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open source routing machine
Copyright (C) Dennis Luxen, others 2010
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.txt.
#include <cmath>
#include "BasicRoutingInterface.h"
template<class QueryDataT>
class AlternativeRouting : private BasicRoutingInterface<QueryDataT>{
typedef BasicRoutingInterface<QueryDataT> super;
typedef std::pair<NodeID, int> PreselectedNode;
struct RankedCandidateNode {
RankedCandidateNode(NodeID n, int l, int s) : node(n), length(l), sharing(s) {}
NodeID node;
int length;
int sharing;
const bool operator<(const RankedCandidateNode& other) const {
return (2*length + sharing) < (2*other.length + other.sharing);
AlternativeRouting(QueryDataT & qd) : super(qd) { }
~AlternativeRouting() {}
int operator()(const PhantomNodes & phantomNodePair, std::vector<_PathData> & unpackedPath) {
std::vector<NodeID> alternativePath;
std::vector<NodeID> viaNodeCandidates;
int _lengthOfShortestPath = INT_MAX;
INFO("Checking for alternative between (" << phantomNodePair.startPhantom.location << ") and (" << phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.location << ")");
typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & forwardHeap = super::_queryData.forwardHeap;
typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & backwardHeap = super::_queryData.backwardHeap;
typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & forwardHeap2 = super::_queryData.forwardHeap2;
typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & backwardHea2 = super::_queryData.backwardHeap2;
//Initialize Queues
int _upperBound = INT_MAX;
NodeID middle = UINT_MAX;
forwardHeap->Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode);
if(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.isBidirected() ) {
forwardHeap->Insert(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1, -phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight2, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1);
backwardHeap->Insert(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode);
if(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.isBidirected() ) {
backwardHeap->Insert(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight2, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.edgeBasedNode+1);
int offset = (phantomNodePair.startPhantom.isBidirected() ? std::max(phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight2) : phantomNodePair.startPhantom.weight1) ;
offset += (phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.isBidirected() ? std::max(phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1, phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight2) : phantomNodePair.targetPhantom.weight1) ;
//exploration from s and t until deletemin/(1+epsilon) > _lengthOfShortestPath
while(forwardHeap->Size() + backwardHeap->Size() > 0){
if(forwardHeap->Size() > 0){
AlternativeRoutingStep(forwardHeap, backwardHeap, &middle, &_upperBound, 2*offset, true, viaNodeCandidates);
if(backwardHeap->Size() > 0){
AlternativeRoutingStep(backwardHeap, forwardHeap, &middle, &_upperBound, 2*offset, false, viaNodeCandidates);
std::sort(viaNodeCandidates.begin(), viaNodeCandidates.end());
int size = std::unique(viaNodeCandidates.begin(), viaNodeCandidates.end())- viaNodeCandidates.begin();
std::cout << "middle: " << middle << ", other: ";
for(unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if(middle != viaNodeCandidates[i])
std::cout << viaNodeCandidates[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
INFO("found " << viaNodeCandidates.size() << " nodes in search space intersection");
INFO("upper bound: " << _upperBound);
//ch-pruning of via nodes in both search spaces
std::vector< PreselectedNode> nodesThatPassPreselection;
BOOST_FOREACH(const NodeID node, viaNodeCandidates) {
if(node == middle)
// std::cout << "via path over " << node << std::endl;
int sharing = approximateAmountOfSharing(middle, node, forwardHeap, backwardHeap);
int length1 = forwardHeap->GetKey(node);
int length2 = backwardHeap->GetKey(node);
// std::cout << " length: " << length1+length2 << std::endl;
bool lengthPassed = (length1+length2 < _upperBound*1.25);
// std::cout << " length passed: " << (lengthPassed ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
// std::cout << " apx-sharing: " << sharing << std::endl;
bool sharingPassed = (sharing <= _upperBound*0.8);
