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2019-02-13 20:28:29 -06:00
PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery nuget version commit. 2019-02-13 20:28:29 -06:00
PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery.AspNetCore nuget version commit. 2019-02-13 20:28:29 -06:00
PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery.Cli multi group fix. 2018-11-15 19:42:30 -06:00
PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery.Core had to fix references. 2018-12-07 15:19:45 -06:00
PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery.Test updating powered soft data services and .net core to 2.2.0 2019-02-13 20:25:39 -06:00
.gitattributes Add .gitignore and .gitattributes. 2018-10-17 18:30:53 -05:00
.gitignore Add .gitignore and .gitattributes. 2018-10-17 18:30:53 -05:00
DynamicQuery.sln updating powered soft data services and .net core to 2.2.0 2019-02-13 20:25:39 -06:00
LICENSE.md Create LICENSE.md 2018-10-21 16:14:57 -05:00
README.md async query handler. 2018-12-06 23:25:39 -06:00

Dynamic Query

It's a library that allows you to easily query a queryable using a criteria object.

It also offers, to intercept the query using IQueryInterceptor implementations.

Getting Started

Install nuget package to your awesome project.

Full Version NuGet NuGet Install
PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery NuGet PM> Install-Package PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery
PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery.Core NuGet PM> Install-Package PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery.Core
PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery.AspNetCore NuGet PM> Install-Package PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery.AspNetCore

Using in ASP.NET Core

The package Asp.net core of dynamic query will help you start to use Dynamic Query faster in your web project.

How to configure during startup

using PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery.AspNetCore;

public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

How to use in a controller

public IQueryExecutionResult Get(
            [FromServices]YourContext context, 
            [FromServices]IQueryHandler handler, 
            [FromServices]IQueryCriteria criteria,
            int? page = null,
            int? pageSize = null)
    criteria.Page = page;
    criteria.PageSize = pageSize;
    IQueryable<OfSomething> query = context.Somethings;
    var result = handler.Execute(query, criteria);
    return result;

public IQueryExecutionResult Read(
    [FromServices]YourContext context, 
    [FromServices]IQueryHandler handler,
    [FromBody]IQueryCriteria criteria)
    IQueryable<OfSomething> query = context.Somethings;
    var result = handler.Execute(query, criteria);
    return result;

New support for async

public async Task<IQueryExecutionResult> Read(
    [FromServices]YourContext context, 
    [FromServices]IQueryHandlerAsync handler,
    [FromBody]IQueryCriteria criteria)
    IQueryable<OfSomething> query = context.Somethings;
    var result = await handler.ExecuteAsync(query, criteria);
    return result;

Sample Web Project - ASP.NET CORE + EF Core

Visit: https://github.com/PoweredSoft/DynamicQueryAspNetCoreSample


Criteria must implement the following interfaces

Object Interface Implementation Example Description
Query Criteria interface default implementation test Wraps the query parameters
Paging interface default implementation test Paging support
Filter interface default implementation test Represent a filter to be executed
Simple Filter interface default implementation test Represent a simple filter to be executed
Composite Filter interface default implementation test Represent a composite filter to be executed
Sort interface default implementation test Represent a sort to be executed
Group interface default implementation test Represent a group to be executed
Aggregate interface default implementation test Represent an aggregate to be executed


var criteria = new QueryCriteria
    Page = 1,
    PageSize = 12,
    Filters = new List<IFilter>
        new SimpleFilter { Path = "FirstName", Type = FilterType.Equal, Value = "John" }

var queryHandler = new QueryHandler();
IQueryExecutionResult result = queryHandler.Execute(someQueryable, criteria);

Query Result

Here is the interfaces that represent the result of query handling execution.

public interface IAggregateResult
    string Path { get; set; }
    AggregateType Type { get; set; }
    object Value { get; set; }

public interface IQueryResult
    List<IAggregateResult> Aggregates { get; }
    List<object> Data { get; }

public interface IGroupQueryResult : IQueryResult
    string GroupPath { get; set; }
    object GroupValue { get; set; }

public interface IQueryExecutionResult : IQueryResult
    long TotalRecords { get; set; }
    long? NumberOfPages { get; set; }


Interceptors are meant to add hooks at certain part of the query handling to allow alteration of the criterias or the queryable it self.

The following is documented in the order of what they are called by the default query handler implementation.

Before the expression is being built

Interceptor Interface Example Description
IIncludeStrategyInterceptor interface test This is to allow you to specify include paths for the queryable
IIncludeStrategyInterceptor<T> interface test This is to allow you to specify include paths for the queryable
IBeforeQueryFilterInterceptor interface test Before adding the filters to the expression
IBeforeQueryFilterInterceptor<T> interface test Before adding the filters to the expression
INoSortInterceptor interface test This is called to allow you to specify an OrderBy in case none is specified, to avoid paging crash with EF6
INoSortInterceptor<T> interface test This is called to allow you to specify an OrderBy in case none is specified, to avoid paging crash with EF6

After/During expression building before query execution

Interceptor Interface Example Description
IFilterInterceptor interface test This interceptor allows you to change the behavior of a IFilter being applied to the queryable
ISortInterceptor interface test This interceptor allows you to change the behavior of a ISort being applied to the queryable
IGroupInterceptor interface test This interceptor allows you to change the behavior of a IGroup being applied to the queryable
IAggregateInterceptor interface test This interceptor allows you to change the behavior of a IAggregate being applied to the queryable

Post Query execution

Interceptor Interface Example Description
IQueryConvertInterceptor interface test This interceptor allows you to replace the object that is being returned by the query, by another object instance
IQueryConvertInterceptor<T> interface test This interceptor allows you to replace the object that is being returned by the query, by another object instance