File

View File

@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ Feature: Car - Turn restrictions
| s | n | sj,nj |
| s | e | |
@except @todo
Scenario: Bike - Except tag and on no_ restrictions
Scenario: Car - Except tag and on no_ restrictions
Given the node map
| b | x | c |
| a | j | d |
@ -207,19 +207,19 @@ Feature: Car - Turn restrictions
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| sj | yes |
| sj | no |
| xj | -1 |
| aj | -1 |
| bj | -1 |
| cj | -1 |
| bj | no |
| cj | no |
| dj | -1 |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction | except |
| restriction | sj | aj | j | no_left_turn | motorcar |
| restriction | sj | bj | j | no_left_turn | |
| restriction | sj | cj | j | no_right_turn | motorcar |
| restriction | sj | dj | j | no_right_turn | |
| restriction | sj | cj | j | no_right_turn | |
| restriction | sj | dj | j | no_right_turn | motorcar |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ Feature: Car - Turn restrictions
| s | c | |
| s | d | sj,dj |
@except @todo
Scenario: Bike - Except tag and on only_ restrictions
Scenario: Car - Except tag and on only_ restrictions
Given the node map
| a | | b |
| | j | |
@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ Feature: Car - Turn restrictions
And the ways
| nodes | oneway |
| sj | yes |
| aj | -1 |
| bj | -1 |
| aj | no |
| bj | no |
And the relations
| type | way:from | way:to | node:via | restriction | except |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
@routing @car @shuttle_train
Feature: Car - Handle ferryshuttle train routes
Given the profile "car"
Scenario: Car - Use a ferry route
Given the node map
| a | b | c | | |
| | | d | | |
| | | e | f | g |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | route | bicycle |
| abc | primary | | |
| cde | | shuttle_train | yes |
| ef | primary | | |
| fg | | ferry_man | |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| a | g | abc,cde,ef |
| b | f | abc,cde,ef |
| e | c | cde |
| e | b | cde,abc |
| e | a | cde,abc |
| c | e | cde |
| c | f | cde,ef |
| f | g | |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
@routing @maxspeed @foot
Feature: Foot - Ignore max speed restrictions
Background: Use specific speeds
Given the profile "foot"
Scenario: Foot - Ignore maxspeed
Then routability should be
| highway | maxspeed | bothw |
| residential | | 145s ~10% |
| residential | 1 | 145s ~10% |
| residential | 100 | 145s ~10% |
| residential | 1 | 145s ~10% |
| residential | 1mph | 145s ~10% |
| residential | 1 mph | 145s ~10% |
| residential | 1unknown | 145s ~10% |
| residential | 1 unknown | 145s ~10% |
| residential | none | 145s ~10% |
| residential | signals | 145s ~10% |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Feature: Locating Nearest node on a Way - pick closest way
Given the profile "testbot"
Scenario: Nearest - two ways crossing
Given the node map
| | 0 | c | 1 | |
| 7 | | n | | 2 |
| a | k | x | m | b |
| 6 | | l | | 3 |
| | 5 | d | 4 | |
And the ways
| nodes |
| axb |
| cxd |
When I request nearest I should get
| in | out |
| 0 | c |
| 1 | c |
| 2 | b |
| 3 | b |
| 4 | d |
| 5 | d |
| 6 | a |
| 7 | a |
| k | k |
| l | l |
| m | m |
| n | n |
Scenario: Nearest - inside a triangle
Given the node map
| | | | | | c | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | y | | | | z | | | |
| | | | | 0 | | 1 | | | | |
| | | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | | |
| a | | | x | | u | | w | | | b |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
| bc |
| ca |
When I request nearest I should get
| in | out |
| 0 | y |
| 1 | z |
| 2 | x |
| 3 | u |
| 4 | w |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
Feature: Locating Nearest node on a Way - basic projection onto way
Given the profile "testbot"
Scenario: Nearest - easy-west way
Given the node map
| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| | a | x | b | |
| 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
When I request nearest I should get
| in | out |
| 0 | a |
| 1 | a |
| 2 | x |
| 3 | b |
| 4 | b |
| 5 | a |
| 6 | a |
| 7 | x |
| 8 | b |
| 9 | b |
Scenario: Nearest - north-south way
Given the node map
| 0 | | 5 |
| 1 | a | 6 |
| 2 | x | 7 |
| 3 | b | 8 |
| 4 | | 9 |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
When I request nearest I should get
| in | out |
| 0 | a |
| 1 | a |
| 2 | x |
| 3 | b |
| 4 | b |
| 5 | a |
| 6 | a |
| 7 | x |
| 8 | b |
| 9 | b |
Scenario: Nearest - diagonal 1
Given the node map
| 8 | | 4 | | | |
| | a | | 5 | | |
| 0 | | x | | 6 | |
| | 1 | | y | | 7 |
| | | 2 | | b | |
| | | | 3 | | 9 |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
When I request nearest I should get
| in | out |
| 0 | a |
| 1 | x |
| 2 | y |
| 3 | b |
| 4 | a |
| 5 | x |
| 6 | y |
| 7 | b |
| 8 | a |
| 9 | b |
Scenario: Nearest - diagonal 2
Given the node map
| | | | 3 | | 9 |
| | | 2 | | b | |
| | 1 | | y | | 7 |
| 0 | | x | | 6 | |
| | a | | 5 | | |
| 8 | | 4 | | | |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
When I request nearest I should get
| in | out |
| 0 | a |
| 1 | x |
| 2 | y |
| 3 | b |
| 4 | a |
| 5 | x |
| 6 | y |
| 7 | b |
| 8 | a |
| 9 | b |

