
400 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "engine/plugins/plugin_base.hpp"
#include "osrm/json_container.hpp"
#include <protozero/varint.hpp>
#include <protozero/pbf_writer.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
* This plugin generates Mapbox Vector tiles that show the internal
* routing geometry and speed values on all road segments.
* You can use this along with a vector-tile viewer, like Mapbox GL,
* to display maps that show the exact road network that
* OSRM is routing. This is very useful for debugging routing
* errors
namespace osrm
namespace engine
namespace plugins
// from mapnik/well_known_srs.hpp
static const double EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137.0;
static const double EARTH_DIAMETER = EARTH_RADIUS * 2.0;
static const double MAXEXTENT = EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE / 2.0;
static const double M_PI_by2 = M_PI / 2.0;
static const double D2R = M_PI / 180.0;
static const double R2D = 180.0 / M_PI;
static const double M_PIby360 = M_PI / 360.0;
static const double MAXEXTENTby180 = MAXEXTENT / 180.0;
static const double MAX_LATITUDE = R2D * (2.0 * std::atan(std::exp(180.0 * D2R)) - M_PI_by2);
// from mapnik-vector-tile
namespace detail_pbf {
inline unsigned encode_length(unsigned len)
return (len << 3u) | 2u;
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Converts a regular WSG84 lon/lat pair into
// a mercator coordinate
inline void lonlat2merc(double & x, double & y)
if (x > 180) x = 180;
else if (x < -180) x = -180;
else if (y < -MAX_LATITUDE) y = -MAX_LATITUDE;
x = x * MAXEXTENTby180;
y = std::log(std::tan((90 + y) * M_PIby360)) * R2D;
y = y * MAXEXTENTby180;
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// This is the global default tile size for all Mapbox Vector Tiles
const static double tile_size_ = 256.0;
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
void from_pixels(double shift, double & x, double & y)
double b = shift/2.0;
x = (x - b)/(shift/360.0);
double g = (y - b)/-(shift/(2 * M_PI));
y = R2D * (2.0 * std::atan(std::exp(g)) - M_PI_by2);
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Converts a WMS tile coordinate (z,x,y) into a mercator bounding box
void xyz2mercator(int x,
int y,
int z,
double & minx,
double & miny,
double & maxx,
double & maxy)
minx = x * tile_size_;
miny = (y + 1.0) * tile_size_;
maxx = (x + 1.0) * tile_size_;
maxy = y * tile_size_;
double shift = std::pow(2.0,z) * tile_size_;
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Converts a WMS tile coordinate (z,x,y) into a wsg84 bounding box
void xyz2wsg84(int x,
int y,
int z,
double & minx,
double & miny,
double & maxx,
double & maxy)
minx = x * tile_size_;
miny = (y + 1.0) * tile_size_;
maxx = (x + 1.0) * tile_size_;
maxy = y * tile_size_;
double shift = std::pow(2.0,z) * tile_size_;
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// emulates mapbox::box2d, just a simple container for
// a box
class bbox {
double minx;
double miny;
double maxx;
double maxy;
bbox(double _minx,double _miny,double _maxx,double _maxy) :
maxy(_maxy) { }
double width() const {
return maxx - minx;
double height() const {
return maxy - miny;
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Simple container class for WSG84 coordinates
class point_type_d {
double x;
double y;
point_type_d(double _x, double _y) :
y(_y) {
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Simple container for integer coordinates (i.e. pixel coords)
class point_type_i {
std::int64_t x;
std::int64_t y;
point_type_i(std::int64_t _x, std::int64_t _y) :
y(_y) {
using line_type = std::vector<point_type_i>;
using line_typed = std::vector<point_type_d>;
// from mapnik-vector-tile
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Encodes a linestring using protobuf zigzag encoding
inline bool encode_linestring(line_type line,
protozero::packed_field_uint32 & geometry,
int32_t & start_x,
int32_t & start_y) {
std::size_t line_size = line.size();
//line_size -= detail_pbf::repeated_point_count(line);
if (line_size < 2)
return false;
unsigned line_to_length = static_cast<unsigned>(line_size) - 1;
auto pt = line.begin();
geometry.add_element(9); // move_to | (1 << 3)
geometry.add_element(protozero::encode_zigzag32(pt->x - start_x));
geometry.add_element(protozero::encode_zigzag32(pt->y - start_y));
start_x = pt->x;
start_y = pt->y;
for (++pt; pt != line.end(); ++pt)
int32_t dx = pt->x - start_x;
int32_t dy = pt->y - start_y;
/*if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
start_x = pt->x;
start_y = pt->y;
return true;
template <class DataFacadeT> class TilePlugin final : public BasePlugin
explicit TilePlugin(DataFacadeT *facade) : facade(facade), descriptor_string("tile") {}
const std::string GetDescriptor() const override final { return descriptor_string; }
