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Raw Normal View History

open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt.
#include "DescriptionFactory.h"
DescriptionFactory::DescriptionFactory() : entireLength(0) { }
DescriptionFactory::~DescriptionFactory() { }
inline double DescriptionFactory::DegreeToRadian(const double degree) const {
return degree * (M_PI/180);
inline double DescriptionFactory::RadianToDegree(const double radian) const {
return radian * (180/M_PI);
2013-08-14 07:12:28 -04:00
double DescriptionFactory::GetBearing(
const FixedPointCoordinate & A,
const FixedPointCoordinate & B
) const {
2013-08-05 12:37:42 -04:00
double deltaLong = DegreeToRadian(B.lon/COORDINATE_PRECISION - A.lon/COORDINATE_PRECISION);
2013-08-05 12:37:42 -04:00
double lat1 = DegreeToRadian(A.lat/COORDINATE_PRECISION);
double lat2 = DegreeToRadian(B.lat/COORDINATE_PRECISION);
double y = sin(deltaLong) * cos(lat2);
double x = cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(deltaLong);
double result = RadianToDegree(atan2(y, x));
while(result <= 0.)
result += 360.;
while(result >= 360.)
result -= 360.;
return result;
void DescriptionFactory::SetStartSegment(const PhantomNode & _startPhantom) {
startPhantom = _startPhantom;
AppendSegment(_startPhantom.location, _PathData(0, _startPhantom.nodeBasedEdgeNameID, 10, _startPhantom.weight1));
void DescriptionFactory::SetEndSegment(const PhantomNode & _targetPhantom) {
targetPhantom = _targetPhantom;
pathDescription.push_back(SegmentInformation(_targetPhantom.location, _targetPhantom.nodeBasedEdgeNameID, 0, _targetPhantom.weight1, 0, true) );
2013-08-14 07:12:28 -04:00
void DescriptionFactory::AppendSegment(const FixedPointCoordinate & coordinate, const _PathData & data ) {
if(1 == pathDescription.size() && pathDescription.back().location == coordinate) {
pathDescription.back().nameID = data.nameID;
} else {
pathDescription.push_back(SegmentInformation(coordinate, data.nameID, 0, data.durationOfSegment, data.turnInstruction) );
void DescriptionFactory::AppendEncodedPolylineString(std::string & output, bool isEncoded) {
pc.printEncodedString(pathDescription, output);
pc.printUnencodedString(pathDescription, output);
void DescriptionFactory::AppendEncodedPolylineString(std::string &output) {
pc.printEncodedString(pathDescription, output);
void DescriptionFactory::AppendUnencodedPolylineString(std::string &output) {
pc.printUnencodedString(pathDescription, output);
2013-09-19 12:54:30 -04:00
// void DescriptionFactory::Run(const SearchEngine &sEngine, const unsigned zoomLevel) {
// if(0 == pathDescription.size())
// return;
// // unsigned entireLength = 0;
// /** starts at index 1 */
// pathDescription[0].length = 0;
// for(unsigned i = 1; i < pathDescription.size(); ++i) {
// pathDescription[i].length = ApproximateEuclideanDistance(pathDescription[i-1].location, pathDescription[i].location);
// }
// double lengthOfSegment = 0;
// unsigned durationOfSegment = 0;
// unsigned indexOfSegmentBegin = 0;
// std::string string0 = sEngine.GetEscapedNameForNameID(pathDescription[0].nameID);
// std::string string1;
// /*Simplify turn instructions
// Input :
// 10. Turn left on B 36 for 20 km
// 11. Continue on B 35; B 36 for 2 km
// 12. Continue on B 36 for 13 km
// becomes:
// 10. Turn left on B 36 for 35 km
// */
// //TODO: rework to check only end and start of string.