View File

@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ Given /^a grid size of (\d+) meters$/ do |meters|
set_grid_size meters
Given /^the shortcuts$/ do |table|
table.hashes.each do |row|
shortcuts_hash[ row['key'] ] = row['value']
Given /^the node map$/ do |table|
table.raw.each_with_index do |row,ri|
row.each_with_index do |name,ci|
@ -90,14 +96,18 @@ Given /^the relations$/ do |table|
relation = make_osm_id, OSM_USER, OSM_TIMESTAMP
row.each_pair do |key,value|
if key =~ /^node:(.*)/
raise "***invalid relation node member '#{value}', must be single character" unless value.size == 1
node = find_node_by_name(value)
raise "*** unknown relation node member '#{value}'" unless node
relation << 'node',, $1 )
value.split(',').map { |v| v.strip }.each do |node_name|
raise "***invalid relation node member '#{node_name}', must be single character" unless node_name.size == 1
node = find_node_by_name(node_name)
raise "*** unknown relation node member '#{node_name}'" unless node
relation << 'node',, $1 )
elsif key =~ /^way:(.*)/
way = find_way_by_name(value)
raise "*** unknown relation way member '#{value}'" unless way
relation << 'way',, $1 )
value.split(',').map { |v| v.strip }.each do |way_name|
way = find_way_by_name(way_name)
raise "*** unknown relation way member '#{way_name}'" unless way
relation << 'way',, $1 )
elsif key =~ /^(.*):(.*)/
raise "*** unknown relation member type '#{$1}', must be either 'node' or 'way'"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
When /^I request nearest I should get$/ do |table|
actual = [] do
table.hashes.each_with_index do |row,ri|
in_node = @name_node_hash[ row['in'] ]
raise "*** unknown in-node '#{row['in']}" unless in_node
out_node = @name_node_hash[ row['out'] ]
raise "*** unknown out-node '#{row['out']}" unless out_node
response = request_nearest("#{},#{in_node.lon}")
if response.code == "200" && response.body.empty? == false
json = JSON.parse response.body
if json['status'] == 0
coord = json['mapped_coordinate']
got = {'in' => row['in'], 'out' => coord }
ok = true
row.keys.each do |key|
if key=='out'
if FuzzyMatch.match_location coord, out_node
got[key] = row[key]
row[key] = "#{row[key]} [#{},#{out_node.lon}]"
ok = false
unless ok
failed = { :attempt => 'nearest', :query => @query, :response => response }
log_fail row,got,[failed]
actual << got
table.routing_diff! actual
When /^I route (\d+) times I should get$/ do |n,table|
ok = true
n.to_i.times do
ok = false unless step "I route I should get", table

View File

@ -16,18 +16,21 @@ Then /^routability should be$/ do |table|
elsif direction == 'backw' || direction == 'bothw'
response = request_route("#{ORIGIN[1]},#{ORIGIN[0]+(3+WAY_SPACING*i)*@zoom}","#{ORIGIN[1]},#{ORIGIN[0]+(1+WAY_SPACING*i)*@zoom}")
want = shortcuts_hash[row[direction]] || row[direction] #expand shortcuts
got[direction] = route_status response
json = JSON.parse(response.body)
if got[direction].empty? == false
route = way_list json['route_instructions']
if route != "w#{i}"
got[direction] = "testing w#{i}, but got #{route}!?"
elsif row[direction] =~ /\d+s/
elsif want =~ /^\d+s/
time = json['route_summary']['total_time']
got[direction] = "#{time}s"
if got[direction] != row[direction]
if FuzzyMatch.match got[direction], want
got[direction] = row[direction]
attempts << { :attempt => direction, :query => @query, :response => response }

View File

@ -46,34 +46,17 @@ When /^I route I should get$/ do |table|
if table.headers.include? 'turns'
got['turns'] = turns
if table.headers.include? '#' # comment column
got['#'] = row['#'] # copy value so it always match
ok = true
row.keys.each do |key|
if row[key].match /(.*)\s+~(.+)%$/ #percentage range: 100 ~5%
margin = 1 - $2.to_f*0.01
from = $1.to_f*margin
to = $1.to_f/margin
if got[key].to_f >= from && got[key].to_f <= to
got[key] = row[key]
ok = false
elsif row[key].match /(.*)\s+\+\-(.+)$/ #absolute range: 100 +-5
margin = $2.to_f
from = $1.to_f-margin
to = $1.to_f+margin
if got[key].to_f >= from && got[key].to_f <= to
got[key] = row[key]
ok = false
elsif row[key] =~ /^\/(.*)\/$/ #regex: /a,b,.*/
if got[key] =~ /#{$1}/
got[key] = row[key]
if FuzzyMatch.match got[key], row[key]
got[key] = row[key]
ok = row[key] == got[key]
ok = false
@ -94,4 +77,4 @@ When /^I route (\d+) times I should get$/ do |n,table|
ok = false unless step "I route I should get", table

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ OSM_TIMESTAMP = '2000-00-00T00:00:00Z'
DEFAULT_GRID_SIZE = 100 #meters
PROFILES_PATH = '../profiles'
ORIGIN = [1,1]
@ -71,8 +71,15 @@ def build_ways_from_table table
way << node5
tags = row.dup
tags.delete 'forw'
tags.delete 'backw'
# remove tags that describe expected test result
tags.reject! do |k,v|
k =~ /^forw\b/ ||
k =~ /^backw\b/ ||
k =~ /^bothw\b/
##remove empty tags
tags.reject! { |k,v| v=='' }
# sort tag keys in the form of 'node/....'
@ -198,14 +205,15 @@ def write_timestamp
def reprocess
use_pbf = true
Dir.chdir TEST_FOLDER do
convert_osm_to_pbf if use_pbf
unless extracted?
log "== Extracting #{@osm_file}.osm...", :preprocess
unless system "../osrm-extract #{@osm_file}.osm.pbf 1>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE} 2>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE} ../profiles/#{@profile}.lua"
unless system "../osrm-extract #{@osm_file}.osm#{'.pbf' if use_pbf} 1>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE} 2>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE} #{PROFILES_PATH}/#{@profile}.lua"
log "*** Exited with code #{$?.exitstatus}.", :preprocess
raise $?.exitstatus, "osrm-extract exited with code #{$?.exitstatus}."
@ -214,7 +222,7 @@ def reprocess
unless prepared?
log "== Preparing #{@osm_file}.osm...", :preprocess
unless system "../osrm-prepare #{@osm_file}.osrm #{@osm_file}.osrm.restrictions 1>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE} 2>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE} ../profiles/#{@profile}.lua"
unless system "../osrm-prepare #{@osm_file}.osrm #{@osm_file}.osrm.restrictions 1>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE} 2>>#{PREPROCESS_LOG_FILE} #{PROFILES_PATH}/#{@profile}.lua"
log "*** Exited with code #{$?.exitstatus}.", :preprocess
raise $?.exitstatus, "osrm-prepare exited with code #{$?.exitstatus}."

features/support/fuzzy.rb Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
class FuzzyMatch
def self.match got, want
if got == want
return true
elsif want.match /(.*)\s+~(.+)%$/ #percentage range: 100 ~5%
margin = 1 - $2.to_f*0.01
from = $1.to_f*margin
to = $1.to_f/margin
return got.to_f >= from && got.to_f <= to
elsif want.match /(.*)\s+\+\-(.+)$/ #absolute range: 100 +-5
margin = $2.to_f
from = $1.to_f-margin
to = $1.to_f+margin
return got.to_f >= from && got.to_f <= to
elsif want =~ /^\/(.*)\/$/ #regex: /a,b,.*/
return got =~ /#{$1}/
return false
def self.match_location got, want
match( got[0], "#{} ~0.002%" ) &&
match( got[1], "#{want.lon} ~0.002%" )

