using PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery.Core; using PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery.Test.Mock; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using Xunit; namespace PoweredSoft.DynamicQuery.Test { public class QueryConvertInterceptorTests { private class CustomerModel { public long Id { get; set; } public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public string FullName => $"{FirstName} {LastName}"; } private class MockQueryConvertInterceptor : IQueryConvertInterceptor { public object InterceptResultTo(object entity) { var customer = entity as Customer; var personModel = new CustomerModel { Id = customer.Id, FirstName = customer.FirstName, LastName = customer.LastName }; return personModel; } } private class MockQueryConvertGenericInterceptor : IQueryConvertInterceptor, IQueryConvertInterceptor { public object InterceptResultTo(Customer entity) { var customer = entity; var personModel = new CustomerModel { Id = customer.Id, FirstName = customer.FirstName, LastName = customer.LastName }; return personModel; } public object InterceptResultTo(Order entity) { // leave the throw, its on purpose to match the type testing. throw new NotImplementedException(); } } private class MockQueryConvertGenericInterceptor2 : IQueryConvertInterceptor { public CustomerModel InterceptResultTo(Customer entity) { var customer = entity; var personModel = new CustomerModel { Id = customer.Id, FirstName = customer.FirstName, LastName = customer.LastName }; return personModel; } } [Fact] public void NonGeneric() { MockContextFactory.SeedAndTestContextFor("QueryConvertInterceptorTests_NonGeneric", TestSeeders.SimpleSeedScenario, ctx => { var criteria = new QueryCriteria(); var queryHandler = new QueryHandler(); queryHandler.AddInterceptor(new MockQueryConvertInterceptor()); var result = queryHandler.Execute(ctx.Customers, criteria); Assert.All(result.Data, t => Assert.IsType(t)); }); } [Fact] public void Generic() { MockContextFactory.SeedAndTestContextFor("ConvertibleIntereceptorTests_Generic", TestSeeders.SimpleSeedScenario, ctx => { var criteria = new QueryCriteria(); var queryHandler = new QueryHandler(); queryHandler.AddInterceptor(new MockQueryConvertGenericInterceptor()); var result = queryHandler.Execute(ctx.Customers, criteria); Assert.All(result.Data, t => Assert.IsType(t)); }); } [Fact] public void Generic2() { MockContextFactory.SeedAndTestContextFor("ConvertibleIntereceptorTests_Generic2", TestSeeders.SimpleSeedScenario, ctx => { var criteria = new QueryCriteria(); var queryHandler = new QueryHandler(); queryHandler.AddInterceptor(new MockQueryConvertGenericInterceptor2()); var result = queryHandler.Execute(ctx.Customers, criteria); Assert.All(result.Data, t => Assert.IsType(t)); }); } } }