// std::cout << " apx-sharing passed: " << ( sharingPassed ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
bool stretchPassed = length1+length2 - sharing < 1.25*(_upperBound-sharing);
// std::cout << " apx-stretch passed: " << ( stretchPassed ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
if(lengthPassed && sharingPassed && stretchPassed)
nodesThatPassPreselection.push_back(std::make_pair(node, length1+length2));
std::vector<RankedCandidateNode > rankedCandidates;
INFO(nodesThatPassPreselection.size() << " out of " << viaNodeCandidates.size() << " passed preselection");
//prioritizing via nodes
BOOST_FOREACH(const PreselectedNode node, nodesThatPassPreselection) {
int lengthOfViaPath = 0;
int sharingOfViaPath = 0;
computeLengthAndSharingOfViaPath(phantomNodePair, node, &lengthOfViaPath, &sharingOfViaPath, offset, middle);
rankedCandidates.push_back(RankedCandidateNode(node.first, lengthOfViaPath, sharingOfViaPath));
std::sort(rankedCandidates.begin(), rankedCandidates.end());
NodeID selectedViaNode = UINT_MAX;
BOOST_FOREACH(const RankedCandidateNode candidate, rankedCandidates){
//TODO: select first admissable
//TODO: conduct T-Test
// selectedViaNode = candidate.node;
selectedViaNode = rankedCandidates[0].node;
//TODO: compute and unpack <s,..,v> and <v,..,t> by exploring search spaces from v and intersecting against queues
//TODO: Same (co-)routines necessary as for computing length and sharing
retrievePackedViaPath(forwardHeap, backwardHeap, forwardHeap, backwardHea2, selectedViaNode, unpackedPath);
return 0;
inline void retrievePackedViaPath(typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & _forwardHeap1, typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & _backwardHeap1, typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & _forwardHeap2, typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & _backwardHeap2, const NodeID viaNode, std::vector<_PathData> & unpackedPath) {
//unpack s,v
std::deque<NodeID> packed_s_v_path, packed_v_t_path;
std::cout << "1" << std::endl;
//super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(_forwardHeap1, _backwardHeap2, viaNode, packed_s_v_path);
std::cout << "2" << std::endl;
super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(_forwardHeap2, _backwardHeap1, viaNode, packed_v_t_path);
std::cout << "3" << std::endl;
packed_s_v_path.insert(packed_s_v_path.end(),packed_v_t_path.begin(), packed_v_t_path.end() );
std::cout << "4" << std::endl;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < packed_s_v_path.size(); ++i)
std::cout << packed_s_v_path[i] << " " << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
super::UnpackPath(packed_s_v_path, unpackedPath);
inline void computeLengthAndSharingOfViaPath(const PhantomNodes & phantomNodePair, const PreselectedNode& node, int *lengthOfViaPath, int *sharingOfViaPath, const int offset, const NodeID middleOfShortestPath) {
//compute and unpack <s,..,v> and <v,..,t> by exploring search spaces from v and intersecting against queues
//only half-searches have to be done at this stage
std::cout << "deep check for via path " << node.first << std::endl;
typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & existingForwardHeap = super::_queryData.forwardHeap;
typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & existingBackwardHeap = super::_queryData.backwardHeap;
typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & newForwardHeap = super::_queryData.forwardHeap2;
typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & newBackwardHeap = super::_queryData.backwardHeap2;
NodeID s_v_middle = UINT_MAX;
int upperBoundFor_s_v_Path = INT_MAX;//existingForwardHeap->GetKey(node.first);
//compute path <s,..,v> by reusing forward search from s
newBackwardHeap->Insert(node.first, 0, node.first);
while(newBackwardHeap->Size() > 0){
super::RoutingStep(newBackwardHeap, existingForwardHeap, &s_v_middle, &upperBoundFor_s_v_Path, 2*offset, false);
std::cout << " length of <s,..,v>: " << upperBoundFor_s_v_Path << " with middle node " << s_v_middle << std::endl;
//compute path <v,..,t> by reusing backward search from t
NodeID v_t_middle = UINT_MAX;
int upperBoundFor_v_t_Path = INT_MAX;//existingBackwardHeap->GetKey(node.first);
newForwardHeap->Insert(node.first, 0, node.first);
while(newForwardHeap->Size() > 0){
super::RoutingStep(newForwardHeap, existingBackwardHeap, &v_t_middle, &upperBoundFor_v_t_Path, 2*offset, true);