View File

@ -1,39 +1,47 @@
require 'digest/sha1'
def hash_of_file path
def hash_of_files paths
paths = [paths] unless paths.is_a? Array
hash =
open(path,'r') do |io|
while !io.eof
buf = io.readpartial 1024
hash.update buf
for path in paths do
open(path,'r') do |io|
while !io.eof
buf = io.readpartial 1024
hash.update buf
return hash.hexdigest
def profile_hash
@@profile_hashes ||= {}
@@profile_hashes[@profile] ||= hash_of_file "../profiles/#{@profile}.lua"
@@profile_hashes[@profile] ||= hash_of_files "#{PROFILES_PATH}/#{@profile}.lua"
def osm_hash
@osm_hash ||= Digest::SHA1.hexdigest osm_str
def lua_lib_hash
@lua_lib_hash ||= hash_of_files Dir.glob("../profiles/lib/*.lua")
def bin_extract_hash
@@bin_extract_hash ||= hash_of_file '../osrm-extract'
@@bin_extract_hash ||= hash_of_files '../osrm-extract'
def bin_prepare_hash
@@bin_prepare_hash ||= hash_of_file '../osrm-prepare'
@@bin_prepare_hash ||= hash_of_files '../osrm-prepare'
def bin_routed_hash
@@bin_routed_hash ||= hash_of_file '../osrm-routed'
@@bin_routed_hash ||= hash_of_files '../osrm-routed'
#combine state of data, profile and binaries into a hash that identifies the exact test scenario
def fingerprint
@fingerprint ||= Digest::SHA1.hexdigest "#{bin_extract_hash}-#{bin_prepare_hash}-#{bin_routed_hash}-#{profile_hash}-#{osm_hash}"
@fingerprint ||= Digest::SHA1.hexdigest "#{bin_extract_hash}-#{bin_prepare_hash}-#{bin_routed_hash}-#{profile_hash}-#{lua_lib_hash}-#{osm_hash}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
require 'net/http'
def request_nearest_url path
@query = path
uri = URI.parse "#{HOST}/#{path}"
Timeout.timeout(REQUEST_TIMEOUT) do
Net::HTTP.get_response uri
rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e
raise "*** osrm-routed is not running."
rescue Timeout::Error
raise "*** osrm-routed did not respond."
def request_nearest a
request_nearest_url "nearest?loc=#{a}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
def shortcuts_hash
@shortcuts_hash ||= {}

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Feature: Distance calculation
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | distance |
| a | d | abcde | 300m +-8 |
| a | d | abcde | 300m +-2 |
Scenario: Distance should equal sum of segments, rightwinded
Given the node map
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Feature: Distance calculation
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | distance |
| a | d | abcde | 300m +-8 |
| a | d | abcde | 300m +-2 |
Scenario: 10m distances
Given a grid size of 10 meters

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
@routing @testbot @routes @duration
Feature: Durations
Given the profile "testbot"
Scenario: Duration of ways
Given the node map
| a | b | | | | f |
| | | | e | | |
| | c | | | d | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | duration |
| ab | primary | 0:01 |
| bc | primary | 0:10 |
| cd | primary | 1:00 |
| de | primary | 10:00 |
| ef | primary | 01:02:03 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | distance | time |
| a | b | ab | 100m +-1 | 60s +-1 |
| b | c | bc | 200m +-1 | 600s +-1 |
| c | d | cd | 300m +-1 | 3600s +-1 |
| d | e | de | 144m +-2 | 36000s +-1 |
| e | f | ef | 224m +-2 | 3723s +-1 |
Scenario: Partial duration of ways
Given the node map
| a | b | | c |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | duration |
| abc | primary | 0:01 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | distance | time |
| a | c | abc | 300m +-1 | 60s +-1 |
| a | b | ab | 100m +-1 | 20s +-1 |
| b | c | bc | 200m +-1 | 40s +-1 |

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@routing @weight
Feature: Choosing route based on length, speed, etc
@routing @fastest
Feature: Choosing fastest route
Given the profile "testbot"
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Feature: Choosing route based on length, speed, etc
| x | y | xa,atb,by |
| y | x | by,atb,xa |
Scenario: Pick the shortest travel time, even when it's longer
Scenario: Pick the fastest route, even when it's longer
Given the node map
| | p | |
| a | s | b |