// // stl string is way to expensive
// // unsigned lastTurn = 0;
// // for(unsigned i = 1; i < pathDescription.size(); ++i) {
// // string1 = sEngine.GetEscapedNameForNameID(pathDescription[i].nameID);
// // if(TurnInstructionsClass::GoStraight == pathDescription[i].turnInstruction) {
// // if(std::string::npos != string0.find(string1+";")
// // || std::string::npos != string0.find(";"+string1)
// // || std::string::npos != string0.find(string1+" ;")
// // || std::string::npos != string0.find("; "+string1)
// // ){
// // SimpleLogger().Write() << "->next correct: " << string0 << " contains " << string1;
// // for(; lastTurn != i; ++lastTurn)
// // pathDescription[lastTurn].nameID = pathDescription[i].nameID;
// // pathDescription[i].turnInstruction = TurnInstructionsClass::NoTurn;
// // } else if(std::string::npos != string1.find(string0+";")
// // || std::string::npos != string1.find(";"+string0)
// // || std::string::npos != string1.find(string0+" ;")
// // || std::string::npos != string1.find("; "+string0)
// // ){
// // SimpleLogger().Write() << "->prev correct: " << string1 << " contains " << string0;
// // pathDescription[i].nameID = pathDescription[i-1].nameID;
// // pathDescription[i].turnInstruction = TurnInstructionsClass::NoTurn;
// // }
// // }
// // if (TurnInstructionsClass::NoTurn != pathDescription[i].turnInstruction) {
// // lastTurn = i;
// // }
// // string0 = string1;
// // }
// for(unsigned i = 1; i < pathDescription.size(); ++i) {
// entireLength += pathDescription[i].length;
// lengthOfSegment += pathDescription[i].length;
// durationOfSegment += pathDescription[i].duration;
// pathDescription[indexOfSegmentBegin].length = lengthOfSegment;
// pathDescription[indexOfSegmentBegin].duration = durationOfSegment;
// if(TurnInstructionsClass::NoTurn != pathDescription[i].turnInstruction) {
// //SimpleLogger().Write() << "Turn after " << lengthOfSegment << "m into way with name id " << segment.nameID;
// assert(pathDescription[i].necessary);
// lengthOfSegment = 0;
// durationOfSegment = 0;
// indexOfSegmentBegin = i;
// }
// }
// // SimpleLogger().Write() << "#segs: " << pathDescription.size();
// //Post-processing to remove empty or nearly empty path segments
// if(FLT_EPSILON > pathDescription.back().length) {
// // SimpleLogger().Write() << "#segs: " << pathDescription.size() << ", last ratio: " << targetPhantom.ratio << ", length: " << pathDescription.back().length;
// if(pathDescription.size() > 2){
// pathDescription.pop_back();
// pathDescription.back().necessary = true;
// pathDescription.back().turnInstruction = TurnInstructions.NoTurn;
// targetPhantom.nodeBasedEdgeNameID = (pathDescription.end()-2)->nameID;
// // SimpleLogger().Write() << "Deleting last turn instruction";
// }
// } else {
// pathDescription[indexOfSegmentBegin].duration *= (1.-targetPhantom.ratio);
// }
// if(FLT_EPSILON > pathDescription[0].length) {
// //TODO: this is never called actually?
// if(pathDescription.size() > 2) {
// pathDescription.erase(pathDescription.begin());
// pathDescription[0].turnInstruction = TurnInstructions.HeadOn;
// pathDescription[0].necessary = true;
// startPhantom.nodeBasedEdgeNameID = pathDescription[0].nameID;
// // SimpleLogger().Write() << "Deleting first turn instruction, ratio: " << startPhantom.ratio << ", length: " << pathDescription[0].length;
// }
// } else {
// pathDescription[0].duration *= startPhantom.ratio;
// }
// //Generalize poly line
// dp.Run(pathDescription, zoomLevel);
// //fix what needs to be fixed else
// for(unsigned i = 0; i < pathDescription.size()-1 && pathDescription.size() >= 2; ++i){
// if(pathDescription[i].necessary) {
// double angle = GetBearing(pathDescription[i].location, pathDescription[i+1].location);
// pathDescription[i].bearing = angle;
// }
// }
// // BuildRouteSummary(entireLength, duration);
// return;
// }
void DescriptionFactory::BuildRouteSummary(const double distance, const unsigned time) {
summary.startName = startPhantom.nodeBasedEdgeNameID;
summary.destName = targetPhantom.nodeBasedEdgeNameID;
summary.BuildDurationAndLengthStrings(distance, time);