std::cout << " length of <v,..,t>: " << upperBoundFor_v_t_Path << " with middle node " << v_t_middle << std::endl;
*lengthOfViaPath = upperBoundFor_s_v_Path+upperBoundFor_v_t_Path;
std::cout << " exact length of via path: " << *lengthOfViaPath << std::endl;
std::deque<NodeID> packedShortestPath;
std::deque<NodeID> packed_s_v_path;
std::deque<NodeID> packed_v_t_path;
//retrieve packed paths
std::cout << " retrieving packed path for middle nodes " << middleOfShortestPath << "," << s_v_middle << "," << v_t_middle << " (shorstest, sv, vt)" << std::endl;
super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(existingForwardHeap, existingBackwardHeap, middleOfShortestPath, packedShortestPath);
super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(existingForwardHeap, newBackwardHeap, s_v_middle, packed_s_v_path);
super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(newForwardHeap, existingBackwardHeap, v_t_middle,packed_v_t_path);
std::cout << "packed sv: ";
for(unsigned i = 0; i < packed_s_v_path.size(); ++i) {
std::cout << packed_s_v_path[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "packed vt: ";
for(unsigned i = 0; i < packed_v_t_path.size(); ++i) {
std::cout << packed_v_t_path[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "packed shortest: ";
for(unsigned i = 0; i < packedShortestPath.size(); ++i) {
std::cout << packedShortestPath[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
typedef std::pair<NodeID, NodeID> UnpackEdge;
std::stack<UnpackEdge > unpackStack;
//TODO: partial unpacking, compute sharing
//First partially unpack s-->v until paths deviate, note length of common path.
std::cout << "length of packed sv-path: " << packed_s_v_path.size() << ", length of packed shortest path: " << packedShortestPath.size() << std::endl;
for(unsigned i = 0, lengthOfPackedPath = std::min(packed_s_v_path.size(), packedShortestPath.size() ) - 1; (i < lengthOfPackedPath) && unpackStack.empty(); ++i ) {
std::cout << " checking indices [" << i << "] and [" << (i+1) << "]" << std::endl;
if(packed_s_v_path[i] == packedShortestPath[i] && packed_s_v_path[i+1] == packedShortestPath[i+1]) {
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeID = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(packed_s_v_path[i], packed_s_v_path[i+1]);
*sharingOfViaPath += super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
} else {
if(packed_s_v_path[i] == packedShortestPath[i]) {
unpackStack.push(std::make_pair(packed_s_v_path[i], packed_s_v_path[i+1]));
unpackStack.push(std::make_pair(packedShortestPath[i], packedShortestPath[i+1]));
while(!unpackStack.empty()) {
UnpackEdge shortestPathEdge = unpackStack.top(); unpackStack.pop();
UnpackEdge viaPathEdge = unpackStack.top(); unpackStack.pop();
std::cout << " unpacking edges (" << shortestPathEdge.first << "," << shortestPathEdge.second << ") and (" << viaPathEdge.first << "," << viaPathEdge.second << ")" << std::endl;
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeIDInShortestPath = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(shortestPathEdge.first, shortestPathEdge.second);
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeIDInViaPath = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(viaPathEdge.first, viaPathEdge.second);
std::cout << " ids are " << edgeIDInShortestPath << " (shortest) and " << edgeIDInViaPath << " (via)" << std::endl;
bool IsShortestPathEdgeShortCut = super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInShortestPath).shortcut;
bool IsViaEdgeShortCut = super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInViaPath).shortcut;
const NodeID middleOfShortestPath = !IsShortestPathEdgeShortCut ? UINT_MAX : super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInShortestPath).id;
const NodeID middleOfViaPath = !IsViaEdgeShortCut ? UINT_MAX : super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInViaPath).id;
if(IsShortestPathEdgeShortCut || IsViaEdgeShortCut) {
if(middleOfShortestPath != middleOfViaPath) { // unpack first segment
//put first segment of via edge on stack, else take the segment already available
unpackStack.push(std::make_pair(viaPathEdge.first, middleOfViaPath));
//put first segment of shortest path edge on stack if not a shortcut, else take the segment already available
unpackStack.push(std::make_pair(shortestPathEdge.first, middleOfShortestPath));