View File

@ -7,21 +7,61 @@ Feature: Testbot - Handle ferry routes
Scenario: Testbot - Ferry duration, single node
Given the node map
| a | b | c | d |
| | | e | f |
| | | g | h |
| | | i | j |
| e | f | g | h |
| i | j | k | l |
| m | n | o | p |
| q | r | s | t |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | route | bicycle | duration |
| ab | primary | | | |
| cd | primary | | | |
| ef | primary | | | |
| gh | primary | | | |
| ij | primary | | | |
| bc | | ferry | yes | 0:01 |
| be | | ferry | yes | 0:10 |
| bg | | ferry | yes | 1:00 |
| bi | | ferry | yes | 10:00 |
| nodes | highway | route | duration |
| ab | primary | | |
| cd | primary | | |
| ef | primary | | |
| gh | primary | | |
| ij | primary | | |
| kl | primary | | |
| mn | primary | | |
| op | primary | | |
| qr | primary | | |
| st | primary | | |
| bc | | ferry | 0:01 |
| fg | | ferry | 0:10 |
| jk | | ferry | 1:00 |
| no | | ferry | 24:00 |
| rs | | ferry | 96:00 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| b | c | bc | 60s +-1 |
| f | g | fg | 600s +-1 |
| j | k | jk | 3600s +-1 |
| n | o | no | 86400s +-1 |
| r | s | rs | 345600s +-1 |
Scenario: Testbot - Week long ferry routes
Given the node map
| a | b | c | d |
| e | f | g | h |
| i | j | k | l |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | route | duration |
| ab | primary | | |
| cd | primary | | |
| ef | primary | | |
| gh | primary | | |
| ij | primary | | |
| kl | primary | | |
| bc | | ferry | 24:00 |
| fg | | ferry | 168:00 |
| jk | | ferry | 720:00 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| b | c | bc | 86400s +-1 |
| f | g | fg | 604800s +-1 |
| j | k | jk | 259200s +-1 |
Scenario: Testbot - Ferry duration, multiple nodes
Given the node map
@ -29,33 +69,107 @@ Feature: Testbot - Handle ferry routes
| | a | b | c | d | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | route | bicycle | duration |
| xa | primary | | | |
| yd | primary | | | |
| abcd | | ferry | yes | 1:00 |
| nodes | highway | route | duration |
| xa | primary | | |
| yd | primary | | |
| ad | | ferry | 1:00 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | d | abcd | 3600s +-1 |
| d | a | abcd | 3600s +-1 |
| a | d | ad | 3600s +-1 |
| d | a | ad | 3600s +-1 |
Scenario: Bike - Ferry duration, individual parts
Scenario: Testbot - Ferry duration, individual parts, fast
Given a grid size of 10000 meters
Given the node map
| x | y | | z | | | v |
| a | b | | c | | | d |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | route | bicycle | duration |
| xa | primary | | | |
| yb | primary | | | |
| zc | primary | | | |
| vd | primary | | | |
| abcd | | ferry | yes | 1:00 |
| nodes | highway | route | duration |
| xa | primary | | |
| yb | primary | | |
| zc | primary | | |
| vd | primary | | |
| abcd | | ferry | 0:06 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | d | abcd | 3600s +-1 |
| a | b | abcd | 600s +-1 |
| b | c | abcd | 1200s +-1 |
| c | d | abcd | 1800s +-1 |
| from | to | route | time |
| a | d | abcd | 360s +-1 |
| a | b | abcd | 60s +-1 |
| b | c | abcd | 120s +-1 |
| c | d | abcd | 180s +-1 |
Scenario: Testbot - Ferry duration, individual parts, slow
Given the node map
| x | y | | z | | | v |
| a | b | | c | | | d |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | route | duration |
| xa | primary | | |
| yb | primary | | |
| zc | primary | | |
| vd | primary | | |
| abcd | | ferry | 1:00 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | d | abcd | 3600s ~1% |
| a | b | abcd | 600s ~1% |
| b | c | abcd | 1200s ~1% |
| c | d | abcd | 1800s ~1% |
Scenario: Testbot - Ferry duration, connected routes
Given the node map
| x | | | | d | | | | y |
| | a | b | c | | e | f | g | t |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | route | duration |
| xa | primary | | |
| yg | primary | | |
| abcd | | ferry | 0:30 |
| defg | | ferry | 0:30 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | g | abcd,defg | 3600s +-1 |
| g | a | defg,abcd | 3600s +-1 |
Scenario: Testbot - Prefer road when faster than ferry
Given the node map
| x | a | b | c | |
| | | | | d |
| y | g | f | e | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | route | duration |
| xa | primary | | |
| yg | primary | | |
| xy | primary | | |
| abcd | | ferry | 0:01 |
| defg | | ferry | 0:01 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | g | xa,xy,yg | 60s +-25% |
| g | a | yg,xy,xa | 60s +-25% |
Scenario: Testbot - Long winding ferry route
Given the node map
| x | | b | | d | | f | | y |
| | a | | c | | e | | g | |
And the ways
| nodes | highway | route | duration |
| xa | primary | | |
| yg | primary | | |
| abcdefg | | ferry | 6:30 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | g | abcdefg | 23400s +-1 |
| g | a | abcdefg | 23400s +-1 |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
@routing @graph
Feature: Basic Routing
Test the input data descibed on
Given the profile "testbot"
Scenario: Graph transformation
Given the node map
| | | d |
| a | b | c |
| | | e |
And the ways
| nodes |
| abc |
| dce |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| a | e | abc,dce |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
@routing @testbot @impedance @todo
Feature: Setting impedance and speed separately
These tests assume that the speed is not factored into the impedance by OSRM internally.
Instead the speed can optionally be factored into the weiht in the lua profile.
Note: With the default grid size of 100m, the diagonals has a length if 141.42m
Given the profile "testbot"
Scenario: Use impedance to pick route, even when longer/slower
Given the node map
| | s | | t | | u | | v | |
| a | | b | | c | | d | | e |
And the ways
| nodes | impedance |
| ab | 1.3 |
| asb | 1 |
| bc | 1.5 |
| btc | 1 |
| cd | 0.015 |
| cud | 0.010 |
| de | 150000 |
| dve | 100000 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | distance |
| a | b | ab | 200m +-1 |
| b | a | ab | 200m +-1 |
| b | c | btc | 282m +-1 |
| c | b | btc | 282m +-1 |
| c | d | cud | 282m +-1 |
| d | c | cud | 282m +-1 |
| d | e | dve | 282m +-1 |
| e | d | dve | 282m +-1 |
Scenario: Weight should default to 1
Given the node map
| | s | | t | |
| a | | b | | c |
And the ways
| nodes | impedance |
| ab | 1.40 |
| asb | |
| bc | 1.42 |
| btc | |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| a | b | ab |
| b | a | ab |
| b | c | btc |
| c | b | btc |
Scenario: Use both impedance and speed (multiplied) when picking route
OSRM should not factor speed into impedance internally. However, the profile can choose to do so,
and this test expect the testbot profile to do it.
Given the node map
| | s | | t | |
| a | | b | | c |
And the ways
| nodes | impedance | highway |
| ab | 2.80 | primary |
| asb | 1 | secondary |
| bc | 2.84 | primary |
| btc | 1 | secondary |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route |
| a | b | ab |
| b | a | ab |
| b | c | btc |
| c | b | btc |
Scenario: Weight should influence neither speed nor travel time.
Given the node map
| a | b | c |
| t | | |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
| bc |
| at |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | distance | time |
| a | b | ab | 100m +-1 | 10s +-1 |
| b | a | ab | 100m +-1 | 10s +-1 |
| b | c | bc | 100m +-1 | 10s +-1 |
| c | b | bc | 100m +-1 | 10s +-1 |
| a | c | ab,bc | 200m +-1 | 20s +-1 |
| c | a | bc,ab | 200m +-1 | 20s +-1 |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
@routing @maxspeed @testbot
Feature: Car - Max speed restrictions
Background: Use specific speeds
Given the profile "testbot"
Scenario: Testbot - Respect maxspeeds when lower that way type speed
Given the node map
| a | b | c | d |
And the ways
| nodes | maxspeed |
| ab | |
| bc | 24 |
| cd | 18 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | b | ab | 10s +-1 |
| b | a | ab | 10s +-1 |
| b | c | bc | 15s +-1 |
| c | b | bc | 15s +-1 |
| c | d | cd | 20s +-1 |
| d | c | cd | 20s +-1 |
Scenario: Testbot - Ignore maxspeed when higher than way speed
Given the node map
| a | b | c |
And the ways
| nodes | maxspeed |
| ab | |
| bc | 200 |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | time |
| a | b | ab | 10s +-1 |
| b | a | ab | 10s +-1 |
| b | c | bc | 10s +-1 |
| c | b | bc | 10s +-1 |
Scenario: Testbot - Forward/backward maxspeed
Then routability should be
| maxspeed | maxspeed:forward | maxspeed:backward | forw | backw |
| | | | 20s +-1 | 20s +-1 |
| 18 | | | 40s +-1 | 40s +-1 |
| | 18 | | 40s +-1 | 20s +-1 |
| | | 18 | 20s +-1 | 40s +-1 |
| 9 | 18 | | 40s +-1 | 80s +-1 |
| 9 | | 18 | 80s +-1 | 40s +-1 |
| 9 | 24 | 18 | 30s +-1 | 40s +-1 |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
@routing @testbot @opposite
Feature: Separate settings for forward/backward direction
Given the profile "testbot"
Scenario: Testbot - Going against the flow
Given the node map
| a | b | c | d |
And the ways
| nodes | highway |
| abcd | river |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | distance | time |
| a | d | abcd | 300 +- 1m | 30s |
| d | a | abcd | 300 +- 1m | 68s |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
@routing @testbot @routes @todo
Feature: OSM Route Relation
Given the profile "testbot"
Scenario: Prioritize ways that are part of route relations
This scenario assumes that the testbot uses an impedance of 0.5 for ways that are part of 'testbot' routes.
Given the node map
| s | | | t | | | |
| a | | | b | | | c |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | u | | | v |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
| bc |
| as |
| stb |
| bu |
| uvc |
And the relations
| type | route | way:route |
| route | testbot | as,stb |
| route | testbot | bu,uvc |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | distance | time |
| b | c | bc | 300m +-1 | 30s +-1 |
| c | b | bc | 300m +-1 | 30s +-1 |
| a | b | as,stb | 500m +-1 | 50s +-1 |
| b | a | stb,as | 500m +-1 | 50s +-1 |

