87 lines
4.3 KiB
87 lines
4.3 KiB
#!/bin/env python
import os
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
cmd_and_dir = [
# needs honggfuzz installed
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache clang++', 'meson', 'setup', '--buildtype', 'debug', '-Dcpp_std=c++17', 'builddir/clang_cpp17_debug'],
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache clang++', 'meson', 'setup', '--buildtype', 'release', '-Dcpp_std=c++17', 'builddir/clang_cpp17_release'],
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache g++', 'meson', 'setup', '--buildtype', 'release', '-Dcpp_std=c++17', 'builddir/gcc_cpp17_release'],
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache hfuzz-clang++ -DFUZZING_BUILD_MODE_UNSAFE_FOR_PRODUCTION', 'meson', 'setup', '--buildtype', 'release', '-Dcpp_std=c++17', 'builddir/hfuzz-clang_cpp17_release'],
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache g++', 'meson', 'setup', '--buildtype', 'debug', '-Dcpp_std=c++17', 'builddir/gcc_cpp17_debug'],
# 32bit. Install lib32-clang
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache g++', 'meson', 'setup', '--buildtype', 'debug', '-Dcpp_std=c++17', '-Dcpp_args=-m32', '-Dcpp_link_args=-m32', '-Dc_args=-m32', '-Dc_link_args=-m32', 'builddir/gcc_cpp17_debug_32'],
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache clang++', 'meson', 'setup', '--buildtype', 'debug', '-Dcpp_std=c++17', '-Dcpp_args=-m32', '-Dcpp_link_args=-m32', '-Dc_args=-m32', '-Dc_link_args=-m32', 'builddir/clang_cpp17_debug_32'],
# c++20
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache clang++', 'meson', 'setup', '--buildtype', 'debug', '-Dcpp_std=c++20', 'builddir/clang_cpp20_debug'],
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache g++', 'meson', 'setup', '--buildtype', 'debug', '-Dcpp_std=c++20', 'builddir/gcc_cpp20_debug'],
# coverage; use "ninja clean && ninja test && ninja coverage"
#['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache clang++', 'meson', 'setup', '-Db_coverage=true', 'builddir/coverage'],
# sanitizers
# It is not possible to combine more than one of the -fsanitize=address, -fsanitize=thread, and -fsanitize=memory checkers in the same program.
# see https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html#controlling-code-generation
# can't use ccache, it doesn't work with the ignorelist.txt
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache g++', 'meson', 'setup', '-Db_sanitize=address', 'builddir/gcc_sanitize_address'],
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache clang++', 'meson', 'setup', '-Db_sanitize=address', 'builddir/clang_sanitize_address'],
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache g++', 'meson', 'setup', '-Db_sanitize=thread', 'builddir/gcc_sanitize_thread'],
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache clang++', 'meson', 'setup', '-Db_sanitize=thread', 'builddir/clang_sanitize_thread'],
# ['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache g++', 'meson', 'setup', '-Db_sanitize=memory', 'builddir/gcc_sanitize_memory'], # doesn't work due to STL, and ignore doesn't work either :-(
# ['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache clang++', 'meson', 'setup', '-Db_sanitize=memory', 'builddir/clang_sanitize_memory'], # doesn't work due to STL, and ignore doesn't work either :-(
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache g++', 'meson', 'setup', '-Db_sanitize=undefined', 'builddir/gcc_sanitize_undefined'],
['env', 'CXX_LD=mold', 'CXX=ccache clang++', 'meson', 'setup', '-Db_sanitize=undefined', 'builddir/clang_sanitize_undefined'],
root_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent
def run(cmd):
result = subprocess.run(cmd)
if result.returncode != 0:
for cmd_dir in cmd_and_dir:
workdir = cmd_dir[-1]
# setup
if not os.path.isdir(workdir):
out = run(cmd_dir)
# clean
run(['meson', 'compile', '--clean', '-C', workdir])
# compile everything
run(['meson', 'compile', '-C', workdir])
# test
#if workdir.find("clang_cpp17_debug") != -1:
# run(['meson', 'test', '--wrap=\'valgrind --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=1\'', '-q', '--print-errorlogs', '-C', workdir])
if workdir.find("hfuzz") == -1:
# no testing for hfuzz
run(['meson', 'test', '-q', '--print-errorlogs', '-C', workdir])
# coverage
if workdir.find("coverage") != -1:
run(['meson', 'compile', '--ninja-args', 'coverage', '-C', workdir])
for cmd_dir in cmd_and_dir:
workdir = cmd_dir[-1]