} else { // unpack second segment
unpackStack.push(std::make_pair(middleOfViaPath, viaPathEdge.second));
//put first segment of shortest path edge on stack if not a shortcut, else take the segment already available
unpackStack.push(std::make_pair(middleOfShortestPath, shortestPathEdge.second ));
//add length of first segment to amount of sharing
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeIDInViaPath = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(viaPathEdge.first, viaPathEdge.second);
*sharingOfViaPath += super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInViaPath).distance;
std::cout << "sharing of SV-Path: " << *sharingOfViaPath << std::endl;
//Second, partially unpack v-->t in reverse until paths deviate and note lengths
unsigned viaPathIndex = packed_v_t_path.size()-1;
unsigned shortestPathIndex = packedShortestPath.size() -1;
std::cout << "length of packed vt-path: " << packed_v_t_path.size() << ", length of packed shortest path: " << packedShortestPath.size() << std::endl;
for( ; viaPathIndex>0 && shortestPathIndex>0; ) {
// std::cout << " checking indices [" << shortestPathIndex << "] and [" << (shortestPathIndex-1) << "] (shortest) as well as [" << shortestPathIndex << "] and [" << (shortestPathIndex-1) << "]" << std::endl;
if(packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex-1] == packedShortestPath[shortestPathIndex-1] && packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex] == packedShortestPath[shortestPathIndex]) {
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeID = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex-1], packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex]);
// std::cout << "Id of edge (" << packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex-1] << "," << packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex] << ") : " << edgeID << std::endl;
*sharingOfViaPath += super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
} else {
if(packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex] == packedShortestPath[shortestPathIndex]) {
unpackStack.push(std::make_pair(packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex-1], packed_v_t_path[viaPathIndex]));
unpackStack.push(std::make_pair(packedShortestPath[shortestPathIndex-1], packedShortestPath[shortestPathIndex]));
--viaPathIndex; --shortestPathIndex;
while(!unpackStack.empty()) {
UnpackEdge shortestPathEdge = unpackStack.top(); unpackStack.pop();
UnpackEdge viaPathEdge = unpackStack.top(); unpackStack.pop();
std::cout << " unpacking edges (" << shortestPathEdge.first << "," << shortestPathEdge.second << ") and (" << viaPathEdge.first << "," << viaPathEdge.second << ")" << std::endl;
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeIDInShortestPath = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(shortestPathEdge.first, shortestPathEdge.second);
// std::cout << "!" << std::endl;
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeIDInViaPath = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(viaPathEdge.first, viaPathEdge.second);
std::cout << " ids are " << edgeIDInShortestPath << " (shortest) and " << edgeIDInViaPath << " (via)" << std::endl;
bool IsShortestPathEdgeShortCut = super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInShortestPath).shortcut;
bool IsViaEdgeShortCut = super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInViaPath).shortcut;
const NodeID middleOfShortestPath = !IsShortestPathEdgeShortCut ? UINT_MAX : super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInShortestPath).id;
const NodeID middleOfViaPath = !IsViaEdgeShortCut ? UINT_MAX : super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInViaPath).id;
std::cout << " shortest shrtcut: " << (IsShortestPathEdgeShortCut ? "yes": "no") << "(" <<middleOfShortestPath << ") , via shrtcut: "
<< (IsViaEdgeShortCut ? "yes" : "no") << "(" << middleOfViaPath << ")" << std::endl;
if(IsShortestPathEdgeShortCut || IsViaEdgeShortCut) {
if(middleOfShortestPath == middleOfViaPath) { // unpack first segment
//put first segment of via edge on stack, else take the segment already available
std::cout << " unpacking first segment" << std::endl;
unpackStack.push(std::make_pair(viaPathEdge.first, middleOfViaPath));
//put first segment of shortest path edge on stack if not a shortcut, else take the segment already available