View File

@ -97,19 +97,27 @@ Feature: Turn directions/codes
| g | c | xg,xc | head,right,destination |
| g | e | xg,xe | head,sharp_right,destination |
Scenario: Skadestuevej, København
Scenario: Turn instructions at high latitude
Given the node locations
| node | lat | lon |
| a | 55.68679 | 12.52360 |
| b | 55.68745 | 12.52407 |
| c | 55.68720 | 12.52509 |
| a | 55.68740 | 12.52430 |
| b | 55.68745 | 12.52409 |
| c | 55.68711 | 12.52383 |
| x | -55.68740 | 12.52430 |
| y | -55.68745 | 12.52409 |
| z | -55.68711 | 12.52383 |
And the ways
| nodes |
| ab |
| bc |
| xy |
| yz |
When I route I should get
| from | to | route | turns |
| a | c | ab,bc | head,right,destination |
| a | c | ab,bc | head,left,destination |
| c | a | bc,ab | head,right,destination |
| x | z | xy,yz | head,right,destination |
| z | x | yz,xy | head,left,destination |

View File

@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
-- Begin of globals
barrier_whitelist = { ["cattle_grid"] = true, ["border_control"] = true, ["toll_booth"] = true, ["sally_port"] = true, ["gate"] = true}
barrier_whitelist = { ["cattle_grid"] = true, ["border_control"] = true, ["toll_booth"] = true, ["sally_port"] = true, ["gate"] = true, ["no"] = true}
access_tag_whitelist = { ["yes"] = true, ["motorcar"] = true, ["motor_vehicle"] = true, ["vehicle"] = true, ["permissive"] = true, ["designated"] = true }
access_tag_blacklist = { ["no"] = true, ["private"] = true, ["agricultural"] = true, ["forestery"] = true }
access_tag_blacklist = { ["no"] = true, ["private"] = true, ["agricultural"] = true, ["forestry"] = true }
access_tag_restricted = { ["destination"] = true, ["delivery"] = true }
access_tags = { "motorcar", "motor_vehicle", "vehicle" }
access_tags_hierachy = { "motorcar", "motor_vehicle", "vehicle", "access" }
service_tag_restricted = { ["parking_aisle"] = true }
ignore_in_grid = { ["ferry"] = true }
restriction_exception_tags = { "motorcar", "motor_vehicle", "vehicle" }
speed_profile = {
["motorway"] = 90,
@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ speed_profile = {
["service"] = 15,
-- ["track"] = 5,
["ferry"] = 5,
["shuttle_train"] = 10,
["default"] = 50
@ -39,24 +42,9 @@ u_turn_penalty = 20
-- End of globals
--find first tag in access hierachy which is set
local function find_access_tag(source)
for i,v in ipairs(access_tags_hierachy) do
if source.tags:Holds(v) then
local tag = source.tags:Find(v)
if tag ~= '' then --and tag ~= "" then
return tag
return nil
local function find_in_keyvals(keyvals, tag)
if keyvals:Holds(tag) then
return keyvals:Find(tag)
return nil
function get_exceptions(vector)
for i,v in ipairs(restriction_exception_tags) do
@ -64,7 +52,7 @@ local function parse_maxspeed(source)
if source == nil then
return 0
local n = tonumber(source)
local n = tonumber(source:match("%d*"))
if n == nil then
n = 0
@ -76,7 +64,7 @@ end
function node_function (node)
local barrier = node.tags:Find ("barrier")
local access = find_access_tag(node)
local access = Access.find_access_tag(node, access_tags_hierachy)
local traffic_signal = node.tags:Find("highway")
--flag node if it carries a traffic light
@ -101,13 +89,7 @@ function node_function (node)
function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
-- A way must have two nodes or more
if(numberOfNodesInWay < 2) then
return 0;
function way_function (way)
-- First, get the properties of each way that we come across
local highway = way.tags:Find("highway")
local name = way.tags:Find("name")
@ -115,13 +97,15 @@ function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
local junction = way.tags:Find("junction")
local route = way.tags:Find("route")
local maxspeed = parse_maxspeed(way.tags:Find ( "maxspeed") )
local maxspeed_forward = tonumber(way.tags:Find( "maxspeed:forward"))
local maxspeed_backward = tonumber(way.tags:Find( "maxspeed:backward"))
local barrier = way.tags:Find("barrier")
local oneway = way.tags:Find("oneway")
local cycleway = way.tags:Find("cycleway")
local duration = way.tags:Find("duration")
local service = way.tags:Find("service")
local area = way.tags:Find("area")
local access = find_access_tag(way)
local access = Access.find_access_tag(way, access_tags_hierachy)
-- Second, parse the way according to these properties
@ -148,29 +132,31 @@ function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
-- Handling ferries and piers
if (speed_profile[route] ~= nil and speed_profile[route] > 0)
if durationIsValid(duration) then
way.speed = math.max( parseDuration(duration) / math.max(1, numberOfNodesInWay-1) );
way.is_duration_set = true
way.direction = Way.bidirectional
if speed_profile[route] ~= nil then
highway = route;
if not way.is_duration_set then
way.speed = speed_profile[highway]
if (speed_profile[route] ~= nil and speed_profile[route] > 0) then
if durationIsValid(duration) then
way.duration = math.max( parseDuration(duration), 1 );
way.direction = Way.bidirectional
if speed_profile[route] ~= nil then
highway = route;
if tonumber(way.duration) < 0 then
way.speed = speed_profile[highway]
-- Set the avg speed on the way if it is accessible by road class
if (speed_profile[highway] ~= nil and way.speed == -1 ) then
if 0 == maxspeed then
maxspeed = math.huge
way.speed = math.min(speed_profile[highway], maxspeed)
if (speed_profile[highway] ~= nil and way.speed == -1 ) then
if maxspeed > speed_profile[highway] then
way.speed = maxspeed
if 0 == maxspeed then
maxspeed = math.huge
way.speed = math.min(speed_profile[highway], maxspeed)
-- Set the avg speed on ways that are marked accessible
if "" ~= highway and access_tag_whitelist[access] and way.speed == -1 then
if 0 == maxspeed then
@ -203,7 +189,18 @@ function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
way.direction = Way.bidirectional
-- Override speed settings if explicit forward/backward maxspeeds are given
if maxspeed_forward ~= nil and maxspeed_forward > 0 then
if Way.bidirectional == way.direction then
way.backward_speed = way.speed
way.speed = maxspeed_forward
if maxspeed_backward ~= nil and maxspeed_backward > 0 then
way.backward_speed = maxspeed_backward
-- Override general direction settings of there is a specific one for our mode of travel
if ignore_in_grid[highway] ~= nil and ignore_in_grid[highway] then

