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#pragma once
#include <climits>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
namespace fuzz {
// Helper to provide a little bit more convenient interface than FuzzedDataProvider itself
class provider {
uint8_t const* m_data;
size_t m_remaining_bytes;
// Reads one byte and returns a bool, or false when no data remains.
[[nodiscard]] inline auto consume_bool() -> bool {
return (1U & consume_integral<uint8_t>()) != 0U;
// Returns a number in the range [Type's min, Type's max]. The value might
// not be uniformly distributed in the given range. If there's no input data
// left, always returns |min|.
template <typename T>
[[nodiscard]] auto consume_integral() -> T {
return consume_integral_in_range(std::numeric_limits<T>::min(), std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
// Returns a number in the range [min, max] by consuming bytes from the
// input data. The value might not be uniformly distributed in the given
// range. If there's no input data left, always returns |min|. |min| must
// be less than or equal to |max|.
template <typename T>
[[nodiscard]] auto consume_integral_in_range(T min, T max) -> T {
static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, "An integral type is required.");
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(uint64_t), "Unsupported integral type.");
if (min > max) {
// Use the biggest type possible to hold the range and the result.
uint64_t range = static_cast<uint64_t>(max) - static_cast<uint64_t>(min);
uint64_t result = 0;
size_t offset = 0;
while (offset < sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT && (range >> offset) > 0 && m_remaining_bytes != 0) {
// Pull bytes off the end of the seed data. Experimentally, this seems to
// allow the fuzzer to more easily explore the input space. This makes
// sense, since it works by modifying inputs that caused new code to run,
// and this data is often used to encode length of data read by
// |ConsumeBytes|. Separating out read lengths makes it easier modify the
// contents of the data that is actually read.
result = (result << CHAR_BIT) | m_data[m_remaining_bytes];
offset += CHAR_BIT;
// Avoid division by 0, in case |range + 1| results in overflow.
if (range != std::numeric_limits<decltype(range)>::max()) {
result = result % (range + 1);
return static_cast<T>(static_cast<uint64_t>(min) + result);
inline void advance_unchecked(size_t num_bytes) {
m_data += num_bytes;
m_remaining_bytes -= num_bytes;
// Returns a std::string of length from 0 to |max_length|. When it runs out of
// input data, returns what remains of the input. Designed to be more stable
// with respect to a fuzzer inserting characters than just picking a random
// length and then consuming that many bytes with |ConsumeBytes|.
[[nodiscard]] inline auto consume_random_length_string(size_t max_length) -> std::string {
// Reads bytes from the start of |data_ptr_|. Maps "\\" to "\", and maps "\"
// followed by anything else to the end of the string. As a result of this
// logic, a fuzzer can insert characters into the string, and the string
// will be lengthened to include those new characters, resulting in a more
// stable fuzzer than picking the length of a string independently from
// picking its contents.
std::string result;
// Reserve the anticipated capacity to prevent several reallocations.
result.reserve(std::min(max_length, m_remaining_bytes));
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_length && m_remaining_bytes != 0; ++i) {
auto next = m_data[0];
if (next == '\\' && m_remaining_bytes != 0) {
next = m_data[0];
if (next != '\\') {
result += static_cast<char>(next);
return result;
provider(provider const&) = default;
auto operator=(provider const&) -> provider& = default;
provider(provider&&) = default;
auto operator=(provider&&) -> provider& = default;
~provider() = default;
[[nodiscard]] auto copy() const -> provider {
return *this;
inline explicit provider(void const* data, size_t size)
: m_data(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t const*>(data)) /* NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-reinterpret-cast) */
, m_remaining_bytes(size) /* NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-reinterpret-cast) */ {}
// random number in inclusive range [min, max]
template <typename T>
auto range(T min, T max) -> T {
return consume_integral_in_range<T>(min, max);
template <typename T>
auto bounded(T max_exclusive) -> T {
if (0 == max_exclusive) {
return {};
return consume_integral_in_range<T>(0, max_exclusive - 1);
template <typename T>
auto integral() -> T {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<bool, T>) {
return consume_bool();
} else {
return consume_integral<T>();
inline auto string(size_t max_length) -> std::string {
return consume_random_length_string(max_length);
template <typename... Args>
auto pick(Args&&... args) -> std::common_type_t<decltype(args)...>& {
static constexpr auto num_ops = sizeof...(args);
auto idx = size_t{};
auto const chosen_idx = consume_integral_in_range<size_t>(0, num_ops - 1);
std::common_type_t<decltype(args)...>* result = nullptr;
((idx++ == chosen_idx ? (result = &args, true) : false) || ...);
return *result;
template <typename... Ops>
void repeat_oneof(Ops&&... op) {
static constexpr auto num_ops = sizeof...(op);
do {
if constexpr (num_ops == 1) {
(op(), ...);
} else {
auto chosen_op_idx = range<size_t>(0, num_ops - 1);
auto op_idx = size_t{};
((op_idx++ == chosen_op_idx ? op() : void()), ...);
} while (0 != m_remaining_bytes);
template <typename... Ops>
void limited_repeat_oneof(size_t min, size_t max, Ops&&... op) {
static constexpr auto num_ops = sizeof...(op);
size_t const num_evaluations = consume_integral_in_range(min, max);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_evaluations; ++i) {
if constexpr (num_ops == 1) {
(op(), ...);
} else {
auto chosen_op_idx = range<size_t>(0, num_ops - 1);
auto op_idx = size_t{};
((op_idx++ == chosen_op_idx ? op() : void()), ...);
if (m_remaining_bytes == 0) {
[[nodiscard]] auto has_remaining_bytes() const -> bool {
return 0U != m_remaining_bytes;
static inline void require(bool b) {
if (!b) {
} // namespace fuzz