unpackStack.push(std::make_pair(shortestPathEdge.first, middleOfShortestPath));
//add length of first segment to amount of sharing
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeIDInViaPath = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(viaPathEdge.first, viaPathEdge.second);
*sharingOfViaPath += super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeIDInViaPath).distance;
} else { // unpack second segment
std::cout << " unpacking second segment" << std::endl;
unpackStack.push(std::make_pair(middleOfViaPath, viaPathEdge.second));
//put first segment of shortest path edge on stack if not a shortcut, else take the segment already available
unpackStack.push(std::make_pair(middleOfShortestPath, shortestPathEdge.second ));
std::cout << "sharing of SVT-Path: " << *sharingOfViaPath << std::endl;
inline int approximateAmountOfSharing(const NodeID middleNodeIDOfShortestPath, const NodeID middleNodeIDOfAlternativePath, typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & _forwardHeap, typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & _backwardHeap) {
std::deque<NodeID> packedShortestPath;
std::deque<NodeID> packedAlternativePath;
super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(_forwardHeap, _backwardHeap, middleNodeIDOfShortestPath, packedShortestPath);
super::RetrievePackedPathFromHeap(_forwardHeap, _backwardHeap, middleNodeIDOfAlternativePath, packedAlternativePath);
int sharing = 0;
int aindex = 0;
//compute forward sharing
while( (packedAlternativePath[aindex] == packedShortestPath[aindex]) && (packedAlternativePath[aindex+1] == packedShortestPath[aindex+1]) ) {
// INFO("retrieving edge (" << packedAlternativePath[aindex] << "," << packedAlternativePath[aindex+1] << ")");
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeID = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(packedAlternativePath[aindex], packedAlternativePath[aindex+1]);
sharing += super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
aindex = packedAlternativePath.size()-1;
int bindex = packedShortestPath.size()-1;
//compute backward sharing
while( (packedAlternativePath[aindex] == packedShortestPath[bindex]) && (packedAlternativePath[aindex-1] == packedShortestPath[bindex-1]) ) {
typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edgeID = super::_queryData.graph->FindEdgeInEitherDirection(packedAlternativePath[aindex], packedAlternativePath[aindex-1]);
sharing += super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edgeID).distance;
--aindex; --bindex;
return sharing;
inline void AlternativeRoutingStep(typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & _forwardHeap, typename QueryDataT::HeapPtr & _backwardHeap, NodeID *middle, int *_upperbound, const int edgeBasedOffset, const bool forwardDirection, std::vector<NodeID>& searchSpaceIntersection) const {
const NodeID node = _forwardHeap->DeleteMin();
const int distance = _forwardHeap->GetKey(node);
if(_backwardHeap->WasInserted(node) ){
const int newDistance = _backwardHeap->GetKey(node) + distance;
if(newDistance < *_upperbound ){
if(newDistance>=0 ) {
INFO("upper bound decrease to: " << newDistance);
*middle = node;
*_upperbound = newDistance;
//0.8 implies an epsilon of 25%
if((distance-edgeBasedOffset)*0.8 > *_upperbound){
for ( typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeIterator edge = super::_queryData.graph->BeginEdges( node ); edge < super::_queryData.graph->EndEdges(node); edge++ ) {
const typename QueryDataT::Graph::EdgeData & data = super::_queryData.graph->GetEdgeData(edge);
bool forwardDirectionFlag = (forwardDirection ? data.forward : data.backward );
if(forwardDirectionFlag) {
const NodeID to = super::_queryData.graph->GetTarget(edge);
const int edgeWeight = data.distance;
assert( edgeWeight > 0 );
const int toDistance = distance + edgeWeight;
//New Node discovered -> Add to Heap + Node Info Storage
if ( !_forwardHeap->WasInserted( to ) ) {
_forwardHeap->Insert( to, toDistance, node );
//Found a shorter Path -> Update distance
else if ( toDistance < _forwardHeap->GetKey( to ) ) {
_forwardHeap->GetData( to ).parent = node;
_forwardHeap->DecreaseKey( to, toDistance );
//new parent
void pruneViaNodeCandidates() {
unsigned computeApproximatedOverlap(const NodeID s, const NodeID t, const NodeID v) {
unsigned computeOverlap(const NodeID s, const NodeID t, const NodeID v) {
return 0;