View File

@ -1,39 +1,41 @@
-- Begin of globals
barrier_whitelist = { [""] = true, ["cycle_barrier"] = true, ["bollard"] = true, ["entrance"] = true, ["cattle_grid"] = true, ["border_control"] = true, ["toll_booth"] = true, ["sally_port"] = true, ["gate"] = true}
barrier_whitelist = { [""] = true, ["cycle_barrier"] = true, ["bollard"] = true, ["entrance"] = true, ["cattle_grid"] = true, ["border_control"] = true, ["toll_booth"] = true, ["sally_port"] = true, ["gate"] = true, ["no"] = true}
access_tag_whitelist = { ["yes"] = true, ["permissive"] = true, ["designated"] = true }
access_tag_blacklist = { ["no"] = true, ["private"] = true, ["agricultural"] = true, ["forestery"] = true }
access_tag_restricted = { ["destination"] = true, ["delivery"] = true }
access_tags_hierachy = { "bicycle", "vehicle", "access" }
cycleway_tags = {["track"]=true,["lane"]=true,["opposite"]=true,["opposite_lane"]=true,["opposite_track"]=true,["share_busway"]=true,["sharrow"]=true,["shared"]=true }
service_tag_restricted = { ["parking_aisle"] = true }
restriction_exception_tags = { "bicycle", "vehicle", "access" }
default_speed = 16
default_speed = 15
main_speeds = {
["cycleway"] = 18,
["primary"] = 17,
["primary_link"] = 17,
["secondary"] = 18,
["secondary_link"] = 18,
["tertiary"] = 18,
["tertiary_link"] = 18,
["residential"] = 18,
["unclassified"] = 16,
["living_street"] = 16,
["road"] = 16,
["service"] = 16,
["track"] = 13,
["path"] = 13,
["footway"] = 12,
["pedestrian"] = 12,
["pier"] = 12,
["steps"] = 2
walking_speed = 6
bicycle_speeds = {
["cycleway"] = default_speed,
["primary"] = default_speed,
["primary_link"] = default_speed,
["secondary"] = default_speed,
["secondary_link"] = default_speed,
["tertiary"] = default_speed,
["tertiary_link"] = default_speed,
["residential"] = default_speed,
["unclassified"] = default_speed,
["living_street"] = default_speed,
["road"] = default_speed,
["service"] = default_speed,
["track"] = 12,
["path"] = 12
--["footway"] = 12,
--["pedestrian"] = 12,
pedestrian_speeds = {
["footway"] = 5,
["pedestrian"] = 5,
["pier"] = 5,
["footway"] = walking_speed,
["pedestrian"] = walking_speed,
["steps"] = 2
@ -47,7 +49,7 @@ railway_speeds = {
platform_speeds = {
["platform"] = 5
["platform"] = walking_speed
amenity_speeds = {
@ -55,6 +57,10 @@ amenity_speeds = {
["parking_entrance"] = 10
man_made_speeds = {
["pier"] = walking_speed
route_speeds = {
["ferry"] = 5
@ -64,25 +70,22 @@ obey_oneway = true
obey_bollards = false
use_restrictions = true
ignore_areas = true -- future feature
traffic_signal_penalty = 2
traffic_signal_penalty = 5
u_turn_penalty = 20
use_turn_restrictions = false
turn_penalty = 60
turn_bias = 1.4
-- End of globals
--find first tag in access hierachy which is set
function find_access_tag(source)
for i,v in ipairs(access_tags_hierachy) do
local tag = source.tags:Find(v)
if tag ~= '' then --and tag ~= "" then
return tag
function get_exceptions(vector)
for i,v in ipairs(restriction_exception_tags) do
return nil
function node_function (node)
local barrier = node.tags:Find ("barrier")
local access = find_access_tag(node)
local access = Access.find_access_tag(node, access_tags_hierachy)
local traffic_signal = node.tags:Find("highway")
-- flag node if it carries a traffic light
@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ function node_function (node)
-- parse access and barrier tags
if access and access ~= "" then
if access and access ~= "" then
if access_tag_blacklist[access] then
node.bollard = true
@ -108,22 +111,43 @@ function node_function (node)
return 1
function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
-- A way must have two nodes or more
if(numberOfNodesInWay < 2) then
return 0;
-- First, get the properties of each way that we come across
function way_function (way)
-- initial routability check, filters out buildings, boundaries, etc
local highway = way.tags:Find("highway")
local route = way.tags:Find("route")
local man_made = way.tags:Find("man_made")
local railway = way.tags:Find("railway")
local amenity = way.tags:Find("amenity")
local public_transport = way.tags:Find("public_transport")
if (not highway or highway == '') and
(not route or route == '') and
(not railway or railway=='') and
(not amenity or amenity=='') and
(not man_made or man_made=='') and
(not public_transport or public_transport=='')
return 0
-- don't route on ways or railways that are still under construction
if highway=='construction' or railway=='construction' then
return 0
-- access
local access = Access.find_access_tag(way, access_tags_hierachy)
if access_tag_blacklist[access] then
return 0
-- other tags
local name = way.tags:Find("name")
local ref = way.tags:Find("ref")
local junction = way.tags:Find("junction")
local route = way.tags:Find("route")
local railway = way.tags:Find("railway")
local public_transport = way.tags:Find("public_transport")
local maxspeed = parseMaxspeed(way.tags:Find ( "maxspeed") )
local man_made = way.tags:Find("man_made")
local maxspeed_forward = parseMaxspeed(way.tags:Find( "maxspeed:forward"))
local maxspeed_backward = parseMaxspeed(way.tags:Find( "maxspeed:backward"))
local barrier = way.tags:Find("barrier")
local oneway = way.tags:Find("oneway")
local onewayClass = way.tags:Find("oneway:bicycle")
@ -133,23 +157,7 @@ function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
local duration = way.tags:Find("duration")
local service = way.tags:Find("service")
local area = way.tags:Find("area")
local amenity = way.tags:Find("amenity")
local access = find_access_tag(way)
-- initial routability check, filters out buildings, boundaries, etc
if (not highway or highway == '') and
(not route or route == '') and
(not railway or railway=='') and
(not amenity or amenity=='') and
(not public_transport or public_transport=='')
return 0
-- access
if access_tag_blacklist[access] then
return 0
local foot = way.tags:Find("foot")
-- name
if "" ~= ref then
@ -160,13 +168,13 @@ function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay) = highway -- if no name exists, use way type
-- speed
if route_speeds[route] then
-- ferries
-- ferries (doesn't cover routes tagged using relations)
way.direction = Way.bidirectional
way.ignore_in_grid = true
if durationIsValid(duration) then
way.speed = math.max( parseDuration(duration) / math.max(1, numberOfNodesInWay-1) )
way.is_duration_set = true
way.duration = math.max( 1, parseDuration(duration) )
way.speed = route_speeds[route]
@ -182,34 +190,32 @@ function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
way.speed = railway_speeds[railway]
way.direction = Way.bidirectional
elseif pedestrian_speeds[highway] and main_speeds[highway] then
-- pedestrian areas
if access_tag_whitelist[access] then
way.speed = main_speeds[highway] -- biking
way.speed = pedestrian_speeds[highway] -- pushing bikes
elseif amenity and amenity_speeds[amenity] then
-- parking areas
way.speed = amenity_speeds[amenity]
elseif bicycle_speeds[highway] then
-- regular ways
if main_speeds[highway] then
way.speed = main_speeds[highway]
elseif main_speeds[man_made] then
way.speed = main_speeds[man_made]
elseif access_tag_whitelist[access] then
way.speed = default_speed
-- maxspeed
if take_minimum_of_speeds then
if maxspeed and maxspeed>0 then
way.speed = math.min(way.speed, maxspeed)
way.speed = bicycle_speeds[highway]
elseif access and access_tag_whitelist[access] then
-- unknown way, but valid access tag
way.speed = default_speed
-- biking not allowed, maybe we can push our bike?
-- essentially requires pedestrian profiling, for example foot=no mean we can't push a bike
-- TODO: if we can push, the way should be marked as pedestrion mode, but there's no way to do it yet from lua..
if foot ~= 'no' then
if pedestrian_speeds[highway] then
-- pedestrian-only ways and areas
way.speed = pedestrian_speeds[highway]
elseif man_made and man_made_speeds[man_made] then
-- man made structures
way.speed = man_made_speeds[man_made]
elseif foot == 'yes' then
way.speed = walking_speed
-- direction
way.direction = Way.bidirectional
local impliedOneway = false
@ -252,15 +258,65 @@ function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
way.direction = Way.oneway
-- pushing bikes
if bicycle_speeds[highway] or pedestrian_speeds[highway] then
if foot ~= 'no' then
if junction ~= "roundabout" then
if way.direction == Way.oneway then
way.backward_speed = walking_speed
elseif way.direction == Way.opposite then
way.backward_speed = walking_speed
way.speed = way.speed
if way.backward_speed == way.speed then
-- TODO: no way yet to mark a way as pedestrian mode if forward/backward speeds are equal
way.direction = Way.bidirectional
-- cycleways
if cycleway and cycleway_tags[cycleway] then
way.speed = main_speeds["cycleway"]
way.speed = bicycle_speeds["cycleway"]
elseif cycleway_left and cycleway_tags[cycleway_left] then
way.speed = main_speeds["cycleway"]
way.speed = bicycle_speeds["cycleway"]
elseif cycleway_right and cycleway_tags[cycleway_right] then
way.speed = main_speeds["cycleway"]
way.speed = bicycle_speeds["cycleway"]
-- maxspeed
-- TODO: maxspeed of backward direction
if take_minimum_of_speeds then
if maxspeed and maxspeed>0 then
way.speed = math.min(way.speed, maxspeed)
-- Override speed settings if explicit forward/backward maxspeeds are given
if maxspeed_forward ~= nil and maxspeed_forward > 0 then
if Way.bidirectional == way.direction then
way.backward_speed = way.speed
way.speed = maxspeed_forward
if maxspeed_backward ~= nil and maxspeed_backward > 0 then
way.backward_speed = maxspeed_backward
way.type = 1
return 1
function turn_function (angle)
-- compute turn penalty as angle^2, with a left/right bias
k = turn_penalty/(90.0*90.0)
if angle>=0 then
return angle*angle*k/turn_bias
return angle*angle*k*turn_bias