Status HandleRequest(const RouteParameters &route_parameters,
util::json::Object &json_result) override final
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Vector tiles are 4096 virtual pixels on each side
const double tile_extent = 4096.0;
double min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat;
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Convert the z,x,y mercator tile coordinates into WSG84 lon/lat values
xyz2wsg84(route_parameters.x, route_parameters.y, route_parameters.z, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat);
FixedPointCoordinate southwest = { static_cast<int32_t>(min_lat * COORDINATE_PRECISION), static_cast<int32_t>(min_lon * COORDINATE_PRECISION) };
FixedPointCoordinate northeast = { static_cast<int32_t>(max_lat * COORDINATE_PRECISION), static_cast<int32_t>(max_lon * COORDINATE_PRECISION) };
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Fetch all the segments that are in our bounding box.
// This hits the OSRM StaticRTree
auto edges = facade->GetEdgesInBox(southwest, northeast);
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// TODO: extract speed values for compressed and uncompressed geometries
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Convert tile coordinates into mercator coordinates
xyz2mercator(route_parameters.x, route_parameters.y, route_parameters.z, min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat);
bbox tile_bbox(min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat);
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Protobuf serialized blocks when objects go out of scope, hence
// the extra scoping below.
std::string buffer;
protozero::pbf_writer tile_writer(buffer);
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Add a layer object to the PBF stream. 3=='layer' from the vector tile spec (2.1)
protozero::pbf_writer layer_writer(tile_writer,3);
// TODO: don't write a layer if there are no features
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Field 15 is the "version field, and it's a uint32
layer_writer.add_uint32(15,2); // version
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Field 1 is the "layer name" field, it's a string
layer_writer.add_string(1,"speeds"); // name
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Field 5 is the tile extent. It's a uint32 and should be set to 4096
// for normal vector tiles.
layer_writer.add_uint32(5,4096); // extent
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Begin the layer features block
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Each feature gets a unique id, starting at 1
unsigned id = 1;
for (const auto & edge : edges)
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Get coordinates for start/end nodes of segmet (NodeIDs u and v)
const auto a = facade->GetCoordinateOfNode(edge.u);
const auto b = facade->GetCoordinateOfNode(edge.v);
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Calculate the length in meters
double length = osrm::util::coordinate_calculation::haversineDistance( a.lon, a.lat, b.lon, b.lat );
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// If this is a valid forward edge, go ahead and add it to the tile
if (edge.forward_weight != 0 && edge.forward_edge_based_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID) {
std::int32_t start_x = 0;
std::int32_t start_y = 0;
line_typed geo_line;
geo_line.emplace_back(a.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION, a.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
geo_line.emplace_back(b.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION, b.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Calculate the speed for this line
uint32_t speed = static_cast<uint32_t>(round(length / edge.forward_weight * 10 *3.6));
line_type tile_line;
for (auto const & pt : geo_line) {
double px_merc = pt.x;
double py_merc = pt.y;
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// convert lon/lat to tile coordinates
2016-02-19 22:40:14 -05:00
const auto px = std::round(((px_merc - tile_bbox.minx) * tile_extent/16.0 / tile_bbox.width())*tile_extent/256.0);
const auto py = std::round(((tile_bbox.maxy - py_merc) * tile_extent/16.0 / tile_bbox.height())*tile_extent/256.0);
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Here, we save the two attributes for our feature: the speed and the is_small
// boolean. We onl serve up speeds from 0-139, so all we do is save the first
protozero::pbf_writer feature_writer(layer_writer,2);
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Field 3 is the "geometry type" field. Value 2 is "line"
feature_writer.add_enum(3,2); // geometry type
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Field 1 for the feature is the "id" field.
