Show MLD cell IDs via node ID text background color
This commit is contained in:
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ template <storage::Ownership Ownership> class MultiLevelPartitionImpl final
std::uint32_t GetNumberOfCells(LevelID level) const
return GetCell(level, GetSenitileNode());
return GetCell(level, GetSentinelNode());
// Returns the lowest cell id (at `level - 1`) of all children `cell` at `level`
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ template <storage::Ownership Ownership> class MultiLevelPartitionImpl final
// We save the sentinel as last node in the partition information.
// It has the highest cell id in each level so we can derived the range
// of cell ids efficiently.
inline NodeID GetSenitileNode() const { return partition.size() - 1; }
inline NodeID GetSentinelNode() const { return partition.size() - 1; }
void SetCellID(LevelID l, NodeID node, std::size_t cell_id)
@ -158,11 +158,11 @@ class SVGPrinter (gdb.Command):
svg { background-color: beige; }
.node { stroke: #000; stroke-width: 4; fill: none; marker-end: url(#forward) }
.node.forward { stroke-width: 2; stroke: #0c0; font-family: sans; font-size: 42px }
.node.forward { stroke-width: 2; stroke: #080; font-family: sans; font-size: 42px }
.node.reverse { stroke-width: 2; stroke: #f00; font-family: sans; font-size: 42px }
.segment { marker-start: url(#osm-node); marker-end: url(#osm-node); }
.segment.weight { font-family: sans; font-size:24px; text-anchor:middle; stroke-width: 1; }
.segment.weight.forward { stroke: #0c0; fill: #0c0; }
.segment.weight.forward { stroke: #080; fill: #080; }
.segment.weight.reverse { stroke: #f00; fill: #f00; }
.edge { stroke: #00f; stroke-width: 2; fill: none; }
.edge.forward { stroke: #0c0; stroke-width: 1; marker-end: url(#forward) }
@ -216,11 +216,40 @@ class SVGPrinter (gdb.Command):
return nodes, longitudes, latitudes
def Facade(facade, width, height, bbox):
def Facade(facade, width, height, arg):
result = ''
## parse additional facade arguments
re_float = '[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+'
bbox ='(' + re_float + '),(' + re_float + ');(' + re_float + '),(' + re_float +')', arg)
bbox = [float(x) for x in bbox.groups()] if bbox else [-180, -90, 180, 90]
mld_level ='L:([0-9]+)', arg)
mld_level = int( if mld_level else 0
marginx, marginy = 75, 75
segment_weight = lambda x: str(x) + (' invalid' if x == INVALID_SEGMENT_WEIGHT else ' max' if x == MAX_SEGMENT_WEIGHT else '')
if mld_level > 0:
mld_facade = facade.cast(gdb.lookup_type('osrm::engine::datafacade::ContiguousInternalMemoryAlgorithmDataFacade<osrm::engine::routing_algorithms::mld::Algorithm>'))
mld_partition = mld_facade['mld_partition']
mld_levels = call(mld_partition, 'GetNumberOfLevels')
print (mld_level, mld_levels)
if mld_level < mld_levels:
sentinel_node = call(mld_partition['partition'], 'size') - 1 # GetSentinelNode
number_of_cells = call(mld_partition, 'GetCell', mld_level, sentinel_node) # GetNumberOfCells
result += "<defs>"
for cell in range(number_of_cells):
result += """
<filter x="0" y="0" width="1" height="1" id="cellid-{}"><feFlood flood-color="hsl({}, 100%, 82%)"/><feComposite in="SourceGraphic"/></filter>""" \
.format(cell, int(256 * cell / number_of_cells))
result += "\n</defs>"
mld_level = 0
mld_levels = 0
## get nodes
nodes, longitudes, latitudes = SVGPrinter.getNodesInBoundingBox(facade, bbox)
if len(nodes) == 0:
@ -241,19 +270,21 @@ class SVGPrinter (gdb.Command):
print ('Graph has {} nodes and {} edges and {} nodes in the input bounding box {},{};{},{} -> {},{};{},{}'
.format(call(facade, 'GetNumberOfNodes'), call(facade, 'GetNumberOfEdges'), len(nodes), *bbox, minx, miny, maxx, maxy))
result = ''
for node in nodes:
geometry_id = call(facade, 'GetGeometryIndex', node)
direction = 'forward' if geometry_id['forward'] else 'reverse'
geometry = SVGPrinter.getByGeometryId(facade, geometry_id, 'Geometry')
weights = SVGPrinter.getByGeometryId(facade, geometry_id, 'Weights')
## add the edge-based node
ref = 'n' + str(node)
cell_background = ' filter="url(#cellid-{})"'.format(call(mld_partition, 'GetCell', mld_level, node)) if mld_level > 0 else ''
result += '<path id="' + ref + '" class="node" d="M' \
+ ' L'.join([t(lonlat(call(facade, 'GetCoordinateOfNode', x))) for x in iterate(geometry)]) \
+ '" />'
result += '<text><textPath class="node ' + direction + '" xlink:href="#' + ref \
result += '<text' + cell_background + '><textPath class="node ' + direction + '" xlink:href="#' + ref \
+ '" startOffset="60%">' + str(node) + '</textPath></text>\n'
## add segments with weights
@ -327,16 +358,13 @@ class SVGPrinter (gdb.Command):
argv = arg.split(' ')
if len(argv) == 0 or len(argv[0]) == 0:
print ('no argument specified\nsvg <varname> [BOUNDING BOX west,south;east,north] [SIZE width,height]')
print ('no argument specified\nsvg <varname> [BOUNDING BOX west,south;east,north] [SIZE width,height] [L:MLD level]')
val = gdb.parse_and_eval(argv[0])
dims ='([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)', arg)
width, height = [int(x) for x in dims.groups()] if dims else (2100, 1600)
re_float = '[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+'
bbox ='(' + re_float + '),(' + re_float + ');(' + re_float + '),(' + re_float +')', arg)
bbox = [float(x) for x in bbox.groups()] if bbox else [-180, -90, 180, 90]
type = if val.type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_REF else val.type
svg = self.to_svg[str(type)](val, width, height, bbox)
svg = self.to_svg[str(type)](val, width, height, arg)
self.show_svg(svg, width, height)
except KeyError as e:
print ('no SVG printer for: ' + str(e))
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