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- Begin of globals
barrier_whitelist = { ["cattle_grid"] = true, ["border_control"] = true, ["toll_booth"] = true, ["sally_port"] = true, ["gate"] = true}
barrier_whitelist = { ["cattle_grid"] = true, ["border_control"] = true, ["toll_booth"] = true, ["sally_port"] = true, ["gate"] = true, ["no"] = true}
access_tag_whitelist = { ["yes"] = true, ["motorcar"] = true, ["motor_vehicle"] = true, ["vehicle"] = true, ["permissive"] = true, ["designated"] = true }
access_tag_blacklist = { ["no"] = true, ["private"] = true, ["agricultural"] = true, ["forestry"] = true }
access_tag_restricted = { ["destination"] = true, ["delivery"] = true }
@ -8,6 +9,7 @@ access_tags = { "motorcar", "motor_vehicle", "vehicle" }
access_tags_hierachy = { "motorcar", "motor_vehicle", "vehicle", "access" }
service_tag_restricted = { ["parking_aisle"] = true }
ignore_in_grid = { ["ferry"] = true }
restriction_exception_tags = { "motorcar", "motor_vehicle", "vehicle" }
speed_profile = {
["motorway"] = 90,
@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ speed_profile = {
["service"] = 15,
-- ["track"] = 5,
["ferry"] = 5,
["shuttle_train"] = 10,
["default"] = 50
@ -39,24 +42,9 @@ u_turn_penalty = 20
-- End of globals
--find first tag in access hierachy which is set
local function find_access_tag(source)
for i,v in ipairs(access_tags_hierachy) do
if source.tags:Holds(v) then
local tag = source.tags:Find(v)
if tag ~= '' then --and tag ~= "" then
return tag
return nil
local function find_in_keyvals(keyvals, tag)
if keyvals:Holds(tag) then
return keyvals:Find(tag)
return nil
function get_exceptions(vector)
for i,v in ipairs(restriction_exception_tags) do
@ -64,7 +52,7 @@ local function parse_maxspeed(source)
if source == nil then
return 0
local n = tonumber(source)
local n = tonumber(source:match("%d*"))
if n == nil then
n = 0
@ -76,7 +64,7 @@ end
function node_function (node)
local barrier = node.tags:Find ("barrier")
local access = find_access_tag(node)
local access = Access.find_access_tag(node, access_tags_hierachy)
local traffic_signal = node.tags:Find("highway")
--flag node if it carries a traffic light
@ -101,13 +89,7 @@ function node_function (node)
function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
-- A way must have two nodes or more
if(numberOfNodesInWay < 2) then
return 0;
function way_function (way)
-- First, get the properties of each way that we come across
local highway = way.tags:Find("highway")
local name = way.tags:Find("name")
@ -115,13 +97,15 @@ function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
local junction = way.tags:Find("junction")
local route = way.tags:Find("route")
local maxspeed = parse_maxspeed(way.tags:Find ( "maxspeed") )
local maxspeed_forward = tonumber(way.tags:Find( "maxspeed:forward"))
local maxspeed_backward = tonumber(way.tags:Find( "maxspeed:backward"))
local barrier = way.tags:Find("barrier")
local oneway = way.tags:Find("oneway")
local cycleway = way.tags:Find("cycleway")
local duration = way.tags:Find("duration")
local service = way.tags:Find("service")
local area = way.tags:Find("area")
local access = find_access_tag(way)
local access = Access.find_access_tag(way, access_tags_hierachy)
-- Second, parse the way according to these properties
@ -148,29 +132,31 @@ function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
-- Handling ferries and piers
if (speed_profile[route] ~= nil and speed_profile[route] > 0)
if durationIsValid(duration) then
way.speed = math.max( parseDuration(duration) / math.max(1, numberOfNodesInWay-1) );
way.is_duration_set = true
way.direction = Way.bidirectional
if speed_profile[route] ~= nil then
highway = route;
if not way.is_duration_set then
way.speed = speed_profile[highway]
if (speed_profile[route] ~= nil and speed_profile[route] > 0) then
if durationIsValid(duration) then
way.duration = math.max( parseDuration(duration), 1 );
way.direction = Way.bidirectional
if speed_profile[route] ~= nil then
highway = route;
if tonumber(way.duration) < 0 then
way.speed = speed_profile[highway]
-- Set the avg speed on the way if it is accessible by road class
if (speed_profile[highway] ~= nil and way.speed == -1 ) then
if 0 == maxspeed then
maxspeed = math.huge
way.speed = math.min(speed_profile[highway], maxspeed)
if (speed_profile[highway] ~= nil and way.speed == -1 ) then
if maxspeed > speed_profile[highway] then
way.speed = maxspeed
if 0 == maxspeed then
maxspeed = math.huge
way.speed = math.min(speed_profile[highway], maxspeed)
-- Set the avg speed on ways that are marked accessible
if "" ~= highway and access_tag_whitelist[access] and way.speed == -1 then
if 0 == maxspeed then
@ -203,7 +189,18 @@ function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
way.direction = Way.bidirectional
-- Override speed settings if explicit forward/backward maxspeeds are given
if maxspeed_forward ~= nil and maxspeed_forward > 0 then
if Way.bidirectional == way.direction then
way.backward_speed = way.speed
way.speed = maxspeed_forward
if maxspeed_backward ~= nil and maxspeed_backward > 0 then
way.backward_speed = maxspeed_backward
-- Override general direction settings of there is a specific one for our mode of travel
if ignore_in_grid[highway] ~= nil and ignore_in_grid[highway] then

