diff --git a/scripts/osrm-runner.js b/scripts/osrm-runner.js index 07aff507f..7f22d0576 100755 --- a/scripts/osrm-runner.js +++ b/scripts/osrm-runner.js @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ const run_query = (query_options, filters, callback) => { .then(values => callback(query_options.path, res.statusCode, ttfb, elapsed, values)); }); }).on('socket', function (/*res*/) { - tic = ((toc) => { return () => process.hrtime(toc)[1] / 1000000; })(process.hrtime()); + tic = ((toc) => { return () => { const t = process.hrtime(toc); return t[0] * 1000 + t[1] / 1000000; }; })(process.hrtime()); }).on('error', function (res) { callback(query_options.path, res.code); }).end(); @@ -89,7 +89,11 @@ const optionsList = [ description: 'CSV file with queries in the first row', typeLabel: '[underline]{file}'}]; const options = cla(optionsList); if (options.help) { - const banner = '╔═╗╔═╗╦═╗╔╦╗ \n║ ║╚═╗╠╦╝║║║ \n╚═╝╚═╝╩╚═╩ ╩ \n┬─┐┬ ┬┌┐┌┌┐┌┌─┐┬─┐\n├┬┘│ │││││││├┤ ├┬┘\n┴└─└─┘┘└┘┘└┘└─┘┴└─'; + const banner = + String.raw` ____ _______ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ _________ ` + '\n' + + String.raw` / __ \/ __/ _ \/ |/ / / _ \/ / / / |/ / |/ / __/ _ \ ` + '\n' + + String.raw`/ /_/ /\ \/ , _/ /|_/ / / , _/ /_/ / / / _// , _/ ` + '\n' + + String.raw`\____/___/_/|_/_/ /_/ /_/|_|\____/_/|_/_/|_/___/_/|_| `; const usage = clu([ { content: ansi.format(banner, 'green'), raw: true }, { header: 'Run OSRM queries and collect results'/*, content: 'Generates something [italic]{very} important.'*/ }, @@ -105,7 +109,7 @@ if (options.hasOwnProperty('queries-files')) { queries = fs.readFileSync(options['queries-files']) .toString() .split('\n') - .map(r => { const match = /^"([^+]+)"/.exec(r); return match ? match[1] : null; }) + .map(r => { const match = /^"([^\"]+)"/.exec(r); return match ? match[1] : null; }) .filter(q => q); } else { const polygon = options['bounding-box'].map(x => x.poly).reduce((x,y) => turf.union(x, y));