OSRM supports "profiles". Profiles representing routing behavior for different transport modes like car, bike and foot. You can also create profiles for variations like a fastest/shortest car profile or fastest/safest/greenest bicycles profile.
A profile describes whether or not it's possible to route along a particular type of way, whether we can pass a particular node, and how quickly we'll be traveling when we do. This feeds into the way the routing graph is created and thus influences the output routes.
It's important to understand that profiles are used when preprocessing the OSM data, NOT at query time when routes are computed.
This means that after modifying a profile **you will need to extract, contract and reload the data again** and to see changes in the routing results. See [Processing Flow](https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/wiki/Processing-Flow) for more.
## Profiles are written in LUA
Profiles are not just configuration files. They are scripts written in the [LUA scripting language](http://www.lua.org). The reason for this is that OpenStreetMap data is complex, and it's not possible to simply define tag mappings. LUA scripting offers a powerful way to handle all the possible tag combinations found in OpenStreetMap nodes and ways.
## Basic structure of profiles
A profile will process every node and way in the OSM input data to determine what ways are routable in which direction, at what speed, etc.
A profile will typically:
- Define api version (required)
- Require library files (optional)
- Define setup function (required)
- Define process functions (some are required)
- Return functions table (required)
A profile can also define various local functions it needs.
Looking at [car.lua](../profiles/car.lua) as an example, at the top of the file the api version is defined and then required library files are included.
Then follows the `setup` function, which is called once when the profile is loaded. It returns a big hash table of configurations, specifying things like what speed to use for different way types. The configurations are used later in the various processing functions. Many adjustments can be done just by modifying this configuration table.
Then come the `process_node` and `process_way` functions, which are called for each OSM node and way when extracting OpenStreetMap data with `osrm-extract`.
Profiles can also define a `process_segment` function to handle differences in speed along an OSM way, for example to handle elevation. As you can see, this is not currently used in the car profile.
Because speeds vary on different types of roads, the shortest and the fastest route are typically different. But there are many other possible preferences. For example a user might prefer a bicycle route that follow parks or other green areas, even though both duration and distance are a bit longer.
To handle this, OSRM doesn't simply choose the ways with the highest speed. Instead it uses the concepts of `weight` and `rate`. The rate is an abstract measure that you can assign to ways as you like to make some ways preferable to others. Routing will prefer ways with high rate.
The weight of a way is normally computed as length / rate. The weight can be thought of as the resistance or cost when passing the way. Routing will prefer ways with low weight.
You should set the speed to your best estimate of the actual speed that will be used on a particular way. This will result in the best estimated travel times.
If you want to prefer certain ways due to other factors than the speed, adjust the rate accordingly. If you adjust the speed, the time estimation will be skewed.
A profile should set `api_version` at the top of your profile. This is done to ensure that older profiles are still supported when the api changes. If `api_version` is not defined, 0 will be assumed. The current api version is 2.
They all return a table of functions when you use `require` to load them. You can either store this table and reference its functions later, or if you need only a single function you can store that directly.
The `setup` function is called once when the profile is loaded and must return a table of configurations. It's also where you can do other global setup, like loading data sources that are used during processing.
Note that processing of data is parallelized and several unconnected LUA interpreters will be running at the same time. The `setup` function will be called once for each. Each LUA iinterpreter will have its own set of globals.
force_split_edges | Boolean | True value forces a split of forward and backward edges of extracted ways and guarantees that `process_segment` will be called for all segments (default `false`)
excludable | Sequence of Sets | Determines which class-combinations are supported by the `exclude` option at query time. E.g. `Sequence{Set{"ferry", "motorway"}, Set{"motorway"}}` will allow you to exclude ferries and motorways, or only motorways.
classes | Sequence | Determines the allowed classes that can be referenced using `{forward,backward}_classes` on the way in the `process_way` function.
restrictions | Sequence | Determines which turn restrictions will be used for this profile.
Given an OpenStreetMap way, the `process_way` function will either return nothing (meaning we are not going to route over this way at all), or it will set up a result hash.
Importantly it will set `result.forward_mode` and `result.backward_mode` to indicate the travel mode in each direction, as well as set `result.forward_speed` and `result.backward_speed` to integer values representing the speed for traversing the way.
It will also set a number of other attributes on `result`.
Using the power of the scripting language you wouldn't typically see something as simple as a `result.forward_speed = 20` line within the `process_way` function. Instead `process_way` will examine the tag set on the way, process this information in various ways, calling other local functions and referencing the configuration in `profile`, etc., before arriving at the result.
forward_rate | Float | Routing weight, expressed as meters/*weight* (e.g. for a fastest-route weighting, you would want this to be meters/second, so set it to forward_speed/3.6)
forward_classes | Table | Mark this way as being of a specific class, e.g. `result.classes["toll"] = true`. This will be exposed in the API as `classes` on each `RouteStep`.
forward_restricted | Boolean | Is this a restricted access road? (e.g. private, or deliveries only; used to enable high turn penalty, so that way is only chosen for start/end of route)
On OpenStreetMap way cannot have different tags on different parts of a way. Instead you would split the way into several smaller ways. However many ways are long. For example, many ways pass hills without any change in tags.
Processing each segment of an OSM way makes it possible to have different speeds on different parts of a way based on external data like data about elevation, pollution, noise or scenic value and adjust weight and duration of the segment accordingly.
In the `process_segment` function you don't have access to OSM tags. Instead you use the geographical location of the start and end point of the way to look up information from another data source, like elevation data. See [rasterbot.lua](../profiles/rasterbot.lua) for an example.
The `process_turn` function is called for every possible turn in the network. Based on the angle and type of turn you assign the weight and duration of the movement.
The guidance parameters in profiles are currently a work in progress. They can and will change.
Please be aware of this when using guidance configuration possibilities.
Guidance uses road classes to decide on when/if to emit specific instructions and to discover which road is obvious when following a route.
Classification uses three flags and a priority-category.
The flags indicate whether a road is a motorway (required for on/off ramps), a link type (the ramps itself, if also a motorway) and whether a road may be omitted in considerations (is considered purely for connectivity).
The priority-category influences the decision which road is considered the obvious choice and which roads can be seen as fork.
Forks can be emitted between roads of similar priority category only. Obvious choices follow a major priority road, if the priority difference is large.
OSRM has built-in support for loading an interpolating raster data in ASCII format. This can be used e.g. for factoring in elevation when computing routes.
Use `raster:load()` in your `setup` function to load data and store the source in your configuration hash:
function setup()
return {
raster_source = raster:load(
"rastersource.asc", -- file to load
0, -- longitude min
0.1, -- longitude max
0, -- latitude min
0.1, -- latitude max
5, -- number of rows
4 -- number of columns
The input data must an ASCII file with rows of integers. e.g.:
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 250
0 0 250 500
0 0 0 250
0 0 0 0
In your `segment_function` you can then access the raster source and use `raster:query()` to query to find the nearest data point, or `raster:interpolate()` to interpolate a value based on nearby data points.
You must check whether the result is valid before use it.
function process_segment (profile, segment)
local sourceData = raster:query(profile.raster_source, segment.source.lon, segment.source.lat)
local targetData = raster:query(profile.raster_source, segment.target.lon, segment.target.lat)