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ access_tag_restricted = { ["destination"] = true, ["delivery"] = true }
access_tags = { "foot" }
service_tag_restricted = { ["parking_aisle"] = true }
ignore_in_grid = { ["ferry"] = true }
restriction_exception_tags = { "foot" }
speed_profile = {
["primary"] = 5,
@ -40,9 +41,15 @@ use_restrictions = false
ignore_areas = true -- future feature
traffic_signal_penalty = 2
u_turn_penalty = 2
use_turn_restrictions = false
-- End of globals
function get_exceptions(vector)
for i,v in ipairs(restriction_exception_tags) do
function node_function (node)
local barrier = node.tags:Find ("barrier")
local access = node.tags:Find ("access")
@ -68,13 +75,8 @@ function node_function (node)
return 1
function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
function way_function (way)
-- A way must have two nodes or more
if(numberOfNodesInWay < 2) then
return 0;
-- First, get the properties of each way that we come across
local highway = way.tags:Find("highway")
local name = way.tags:Find("name")
@ -145,10 +147,7 @@ function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
-- Set the avg speed on the way if it is accessible by road class
if (speed_profile[highway] ~= nil and way.speed == -1 ) then
if (0 < maxspeed and not take_minimum_of_speeds) or (maxspeed == 0) then
maxspeed = math.huge
way.speed = math.min(speed_profile[highway], maxspeed)
way.speed = speed_profile[highway]
-- Set the avg speed on ways that are marked accessible

profiles/lib/access.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
local ipairs = ipairs
module "Access"
function find_access_tag(source,access_tags_hierachy)
for i,v in ipairs(access_tags_hierachy) do
local tag = source.tags:Find(v)
if tag ~= '' then
return tag
return nil

View File

@ -23,6 +23,18 @@ ignore_areas = true -- future feature
traffic_signal_penalty = 7 -- seconds
u_turn_penalty = 20
function limit_speed(speed, limits)
-- don't use ipairs(), since it stops at the first nil value
for i=1, #limits do
limit = limits[i]
if limit ~= nil and limit > 0 then
if limit < speed then
return limit -- stop at first speedlimit that's smaller than speed
return speed
function node_function (node)
local traffic_signal = node.tags:Find("highway")
@ -34,26 +46,50 @@ function node_function (node)
return 1
function way_function (way, numberOfNodesInWay)
-- A way must have two nodes or more
if(numberOfNodesInWay < 2) then
return 0;
function way_function (way)
local highway = way.tags:Find("highway")
local name = way.tags:Find("name")
local oneway = way.tags:Find("oneway")
local route = way.tags:Find("route")
local duration = way.tags:Find("duration")
local maxspeed = tonumber(way.tags:Find ( "maxspeed"))
local maxspeed_forward = tonumber(way.tags:Find( "maxspeed:forward"))
local maxspeed_backward = tonumber(way.tags:Find( "maxspeed:backward")) = name
if route ~= nil and durationIsValid(duration) then
way.ignore_in_grid = true
way.speed = math.max( 1, parseDuration(duration) / math.max(1, numberOfNodesInWay-1) )
way.is_duration_set = true
way.duration = math.max( 1, parseDuration(duration) )
way.speed = speed_profile[highway] or speed_profile['default']
local speed_forw = speed_profile[highway] or speed_profile['default']
local speed_back = speed_forw
if highway == "river" then
local temp_speed = speed_forw;
speed_forw = temp_speed*1.5
speed_back = temp_speed/1.5
if maxspeed_forward ~= nil and maxspeed_forward > 0 then
speed_forw = maxspeed_forward
if maxspeed ~= nil and maxspeed > 0 and speed_forw > maxspeed then
speed_forw = maxspeed
if maxspeed_backward ~= nil and maxspeed_backward > 0 then
speed_back = maxspeed_backward
if maxspeed ~=nil and maxspeed > 0 and speed_back > maxspeed then
speed_back = maxspeed
way.speed = speed_forw
if speed_back ~= way_forw then
way.backward_speed = speed_back
if oneway == "no" or oneway == "0" or oneway == "false" then

profiles/turnbot.lua Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
-- Testbot, with turn penalty
-- Used for testing turn penalties
require 'testbot'
function turn_function (angle)
return 200*math.abs(angle)/180 -- penalty

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

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