feature_writer.add_uint64(1,id++); // id
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// When adding attributes to a feature, we have to write
// pairs of numbers. The first value is the index in the
// keys array (written later), and the second value is the
// index into the "values" array (also written later). We're
// not writing the actual speed or bool value here, we're saving
// an index into the "values" array. This means many features
// can share the same value data, leading to smaller tiles.
protozero::packed_field_uint32 field(feature_writer, 2);
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
field.add_element(0); // "speed" tag key offset
field.add_element(std::min(speed, 127u)); // save the speed value, capped at 127
field.add_element(1); // "is_small" tag key offset
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
field.add_element(edge.component.is_tiny ? 0 : 1); // is_small feature
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Encode the geometry for the feature
protozero::packed_field_uint32 geometry(feature_writer,4);
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Repeat the above for the coordinates reversed and using the `reverse` properties
if (edge.reverse_weight != 0 && edge.reverse_edge_based_node_id != SPECIAL_NODEID) {
std::int32_t start_x = 0;
std::int32_t start_y = 0;
line_typed geo_line;
geo_line.emplace_back(b.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION, b.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
geo_line.emplace_back(a.lon / COORDINATE_PRECISION, a.lat / COORDINATE_PRECISION);
uint32_t speed = static_cast<uint32_t>(round(length / edge.forward_weight * 10 *3.6));
line_type tile_line;
for (auto const & pt : geo_line) {
double px_merc = pt.x;
double py_merc = pt.y;
// convert to integer tile coordinat
2016-02-19 22:40:14 -05:00
const auto px = std::round(((px_merc - tile_bbox.minx) * tile_extent/16.0 / tile_bbox.width())*tile_extent/256.0);
const auto py = std::round(((tile_bbox.maxy - py_merc) * tile_extent/16.0 / tile_bbox.height())*tile_extent/256.0);
protozero::pbf_writer feature_writer(layer_writer,2);
feature_writer.add_enum(3,2); // geometry type
feature_writer.add_uint64(1,id++); // id
protozero::packed_field_uint32 field(feature_writer, 2);
field.add_element(0); // "speed" tag key offset
field.add_element(std::min(speed, 127u)); // save the speed value, capped at 127
field.add_element(1); // "is_small" tag key offset
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
field.add_element(edge.component.is_tiny ? 0 : 1); // is_small feature
protozero::packed_field_uint32 geometry(feature_writer,4);
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Field id 3 is the "keys" attribute
// We need two "key" fields, these are referred to with 0 and 1 (their array indexes)
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// earlier
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Now, we write out the possible speed value arrays and possible is_tiny
// values. Field type 4 is the "values" field. It's a variable type field,
// so requires a two-step write (create the field, then write its value)
for (size_t i=0; i<128; i++) {
// Writing field type 4 == variant type
protozero::pbf_writer values_writer(layer_writer,4);
// Attribute value 5 == uin64 type
values_writer.add_uint64(5, i);
protozero::pbf_writer values_writer(layer_writer,4);
// Attribute value 7 == bool type
values_writer.add_bool(7, true);
protozero::pbf_writer values_writer(layer_writer,4);
// Attribute value 7 == bool type
values_writer.add_bool(7, false);
2016-02-20 04:01:40 -05:00
// Encode the PBF result as a special Buffer object on the response.
// This will allow downstream consumers to handle this type differently
// to the String type.
json_result.values["pbf"] = osrm::util::json::Buffer(buffer);
return Status::Ok;
DataFacadeT *facade;
std::string descriptor_string;
#endif /* TILEPLUGIN_HPP */