154 lines
4.0 KiB
154 lines
4.0 KiB
#include "catch.hpp"
#include <locale>
#include <osmium/io/detail/string_util.hpp>
TEST_CASE("output formatted") {
std::string out;
SECTION("small results") {
osmium::io::detail::append_printf_formatted_string(out, "%d", 17);
REQUIRE(out == "17");
SECTION("several parameters") {
osmium::io::detail::append_printf_formatted_string(out, "%d %s", 17, "foo");
REQUIRE(out == "17 foo");
SECTION("string already containing something") {
out += "foo";
osmium::io::detail::append_printf_formatted_string(out, " %d", 23);
REQUIRE(out == "foo 23");
SECTION("large results") {
const char* str =
osmium::io::detail::append_printf_formatted_string(out, "%s", str);
REQUIRE(out == str);
TEST_CASE("UTF8 encoding") {
std::string out;
SECTION("append to string") {
out += "1234";
osmium::io::detail::append_utf8_encoded_string(out, "abc");
REQUIRE(out == "1234abc");
SECTION("don't encode alphabetic characters") {
const char* s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
osmium::io::detail::append_utf8_encoded_string(out, s);
REQUIRE(out == s);
SECTION("don't encode numeric characters") {
const char* s = "0123456789";
osmium::io::detail::append_utf8_encoded_string(out, s);
REQUIRE(out == s);
SECTION("don't encode lots of often used characters characters") {
const char* s = ".-;:_#+";
osmium::io::detail::append_utf8_encoded_string(out, s);
REQUIRE(out == s);
SECTION("encode characters that are special in OPL") {
osmium::io::detail::append_utf8_encoded_string(out, " \n,=@");
REQUIRE(out == "%20%%0a%%2c%%3d%%40%");
// workaround for missing support for u8 string literals on Windows
#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
SECTION("encode multibyte character") {
osmium::io::detail::append_utf8_encoded_string(out, u8"\u30dc_\U0001d11e_\U0001f6eb");
REQUIRE(out == "%30dc%_%1d11e%_%1f6eb%");
TEST_CASE("html encoding") {
std::string out;
SECTION("do not encode normal characters") {
const char* s = "abc123,.-";
osmium::io::detail::append_xml_encoded_string(out, s);
REQUIRE(out == s);
SECTION("encode special XML characters") {
const char* s = "& \" \' < > \n \r \t";
osmium::io::detail::append_xml_encoded_string(out, s);
REQUIRE(out == "& " ' < > 
TEST_CASE("debug encoding") {
std::string out;
SECTION("do not encode normal characters") {
const char* s = "abc123,.-";
osmium::io::detail::append_debug_encoded_string(out, s, "[", "]");
REQUIRE(out == s);
SECTION("encode some unicode characters") {
const char* s = u8"\n_\u30dc_\U0001d11e_\U0001f6eb";
osmium::io::detail::append_debug_encoded_string(out, s, "[", "]");
REQUIRE(out == "[<U+000A>]_[<U+30DC>]_[<U+1D11E>]_[<U+1F6EB>]");
TEST_CASE("encoding of non-printable characters in the first 127 characters") {
std::locale cloc("C");
char s[] = "a\0";
for (char c = 1; c < 0x7f; ++c) {
std::string out;
s[0] = c;
SECTION("utf8 encode") {
osmium::io::detail::append_utf8_encoded_string(out, s);
if (!std::isprint(c, cloc)) {
REQUIRE(out[0] == '%');
SECTION("debug encode") {
osmium::io::detail::append_debug_encoded_string(out, s, "", "");
if (!std::isprint(c, cloc)) {
REQUIRE(out[0] == '<');